command register { perm utils.loginsecurity; [string:password] { run register password; help Protects your account with a password; type player; } } command login { perm utils.loginsecurity; [string:password] { run login password; help Logs you in; type player; } } command cgpass { perm utils.loginsecurity; [string:oldPassword] [string:newPassword] { run cgpass oldPassword newPassword; help Changes your password to the specified one; type player; } } command rmpass { perm utils.loginsecurity; [string:oldPassword] { run rmpass oldPassword; help Removes the password of your account; type player; } } command rmotherpass { perm utils.loginsecurity.admin; [string:playerName] { run rmotherpass playerName; help removes the password of another player; perm utils.loginsecurity.admin; } }