package com.redstoner.modules.blockplacemods; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.Command; import com.redstoner.annotations.AutoRegisterListener; import com.redstoner.annotations.Commands; import com.redstoner.annotations.Version; import com.redstoner.coremods.moduleLoader.ModuleLoader; import com.redstoner.misc.CommandHolderType; import com.redstoner.misc.Main; import com.redstoner.modules.Module; import com.redstoner.modules.blockplacemods.mods.ModBetterDirectional; import com.redstoner.modules.blockplacemods.mods.ModCauldron; import com.redstoner.modules.blockplacemods.mods.ModSlab; import com.redstoner.modules.datamanager.DataManager; import; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.Material; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.HandlerList; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @Commands (CommandHolderType.File) @AutoRegisterListener @Version (major = 4, minor = 1, revision = 1, compatible = 4) public class BlockPlaceMods implements Module, Listener { private static final Map mods = new HashMap<>(); private static final List enabledMods = new ArrayList<>(); private final BlockPlaceMod[] modsToRegister = { new ModCauldron(), new ModSlab(), new ModBetterDirectional("Observer", Material.OBSERVER, "observers", false), new ModBetterDirectional("Piston", Material.PISTON, "pistons", false), }; @Override public boolean onEnable() { for (BlockPlaceMod mod : modsToRegister) { mods.put(, mod); for (String alias : mod.aliases) { mods.put(alias.toLowerCase(), mod); } if (mod.onEnable()) { enabledMods.add(mod); Bukkit.getPluginManager().registerEvents(mod, Main.plugin); } else { getLogger().warn("Failed to enable the mod, &e" + + "&7!"); } } return true; } @Override public void onDisable() { for (BlockPlaceMod mod : enabledMods) { mod.onDisable(); HandlerList.unregisterAll(mod); } enabledMods.clear(); mods.clear(); } @Command (async = Command.AsyncType.ALWAYS, hook = "list_mods") public void listMods(CommandSender sender) { Player player = (Player) sender; String uuid = player.getUniqueId().toString(); Message msg = new Message(sender, sender); msg.appendText(getLogger().getHeader() + "\n"); int curMod = 1; for (BlockPlaceMod mod : modsToRegister) { boolean enabled = (boolean) DataManager.getOrDefault(uuid, "BlockPlaceMods",, mod.enabledByDefault); boolean loaded = enabledMods.contains(mod); String text = (enabled? "&a" : "&c") + (loaded? "" : "&m") +; String hover = (enabled? "&aEnabled" : "&cDisabled") + (loaded? "" : "\n&c&oThis mod is not loaded, report to staff!"); if (mod.type != ModType.STATELESS) { Object state = DataManager.getOrDefault(uuid, "BlockPlaceMods", + "_state", null); if (state != null) hover += ("\n\n&7Value: &e" + state.toString() + "\n&7Type: &e" + mod.type.asString() + " \n&7Meaning: " + mod.typeDescription); } hover += "\n\n&7" + mod.description + "\n&e&oClick to " + (enabled? "&c&oDisable" : "&a&oEnable"); msg.appendSendChatHover(text, "/bpm " +, hover); if (curMod != modsToRegister.length) msg.appendText("&7, "); curMod++; } msg.appendText("\n\n&2Hover over a mod for details.") .send(); } @Command (async = Command.AsyncType.ALWAYS, hook = "reset_mod") public void resetMod(CommandSender sender, String mod) { BlockPlaceMod bpm = mods.get(mod.toLowerCase()); if (bpm == null) { getLogger().message(sender, true, "The mod, &e" + mod + "&7, does not exist!"); return; } Player player = (Player) sender; DataManager.removeData(player.getUniqueId().toString(), "BlockPlaceMods",; DataManager.removeData(player.getUniqueId().toString(), "BlockPlaceMods", + "_state"); getLogger().message(sender, "The &3" + + "&7 mod has been reset back to it's original settings."); } @Command (async = Command.AsyncType.ALWAYS, hook = "toggle_mod_no_prefix") public void toggleModNoPrefix(CommandSender sender, String mod) { if (mod.equals("help")) try { Bukkit.getScheduler().callSyncMethod(ModuleLoader.getPlugin(), () -> Bukkit.dispatchCommand(sender, "bpm help 1")).get(); } catch (Exception e) { getLogger().message(sender, true, "&4An error accorded trying to show you the help! Please inform a staff member!"); e.printStackTrace(); } else toggleMod(sender, mod); } @Command (async = Command.AsyncType.ALWAYS, hook = "toggle_mod") public void toggleMod(CommandSender sender, String mod) { BlockPlaceMod bpm = mods.get(mod.toLowerCase()); if (bpm == null) { getLogger().message(sender, true, "The mod, &e" + mod + "&7, does not exist!"); return; } Player player = (Player) sender; String uuid = player.getUniqueId().toString(); boolean current = (boolean) DataManager.getOrDefault(uuid, "BlockPlaceMods",, bpm.enabledByDefault); DataManager.setData(uuid, "BlockPlaceMods",, !current); getLogger().message(sender, "The &3" + + "&7 mod has been " + (current ? "&cDisabled&7!" : "&aEnabled&7!")); } @Command (async = Command.AsyncType.ALWAYS, hook = "set_mod_value") public void setModValue(CommandSender sender, String mod, String value) { BlockPlaceMod bpm = mods.get(mod.toLowerCase()); if (bpm == null) { getLogger().message(sender, true, "The mod, &e" + mod + "&7, does not exist!"); return; } Player player = (Player) sender; String uuid = player.getUniqueId().toString(); switch (bpm.type) { case STATELESS: getLogger().message(sender, true, "You cannot change the value of a stateless mod!"); break; case STRING: DataManager.setData(uuid, "BlockPlaceMods", + "_state", value); getLogger().message(sender, "Changed the value of &3" + + "&7 to &e" + value); break; case INTEGER: try { DataManager.setData(uuid, "BlockPlaceMods", + "_state", Integer.parseInt(value)); getLogger().message(sender, "Changed the value of &3" + + "&7 to &e" + value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { getLogger().message(sender, true, "The specified value must be an integer!"); } break; case UNSIGNED_INTEGER: try { int val = Integer.parseInt(value); if (val < 0) { getLogger().message(sender, true, "The specified value must be zero or a positive integer!"); break; } DataManager.setData(uuid, "BlockPlaceMods", + "_state", val); getLogger().message(sender, "Changed the value of &3" + + "&7 to &e" + value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { getLogger().message(sender, true, "The specified value must be zero or a positive integer!"); } break; case REDSTONE_LEVEL: try { int val = Integer.parseInt(value); if (val < 1 || val > 15) { getLogger().message(sender, true, "The specified value must be an integer between 1 and 15!"); break; } DataManager.setData(uuid, "BlockPlaceMods", + "_state", val); getLogger().message(sender, "Changed the value of &3" + + "&7 to &e" + value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { getLogger().message(sender, true, "The specified value must be an integer between 1 and 15!"); } break; } } }