class InfoController < ApplicationController before_filter :set_info, except: [:index, :new, :create] before_filter :auth, except: [:index, :show] def index @info = Info.order(:title).page(params[:page]) end def show @prev = Info.where(["title < ?", @info.title]).order(:title).last || Info.order(:title).last @next = Info.where(["title > ?", @info.title]).order(:title).first || Info.order(:title).first end def new @info = end def edit end def create @info = if redirect_to @info, notice: 'Info has been created.' else flash[:alert] = "Error creating info" render action: "new" end end def update @info.attributes = info_params() if redirect_to @info, notice: 'Info has been updated.' else flash[:alert] = "There was a problem while updating the info" render action: "edit" end end def destroy if @info.destroy flash[:notice] = "Info deleted!" else flash[:alert] = "There was a problem while deleting this info" end redirect_to info_index_path end private def info_params(add = []) a = [:title, :content] a += add params.require(:info).permit(a) end def set_info @info = Info.find(params[:id]) end def auth unless mod? flash[:alert] = "You are not allowed to edit info!" redirect_to @info ? @info : info_index_path end end end