package de.pepich.chestapi; import java.util.HashMap; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.ClickType; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryClickEvent; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryCloseEvent; import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryType; import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory; import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; public class ClickableInventory implements Listener { private int open = 0; private final String title; private DefaultSize size; private HashMap handlers = new HashMap(); private CallbackHandler background; private CallbackHandler fallback; private CallbackHandler close; private Inventory inventory; private final InventoryHolder holder; /** Creates a new ClickableInventory with the given name.
* The ClickableInventory will be created with a DefaultSize as specified by {@link DefaultSize#DYNAMIC_AUTO(int, int) DYNAMIC_AUTO(9, 54)}. * * @param name The name to be displayed. */ public ClickableInventory(final String title) { this(title, DefaultSize.DYNAMIC_AUTO(9, 54)); } /** Creates a new ClickableInventory with the given name and the specified DefaultSize. * * @param name The name to be displayed. * @param size The DefaultSize for the inventory to be used. */ public ClickableInventory(final String title, final DefaultSize size) { this.size = size; this.title = title; holder = new CustomHolder(this); if (size.allowSquareShape() && size.getPreferredSize() == 9) inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(holder, InventoryType.DROPPER, title); else inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(holder, size.getPreferredSize(), title); } /** Displays the inventory. * * @param player The player that is going to see the inventory. */ public void show(Player player) { player.openInventory(inventory); if (open == 0) Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(this, ChestAPI.getPlugin()); open++; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // // -------------------- GETTERS AND SETTERS -------------------- // // ------------------------------------------------------------- // // If you want docs on these, go fork off. Getters/Setters. Duh. // public String getName() { return title; } public int getFirstFree() { if (handlers.size() == inventory.getSize()) return -1; for (int i = 1; i <= inventory.getSize(); i++) if (!handlers.containsKey(i)) return i; return -1; } public int getLastFree() { if (handlers.size() == inventory.getSize()) return -1; for (int i = inventory.getSize(); i > 0; i--) if (!handlers.containsKey(i)) return i; return -1; } public int getFirstUsed() { if (handlers.size() == inventory.getSize()) return -1; for (int i = 1; i <= inventory.getSize(); i++) if (handlers.containsKey(i)) return i; return -1; } public int getLastUsed() { if (handlers.size() == inventory.getSize()) return -1; for (int i = inventory.getSize(); i > 0; i--) if (handlers.containsKey(i)) return i; return -1; } protected Inventory getInventory() { return inventory; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------- SETUP METHODS ----------------------- // // ------------------------------------------------------------- // /** Assigns an item and a handler to the given item slot.
* Setting a handler to null will NOT remove it, but it will flag the slot as "used", meaning that it will be skipped when searching for the first/last free spot. * * @param slot An integer value representing the slot for the ItemStack. Must be any of -998, [-3:max_length].
* The value -998 represents background clicks.
* The value -3 represents the "close handler", which will be fired when the player closes the inventory.
* The value -2 represents the "fallback handler", which will be used if no appropriate handler could be found.
* The value -1 represents the last free slot, 0 points to the first free slot. If an actual number is given, the specified slot will be overwritten.
* The first slot is numbered with 1, as opposed to starting at 0, due to the additional meaning that 0 has. * @param item An ItemStack that will be displayed. Set to null if you want to assign functionality to an empty slot. * @param handler A CallbackHandler which will be notified on click. When the handler is null then the handler will be removed, but the item will still be assigned. * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the location does not exist or when one of -1 or 0 are specified and the inventory is already full. */ public void set(int slot, @Nullable final ItemStack item, @Nullable final CallbackHandler handler) { if (slot > inventory.getSize()) resize(slot); if (slot < -1 || slot > size.getMaxSize()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The given slot (" + slot + ") is out of bounds (-1, 0, [1:" + size.getMaxSize() + "])"); else { if (slot == -998) background = handler; else if (slot == -2) fallback = handler; else if (slot == -3) close = handler; else { if (slot == 0) slot = getFirstFree(); else if (slot == -1) slot = getLastFree(); if (slot == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No free spot could be found!"); if (item == null) inventory.remove(inventory.getItem(slot - 1)); else inventory.setItem(slot - 1, item); handlers.put(slot, handler); } } if (size.doAutoResize()) resize(); } /** Removes an assigned action from the inventory. Most be any of -1, 0, [1:max_length].
* Calling this method will free up a slot again so that it can be filled up by using the "first/last free" selector. * * @param slot An integer value representing the slot for the ItemStack. Must be any of -998, [-3:max_length].
* The value -998 represents background clicks.
* The value -3 represents the "close handler", which will be fired when the player closes the inventory.
* The value -2 represents the "fallback handler", which will be used if no appropriate handler could be found.
* The value -1 represents the last used slot, 0 points to the first used slot. If an actual number is given, the specified slot will be overwritten.
* The first slot is numbered with 1, as opposed to starting at 0, due to the additional meaning that 0 has. * @throws IllegalArgumentException when the location does not exist. */ public void remove(int slot) { if (slot == -998) background = null; else if (slot == -2) fallback = null; else if (slot == -3) close = null; else { if (slot < -1 || slot > size.getMaxSize()) throw new IllegalArgumentException( "The given slot (" + slot + ") is out of bounds (-1, 0, [1:" + size.getMaxSize() + "])"); if (slot == 0) slot = getFirstUsed(); else if (slot == -1) slot = getLastUsed(); if (slot == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No free spot could be found!"); handlers.remove(slot); inventory.setItem(slot - 1, null); if (size.doAutoResize()) resize(); } } /** This method removes all TRAILING empty lines.
* This method will utilize hopper and dropper inventories if possible. Dropper inventories can be disabled by selection a RECTANGLE size constraint.
* Can not be used on final sized inventories. * * @return the new size. * @throws IllegalAccessError if the Inventories size is final. */ public int resize() { if (size.isFinalSize()) throw new IllegalAccessError("Can not resize an inventory with a FINAL size constraint."); final int target_size = getLastUsed(); Inventory new_inventory; if (target_size <= 5) new_inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(holder, InventoryType.HOPPER, title); else if (target_size <= 9 && size.allowSquareShape()) new_inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(holder, InventoryType.DROPPER, title); else new_inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(holder, target_size + ((9 - (target_size % 9)) % 9), title); for (int i = 0; i < new_inventory.getSize() && i < inventory.getSize(); i++) new_inventory.setItem(i, inventory.getItem(i)); inventory = new_inventory; return inventory.getSize(); } /** This method removes all TRAILING empty lines.
* This method will utilize hopper and dropper inventories if possible. Dropper inventories can be disabled by selection a RECTANGLE size constraint.
* Can not be used on final sized inventories. * * @return the new size. * @throws IllegalAccessError if the Inventories size is final. */ private void resize(int target_size) { if (size.isFinalSize()) throw new IllegalAccessError("Can not resize an inventory with a FINAL size constraint."); target_size = Math.max(target_size, getLastUsed()); Inventory new_inventory; if (target_size <= 5) new_inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(holder, InventoryType.HOPPER, title); else if (target_size <= 9 && size.allowSquareShape()) new_inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(holder, InventoryType.DROPPER, title); else new_inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(holder, target_size + ((9 - (target_size % 9)) % 9), title); for (int i = 0; i < new_inventory.getSize() && i < inventory.getSize(); i++) new_inventory.setItem(i, inventory.getItem(i)); inventory = new_inventory; } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // // ------------------------- LISTENERS ------------------------- // // ------------------------------------------------------------- // @EventHandler public void onInventoryClose(InventoryCloseEvent event) { if (this.inventory.equals(event.getInventory())) { open--; if (open == 0) event.getHandlers().unregister(this); if (close != null) event.getPlayer(), ClickType.UNKNOWN); } } @EventHandler public void onInventoryClick(InventoryClickEvent event) { if (this.inventory.equals(event.getInventory())) { event.setCancelled(true); final int slot = event.getSlot() + 1; CallbackHandler handler; if (slot == -998) handler = background; else handler = handlers.get(slot); if ((handler = (handler == null ? fallback : handler)) != null) event.getWhoClicked(), event.getClick()); } } } class CustomHolder implements InventoryHolder { ClickableInventory inv; protected CustomHolder(ClickableInventory inv) { this.inv = inv; } @Override public Inventory getInventory() { return inv.getInventory(); } }