command log { perm utils.logs; alias logs; type player; search [string:file(s)] [string:search...] { run search_logs file(s) search; help Performs the specified search operation on the logs. Wildcards are supported in filenames. Search string is a regex.; } terminate { run terminate_search; help Stops the search.; } format { run show_format; help Displays your current log output format with an example result.; } format_help { run show_format_help; help Displays all available placeholders for the formatting; } option_help { run show_option_help; help Displays all available options.; } set format [string:format] { run set_format format; help Sets a new log output format; } set [string:option] [boolean:state] { run set_option option state; help Allows you to enable or disable various features such as sumamries, live progress updates, etc...; } }