package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl import io.dico.parcels2.* import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.Schematic import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Region import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3d import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i import io.dico.parcels2.util.schedule import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope import kotlinx.coroutines.launch import org.bukkit.Bukkit import org.bukkit.World import org.bukkit.WorldCreator import org.bukkit.entity.Entity import org.bukkit.util.Vector import org.joda.time.DateTime class ParcelProviderImpl(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : ParcelProvider { inline val options get() = plugin.options override val worlds: Map get() = _worlds private val _worlds: MutableMap = hashMapOf() private val _generators: MutableMap = hashMapOf() private var _worldsLoaded = false private var _dataIsLoaded = false // disabled while !_dataIsLoaded. getParcelById() will work though for data loading. override fun getWorld(name: String): ParcelWorld? = _worlds[name]?.takeIf { _dataIsLoaded } override fun getWorldById(id: ParcelWorldId): ParcelWorld? { if (id is ParcelWorld) return id return _worlds[] ?: id.bukkitWorld?.let { getWorld(it) } } override fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel? { if (id is Parcel) return id return getWorldById(id.worldId)?.container?.getParcelById(id.x, id.z) } override fun getWorldGenerator(worldName: String): ParcelGenerator? { return _worlds[worldName]?.generator ?: _generators[worldName] ?: options.worlds[worldName]?.generator?.newInstance(worldName)?.also { _generators[worldName] = it } } override fun loadWorlds() { if (_worldsLoaded) throw IllegalStateException() _worldsLoaded = true loadWorlds0() } private fun loadWorlds0() { if (Bukkit.getWorlds().isEmpty()) { plugin.schedule { loadWorlds0() } plugin.logger.warning("Scheduling to load worlds in the next tick because no bukkit worlds are loaded yet") return } val newlyCreatedWorlds = mutableListOf() for ((worldName, worldOptions) in options.worlds.entries) { var parcelWorld = _worlds[worldName] if (parcelWorld != null) continue val generator: ParcelGenerator = getWorldGenerator(worldName)!! val worldExists = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName) != null val bukkitWorld = if (worldExists) Bukkit.getWorld(worldName)!! else {"Creating world $worldName") WorldCreator(worldName).generator(generator).createWorld() } parcelWorld = ParcelWorldImpl(plugin, bukkitWorld, generator, worldOptions.runtime, ::DefaultParcelContainer) if (!worldExists) { val time =, time) parcelWorld.creationTime = time newlyCreatedWorlds.add(parcelWorld) } else { GlobalScope.launch(context = Dispatchers.Unconfined) { parcelWorld.creationTime = ?: } } _worlds[worldName] = parcelWorld } loadStoredData(newlyCreatedWorlds.toSet()) } private fun loadStoredData(newlyCreatedWorlds: Collection = emptyList()) { plugin.launch { val migration = plugin.options.migration if (migration.enabled) { migration.instance?.newInstance()?.apply { logger.warn("Migrating database now...") migrateTo( logger.warn("Migration completed") if (migration.disableWhenComplete) { migration.enabled = false plugin.saveOptions() } } }"Loading all parcel data...") val job1 = launch { val channel = while (true) { val (id, data) = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break val parcel = getParcelById(id) ?: continue data?.let { parcel.copyData(it, callerIsDatabase = true) } } } val channel2 = while (true) { val (profile, data) = channel2.receiveOrNull() ?: break if (profile !is PrivilegeKey) { logger.error("Received profile that is not a privilege key: ${profile.javaClass}, $profile") continue } (plugin.globalPrivileges[profile] as PrivilegesHolder).copyPrivilegesFrom(data) } job1.join()"Loading data completed") _dataIsLoaded = true } } override fun acquireBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit): Boolean { val parcel = getParcelById(parcelId) as? ParcelImpl ?: return true return parcel.acquireBlockVisitorPermit(with) } override fun releaseBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit) { val parcel = getParcelById(parcelId) as? ParcelImpl ?: return parcel.releaseBlockVisitorPermit(with) } override fun trySubmitBlockVisitor(permit: Permit, vararg parcelIds: ParcelId, function: JobFunction): Job? { val withPermit = parcelIds.filter { acquireBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) } if (withPermit.size != parcelIds.size) { withPermit.forEach { releaseBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) } return null } val job = plugin.jobDispatcher.dispatch(function) plugin.launch { job.awaitCompletion() withPermit.forEach { releaseBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) } } return job } override fun swapParcels(parcelId1: ParcelId, parcelId2: ParcelId): Job? { val world1 = getWorldById(parcelId1.worldId) ?: return null val world2 = getWorldById(parcelId2.worldId) ?: return null val blockManager1 = world1.blockManager val blockManager2 = world2.blockManager class CopyTarget(val world: World, val region: Region) class CopySource(val origin: Vec3i, val schematic: Schematic, val entities: Collection) suspend fun JobScope.copy(source: CopySource, target: CopyTarget) { with(source.schematic) { paste(, target.region.origin) } for (entity in source.entities) { entity.velocity = Vector(0, 0, 0) val location = entity.location = val coords = target.region.origin + (Vec3d(entity.location) - source.origin) coords.copyInto(location) entity.teleport(location) } } return trySubmitBlockVisitor(Permit(), parcelId1, parcelId2) { val temporaryParcel = world1.nextEmptyParcel() ?: world2.nextEmptyParcel() ?: return@trySubmitBlockVisitor var region1 = blockManager1.getRegion(parcelId1) var region2 = blockManager2.getRegion(parcelId2) val size = region1.size.clampMax(region2.size) if (size != region1.size) { region1 = region1.withSize(size) region2 = region2.withSize(size) } // Teleporting entities safely requires a different approach: // * Copy schematic1 into temporary location // * Teleport entities1 into temporary location // * Copy schematic2 into parcel1 // * Teleport entities2 into parcel1 // * Copy schematic1 into parcel2 // * Teleport entities1 into parcel2 // * Clear temporary location lateinit var source1: CopySource lateinit var source2: CopySource delegateWork(0.30) { val schematicOf1 = delegateWork(0.50) { Schematic().apply { load(, region1) } } val schematicOf2 = delegateWork(0.50) { Schematic().apply { load(, region2) } } source1 = CopySource(region1.origin, schematicOf1, blockManager1.getEntities(region1)) source2 = CopySource(region2.origin, schematicOf2, blockManager2.getEntities(region2)) } val target1 = CopyTarget(, region1) val target2 = CopyTarget(, region2) val targetTemp = CopyTarget(, ) delegateWork { delegateWork(1.0 / 3.0) { copy(source1, targetTemp) } delegateWork(1.0 / 3.0) { copy(source2, target1) } delegateWork(1.0 / 3.0) { copy(source1, target2) } } // Separate job. Whatever } } /* fun loadWorlds(options: Options) { for ((worldName, worldOptions) in options.worlds.entries) { val world: ParcelWorld try { world = ParcelWorldImpl( worldName, worldOptions, worldOptions.generator.newGenerator(this, worldName),, plugin.globalPrivileges, ::DefaultParcelContainer) } catch (ex: Exception) { ex.printStackTrace() continue } _worlds[worldName] = world } plugin.functionHelper.schedule(10) { println("Parcels generating parcelProvider now") for ((name, world) in _worlds) { if (Bukkit.getWorld(name) == null) { val bworld = WorldCreator(name).generator(world.generator).createWorld() val spawn = world.generator.getFixedSpawnLocation(bworld, null) bworld.setSpawnLocation(spawn.x.floor(), spawn.y.floor(), spawn.z.floor()) } } val channel = val job = plugin.functionHelper.launchLazilyOnMainThread { do { val pair = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break val parcel = getParcelById(pair.first) ?: continue pair.second?.let { parcel.copyDataIgnoringDatabase(it) } } while (true) } job.start() } } */ }