package com.redstoner.bungeeBans.commands; import com.mojang.api.profiles.HttpProfileRepository; import com.mojang.api.profiles.Profile; import com.redstoner.bungeeBans.BanManager; import com.redstoner.bungeeBans.Util; import com.redstoner.bungeeBans.json.PlayerBan; import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor; import net.md_5.bungee.api.CommandSender; import; import; import net.md_5.bungee.api.plugin.Command; import; public class UnbanCommand extends Command { HttpProfileRepository profileRepo = new HttpProfileRepository("minecraft"); private BanManager bm; public UnbanCommand(BanManager bm) { super("unban", "bungeebans.unban", "pardon"); = bm; } @Override public void execute(CommandSender sender, String[] args) { if (args.length != 1) { sender.sendMessage( new ComponentBuilder(ChatColor.RED + "Invalid command! ") .append("Usage: ") .append(ChatColor.AQUA + "/unban ") .append(ChatColor.GOLD + " ") .create() ); return; } Profile[] profiles = profileRepo.findProfilesByNames(args[0]); if (profiles.length != 1) { sender.sendMessage(new TextComponent(ChatColor.RED + "Invalid name!")); return; } String uuid = Util.dashUUID(profiles[0].getId()); String name = profiles[0].getName(); PlayerBan ban = bm.getBan(uuid); if (ban == null) { sender.sendMessage(new TextComponent(ChatColor.RED + "That player is not banned!")); return; } bm.removeBan(ban); try { bm.saveBans(); sender.sendMessage(new TextComponent(ChatColor.GREEN + "Saved bans to file!")); } catch (IOException e) { sender.sendMessage(new TextComponent(ChatColor.RED + "Failed to save bans to file!")); e.printStackTrace(); bm.addBan(ban); return; } sender.sendMessage( new ComponentBuilder(ChatColor.GREEN + "Unbanned player ") .append(ChatColor.AQUA + name) .append(ChatColor.GREEN + " with uuid ") .append(ChatColor.AQUA + uuid) .create() ); } }