class Forumthread < ActiveRecord::Base include MailerHelper include UsersHelper belongs_to :forum belongs_to :user_author, class_name: "User", foreign_key: "user_author_id" belongs_to :user_editor, class_name: "User", foreign_key: "user_editor_id" belongs_to :label has_many :threadreplies validates_presence_of :title, :author, :forum validates_presence_of :content validates_length_of :content, in: 5..20000 accepts_nested_attributes_for :threadreplies def to_s title end def author @author ||= (user_author || User.first) end def editor @editor ||= (self.user_editor || User.first) end def edited? !!user_editor_id end def replies threadreplies end def can_read?(user) # we might have threads without a forum # e.g. forum deleted forum && (forum.can_read?(user) || (forum.can_write?(user) && self.sticky?) || author == user) end def can_write?(user) # unlike forums, you shouldn't be able to write when you can't read can_read?(user) && forum.can_write?(user) && (!locked? || user.mod?) end def send_new_mention_mail(old_content = "") new_mentions = mentions(content) - mentions(old_content) mails = [] new_mentions.each do |user| begin mails << RedstonerMailer.new_thread_mention_mail(user, self) if user.normal? && user.confirmed? && self.can_read?(user) && user.mail_mention? rescue => e Rails.logger.error "---" Rails.logger.error "WARNING: Failed to create new_thread_mention_mail (view) for reply#: #{}, user: #{}, #{}" Rails.logger.error e.message Rails.logger.error "---" end end background_mailer(mails) end def to_param [id, to_s.parameterize].join("-") end def self.filter (user, title, content, reply, label, author, query, forum) order_phrase = query || [title, content, reply].select(&:present?).join(" ") user_id = user.try(:id).to_i role_value = user.try(:role).to_i can_read = "(COALESCE(forum_role_read.value, 0) <= ? AND COALESCE(forumgroup_role_read.value, 0) <= ?)" # A user can view sticky threads in write-only forums without read permissions. sticky_can_write = "sticky = true AND (COALESCE(forum_role_write.value, 0) <= ? AND COALESCE(forumgroup_role_write.value, 0) <= ?)" match = ["MATCH (title, forumthreads.content) AGAINST (#{Forumthread.sanitize(order_phrase)})", "MATCH (threadreplies.content) AGAINST (#{Forumthread.sanitize(order_phrase)})", "MATCH (title, forumthreads.content) AGAINST (?) OR MATCH (threadreplies.content) AGAINST (?)", "MATCH (title) AGAINST (?)", "MATCH (forumthreads.content) AGAINST (?)", "MATCH (threadreplies.content) AGAINST (?)"] threads = forum.try(:forumthreads) || Forumthread threads ="forumthreads.*", "#{match[0]} AS relevance", "#{match[1]} AS reply_rel") threads = threads.joins(forum: :forumgroup) .joins("LEFT JOIN threadreplies ON = threadreplies.forumthread_id") .joins("LEFT JOIN roles as forum_role_read ON forums.role_read_id =") .joins("LEFT JOIN roles as forum_role_write ON forums.role_write_id =") .joins("LEFT JOIN roles as forumgroup_role_read ON forumgroups.role_read_id =") .joins("LEFT JOIN roles as forumgroup_role_write ON forumgroups.role_write_id =") threads = threads.where("forumthreads.user_author_id = ? OR (#{can_read}) OR (#{sticky_can_write}) OR (?)", user_id, role_value, role_value, role_value, role_value, Forum.find(forum).can_read?(user)) if query threads = threads.where("#{match[2]}", query[0..99], query[0..99]) elsif [title, content, reply].any? threads = threads.where("#{match[3]}", title[0..99]) if title threads = threads.where("#{match[4]}", content[0..99]) if content threads = threads.where("#{match[5]}", reply[0..99]) if reply end if label.try(:downcase) == "no label" threads = threads.where(label: nil) elsif label && l = Label.find_by(name: label) threads = threads.where(label: l) end threads = threads.where(user_author: author) if author threads ="") if order_phrase.present? threads = threads.order("GREATEST(relevance, reply_rel) DESC") else threads = threads.order("sticky DESC", " DESC", " DESC") end threads end end