@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "PARAMETER_NAME_CHANGED_ON_OVERRIDE", "LocalVariableName", "UNUSED_EXPRESSION") package io.dico.parcels2.storage.exposed import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource import io.dico.parcels2.* import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile.Star.name import io.dico.parcels2.storage.* import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.ext.clampMax import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.synchronized import kotlinx.coroutines.* import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ArrayChannel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.LinkedListChannel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.* import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.SchemaUtils.create import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.transactions.transaction import org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.vendors.DatabaseDialect import org.joda.time.DateTime import java.util.UUID import javax.sql.DataSource class ExposedDatabaseException(message: String? = null) : Exception(message) class ExposedBacking(private val dataSourceFactory: () -> DataSource, val poolSize: Int) : Backing, CoroutineScope { override val name get() = "Exposed" override val coroutineContext = Job() + newFixedThreadPoolContext(poolSize, "Parcels StorageThread") private var dataSource: DataSource? = null private var database: Database? = null private var isShutdown: Boolean = false override val isConnected get() = database != null override fun launchJob(job: Backing.() -> Unit): Job = launch { transaction { job() } } override fun launchFuture(future: Backing.() -> T): Deferred = async { transaction { future() } } override fun openChannel(future: Backing.(SendChannel) -> Unit): ReceiveChannel { val channel = LinkedListChannel() launchJob { future(channel) } return channel } override fun openChannelForWriting(action: Backing.(T) -> Unit): SendChannel { val channel = ArrayChannel(poolSize * 2) repeat(poolSize.clampMax(3)) { launch { try { while (true) { action(channel.receive()) } } catch (ex: Exception) { // channel closed } } } return channel } private fun transaction(statement: Transaction.() -> T) = transaction(database!!, statement) companion object { init { Database.registerDialect("mariadb") { Class.forName("org.jetbrains.exposed.sql.vendors.MysqlDialect").newInstance() as DatabaseDialect } } } override fun init() { synchronized { if (isShutdown || isConnected) throw IllegalStateException() dataSource = dataSourceFactory() database = Database.connect(dataSource!!) transaction(database!!) { create(WorldsT, ProfilesT, ParcelsT, ParcelOptionsT, PrivilegesLocalT, PrivilegesGlobalT) } } } override fun shutdown() { synchronized { if (isShutdown) throw IllegalStateException() isShutdown = true coroutineContext[Job]!!.cancel(CancellationException("ExposedBacking shutdown")) dataSource?.let { (it as? HikariDataSource)?.close() } database = null } } @Suppress("RedundantObjectTypeCheck") private fun PlayerProfile.toOwnerProfile(): PlayerProfile { if (this is PlayerProfile.Star) return PlayerProfile.Fake(name) return this } private fun PlayerProfile.Unresolved.toResolvedProfile(): PlayerProfile.Real { return resolve(getPlayerUuidForName(name) ?: throwException()) } private fun PlayerProfile.toResolvedProfile(): PlayerProfile { if (this is PlayerProfile.Unresolved) return toResolvedProfile() return this } private fun PlayerProfile.toRealProfile(): PlayerProfile.Real = when (this) { is PlayerProfile.Real -> this is PlayerProfile.Fake -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Fake profiles are not accepted") is PlayerProfile.Unresolved -> toResolvedProfile() else -> throw InternalError("Case should not be reached") } override fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): DateTime? { return WorldsT.getWorldCreationTime(worldId) } override fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime) { WorldsT.setWorldCreationTime(worldId, time) } override fun getPlayerUuidForName(name: String): UUID? { return ProfilesT.slice(ProfilesT.uuid).select { ProfilesT.name.upperCase() eq name.toUpperCase() } .firstOrNull()?.let { it[ProfilesT.uuid]?.toUUID() } } override fun updatePlayerName(uuid: UUID, name: String) { val binaryUuid = uuid.toByteArray() ProfilesT.upsert(ProfilesT.uuid) { it[ProfilesT.uuid] = binaryUuid it[ProfilesT.name] = name } } override fun transmitParcelData(channel: SendChannel, parcels: Sequence) { for (parcel in parcels) { val data = readParcelData(parcel) channel.offer(parcel to data) } channel.close() } override fun transmitAllParcelData(channel: SendChannel) { ParcelsT.selectAll().forEach { row -> val parcel = ParcelsT.getItem(row) ?: return@forEach val data = rowToParcelData(row) channel.offer(parcel to data) } channel.close() } override fun readParcelData(parcel: ParcelId): ParcelData? { val row = ParcelsT.getRow(parcel) ?: return null return rowToParcelData(row) } override fun getOwnedParcels(user: PlayerProfile): List { val user_id = ProfilesT.getId(user.toOwnerProfile()) ?: return emptyList() return ParcelsT.select { ParcelsT.owner_id eq user_id } .orderBy(ParcelsT.claim_time, isAsc = true) .mapNotNull(ParcelsT::getItem) .toList() } override fun setParcelData(parcel: ParcelId, data: ParcelData?) { if (data == null) { transaction { ParcelsT.getId(parcel)?.let { id -> ParcelsT.deleteIgnoreWhere { ParcelsT.id eq id } // Below should cascade automatically /* PrivilegesLocalT.deleteIgnoreWhere { PrivilegesLocalT.parcel_id eq id } ParcelOptionsT.deleteIgnoreWhere(limit = 1) { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq id } */ } } return } transaction { val id = ParcelsT.getOrInitId(parcel) PrivilegesLocalT.deleteIgnoreWhere { PrivilegesLocalT.attach_id eq id } } setParcelOwner(parcel, data.owner) for ((profile, privilege) in data.privilegeMap) { PrivilegesLocalT.setPrivilege(parcel, profile, privilege) } data.privilegeOfStar.takeIf { it != Privilege.DEFAULT }?.let { privilege -> PrivilegesLocalT.setPrivilege(parcel, PlayerProfile.Star, privilege) } setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel, data.interactableConfig) } override fun setParcelOwner(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?) { val id = if (owner == null) ParcelsT.getId(parcel) ?: return else ParcelsT.getOrInitId(parcel) val owner_id = owner?.let { ProfilesT.getOrInitId(it.toOwnerProfile()) } val time = owner?.let { DateTime.now() } ParcelsT.update({ ParcelsT.id eq id }) { it[ParcelsT.owner_id] = owner_id it[claim_time] = time it[sign_oudated] = false } } override fun setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel: ParcelId, outdated: Boolean) { val id = ParcelsT.getId(parcel) ?: return ParcelsT.update({ ParcelsT.id eq id }) { it[sign_oudated] = outdated } } override fun setLocalPrivilege(parcel: ParcelId, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege) { PrivilegesLocalT.setPrivilege(parcel, player.toRealProfile(), privilege) } override fun setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel: ParcelId, config: InteractableConfiguration) { val bitmaskArray = (config as? BitmaskInteractableConfiguration ?: return).bitmaskArray val isAllZero = !bitmaskArray.fold(false) { cur, elem -> cur || elem != 0 } if (isAllZero) { val id = ParcelsT.getId(parcel) ?: return ParcelOptionsT.deleteWhere { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq id } return } if (bitmaskArray.size != 1) throw IllegalArgumentException() val array = bitmaskArray.toByteArray() val id = ParcelsT.getOrInitId(parcel) ParcelOptionsT.upsert(ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id) { it[parcel_id] = id it[interact_bitmask] = array } } override fun transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(channel: SendChannel>) { PrivilegesGlobalT.sendAllPrivilegesH(channel) channel.close() } override fun readGlobalPrivileges(owner: PlayerProfile): PrivilegesHolder? { return PrivilegesGlobalT.readPrivileges(ProfilesT.getId(owner.toOwnerProfile()) ?: return null) } override fun setGlobalPrivilege(owner: PlayerProfile, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege) { PrivilegesGlobalT.setPrivilege(owner, player.toRealProfile(), privilege) } private fun rowToParcelData(row: ResultRow) = ParcelDataHolder().apply { owner = row[ParcelsT.owner_id]?.let { ProfilesT.getItem(it) } lastClaimTime = row[ParcelsT.claim_time] ownerSignOutdated = row[ParcelsT.sign_oudated] val id = row[ParcelsT.id] ParcelOptionsT.select { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { optrow -> val source = optrow[ParcelOptionsT.interact_bitmask].toIntArray() val target = (interactableConfig as? BitmaskInteractableConfiguration ?: return@let).bitmaskArray System.arraycopy(source, 0, target, 0, source.size.clampMax(target.size)) } val privileges = PrivilegesLocalT.readPrivileges(id) if (privileges != null) { copyPrivilegesFrom(privileges) } } }