package io.dico.parcels2.command import io.dico.dicore.command.* import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ICommandInterceptor import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ICommandReceiver import io.dico.parcels2.* import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile.Real import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile.Unresolved import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.parcelLimit import org.bukkit.entity.Player import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin import java.lang.reflect.Method abstract class AbstractParcelCommands(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : ICommandInterceptor { override fun getReceiver(context: ExecutionContext, target: Method, cmdName: String): ICommandReceiver { return getParcelCommandReceiver(plugin.parcelProvider, context, target, cmdName) } override fun getCoroutineContext(context: ExecutionContext?, target: Method?, cmdName: String?): Any { return plugin.coroutineContext } protected fun checkConnected(action: String) { if (! err("Parcels cannot $action right now because of a database error") } protected suspend fun checkParcelLimit(player: Player, world: ParcelWorld) { if (player.hasPermAdminManage) return val numOwnedParcels = .filter { it.worldId.equals( }.size val limit = player.parcelLimit if (numOwnedParcels >= limit) { err("You have enough plots for now") } } protected suspend fun toPrivilegeKey(profile: PlayerProfile): PrivilegeKey = when (profile) { is Real -> profile is Unresolved -> profile.tryResolveSuspendedly( ?: throw CommandException() else -> throw CommandException() } protected fun areYouSureMessage(context: ExecutionContext): String { val command = (context.route + context.original).joinToString(" ") + " -sure" return "Are you sure? You cannot undo this action!\n" + "Run \"/$command\" if you want to go through with this." } protected fun Job.reportProgressUpdates(context: ExecutionContext, action: String): Job = onProgressUpdate(1000, 1000) { progress, elapsedTime -> val alt = context.getFormat(EMessageType.NUMBER) val main = context.getFormat(EMessageType.INFORMATIVE) context.sendMessage( EMessageType.INFORMATIVE, false, "$action progress: $alt%.02f$main%%, $alt%.2f${main}s elapsed" .format(progress * 100, elapsedTime / 1000.0) ) } } fun err(message: String): Nothing = throw CommandException(message)