package io.dico.dicore.command; import; import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.IParameterTypeSelector; import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.MapBasedParameterTypeSelector; import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterType; import io.dico.dicore.command.predef.HelpCommand; import io.dico.dicore.command.predef.PredefinedCommand; import io.dico.dicore.command.predef.SyntaxCommand; import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ReflectiveRegistration; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.function.Consumer; /** * Mimic of WorldEdit's CommandGraph */ public final class CommandBuilder { private final RootCommandAddress root; private ModifiableCommandAddress cur; private IParameterTypeSelector selector; /** * Instantiate a new CommandBuilder with a new command root system * Commands registered to this command builder might interfere with * commands registered to other commands builders or by other plugins. */ public CommandBuilder() { this(new RootCommandAddress()); } /** * Instantiate a new CommandBuilder with a specified root address. * If the root address is identical to that of another command builder, * they will modify the same tree. * * @param root the root address */ public CommandBuilder(RootCommandAddress root) { this.root = Objects.requireNonNull(root); this.cur = root; this.selector = new MapBasedParameterTypeSelector(true); } /** * Add a sub command at the current address * The current address can be inspected using {@link #getAddress()} * * @param name the name of the command * @param command the command executor * @param aliases any aliases * @return this */ public CommandBuilder addSubCommand(String name, Command command, String... aliases) { ChildCommandAddress address = new ChildCommandAddress(command); address.addNameAndAliases(name, aliases); return addSubCommand(address); } /** * Add a subcommand as an address at the current address * The result of this call is the same as * {@code addSubCommand(address.getMainKey(), address.getCommand(), address.getNames().sublist(1).toArray(new String[0]))} * * @param address the address * @return this * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code address.isRoot()} */ public CommandBuilder addSubCommand(ICommandAddress address) { cur.addChild(address); return this; } /** * Search the given class for any (static) methods using command annotations * The class gets a localized parameter type selector if it defines parameter types. * Any commands found are registered as sub commands to the current address. * * @param clazz the clazz * @return this * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an exception occurs while parsing the methods of this class * @see #registerCommands(Class, Object) */ public CommandBuilder registerCommands(Class clazz) { return registerCommands(clazz, null); } /** * Search the given object's class for methods using command annotations. * If the object is null, only static methods are checked. Otherwise, instance methods are also checked. * The class gets a localized parameter type selector if it defines parameter types. * Any commands found are registered as sub commands to the current address. * * @param object the object * @return this * @throws IllegalArgumentException if an exception occurs while parsing the methods of this class * @see #registerCommands(Class, Object) */ public CommandBuilder registerCommands(Object object) { return registerCommands(object.getClass(), object); } /** * Search the given class for methods using command annotations. * The class gets a localized parameter type selector if it defines parameter types. * Any commands found are registered as sub commands to the current address. * The instance is used to invoke non-static methods. * * @param clazz the class * @param instance the instance, null if only static methods * @return this * @throws IllegalArgumentException if instance is not null and it's not an instance of the class * @throws IllegalArgumentException if another exception occurs while parsing the methods of this class */ public CommandBuilder registerCommands(Class clazz, Object instance) { try { ReflectiveRegistration.parseCommandGroup(cur, selector, clazz, instance); return this; } catch (Exception ex) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(ex); } } /** * register the {@link HelpCommand} as a sub command at the current address * * @return this */ public CommandBuilder registerHelpCommand() { HelpCommand.registerAsChild(cur); return this; } /** * register the {@link SyntaxCommand} as a sub command a the current address * * @return this */ public CommandBuilder registerSyntaxCommand() { SyntaxCommand.registerAsChild(cur); return this; } /** * Generate the predefined commands. * These are presets. * Examples include {@code help} and {@code syntax}. *

* Predefined commands can be registered through {@link PredefinedCommand#registerPredefinedCommandGenerator(String, Consumer)} * * @param commands the commands * @return this */ public CommandBuilder generatePredefinedCommands(String... commands) { ReflectiveRegistration.generateCommands(cur, commands); return this; } /** * Unregister any childs present at the given keys. *

* This method can be used to remove unwanted keys, that might have been added * outside of your control. For example, because you didn't want all commands * registered by {@link #registerCommands(Class, Object)}, or because you didn't * want the help command registered by {@link #group(String, String...)} * * @param removeAliases true if any aliases of the children present at the keys should be removed * @param keys a varargs array containing the keys * @return this * @throws IllegalArgumentException if keys array is empty */ public CommandBuilder unregisterCommands(boolean removeAliases, String... keys) { cur.removeChildren(removeAliases, keys); return this; } /** * Jump to the sub-address with the given name as main key. * If an address with the exact name as main key exists, * that address becomes the current address. *

* Otherwise, a new addresses is registered with the name and aliases. * New addresses registered by this command have a HelpCommand added by default. *

* After this call, any registered commands are registered as a sub command * to the new address. To restore the previous state, a call to {@link #parent()} * should be made. *

* If the address is the target of a command, it will provide information about its sub commands * using the HelpCommand. * * @param name the main key * @param aliases the aliases * @return this */ public CommandBuilder group(String name, String... aliases) { ChildCommandAddress address = cur.getChild(name); if (address == null || !name.equals(address.getMainKey())) { cur.addChild(address = ChildCommandAddress.newPlaceHolderCommand(name, aliases)); } cur = address; return this; } /** * Sets the description of a group created by {@link #group(String, String...)} * Can be called subsequently to making a call to {@link #group(String, String...)} * * @param shortDescription a short description * @param description the lines of a full description. * @return this * @throws IllegalStateException if the current group has no command */ public CommandBuilder setGroupDescription(String shortDescription, String... description) { Command command = cur.getCommand(); if (command == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); cur.setCommand(command .setShortDescription(shortDescription) .setDescription(description)); return this; } /** * Add a context filter to the command of the current group * @return this * @throws IllegalStateException if the current group has no command */ public CommandBuilder addContextFilter(IContextFilter contextFilter) { Command command = cur.getCommand(); if (command == null) throw new IllegalStateException(); cur.setCommand(command .addContextFilter(contextFilter)); return this; } /** * Add a required permission to the command of the current group * @return this * @throws IllegalStateException if the current group has no command */ public CommandBuilder addRequiredPermission(String permission) { return addContextFilter(IContextFilter.permission(permission)); } /** * Jump up a level in the address * * @return this * @throws IllegalStateException if the address is empty * // has a depth of 0 // is at level 0 */ public CommandBuilder parent() { if (cur.hasParent()) { cur = cur.getParent(); return this; } throw new IllegalStateException("No parent exists at this address"); } /** * Jump to the root (empty) address, * such that a subsequent call to {@link #parent()} * will throw a {@link IllegalStateException} * * @return this */ public CommandBuilder root() { cur = root; return this; } /** * Get the current address, as a space-separated string * * @return the current address */ public String getAddress() { return cur.getAddress(); } /** * Get the depth of the current address. * This is equivalent to {@code getAddress().split(" ").length}. * If the address is empty, the depth is 0. * * @return the depth */ public int getDepth() { return cur.getDepth(); } /** * Set the command at the current group. The command is set * a level higher than it would be if this were a call to {@link #addSubCommand(String, Command, String...)} *

* If a call to {@link #setGroupDescription(String, String...)} was made at the same address before, * the description is copied to the given executor. * * @param command the executor * @return this * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the command at the address is present and declared by the user, * in other words, it's not a {@link PredefinedCommand} */ public CommandBuilder setCommand(Command command) { Command current = cur.getCommand(); if (current instanceof HelpCommand && current != HelpCommand.INSTANCE) { command.setShortDescription(current.getShortDescription()); command.setDescription(current.getDescription()); } cur.setCommand(command); return this; } /** * Configure the chat controller at this address. The chat controller * is used for all children down the tree if they don't explicitly have * their own chat controller configured. If this isn't configured, * {@code ChatControllers.defaultChat()} is used. * * @param chatController the chat controller * @return this */ public CommandBuilder setChatController(IChatController chatController) { cur.setChatController(chatController); return this; } /** * Add the parameter type to this builder's selector. * * @param type the type * @param the return type of the parameter type * @return this */ public CommandBuilder addParameterType(ParameterType type) { selector.addType(false, type); return this; } /** * Add the parameter type to this builder's selector. * * @param infolessAlias whether to also register the type with an infoless alias. * this increases the priority assigned to the type if no info object is present. * @param type the type * @param the return type of the parameter type * @param the parameter config type (info object) * @return this */ public CommandBuilder addParameterType(boolean infolessAlias, ParameterType type) { selector.addType(infolessAlias, type); return this; } /** * Get the dispatcher for the root address. * The dispatcher should be used to finally register all commands, * after they are all declared. * * @return the dispatcher */ public ICommandDispatcher getDispatcher() { return root; } /** * Print debugging information about the current addresses and commands in this builder * A StackTraceElement indicating where this was called from is also included * * @return this */ public CommandBuilder printDebugInformation() { String address = cur == root ? "" : cur.getAddress(); StackTraceElement caller = getCallsite(); StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder("### CommandBuilder dump ###"); message.append("\nCalled from ").append(caller); message.append("\nPosition: ").append(address); cur.appendDebugInformation(message, "", new HashSet<>()); System.out.println(message); return this; } private static StackTraceElement getCallsite() { // [0] Thread.currentThread() // [1] CommandBuilder.getCallsite() // [2] Calling method // [3] Method calling the calling method StackTraceElement[] trace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace(); return trace.length > 3 ? trace[3] : null; } }