package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl import io.dico.parcels2.* import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.RegionTraverser import io.dico.parcels2.options.DefaultGeneratorOptions import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.* import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope import org.bukkit.* import org.bukkit.block.Biome import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace import org.bukkit.block.Skull import import import org.bukkit.entity.Player import java.util.Random private val airType = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.AIR) private const val chunkSize = 16 class DefaultParcelGenerator( override val worldName: String, private val o: DefaultGeneratorOptions ) : ParcelGenerator() { private var _world: World? = null override val world: World get() { if (_world == null) { val world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName) maxHeight = world.maxHeight _world = world return world } return _world!! } private var maxHeight = 0 val sectionSize = o.parcelSize + o.pathSize val pathOffset = (if (o.pathSize % 2 == 0) o.pathSize + 2 else o.pathSize + 1) / 2 val makePathMain = o.pathSize > 2 val makePathAlt = o.pathSize > 4 private inline fun generate( chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, floor: T, wall: T, pathMain: T, pathAlt: T, fill: T, setter: (Int, Int, Int, T) -> Unit ) { val floorHeight = o.floorHeight val parcelSize = o.parcelSize val sectionSize = sectionSize val pathOffset = pathOffset val makePathMain = makePathMain val makePathAlt = makePathAlt // parcel bottom x and z // umod is unsigned %: the result is always >= 0 val pbx = ((chunkX shl 4) - o.offsetX) umod sectionSize val pbz = ((chunkZ shl 4) - o.offsetZ) umod sectionSize var curHeight: Int var x: Int var z: Int for (cx in 0..15) { for (cz in 0..15) { x = (pbx + cx) % sectionSize - pathOffset z = (pbz + cz) % sectionSize - pathOffset curHeight = floorHeight val type = when { (x in 0 until parcelSize && z in 0 until parcelSize) -> floor (x in -1..parcelSize && z in -1..parcelSize) -> { curHeight++ wall } (makePathAlt && x in -2 until parcelSize + 2 && z in -2 until parcelSize + 2) -> pathAlt (makePathMain) -> pathMain else -> { curHeight++ wall } } for (y in 0 until curHeight) { setter(cx, y, cz, fill) } setter(cx, curHeight, cz, type) } } } override fun generateChunkData(world: World?, random: Random?, chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, biome: BiomeGrid?): ChunkData { val out = Bukkit.createChunkData(world) generate(chunkX, chunkZ, o.floorType, o.wallType, o.pathMainType, o.pathAltType, o.fillType) { x, y, z, type -> out.setBlock(x, y, z, type) } return out } override fun populate(world: World?, random: Random?, chunk: Chunk?) { // do nothing } override fun getFixedSpawnLocation(world: World?, random: Random?): Location { val fix = if (o.parcelSize.even) 0.5 else 0.0 return Location(world, o.offsetX + fix, o.floorHeight + 1.0, o.offsetZ + fix) } override fun makeParcelLocatorAndBlockManager( parcelProvider: ParcelProvider, container: ParcelContainer, coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher ): Pair { val impl = ParcelLocatorAndBlockManagerImpl(parcelProvider, container, coroutineScope, jobDispatcher) return impl to impl } private inline fun convertBlockLocationToId(x: Int, z: Int, mapper: (Int, Int) -> T): T? { val sectionSize = sectionSize val parcelSize = o.parcelSize val absX = x - o.offsetX - pathOffset val absZ = z - o.offsetZ - pathOffset val modX = absX umod sectionSize val modZ = absZ umod sectionSize if (modX in 0 until parcelSize && modZ in 0 until parcelSize) { return mapper((absX - modX) / sectionSize + 1, (absZ - modZ) / sectionSize + 1) } return null } @Suppress("DEPRECATION") private inner class ParcelLocatorAndBlockManagerImpl( val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider, val container: ParcelContainer, coroutineScope: CoroutineScope, override val jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher ) : ParcelBlockManagerBase(), ParcelLocator, CoroutineScope by coroutineScope { override val world: World get() = val worldId = parcelProvider.getWorld(world)?.id ?: ParcelWorldId(world) override val parcelTraverser: RegionTraverser = RegionTraverser.convergingTo(o.floorHeight) private val cornerWallType = when { o.wallType is Slab -> (o.wallType.clone() as Slab).apply { type = Slab.Type.DOUBLE }"CARPET") -> { Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.getMaterial("CARPET") + "WOOL")) } else -> null } override fun getParcelAt(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? { return convertBlockLocationToId(x, z, container::getParcelById) } override fun getParcelIdAt(x: Int, z: Int): ParcelId? { return convertBlockLocationToId(x, z) { idx, idz -> ParcelId(worldId, idx, idz) } } private fun checkParcelId(parcel: ParcelId): ParcelId { if (!parcel.worldId.equals(worldId)) { throw IllegalArgumentException() } return parcel } override fun getRegionOrigin(parcel: ParcelId): Vec2i { checkParcelId(parcel) return Vec2i( sectionSize * (parcel.x - 1) + pathOffset + o.offsetX, sectionSize * (parcel.z - 1) + pathOffset + o.offsetZ ) } override fun getRegion(parcel: ParcelId): Region { val origin = getRegionOrigin(parcel) return Region( Vec3i(origin.x, 0, origin.z), Vec3i(o.parcelSize, maxHeight, o.parcelSize) ) } override fun getHomeLocation(parcel: ParcelId): Location { val origin = getRegionOrigin(parcel) val x = origin.x + (o.parcelSize - 1) / 2.0 val z = origin.z - 2 return Location(world, x + 0.5, o.floorHeight + 1.0, z + 0.5, 0F, 0F) } override fun getParcelForInfoBlockInteraction(block: Vec3i, type: Material, face: BlockFace): Parcel? { if (block.y != o.floorHeight + 1) return null val expectedParcelOrigin = when (type) { Material.WALL_SIGN -> Vec2i(block.x + 1, block.z + 2) o.wallType.material, cornerWallType?.material -> { if (face != BlockFace.NORTH || world[block + Vec3i.convert(BlockFace.NORTH)].type == Material.WALL_SIGN) { return null } Vec2i(block.x + 1, block.z + 1) } else -> return null } return getParcelAt(expectedParcelOrigin.x, expectedParcelOrigin.z) ?.takeIf { expectedParcelOrigin == getRegionOrigin( } ?.also { parcel -> if (type != Material.WALL_SIGN && parcel.owner != null) { updateParcelInfo(, parcel.owner) parcel.isOwnerSignOutdated = false } } } override fun isParcelInfoSectionLoaded(parcel: ParcelId): Boolean { val wallBlockChunk = getRegionOrigin(parcel).add(-1, -1).toChunk() return world.isChunkLoaded(wallBlockChunk.x, wallBlockChunk.z) } override fun updateParcelInfo(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?) { val b = getRegionOrigin(parcel) val wallBlock = world.getBlockAt(b.x - 1, o.floorHeight + 1, b.z - 1) val signBlock = world.getBlockAt(b.x - 1, o.floorHeight + 1, b.z - 2) val skullBlock = world.getBlockAt(b.x - 1, o.floorHeight + 2, b.z - 1) if (owner == null) { wallBlock.blockData = o.wallType signBlock.type = Material.AIR skullBlock.type = Material.AIR } else { cornerWallType?.let { wallBlock.blockData = it } signBlock.blockData = (Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.WALL_SIGN) as WallSign).apply { facing = BlockFace.NORTH } val sign = signBlock.state as org.bukkit.block.Sign sign.setLine(0, "${parcel.x},${parcel.z}") sign.setLine(2, ?: "") sign.update() skullBlock.type = Material.AIR skullBlock.type = Material.PLAYER_HEAD val skull = skullBlock.state as Skull if (owner is PlayerProfile.Real) { skull.owningPlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(owner.uuid) } else if (!skull.setOwner( { skullBlock.type = Material.AIR return } skull.rotation = BlockFace.SOUTH skull.update() } } private fun trySubmitBlockVisitor(vararg parcels: ParcelId, function: JobFunction): Job? { parcels.forEach { checkParcelId(it) } return parcelProvider.trySubmitBlockVisitor(Permit(), parcels, function) } override fun setBiome(parcel: ParcelId, biome: Biome) = trySubmitBlockVisitor(checkParcelId(parcel)) { val world = world val b = getRegionOrigin(parcel) val parcelSize = o.parcelSize for (x in b.x until b.x + parcelSize) { for (z in b.z until b.z + parcelSize) { markSuspensionPoint() world.setBiome(x, z, biome) } } } override fun clearParcel(parcel: ParcelId) = trySubmitBlockVisitor(checkParcelId(parcel)) { val region = getRegion(parcel) val blocks = parcelTraverser.traverseRegion(region) val blockCount = region.blockCount.toDouble() val world = world val floorHeight = o.floorHeight val airType = airType val floorType = o.floorType val fillType = o.fillType delegateWork(0.95) { for ((index, vec) in blocks.withIndex()) { markSuspensionPoint() val y = vec.y val blockType = when { y > floorHeight -> airType y == floorHeight -> floorType else -> fillType } world[vec].blockData = blockType setProgress((index + 1) / blockCount) } } delegateWork { val entities = getEntities(region) for ((index, entity) in entities.withIndex()) { if (entity is Player) continue entity.remove() setProgress((index + 1) / entities.size.toDouble()) } } } override fun getParcelsWithOwnerBlockIn(chunk: Chunk): Collection { /* * Get the offsets for the world out of the way * to simplify the calculation that follows. */ val x = chunk.x.shl(4) - (o.offsetX + pathOffset) val z = chunk.z.shl(4) - (o.offsetZ + pathOffset) /* Locations of wall corners (where owner blocks are placed) are defined as: * * x umod sectionSize == sectionSize-1 * * This check needs to be made for all 16 slices of the chunk in 2 dimensions * How to optimize this? * Let's take the expression * * x umod sectionSize * * And call it modX * x can be shifted (chunkSize -1) times to attempt to get a modX of 0. * This means that if the modX is 1, and sectionSize == (chunkSize-1), there would be a match at the last shift. * To check that there are any matches, we can see if the following holds: * * modX >= ((sectionSize-1) - (chunkSize-1)) * * Which can be simplified to: * modX >= sectionSize - chunkSize * * if sectionSize == chunkSize, this expression can be simplified to * modX >= 0 * which is always true. This is expected. * To get the total number of matches on a dimension, we can evaluate the following: * * (modX - (sectionSize - chunkSize) + sectionSize) / sectionSize * * We add sectionSize to the lhs because, if the other part of the lhs is 0, we need at least 1. * This can be simplified to: * * (modX + chunkSize) / sectionSize */ val sectionSize = sectionSize val modX = x umod sectionSize val matchesOnDimensionX = (modX + chunkSize) / sectionSize if (matchesOnDimensionX <= 0) return emptyList() val modZ = z umod sectionSize val matchesOnDimensionZ = (modZ + chunkSize) / sectionSize if (matchesOnDimensionZ <= 0) return emptyList() /* * Now we need to find the first id within the matches, * and then return the subsequent matches in a rectangle following it. * * On each dimension, get the distance to the first match, which is equal to (sectionSize-1 - modX) * and add it to the coordinate value */ val firstX = x + (sectionSize - 1 - modX) val firstZ = z + (sectionSize - 1 - modZ) val firstIdX = (firstX + 1) / sectionSize + 1 val firstIdZ = (firstZ + 1) / sectionSize + 1 if (matchesOnDimensionX == 1 && matchesOnDimensionZ == 1) { // fast-path optimization return listOf(Vec2i(firstIdX, firstIdZ)) } return (0 until matchesOnDimensionX).flatMap { idOffsetX -> (0 until matchesOnDimensionZ).map { idOffsetZ -> Vec2i(firstIdX + idOffsetX, firstIdZ + idOffsetZ) } } } } }