command friends { alias friend; perm utils.friends; type player; add [string:name] { run add name; help Adds a friend to your friend list.; } add [string:name] [string:group] { run add_grouped name group; help Adds a friend to a group of friends; perm utils.friends.groups; } remove [string:name] { run del name; help Removes a friend from your friend list.; } remove [string:name] [string:group] { run del_grouped name group; help Removes a friend from a group of friends; perm utils.friends.groups; } list { run list; help Shows a list of all your friends.; } list [string:group] { run list_group group; help Shows a list of all friends in that group.; perm utils.friends.groups; } groups { run list_groups; help Shows all your friend groups that have at least one person in them.; perm utils.friends.groups; } group { [string:groupName] { run list_group groupName; help Shows a list of all friends in that group.; perm utils.friends.groups; } run list_groups; help Shows all your friend groups that have at least one person in them.; perm utils.friends.groups; } }