package io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor import io.dico.parcels2.util.Region import io.dico.parcels2.util.Vec3i import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.clampMax private typealias Scope = SequenceScope sealed class RegionTraverser { fun traverseRegion(region: Region, worldHeight: Int = 256): Iterable = Iterable { iterator { build(validify(region, worldHeight)) } } private fun validify(region: Region, worldHeight: Int): Region { if (region.origin.y < 0) { val origin = region.origin withY 0 val size = region.size.withY((region.size.y + region.origin.y).clampMax(worldHeight)) return Region(origin, size) } if (region.origin.y + region.size.y > worldHeight) { val size = region.size.withY(worldHeight - region.origin.y) return Region(region.origin, size) } return region } protected abstract suspend fun Region) companion object { val upward = Directional(TraverseDirection(1, 1, 1), TraverseOrderFactory.createWith(Dimension.Y, Dimension.X)) val downward = Directional(TraverseDirection(1, -1, 1), TraverseOrderFactory.createWith(Dimension.Y, Dimension.X)) val toClear get() = downward val toFill get() = upward fun convergingTo(y: Int) = Slicing(y, upward, downward, true) fun separatingFrom(y: Int) = Slicing(y, downward, upward, false) } class Directional( val direction: TraverseDirection, val order: TraverseOrder ) : RegionTraverser() { private inline fun iterate(max: Int, increasing: Boolean, action: (Int) -> Unit) { for (i in 0..max) { action(if (increasing) i else max - i) } } override suspend fun Region) { val order = order val (primary, secondary, tertiary) = order.toArray() val (origin, size) = region val maxOfPrimary = primary.extract(size) - 1 val maxOfSecondary = secondary.extract(size) - 1 val maxOfTertiary = tertiary.extract(size) - 1 val isPrimaryIncreasing = direction.isIncreasing(primary) val isSecondaryIncreasing = direction.isIncreasing(secondary) val isTertiaryIncreasing = direction.isIncreasing(tertiary) iterate(maxOfPrimary, isPrimaryIncreasing) { p -> iterate(maxOfSecondary, isSecondaryIncreasing) { s -> iterate(maxOfTertiary, isTertiaryIncreasing) { t -> yield(order.add(origin, p, s, t)) } } } } } class Slicing( val bottomSectionMaxY: Int, val bottomTraverser: RegionTraverser, val topTraverser: RegionTraverser, val bottomFirst: Boolean = true ) : RegionTraverser() { private fun slice(region: Region, atY: Int): Pair { if (atY < region.size.y + 1) { val first = Region(region.origin, region.size.withY(atY + 1)) val second = Region(region.origin.withY(atY), region.size.addY(-atY - 1)) return first to second } return region to null } override suspend fun Region) { val (bottom, top) = slice(region, bottomSectionMaxY) if (bottomFirst) { with(bottomTraverser) { build(bottom) } top?.let { with(topTraverser) { build(it) } } } else { top?.let { with(topTraverser) { build(it) } } with(bottomTraverser) { build(bottom) } } } } fun childForPosition(position: Vec3i): Directional { var cur = this while (true) { when (cur) { is Directional -> return cur is Slicing -> cur = if (position.y <= cur.bottomSectionMaxY) cur.bottomTraverser else cur.topTraverser } } } fun comesFirst(current: Vec3i, block: Vec3i): Boolean { var cur = this while (true) { when (cur) { is Directional -> return cur.direction.comesFirst(current, block) is Slicing -> { val border = cur.bottomSectionMaxY cur = when { current.y <= border && block.y <= border -> cur.bottomTraverser current.y <= border -> return !cur.bottomFirst block.y <= border -> return cur.bottomFirst else -> cur.topTraverser } } } } } } enum class Dimension { X, Y, Z; fun extract(block: Vec3i) = when (this) { X -> block.x Y -> block.y Z -> block.z } companion object { private val values = values() operator fun get(ordinal: Int) = values[ordinal] } } object TraverseOrderFactory { private fun isSwap(primary: Dimension, secondary: Dimension) = secondary.ordinal != (primary.ordinal + 1) % 3 fun createWith(primary: Dimension, secondary: Dimension): TraverseOrder { // tertiary is implicit if (primary == secondary) throw IllegalArgumentException() return TraverseOrder(primary, isSwap(primary, secondary)) } } inline class TraverseOrder(val orderNum: Int) { constructor(first: Dimension, swap: Boolean) : this(if (swap) first.ordinal + 3 else first.ordinal) @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") private inline fun element(index: Int) = Dimension[(orderNum + index) % 3] private val swap inline get() = orderNum >= 3 /** * The slowest changing dimension */ val primary: Dimension get() = element(0) /** * Second slowest changing dimension */ val secondary: Dimension get() = element(if (swap) 2 else 1) /** * Dimension that changes every block */ val tertiary: Dimension get() = element(if (swap) 1 else 2) /** * All 3 dimensions in this order */ fun toArray() = arrayOf(primary, secondary, tertiary) fun add(vec: Vec3i, dp: Int, ds: Int, dt: Int): Vec3i = // optimize this, will be called lots when (orderNum) { 0 -> vec.add(dp, ds, dt) // xyz 1 -> vec.add(dt, dp, ds) // yzx 2 -> vec.add(ds, dt, dp) // zxy 3 -> vec.add(dp, dt, ds) // xzy 4 -> vec.add(ds, dp, dt) // yxz 5 -> vec.add(dt, ds, dp) // zyx else -> error("Invalid orderNum $orderNum") } } inline class TraverseDirection(val bits: Int) { fun isIncreasing(dimension: Dimension) = (1 shl dimension.ordinal) and bits != 0 fun comesFirst(current: Vec3i, block: Vec3i, dimension: Dimension): Boolean = if (isIncreasing(dimension)) dimension.extract(block) <= dimension.extract(current) else dimension.extract(block) >= dimension.extract(current) fun comesFirst(current: Vec3i, block: Vec3i) = comesFirst(current, block, Dimension.X) && comesFirst(current, block, Dimension.Y) && comesFirst(current, block, Dimension.Z) companion object { operator fun invoke(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) = invoke(Vec3i(x, y, z)) operator fun invoke(block: Vec3i): TraverseDirection { if (block.x == 0 || block.y == 0 || block.z == 0) throw IllegalArgumentException() var bits = 0 if (block.x > 0) bits = bits or 1 if (block.y > 0) bits = bits or 2 if (block.z > 0) bits = bits or 3 return TraverseDirection(bits) } } }