package io.dico.parcels2.command import io.dico.dicore.command.EMessageType import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Desc import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.RequireParameters import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelOwner import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.RegionTraversal import io.dico.parcels2.command.NamedParcelDefaultValue.FIRST_OWNED import import io.dico.parcels2.util.hasAdminManage import io.dico.parcels2.util.hasParcelHomeOthers import io.dico.parcels2.util.uuid import org.bukkit.Material import org.bukkit.entity.Player import java.util.* //@Suppress("unused") class CommandsGeneral(plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) { @Cmd("auto") @Desc("Finds the unclaimed parcel nearest to origin,", "and gives it to you", shortVersion = "sets you up with a fresh, unclaimed parcel") suspend fun WorldScope.cmdAuto(player: Player): Any? { checkConnected("be claimed") checkParcelLimit(player) val parcel = world.nextEmptyParcel() ?: error("This world is full, please ask an admin to upsize it") parcel.owner = ParcelOwner(uuid = player.uuid) player.teleport(parcel.homeLocation) return "Enjoy your new parcel!" } @Cmd("info", aliases = ["i"]) @Desc("Displays general information", "about the parcel you're on", shortVersion = "displays information about this parcel") fun ParcelScope.cmdInfo(player: Player) = parcel.infoString @Cmd("home", aliases = ["h"]) @Desc("Teleports you to your parcels,", "unless another player was specified.", "You can specify an index number if you have", "more than one parcel", shortVersion = "teleports you to parcels") @RequireParameters(0) suspend fun cmdHome(player: Player, @NamedParcelDefault(FIRST_OWNED) target: NamedParcelTarget): Any? { if (player !== target.player && !player.hasParcelHomeOthers) { error("You do not have permission to teleport to other people's parcels") } val ownedParcelsResult = = target.player.uuid)).await() val uuid = target.player.uuid val ownedParcels = ownedParcelsResult .map { worlds.getParcelBySerializedValue(it) } .filter { it != null && == && it.owner?.uuid == uuid } val targetMatch = ownedParcels.getOrNull(target.index) ?: error("The specified parcel could not be matched") player.teleport(targetMatch.homeLocation) return "" } @Cmd("claim") @Desc("If this parcel is unowned, makes you the owner", shortVersion = "claims this parcel") suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdClaim(player: Player): Any? { checkConnected("be claimed") parcel.owner.takeIf { !player.hasAdminManage }?.let { error(if (it.matches(player)) "You already own this parcel" else "This parcel is not available") } checkParcelLimit(player) parcel.owner = ParcelOwner(uuid = player.uuid, name = return "Enjoy your new parcel!" } @Cmd("clear") @ParcelRequire(owner = true) fun ParcelScope.cmdClear(context: ExecutionContext) { world.generator.clearParcel(parcel) .onProgressUpdate(1000, 1000) { progress, elapsedTime -> context.sendMessage(EMessageType.INFORMATIVE, "Clear progress: %.02f%%, %.2fs elapsed" .format(progress * 100, elapsedTime / 1000.0)) } } @Cmd("make_mess") @ParcelRequire(owner = true) fun ParcelScope.cmdMakeMess(context: ExecutionContext) { val server = plugin.server val blockDatas = arrayOf( server.createBlockData(Material.STICKY_PISTON), server.createBlockData(Material.GLASS), server.createBlockData(Material.STONE_SLAB), server.createBlockData(Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK) ) val random = Random() world.generator.doBlockOperation(parcel, direction = RegionTraversal.UPDARD) { block -> block.blockData = blockDatas[random.nextInt(4)] }.onProgressUpdate(1000, 1000) { progress, elapsedTime -> context.sendMessage(EMessageType.INFORMATIVE, "Mess progress: %.02f%%, %.2fs elapsed" .format(progress * 100, elapsedTime / 1000.0)) } } }