
Running a server is really stressful and requires a lot of work.
Donating keeps us motivated to do all the work, pay eventual bills, etc.

Donations are made via PayPal. We will eventually add more payment methods if we get many requests. (Use the forums)

If you cannot, or do not want to donate, that's totally fine!
Just thank us for running the server, it barely happens but really makes us happy :)

While we do appreciate every amount of donation, we have decided to create two special ranks:

We also have a <%= link_to "list of users who donated", users_path(donor: "") %> already!

Perks for you

For Donator and Donator+

sponsor's skin

Donate to our server sponsor

PotatoKek pays for the server hardware. You can help him by donating here.

<% if current_user %> <% else %> <% end %>

Please note that you are not buying anything. We do not guarantee for these perks, however, we will try hard to make sure you'll get them! Donations are processed manually, it can take a few hours.