AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2017-07-27Added ChatAPI and ChestAPI to manifest.mfPepich
2017-07-27General cleanup, reseting all versions to 4.0 in preparation of releasePepich
2017-07-09Updated plugin.ymlPepich
2017-07-08Added sendMessage and sendErrorMessage methods w/o the prefix argument.Minenash
2017-07-08Added getID methodPepich
2017-07-08Made previous change to getCaller grant backwards compatibilityPepich
2017-07-08Preparation for APIv4, general code cleanupPepich
2017-06-12Switched to bukkit ChatColor instead of BungeePepich
2017-06-10Made ModuleLoader compatible with 1.12 (exclusively)Pepich
2017-05-31Fixed getCaller always returning "Thread"Pepich
2017-05-29Changed getCaller() to no longer abuse ExceptionsPepich
2017-05-14Removed improperly placed "@throws" from javadocsPepich
2017-05-11Added custom manifest file to jar to make cmdmanager an external libPepich
2017-05-09Updated version ._.Pepich
2017-05-09Updated getCaller methodPepich
2017-05-09Fixed "external" getCaller methodPepich
2017-05-05Added option to change "module-header-name"Pepich
2017-05-05Improved color handling (&&a now is a literal '&a' instead of green)Pepich
2017-05-05Moved colorify method into Utils classPepich
2017-05-05Updated versionPepich
2017-05-05Fixed NPEPepich
2017-05-05Fixed potential memory leakPepich
2017-05-05Fixed modules not being removed from memory properlyPepich
2017-05-05Updated to APIv3.2Pepich
2017-05-05Updated API to version 3.2Pepich
2017-05-05Removed old files after moving over to new RepositoryPepich
2017-05-05Reverted last commit (derp)Pepich
2017-05-05idk git stop complaining? I did nothing with thesePepich
2017-05-05Added getModule functionPepich
2017-03-31Fixed sendErrorMessage throwing NPEsPepich
2017-03-30Fixed postinit to be run twice, as well as double linking listenersPepich
2017-03-30Removed unnecessary comments (see config file)Pepich
2017-03-30Dynamically loaded modules will have their autolisteners now respectedPepich
2017-03-29Fixed NPEPepich
2017-03-29Moved loadFromConfig functionality from Main to ModuleLoaderPepich
2017-03-29Suppressing deprecation warning for seamless backwards compatibilityPepich
2017-03-29Made module auto loading config basedPepich
2017-03-29Fixed mutli-class modules to be unrelodaablePepich
2017-03-29Merge branch 'master' ofPepich
2017-03-29Disallowed sudoing the modules command as of API v3.1Pepich
2017-03-29Updated to API v3.1Pepich
2017-03-29Added dynamic loading functionality, Updated API to v3.1.0Pepich
2017-03-24Moved moduleloader cmd into seperate file; Prepared load cmdPepich
2017-03-23Updated log outputs to API v3Pepich
2017-03-14Changed Utils.log to Utils.infoMinenash
2017-03-10Added getName method, made documentation more clearPepich
2017-03-10Added getDate methodPepich
2017-03-10Updated documentationPepich
2017-03-10Added warn level info message. Renamed "log" to "info"Pepich
2017-03-10Fixed compatibility check to no longer throw NPEPepich