package import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource import io.dico.parcels2.* import io.dico.parcels2.util.Vec2i import io.dico.parcels2.util.toByteArray import io.dico.parcels2.util.toUUID import kotlinx.coroutines.experimental.channels.ProducerScope import* import import import import org.joda.time.DateTime import java.util.* import javax.sql.DataSource object WorldsT : Table("worlds") { val id = integer("world_id").autoIncrement().primaryKey() val name = varchar("name", 50) val uid = binary("uid", 16) val index_uid = uniqueIndexR("index_uid", uid) } object ParcelsT : Table("parcels") { val id = integer("parcel_id").autoIncrement().primaryKey() val px = integer("px") val pz = integer("pz") val world_id = integer("world_id").references( val owner_uuid = binary("owner_uuid", 16).nullable() val owner_name = varchar("owner_name", 16).nullable() val claim_time = datetime("claim_time").nullable() val index_location = uniqueIndexR("index_location", world_id, px, pz) } object AddedLocalT : Table("parcels_added_local") { val parcel_id = integer("parcel_id").references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE) val player_uuid = binary("player_uuid", 16) val allowed_flag = bool("allowed_flag") val index_pair = uniqueIndexR("index_pair", parcel_id, player_uuid) } object AddedGlobalT : Table("parcels_added_global") { val owner_uuid = binary("owner_uuid", 16) val player_uuid = binary("player_uuid", 16) val allowed_flag = bool("allowed_flag") val index_pair = uniqueIndexR("index_pair", owner_uuid, player_uuid) } object ParcelOptionsT : Table("parcel_options") { val parcel_id = integer("parcel_id").primaryKey().references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE) val interact_inventory = bool("interact_inventory").default(false) val interact_inputs = bool("interact_inputs").default(false) } private class ExposedDatabaseException(message: String? = null) : Exception(message) @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE") class ExposedBacking(private val dataSourceFactory: () -> DataSource) : Backing { override val name get() = "Exposed" private var dataSource: DataSource? = null private var database: Database? = null private var isShutdown: Boolean = false override val isConnected get() = database != null companion object { init { Database.registerDialect("mariadb") { Class.forName("").newInstance() as DatabaseDialect } } } override suspend fun init() { if (isShutdown) throw IllegalStateException() dataSource = dataSourceFactory() database = Database.connect(dataSource!!) transaction(database) { create(WorldsT, ParcelsT, AddedLocalT, ParcelOptionsT) } } override suspend fun shutdown() { if (isShutdown) throw IllegalStateException() dataSource?.let { if (it is HikariDataSource) it.close() } database = null isShutdown = true } private fun transaction(statement: Transaction.() -> T) = transaction(database, statement) private inline fun Transaction.getWorldId(binaryUid: ByteArray): Int? { return { WorldsT.uid eq binaryUid }.firstOrNull()?.let { it[] } } private inline fun Transaction.getWorldId(worldUid: UUID): Int? { return getWorldId(worldUid.toByteArray()!!) } private inline fun Transaction.getOrInitWorldId(worldUid: UUID, worldName: String): Int { val binaryUid = worldUid.toByteArray()!! return getWorldId(binaryUid) ?: WorldsT.insert /*Ignore*/ { it[uid] = binaryUid; it[name] = worldName }.get( ?: throw ExposedDatabaseException("This should not happen - failed to insert world named $worldName and get its id") } private inline fun Transaction.getParcelId(worldId: Int, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int? { return { (ParcelsT.world_id eq worldId) and (ParcelsT.px eq parcelX) and (ParcelsT.pz eq parcelZ) } .firstOrNull()?.let { it[] } } private inline fun Transaction.getParcelId(worldUid: UUID, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int? { return getWorldId(worldUid)?.let { getParcelId(it, parcelX, parcelZ) } } private inline fun Transaction.getOrInitParcelId(worldUid: UUID, worldName: String, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int { val worldId = getOrInitWorldId(worldUid, worldName) return getParcelId(worldId, parcelX, parcelZ) ?: ParcelsT.insert /*Ignore*/ { it[world_id] = worldId; it[px] = parcelX; it[pz] = parcelZ }.get( ?: throw ExposedDatabaseException("This should not happen - failed to insert parcel at $worldName($parcelX, $parcelZ)") } private inline fun Transaction.getParcelRow(id: Int): ResultRow? { return { eq id }.firstOrNull() } fun Transaction.getWorldId(world: ParcelWorld): Int? { return getWorldId( } fun Transaction.getOrInitWorldId(world: ParcelWorld): Int { return { getOrInitWorldId(it.uid, } } fun Transaction.getParcelId(parcel: Parcel): Int? { return getParcelId(, parcel.pos.x, parcel.pos.z) } fun Transaction.getOrInitParcelId(parcel: Parcel): Int { return { getOrInitParcelId(it.uid,, parcel.pos.x, parcel.pos.z) } } fun Transaction.getParcelRow(parcel: Parcel): ResultRow? { return getParcelId(parcel)?.let { getParcelRow(it) } } override suspend fun ProducerScope>.produceParcelData(parcels: Sequence) { for (parcel in parcels) { val data = readParcelData(parcel) channel.send(parcel to data) } channel.close() } override suspend fun ProducerScope>.produceAllParcelData() { ParcelsT.selectAll().forEach { row -> val parcel = rowToSerializableParcel(row) ?: return@forEach val data = rowToParcelData(row) channel.send(parcel to data) } channel.close() } override suspend fun readParcelData(parcelFor: Parcel): ParcelData? = transaction { val row = getParcelRow(parcelFor) ?: return@transaction null rowToParcelData(row) } override suspend fun getOwnedParcels(user: ParcelOwner): List = transaction { val where: SqlExpressionBuilder.() -> Op if (user.uuid != null) { val binaryUuid = user.uuid.toByteArray() where = { ParcelsT.owner_uuid eq binaryUuid } } else { val name = where = { ParcelsT.owner_name eq name } } .orderBy(ParcelsT.claim_time, isAsc = true) .mapNotNull(::rowToSerializableParcel) .toList() } override suspend fun setParcelData(parcelFor: Parcel, data: ParcelData?) { if (data == null) { transaction { getParcelId(parcelFor)?.let { id -> ParcelsT.deleteIgnoreWhere() { eq id } // Below should cascade automatically /* AddedLocalT.deleteIgnoreWhere { AddedLocalT.parcel_id eq id } ParcelOptionsT.deleteIgnoreWhere(limit = 1) { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq id } */ } } return } val id = transaction { val id = getOrInitParcelId(parcelFor) AddedLocalT.deleteIgnoreWhere { AddedLocalT.parcel_id eq id } id } setParcelOwner(parcelFor, data.owner) for ((uuid, status) in data.added) { val state = status.asBoolean setParcelPlayerState(parcelFor, uuid, state) } setParcelAllowsInteractInputs(parcelFor, data.allowInteractInputs) setParcelAllowsInteractInventory(parcelFor, data.allowInteractInventory) } override suspend fun setParcelOwner(parcelFor: Parcel, owner: ParcelOwner?) = transaction { val binaryUuid = owner?.uuid?.toByteArray() val name = owner?.name val time = owner?.let { } val id = if (owner == null) getParcelId(parcelFor) ?: return@transaction else getOrInitParcelId(parcelFor) ParcelsT.update({ eq id }) { it[ParcelsT.owner_uuid] = binaryUuid it[ParcelsT.owner_name] = name it[ParcelsT.claim_time] = time } } override suspend fun setParcelPlayerState(parcelFor: Parcel, player: UUID, state: Boolean?) = transaction { val binaryUuid = player.toByteArray()!! if (state == null) { getParcelId(parcelFor)?.let { id -> AddedLocalT.deleteWhere { (AddedLocalT.parcel_id eq id) and (AddedLocalT.player_uuid eq binaryUuid) } } return@transaction } val id = getOrInitParcelId(parcelFor) AddedLocalT.upsert(AddedLocalT.parcel_id) { it[AddedLocalT.parcel_id] = id it[AddedLocalT.player_uuid] = binaryUuid } } override suspend fun setParcelAllowsInteractInventory(parcel: Parcel, value: Boolean): Unit = transaction { val id = getOrInitParcelId(parcel) /*ParcelOptionsT.upsert(ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id) { it[ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id] = id it[ParcelOptionsT.interact_inventory] = value }*/ ParcelOptionsT.upsert(ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id) { it[ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id] = id it[ParcelOptionsT.interact_inventory] = value } } override suspend fun setParcelAllowsInteractInputs(parcel: Parcel, value: Boolean): Unit = transaction { val id = getOrInitParcelId(parcel) ParcelOptionsT.upsert(ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id) { it[ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id] = id it[ParcelOptionsT.interact_inputs] = value } } override suspend fun readGlobalPlayerStateData(owner: ParcelOwner): AddedData? { TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates. } override suspend fun setGlobalPlayerState(owner: ParcelOwner, player: UUID, state: Boolean?) { TODO("not implemented") //To change body of created functions use File | Settings | File Templates. } private fun rowToSerializableParcel(row: ResultRow): SerializableParcel? { val worldId = row[ParcelsT.world_id] val worldRow = { eq worldId }.firstOrNull() ?: return null val world = SerializableWorld(worldRow[], worldRow[WorldsT.uid].toUUID()) return SerializableParcel(world, Vec2i(row[ParcelsT.px], row[ParcelsT.pz])) } private fun rowToParcelData(row: ResultRow) = ParcelDataHolder().apply { owner = ParcelOwner.create( uuid = row[ParcelsT.owner_uuid]?.toUUID(), name = row[ParcelsT.owner_name], time = row[ParcelsT.claim_time] ) val parcelId = row[] { AddedLocalT.parcel_id eq parcelId }.forEach { val uuid = it[AddedLocalT.player_uuid].toUUID()!! val status = if (it[AddedLocalT.allowed_flag]) AddedStatus.ALLOWED else AddedStatus.BANNED setAddedStatus(uuid, status) } { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq parcelId }.firstOrNull()?.let { allowInteractInputs = it[ParcelOptionsT.interact_inputs] allowInteractInventory = it[ParcelOptionsT.interact_inventory] } } }