package com.nemez.cmdmgr; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.logging.Level; import; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.ArgumentComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.BooleanComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.ByteComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.ChainComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.ConstantComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.DoubleComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.FloatComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.ICommandComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.IntegerComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.LongComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.OptionalComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.ShortComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.component.StringComponent; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.util.BranchStack; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.util.Executable; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.util.HelpPageCommand; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.util.Property; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.util.Type; /** * Example command.cmd * * command home: * set [string:name]: * run home_set name * help Set a new home * perm home.set * del [string:name]: * run home_del name * help Delete home\n&CCannot be undone! * perm home.del * list: * run home_list * help Show all homes * perm home.list * [string:name]: * run home_tp name * help Teleport to specified home * perm * * Generated in-game command structure: * (will only show commands the user has permission to execute) * * /home set * /home del * /home list * /home * /home help * * Java code: * * @Command(hook="home_set") * public void executeHomeSet(String name) { * ... * } * * @Command(hook="home_del") * public void executeHomeDelete(String name) { * ... * } * * @Command(hook="home_list") * public void executeHomeList() { * ... * } * * @Command(hook="home_tp") * public void executeHomeTeleport(String name) { * ... * } */ public class CommandManager { /* Debugging toggle to generate help pages with types, e.g: str, i8, i32, fp64, etc. */ public static boolean debugHelpMenu = false; /* Internal boolean to keep track of errors during resolving */ public static boolean errors = false; /* Switches for color and formatting in the built-in help message and pagination text */ public static String helpDescriptionFormatting = "�b"; public static String helpUsageFormatting = "�6"; public static String helpPageHeaderFormatting = "�a"; public static String helpInvalidPageFormatting = "�c"; public static String noPermissionFormatting = "�c"; public static String notAllowedFormatting = "�c"; /** * Registers a command from a String of source code * * @param cmdSourceCode source code * @param commandHandler instance of a class where your java functions are located * @param plugin your plugin class * @return success - if command was processed and registered successfully */ public static boolean registerCommand(String cmdSourceCode, Object commandHandler, JavaPlugin plugin) { if (cmdSourceCode == null || commandHandler == null || plugin == null) { return false; } /* get the class definition of the 'commandHandler' and get its functions */ Method[] methods = commandHandler.getClass().getMethods(); ArrayList finalMethods = new ArrayList(); /* extract all the functions annotated with @Command that are not static */ for (Method m : methods) { if (m.getAnnotationsByType(Command.class).length > 0 && (m.getModifiers() & Modifier.STATIC) == 0) { finalMethods.add(m); } } return parse(cmdSourceCode, finalMethods, plugin, commandHandler); } /** * Registers a command from a source File * * @param sourceFile file containing source code * @param commandHandler instance of a class where your java functions are located * @param plugin your plugin class * @return success - if command was processed and registered successfully */ public static boolean registerCommand(File sourceFile, Object commandHandler, JavaPlugin plugin) { StringBuilder src = new StringBuilder(); String buf = ""; try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(sourceFile)); while ((buf = reader.readLine()) != null) { src.append(buf); } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error while loading command file. (" + sourceFile.getAbsolutePath() + ")"); plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, e.getCause().toString()); errors = true; return false; } return registerCommand(src.toString(), commandHandler, plugin); } /** * Registers a command from an InputStream * * @param sourceStream input stream containing source code * @param commandHandler instance of a class where your java functions are located * @param plugin your plugin class * @return success - if command was processed and registered successfully */ public static boolean registerCommand(InputStream sourceStream, Object commandHandler, JavaPlugin plugin) { StringBuilder src = new StringBuilder(); String buf = ""; try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sourceStream)); while ((buf = reader.readLine()) != null) { src.append(buf); } reader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Error while loading command file. (" + sourceStream.toString() + ")"); plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, e.getCause().toString()); errors = true; return false; } return registerCommand(src.toString(), commandHandler, plugin); } /** * Parses the source code into an abstract command syntax * * @param source String containing command source code * @param methods ArrayList of methods gathered from the plugin's handler class * @param plugin plugin to register commands as * @param methodContainer class containing method handles * @return success - if command parsing and registration was successful */ private static boolean parse(String source, ArrayList methods, JavaPlugin plugin, Object methodContainer) { /* source code */ char[] chars = source.toCharArray(); /* temporary buffer */ StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); /* name of the command we are parsing */ String cmdName = null; /* if we are currently gathering chars from a type definition */ boolean insideType = false; /* if we are currently gathering chars from the command name */ boolean gettingName = false; /* the previous char, used for backslash escaping */ char previous = '\0'; /* the current 'array' of sub-commands we are parsing */ ChainComponent currentChain = new ChainComponent(); /* storage for the current sub-command if it branches into more sub-commands */ BranchStack stack = new BranchStack(); /* the current argument we are parsing */ ArgumentComponent currentArgComp = null; /* the current property of the sub-command we are getting */ Property currentProp = Property.NONE; /* a counter for how deep in the stack we are, used to figure out if we exited a sub-command or the master command */ int bracketCounter = 0; /* line counter */ int line = 0; // buffer for '...' and '"' properties of string types StringBuilder sideBuffer = new StringBuilder(); /* iterate over all characters */ for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { /* get current char */ char current = chars[i]; /* increment line counter */ if (current == '\n') { line++; } /* current is a colon, we just switched from arguments 'type' to its 'name' */ /* */ /* ^ */ if (current == ':') { /* are we inside a type? */ if (insideType) { /* are we already defining an argument? */ if (currentArgComp != null) { /* yes, we are, throw an error */ plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Syntax error at line " + line + ": Already defining a type."); errors = true; return false; }else{ /* okay, resolve what type this is */ currentArgComp = resolveComponentType(buffer.toString()); buffer = new StringBuilder(); /* type didn't fit any definition, throw an error */ if (currentArgComp == null) { plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Type error at line " + line + ": Invalid type."); errors = true; return false; } } }else{ /* not inside a type, probably just a string in the help property */ buffer.append(':'); } /* current is a semicolon, we just finished a property line */ /* help this is an example; */ /* ^ */ }else if (current == ';') { /* semicolon is bashslash escaped, treat it as a normal character */ if (previous == '\\') { buffer.append(';'); }else{ /* there is nothing on the stack, we are defining properties of 'nothing', throw an error */ if (stack.get() == null) { plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Syntax error at line " + line + ": Not in code section."); errors = true; return false; } /* we are defining the 'help' property, set it to what we just gathered */ if (currentProp == Property.HELP) { stack.get().help = buffer.toString(); /* same as above, except its the function to run */ }else if (currentProp == Property.EXECUTE) { stack.get().execute = buffer.toString(); /* same again, but with the permission, and as that should not contain spaces, trim it */ }else if (currentProp == Property.PERMISSION) { stack.get().permission = buffer.toString().trim(); /* execution type, check if its a valid one and set it */ }else if (currentProp == Property.TYPE) { stack.get().type = resolveExecutionType(buffer.toString().trim()); /* not a valid type, throw an error */ if (stack.get().type == null) { plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Attribute error at line " + line + ": Invalid attribute value. (" + buffer.toString().trim() + ")."); errors = true; return false; } /* currently not defining anything, throw an error */ }else{ plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Attribute error at line " + line + ": Invalid attribute type."); errors = true; return false; } /* reset buffer and current property */ currentProp = Property.NONE; buffer = new StringBuilder(); } /* current is an opening curly bracket, we just entered a sub-command property definition */ }else if (current == '{') { /* increment bracket counter */ bracketCounter++; /* are we getting the name of the command? */ if (gettingName && cmdName == null) { /* set the command name to what we just gathered (trimmed) */ cmdName = buffer.toString().trim(); }else{ /* are we currently in an argument? */ if (currentArgComp == null) { /* no, but if there is something that looks like text, put it into the current subcommand as a constant */ if (buffer.toString().trim().length() > 0) { currentChain.append(new ConstantComponent(buffer.toString().trim())); } }else{ /* yes, put it into the current subcommand */ /* could happen when there are no 'spaces' */ /* [str:example]{ */ /* ^ */ currentChain.append(currentArgComp); currentArgComp = null; } } /* reset buffer */ buffer = new StringBuilder(); /* get whatever is at the top of the stack */ ChainComponent top = stack.get(); if (top != null) { /* if it's not null, add our sub-command we just finished to it */ top.append(currentChain); } /* push the current sub-command onto the stack */ stack.push(currentChain); /* reset our current sub-command */ currentChain = new ChainComponent(); /* current is a closing curly bracket, we just finished a property section */ }else if (current == '}') { /* decrement the bracket counter */ bracketCounter--; /* pop whatever was on the stack */ ChainComponent popped = stack.pop(); /* if it's null, throw an error */ if (popped == null) { plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Syntax error at line " + line + ": Too many closing brackets."); errors = true; return false; } /* go through all it's sub-commands and set their properties accordingly */ /* 'type' and 'permission' are inherited to sub-commands this way */ for (ICommandComponent comp : popped.getComponents()) { if (comp instanceof ChainComponent) { if (((ChainComponent) comp).type == null) { ((ChainComponent) comp).type = popped.type; } if (((ChainComponent) comp).permission == null) { ((ChainComponent) comp).permission = popped.permission; } } } /* we just exited the main command, do more magic */ if (bracketCounter == 0) { postProcess(cmdName, popped, methods, plugin, methodContainer); // \o/ /* reset everything in case the user defined another command after this one */ buffer = new StringBuilder(); cmdName = null; insideType = false; gettingName = false; previous = '\0'; currentChain = new ChainComponent(); stack = new BranchStack(); currentArgComp = null; currentProp = Property.NONE; continue; } currentChain = new ChainComponent(); /* current is a space, we just finished defining which property we are about to set */ }else if (current == ' ') { /* we are already defining a property, append it as text */ if (currentProp != Property.NONE) { buffer.append(' '); }else{ /* we got the 'command' definition, the name of the command will follow */ if (buffer.toString().equals("command") && !gettingName && cmdName == null) { gettingName = true; /* we got other properties, their values will follow */ }else if (buffer.toString().equals("help")) { currentProp = Property.HELP; }else if (buffer.toString().equals("run")) { currentProp = Property.EXECUTE; }else if (buffer.toString().equals("perm")) { currentProp = Property.PERMISSION; }else if (buffer.toString().equals("type")) { currentProp = Property.TYPE; /* we didn't get any of those, we are probably in the middle of a sub-command definition */ /* example [int:value] { */ /* ^ ^ */ }else{ /* we are getting the name and we didn't set it yet, set it */ if (gettingName && cmdName == null) { cmdName = buffer.toString().trim(); }else{ /* we aren't defining a type, put the current text into the sub-command as a constant */ if (currentArgComp == null) { if (buffer.toString().trim().length() > 0) { currentChain.append(new ConstantComponent(buffer.toString().trim())); } /* we are defining a command, put it into the sub-command */ }else{ currentChain.append(currentArgComp); currentArgComp = null; } } } /* reset the buffer */ buffer = new StringBuilder(); } /* current is an opening square bracket, we just started a type definition */ }else if (current == '[') { /* we are defining a property, treat it as text */ if (currentProp != Property.NONE) { buffer.append('['); /* we are already inside of a type definition, throw an error */ }else if (insideType) { plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Syntax error at line " + line + ": Invalid type declaration."); errors = true; return false; }else{ /* we just entered a type definition */ insideType = true; } /* current is a closing square bracket, we just finished a type definition */ }else if (current == ']') { /* we are defining a property, treat it as text */ if (currentProp != Property.NONE) { buffer.append(']'); /* we are inside of a type */ }else if (insideType) { insideType = false; /* current argument type is null, throw an error */ if (currentArgComp == null) { /* should never happen */ plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Type error at line " + line + ": Type has no type?"); errors = true; return false; }else{ /* set the value of the current type and reset the buffer */ currentArgComp.argName = buffer.toString(); buffer = new StringBuilder(); if (currentArgComp instanceof StringComponent) { StringComponent strComp = (StringComponent) currentArgComp; strComp.infinite = sideBuffer.toString().contains("..."); } sideBuffer = new StringBuilder(); } }else{ /* we are not defining a type, throw an error */ plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Syntax error at line " + line + ": Not in type declaration."); errors = true; return false; } /* typical escape sequences and such */ }else if (current == '&' && currentProp == Property.HELP) { if (previous == '\\') { buffer.append('&'); }else{ /* for color codes and formatting */ buffer.append('�'); } }else if (current == 'n' && currentProp == Property.HELP) { if (previous == '\\') { buffer.append('\n'); }else{ buffer.append('n'); } }else if (current == 't' && currentProp == Property.HELP) { if (previous == '\\') { buffer.append('\t'); }else{ buffer.append('t'); } }else if (current == '\\' && currentProp == Property.HELP) { if (previous == '\\') { buffer.append('\\'); } }else if (current != '\r' && current != '\n' && current != '\t') { if (currentArgComp != null && current == '.') { if (currentArgComp instanceof StringComponent) { sideBuffer.append(current); }else{ plugin.getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, "Syntax error at line " + line + ": '...' is invalid for non-string types."); errors = true; return false; } }else{ buffer.append(current); } } previous = current; } return true; } /** * Resolves the string into a type, or null if invalid * * @param type string you want to evaluate * @return the type class or null if invalid */ private static ArgumentComponent resolveComponentType(String type) { switch (type) { case "string": return new StringComponent(); case "int": case "integer": return new IntegerComponent(); case "short": return new ShortComponent(); case "long": return new LongComponent(); case "byte": return new ByteComponent(); case "float": return new FloatComponent(); case "double": return new DoubleComponent(); case "bool": case "boolean": return new BooleanComponent(); case "optional": case "opt": case "flag": return new OptionalComponent(); } return null; } /** * Resolves the string into a property, or null if invalid * * @param type string you want to evaluate * @return the property enum or null if invalid */ private static Type resolveExecutionType(String type) { switch (type) { case "player": return Type.PLAYER; case "both": case "any": case "all": return Type.BOTH; case "server": case "console": return Type.CONSOLE; case "none": case "nobody": return Type.NOBODY; } return null; } private static void postProcess(String cmdName, ChainComponent components, ArrayList methods, JavaPlugin plugin, Object methodContainer) { components.execute = null; = null; components.permission = null; components.type = null; Executable cmd = new Executable(cmdName, constructHelpPages(cmdName, components)); cmd.register(methods, plugin, methodContainer); } private static ArrayList constructHelpPages(String cmdName, ChainComponent root) { String[] rawLines = constructHelpPagesRecursive(root).split("\r"); ArrayList pages = new ArrayList(); ArrayList lines = new ArrayList(); HelpPageCommand[] page = new HelpPageCommand[5]; for (int i = 0; i < rawLines.length; i++) { if (rawLines[i].length() > 0 && !rawLines[i].equals("\0null\0null\0null\0null\0")) { lines.add(rawLines[i]); } } boolean firstPass = true; int i; for (i = 0; i < lines.size(); i++) { if (i % 5 == 0 && !firstPass) { pages.add(page); page = new HelpPageCommand[5]; } String[] cmd = lines.get(i).split("\0"); page[i % 5] = new HelpPageCommand(cmd[1], "/" + cmdName + " " + cmd[0], cmd[3], cmd[2], Type.parse(cmd[4])); firstPass = false; } if (i % 5 == 0) { pages.add(page); page = new HelpPageCommand[5]; } page[i % 5] = new HelpPageCommand(cmdName + ".help", "/" + cmdName + " help ", "Shows help.", null, Type.BOTH); pages.add(page); return pages; } private static String constructHelpPagesRecursive(ICommandComponent component) { String data = ""; if (component instanceof ChainComponent) { ChainComponent comp = (ChainComponent) component; ArrayList leaves = new ArrayList(); String chain = ""; data += "\r"; for (ICommandComponent c : comp.getComponents()) { String temp = constructHelpPagesRecursive(c); if (c instanceof ChainComponent) { temp = temp.replaceAll("\r", "\r" + chain); leaves.add(temp); }else{ chain += temp; } } data += chain + "\0" + ((comp.permission == null || comp.permission.equals("-none-")) ? null : comp.permission) + "\0" + comp.execute + "\0" + + "\0" + Type.get(comp.type) + "\0"; for (String s : leaves) { data += s; } }else{ data += component.getComponentInfo() + " "; } return data; } }