command tp { alias teleport; alias to; [string:player] { run tp player; help Teleports you to a player.; perm utils.teleport.tpa; type player; } [string:player] [string:player2] { run tp2 player player2; help Teleports the first player to the second.; perm utils.teleport.tpa; } [int:x] [int:y] [int:z] { run tploc x y z; help Teleports you to specific coords.; perm utils.teleport.tploc; type player; } [string:player] [int:x] [int:y] [int:z] { run tploc2 player x y z; help Teleports a player to specific coords.; perm utils.teleport.tploc.other; } } command tphere { alias tph; alias teleoprthere; perm; type player; [string:player] { run tphere player; help Teleports the player to you.; perm; } } command tpa { alias tpr; alias tpask; alias teleportask; perm utils.teleport.tpa; type player; [string:player] { run tpa player; help Request to teleport to a player.; } } command tpahere { alias tpah; alias tprhere; alias tpaskhere; alias teleportaskhere; perm utils.teleport.tpa; type player; [string:player] { run tpahere player; help Request a player to teleport to you,; help ask another player to teleport to you.; } } command tpall { perm utils.teleport.tpall; [empty] { run tpall; help Teleports everyone to you.; type player; } [string:player] { run tpall2 player; help Teleports everyone to the specified player.; } } command tpaccept { alias tpyes; perm utils.teleport.request; type player; [empty] { run tpaccept; help Accepts the latest pending tpa request.; } [string:player] { run tpaccept2 player; help Accepts the specified pending tpa request.; } } command tpcancel { alias tpastop; perm utils.teleport.request; type player; [empty] { run tpacancel; help Cancels the latest outgoing pending tpa request.; } [string:player] { run tpacancel2 player; help Cancels the specific outgoing pending tpa request.; } } command tpdeny { alias tpno; perm utils.teleport.request; type player; [empty] { run tpdeny; help Denies the latest pending tpa request.; } [string:player] { run tpdeny2 player; help Denies the specified pending tpa request.; } } command tplist { alias etplist; alias tpl; alias etpl; perm utils.teleport.request; type player; [empty] { run tplist; help Shows you a list of all the incoming tpa requests.; } } command tptoggle { perm utils.teleport.toggle; type player; [string:status] { run tptoggle status; help sets your tpa status (All, ToMe, ToThem, None); } }