AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-03-10Merge branch 'master' of
2017-03-10Added new modules to main classPepich
2017-03-10Initial commit for planned modulesPepich
2017-03-10Added unsubscribe commandPepich
2017-03-10Expanded functionality to allow more control in the modulePepich
2017-03-10Command registration is now up to the modulePepich
2017-03-10Expanded functionality of VersionHelperPepich
2017-03-04Changed to UUID saving and Fixed grammar/spelling errors.Minenash
2017-03-04Fixed version numMinenash
2017-03-04Fixed stuff.Minenash
2017-03-03Added a period.Minenash
2017-03-03Fixed accidental line deletion.Minenash
2017-03-03Fixed ColorsMinenash
2017-03-03Added FirstSeen ModuleMinenash
2017-03-02Added defaults for onEnable and onDisableminenash
2017-03-02Removed onEnable and/or onDisableminenash
2017-03-02Fixed chatgroup join/leave messagesPepich
2017-03-02Made webtoken accept more datatypesPepich
2017-03-02Made listeners monitor level to override essentialsPepich
2017-03-02Made mentio search greedyPepich
2017-03-02Hid join/leave messages when vanishedPepich
2017-03-02Fixed mentio only working when a space followed on the mentio wordPepich
2017-03-02Fixed stone generatorsPepich
2017-03-02Updated APIPepich
2017-03-02Added clear modulePepich
2017-03-02Removed console output when trying to leave groups when not in onePepich
2017-03-02Fixed unchecked cast resulting in error when console leaves chatgroupsPepich
2017-03-02Made WebToken autoreconnectPepich
2017-03-02Made check connection auto reconnect to prevent timeouts breaking stuffPepich
2017-03-02Added group join/leave messagesPepich
2017-03-02Added colors for everyone in chatgroupsPepich
2017-03-01Fixed NPEPepich
2017-02-18Added missing colorcode indicatorPepich
2017-02-18Removed debug output (again?!)Pepich
2017-02-18Removed %s from stringPepich
2017-02-18Fixed counting/error messagesPepich
2017-02-18Made error messages consistantPepich
2017-02-18Fixed some formatting/counting mistakesPepich
2017-02-18Fixed NPE for /name and /lorePepich
2017-02-18Fixed NPE when there's no lols definedPepich
2017-02-18Fixed NPE when no challenges are definedPepich
2017-02-18Removed unnecessary newlines from cmdstringPepich
2017-02-18Fixed cmdstringPepich
2017-02-18Ran formatterPepich
2017-02-18Ran formatter, removed unnecessary newline in cmdstringPepich
2017-02-18Added version, ran formatted, removed TODO commentPepich
2017-02-18Merge branch 'master' of
2017-02-18Removed unnecessary SuppressWarningsPepich
2017-02-18Idk what I changed but for some reason it looks like I gotta commit? ._.Pepich
2017-02-18Fixed a bug where webtoken could not generate new tokensPepich