package com.redstoner.modules.scriptutils; import org.bukkit.Bukkit; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import com.nemez.cmdmgr.Command; import com.redstoner.annotations.Commands; import com.redstoner.annotations.Version; import com.redstoner.misc.CommandHolderType; import com.redstoner.misc.Utils; import com.redstoner.modules.Module; @Commands(CommandHolderType.File) @Version(major = 5, minor = 0, revision = 0, compatible = 4) public class Scriptutils implements Module { /** Prints Bukkit restart message * arg 0 timeout * arg 1 $(whoami); * arg 2: reason */ @Command(hook = "script_restart") public void print_restart(CommandSender sender, String timeout, String name, String reason) { Utils.broadcast("", "§2§l=============================================", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§r", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§r", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§9" + name + " is restarting the server.", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§a§lServer is going to restart in " + timeout + " seconds.", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§6§l" + reason, null); Utils.broadcast("", "§r", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§r", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§2§l=============================================", null); } /** Prints the Bukkit shut down message * arg 0 timeout * arg 1 $(whoami); * arg 2: reason */ @Command(hook = "script_stop") public void print_stop(CommandSender sender, String timeout, String name, String reason) { Utils.broadcast("", "§2§l=============================================", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§r", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§r", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§9" + name + " is shutting down the server.", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§a§lServer is going to shut down in " + timeout + " seconds.", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§6§l" + reason, null); Utils.broadcast("", "§r", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§r", null); Utils.broadcast("", "§2§l=============================================", null); } /** Prints the shut down abort message */ @Command(hook = "script_stop_abort") public void abort_stop(CommandSender sender) { Utils.broadcast("", "§4§oShut down has been aborted.", null); } /** Prints the restart abort message */ @Command(hook = "script_restart_abort") public void abort_restart(CommandSender sender) { Utils.broadcast("", "§4§oRestart has been aborted.", null); } /** Prints the backup started message, saves all worlds and turns off world saving */ @Command(hook = "script_backup_begin") public void print_backup_begin(CommandSender sender) { Utils.broadcast("", "§4 =§2 Starting backup now.", null); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "save-all"); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "save-off"); } /** Prints the backup finished message and turns on world saving */ @Command(hook = "script_backup_end") public void print_backup_end(CommandSender sender) { Utils.broadcast("", "§4 =§2 Backup completed.", null); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "save-on"); } /** Prints the backup error message and turns on world saving */ @Command(hook = "script_backup_error") public void print_backup_error(CommandSender sender) { Utils.broadcast("", "§4 =§c§l Error while backing up!", null); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "save-on"); } /** Prints the database backup started message and admin-chat warning */ @Command(hook = "script_backup_database_begin") public void print_backup_db_begin(CommandSender sender) { Utils.broadcast("", "§6 =§2 Starting database backup now.", null); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "ac §aLogblock may be unavailable!"); } /** Prints the database dumps compression started message */ @Command(hook = "script_backup_database_dumps") public void print_backup_db_dumps(CommandSender sender) { Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "ac §aDumps completed, logblock available again."); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "ac §aNow compressing dumps, will take a while..."); } /** Prints the database finished message and backup size in admin-chat * arg 0 size of backup */ @Command(hook = "script_backup_database_end") public void print_backup_db_end(CommandSender sender, String size) { Utils.broadcast("", "§6 =§2 Database backup completed.", null); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "ac §abackup size: §2" + size + "MB§a."); } /** Prints the database backup error message */ @Command(hook = "script_backup_database_error") public void print_backup_db_error(CommandSender sender) { Utils.broadcast("", "§6 =§c§l Error while backing up database!", null); } /** Prints the database backup abort message */ @Command(hook = "script_backup_database_abort") public void print_backup_db_abort(CommandSender sender) { Utils.broadcast("", "§6 =§2 Database backup aborted.", null); } /** Saves all worlds, kicks players and shuts down the server * arg 0: reason */ @Command(hook = "script_shutdown") public void shutdown(CommandSender sender, String reason) { Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "save-all"); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "kickall " + reason); Bukkit.dispatchCommand(Bukkit.getConsoleSender(), "stop"); } }