package io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin import io.dico.parcels2.logger import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.clampMin import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineStart.LAZY import kotlinx.coroutines.Job import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask import java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis import java.util.LinkedList import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn import kotlin.coroutines.resume typealias TimeLimitedTask = suspend WorkerScope.() -> Unit typealias WorkerUpdateLister = Worker.(Double, Long) -> Unit data class TickWorktimeOptions(var workTime: Int, var tickInterval: Int) interface WorktimeLimiter { /** * Submit a [task] that should be run synchronously, but limited such that it does not stall the server * a bunch */ fun submit(task: TimeLimitedTask): Worker /** * Get a list of all workers */ val workers: List /** * Attempts to complete any remaining tasks immediately, without suspension. */ fun completeAllTasks() } interface Timed { /** * The time that elapsed since this worker was dispatched, in milliseconds */ val elapsedTime: Long } interface Worker : Timed { /** * The coroutine associated with this worker */ val job: Job /** * true if this worker has completed */ val isComplete: Boolean /** * If an exception was thrown during the execution of this task, * returns that exception. Returns null otherwise. */ val completionException: Throwable? /** * A value indicating the progress of this worker, in the range 0.0 <= progress <= 1.0 * with no guarantees to its accuracy. */ val progress: Double /** * Calls the given [block] whenever the progress of this worker is updated, * if [minInterval] milliseconds expired since the last call. * The first call occurs after at least [minDelay] milliseconds in a likewise manner. * Repeated invocations of this method result in an [IllegalStateException] * * if [asCompletionListener] is true, [onCompleted] is called with the same [block] */ fun onProgressUpdate(minDelay: Int, minInterval: Int, asCompletionListener: Boolean = true, block: WorkerUpdateLister): Worker /** * Calls the given [block] when this worker completes, with the progress value 1.0. * Multiple listeners may be registered to this function. */ fun onCompleted(block: WorkerUpdateLister): Worker /** * Await completion of this worker */ suspend fun awaitCompletion() /** * An object attached to this worker */ //val attachment: Any? } interface WorkerScope : Timed { /** * A task should call this frequently during its execution, such that the timer can suspend it when necessary. */ suspend fun markSuspensionPoint() /** * A value indicating the progress of this worker, in the range 0.0 <= progress <= 1.0 * with no guarantees to its accuracy. */ val progress: Double /** * A task should call this method to indicate its progress */ fun setProgress(progress: Double) /** * Indicate that this job is complete */ fun markComplete() = setProgress(1.0) /** * Get a [WorkerScope] that is responsible for [portion] part of the progress * If [portion] is negative, the remainder of the progress is used */ fun delegateWork(portion: Double = -1.0): WorkerScope } inline fun WorkerScope.delegateWork(portion: Double = -1.0, block: WorkerScope.() -> T): T { delegateWork(portion).apply { val result = block() markComplete() return result } } interface WorkerInternal : Worker, WorkerScope { /** * Start or resumes the execution of this worker * and returns true if the worker completed * * [worktime] is the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds, * that this job may run for until suspension. * * If [worktime] is not positive, the worker will complete * without suspension and this method will always return true. */ fun resume(worktime: Long): Boolean } /** * An object that controls one or more jobs, ensuring that they don't stall the server too much. * There is a configurable maxiumum amount of milliseconds that can be allocated to all workers together in each server tick * This object attempts to split that maximum amount of milliseconds equally between all jobs */ class TickWorktimeLimiter(private val plugin: ParcelsPlugin, var options: TickWorktimeOptions) : WorktimeLimiter { // The currently registered bukkit scheduler task private var bukkitTask: BukkitTask? = null // The workers. private val _workers = LinkedList() override val workers: List = _workers override fun submit(task: TimeLimitedTask): Worker { val worker: WorkerInternal = WorkerImpl(plugin, task) if (bukkitTask == null) { val completed = worker.resume(options.workTime.toLong()) if (completed) return worker bukkitTask = plugin.scheduleRepeating(0, options.tickInterval) { tickJobs() } } _workers.addFirst(worker) return worker } private fun tickJobs() { val workers = _workers if (workers.isEmpty()) return val tickStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis() val iterator = workers.listIterator(index = 0) while (iterator.hasNext()) { val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val timeElapsed = time - tickStartTime val timeLeft = options.workTime - timeElapsed if (timeLeft <= 0) return val count = workers.size - iterator.nextIndex() val timePerJob = (timeLeft + count - 1) / count val worker = val completed = worker.resume(timePerJob) if (completed) { iterator.remove() } } if (workers.isEmpty()) { bukkitTask?.cancel() bukkitTask = null } } override fun completeAllTasks() { _workers.forEach { it.resume(-1) } _workers.clear() bukkitTask?.cancel() bukkitTask = null } } private class WorkerImpl(scope: CoroutineScope, task: TimeLimitedTask) : WorkerInternal { override val job: Job = scope.launch(start = LAZY) { task() } private var continuation: Continuation? = null private var nextSuspensionTime: Long = 0L private var completeForcefully = false private var isStarted = false override val elapsedTime get() = if (job.isCompleted) startTimeOrElapsedTime else currentTimeMillis() - startTimeOrElapsedTime override val isComplete get() = job.isCompleted private var _progress = 0.0 override val progress get() = _progress override var completionException: Throwable? = null; private set private var startTimeOrElapsedTime: Long = 0L // startTime before completed, elapsed time otherwise private var onProgressUpdate: WorkerUpdateLister? = null private var progressUpdateInterval: Int = 0 private var lastUpdateTime: Long = 0L private var onCompleted: WorkerUpdateLister? = null init { job.invokeOnCompletion { exception -> // report any error that occurred completionException = exception?.also { if (it !is CancellationException) logger.error("TimeLimitedTask generated an exception", it) } // convert to elapsed time here startTimeOrElapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeOrElapsedTime onCompleted?.let { it(1.0, elapsedTime) } onCompleted = null onProgressUpdate = { prog, el -> } } } override fun onProgressUpdate(minDelay: Int, minInterval: Int, asCompletionListener: Boolean, block: WorkerUpdateLister): Worker { onProgressUpdate?.let { throw IllegalStateException() } if (asCompletionListener) onCompleted(block) if (isComplete) return this onProgressUpdate = block progressUpdateInterval = minInterval lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + minDelay - minInterval return this } override fun onCompleted(block: WorkerUpdateLister): Worker { if (isComplete) { block(1.0, startTimeOrElapsedTime) return this } val cur = onCompleted onCompleted = if (cur == null) { block } else { fun Worker.(prog: Double, el: Long) { cur(prog, el) block(prog, el) } } return this } override suspend fun markSuspensionPoint() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= nextSuspensionTime && !completeForcefully) suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont: Continuation -> continuation = cont COROUTINE_SUSPENDED } } override fun setProgress(progress: Double) { this._progress = progress val onProgressUpdate = onProgressUpdate ?: return val time = System.currentTimeMillis() if (time > lastUpdateTime + progressUpdateInterval) { onProgressUpdate(progress, elapsedTime) lastUpdateTime = time } } override fun resume(worktime: Long): Boolean { if (isComplete) return true if (worktime > 0) { nextSuspensionTime = currentTimeMillis() + worktime } else { completeForcefully = true } if (isStarted) { continuation?.let { continuation = null it.resume(Unit) return continuation == null } return true } startTimeOrElapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() job.start() return continuation == null } override suspend fun awaitCompletion() { job.join() } private fun delegateWork(curPortion: Double, portion: Double): WorkerScope = DelegateScope(progress, curPortion * (if (portion < 0) 1.0 - progress else portion).clampMin(0.0)) override fun delegateWork(portion: Double): WorkerScope = delegateWork(1.0, portion) private inner class DelegateScope(val progressStart: Double, val portion: Double) : WorkerScope { override val elapsedTime: Long get() = this@WorkerImpl.elapsedTime override suspend fun markSuspensionPoint() = this@WorkerImpl.markSuspensionPoint() override val progress: Double get() = (this@WorkerImpl.progress - progressStart) / portion override fun setProgress(progress: Double) = this@WorkerImpl.setProgress(progressStart + progress * portion) override fun delegateWork(portion: Double): WorkerScope = this@WorkerImpl.delegateWork(this.portion, portion) } } /* /** * While the implementation of [kotlin.coroutines.experimental.intrinsics.intercepted] is intrinsic, it should look something like this * We don't care for intercepting the coroutine as we want it to resume immediately when we call resume(). * Thus, above, we use an unintercepted suspension. It's not necessary as the dispatcher (or interceptor) also calls it synchronously, but whatever. */ private fun Continuation.interceptedImpl(): Continuation { return context[ContinuationInterceptor]?.interceptContinuation(this) ?: this } */