command mail { perm utils.mail; type player; [empty] { run read; help Shows your inbox of mails.; } read [empty] { run read; help Shows your inbox of messages.; } delete [int:id] { run delete id; help Deletes the given message.; } clear [empty] { run clear; help Clears your inbox.; } send [string:player] [string:message...] { run send player message; help Send a message to the given player.; } reply [int:id] [string:message...] { run reply id message; help Reply to a players message.; } retract [int:id] { run retract_id id; help Retract the given message, if the player has not read it yet.; } retract [empty] { run retract; help Retract the last message you sent, if the player has not read it yet.; } archive [empty] { run archive_read; help Shoes are archived messages.; } archive read [empty]{ run archive_read; help Shoes are archived messages.; } archive [int:id] { run archive id; help Archives a message.; } unarchive [int:id] { run unarchive id; help Unarchives a message.; } settings theme { [string:s_theme] { run settings_theme_set s_theme; help Sets the theme for your inbox. Available themes are: Light, Dark, and Gold.; } run settings_theme; help Shows your current theme setting.; } settings actions { [string:s_actions] { run settings_actions_set s_actions; help Sets the action set for your inbox. Available options are: \nMinimal: No click actions,\nSimple: Delete, and \nStandard: Delete, and Reply. \nAll actions are still available as commands.; } run settings_actions; help Shows your current action set setting.; } settings names { [string:s_names] { run settings_names_set s_names; help Sets if you want to see player's username or display name. Available options are: username or displayname; } run settings_names; help Shows your current names setting.; } [string:player] [string:message...] { run send player message; help Send a message to the given player.; } }