# BungeeBans A BungeeCord plugin that allows banning players. ## Building To build the plugin jar file use `./gradlew shadowJar` on Linux or `gradlew.bat shadowJar` on Windows. ## Permissions & commands These permissions should be added in the BungeeCord config.yml file and **NOT** on any of the Bukkit/Spigot/whatever servers. | Permission | Command | Usage | |---------------------|---------------------------------------------|----------------------------------------------------| | bungeebans.ban | /ban \ [reason] | Bans the specified player with an optional reason. | | bungeebans.banip | /banip \ [reason] | Bans the specified IP with an optional reason. | | bungeebans.unban | /unban \ or /pardon \ | Unbans the specified player. | | bungeebans.unbanip | /unbanip \ or /pardonip \ | Unbans the specified IP. | | bungeebans.getban | /getban \ | Displays a player's ban status. | | bungeebans.getipban | /getipban \ | Displays an IP's ban status. |