class ForumgroupsController < ApplicationController def index redirect_to forums_path end def show if request.format.html? redirect_to forums_path + "#group-#{params[:id].to_i}" else fg = Forumgroup.find_by(id: params[:id]) respond_to {|format| format.json {render json: (fg.attributes.to_json if fg.try(:can_read?, :current_user))}} end end def edit if admin? @group = Forumgroup.find(params[:id]) else flash[:alert] = "You are not allowed to edit forum groups." end end def update if admin? @group = Forumgroup.find(params[:id]) if @group.update_attributes(group_params) flash[:notice] = "Forum group updated" redirect_to @group else flash[:alert] = "Something went wrong" render :edit end else flash[:alert] = "You are not allowed to change forum groups" end end def new if admin? @group = else flash[:alert] = "You are not allowed to create forum groups." redirect_to forums_path end end def create if admin? @group = if flash[:notice] = "Forum group created." redirect_to @group else flash[:alert] = "Something went wrong" render :new end else flash[:alert] = "You are not allowed to create forum groups." redirect_to forums_path end end def destroy if admin? @group = Forumgroup.find(params[:id]) if @group.destroy flash[:notice] = "forum group deleted." else flash[:alert] = "Something went wrong" end else flash[:alert] = "You are not allowed to delete forum groups." end redirect_to forums_path end private def group_params(add = []) a = [:name, :position, :role_read_id, :role_write_id] + add params.require(:forumgroup).permit(a) end end