from helpers import * from basecommands import simplecommand, Validate, CommandException from time import sleep from collections import deque import thread import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent as BlockBreakEvent import org.bukkit.block.Furnace as Furnace import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack as ItemStack import org.bukkit.Material as Material import org.bukkit.event.block.Action as Action import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace as BlockFace import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitRunnable as BukkitRunnable """ # Permissions: # - utils.toggle: for use of the command # - utils.toggle.cauldron # - utils.toggle.slab # - utils.toggle.furnace # - utils.toggle.piston # - utils.toggle.dropper # - utils.toggle.hopper """ settingInformation = dict( #[setting type, identifying description, detailed description, aliases, (optional) max slot id], setting types: 0 = toggle, default on. 1 = Set your setting to held itemstack, 2 = toggle, default off cauldron = [0, "easy cauldron water level control", "Toggles whether cauldrons auto-fill upon placement and whether right clicking them with redstone dust or empty hand will cycle their water level", ["caul", "water"] ], slab = [0, "automatically flipping placed slabs upside-down", "Toggles whether slabs/steps which you place should be automatically flipped upside-down", ["step"] ], furnace = [1, "automatically filling furnaces upon placement", "Sets your preferred default furnace contents to your currently held itemstack. Use an empty hand to empty a slot, or /toggle furnace clear to clear all slots.", ["cooker", "fillf"], 2 ], torch = [0, "removal of torches you place on redstone blocks", "Toggles whether redstone torches which you place on redstone blocks will be deleted after a short amount of delay.", ["redstonetorch", "tor"] ], piston = [2, "rotating pistons, droppers and hoppers to face the block you place them against", "Toggles whether pistons or sticky pistons which you place will be rotated to face the block which you placed them against.", ["invert", "rp"] ], dropper = [1, "automatically filling droppers upon placement", "Sets your preferred default dropper contents to your currently held itemstack. Use an empty hand to empty a slot, or /toggle dropper clear to clear all slots.", ["itemshooter", "filld"], 8 ], hopper = [1, "automatically filling hoppers upon placement", "Sets your preferred default hopper contents to your currently held itemstack. Use an empty hand to empty a slot, or /toggle hopper clear to clear all slots.", ["itemtransporter", "fillh"], 4 ] ) defaults = { 0: list, 1: dict, 2: list } piston_faces = { BlockFace.DOWN : 0, BlockFace.UP : 1, BlockFace.NORTH : 2, BlockFace.SOUTH : 3, BlockFace.WEST : 4, BlockFace.EAST : 5 } torch_faces = { 1: BlockFace.WEST, 2: BlockFace.EAST, 3: BlockFace.NORTH, 4: BlockFace.SOUTH, 5: BlockFace.DOWN } playerSettings = open_json_file("blockplacemods", {}) for setting, details in settingInformation.iteritems(): if playerSettings.get(setting) == None: playerSettings[setting] = defaults[details[0]]() def get(setting): return playerSettings[setting] def saveSettings(): save_json_file("blockplacemods", playerSettings) def getSettingDetails(arg): try: arg = arg.lower() for setting, details in settingInformation.iteritems(): if setting == arg or arg in details[3]: return (setting, details) except: error(trace()) raise CommandException(" &cThat setting could not be found.\n For command help, use &o/toggle &cor &o/set") @simplecommand("toggle", aliases = ["setting", "set", "config"], usage = " [value|info]", description = "Toggles or sets your preferences for our redstone \nutilities. The following settings are available:\n" + ", ".join([x for x in settingInformation]), senderLimit = 0, helpNoargs = True, helpSubcmd = True, amax = 2) def toggle_command(sender, command, label, args): setting, details = getSettingDetails(args[0]) Validate.isAuthorized(sender, "utils.toggle." + setting, "that setting") values = get(setting) player = server.getPlayer(sender.getName()) uuid = uid(player) arglen = len(args) if details[0] in (0,2): # Toggle default = details[0] == 0 # If True: toggle on if list doesn't contain the uuid enabled = (uuid not in values) == default #Invert if details[0] == 2 (toggle disabled by default) new = None if arglen == 1: new = not enabled else: arg2 = args[1].lower() if arg2 == "info": return " &aSetting %s:\n &9%s\n &6Accepted arguments: [on|enable|off|disable|toggle|switch|info]\n &6Aliases: %s" % (setting, details[2], ", ".join(details[3])) elif arg2 in ("toggle", "switch"): new = not enabled elif arg2 in ("on", "enable"): new = True elif arg2 in ("off", "disable"): new = False else: return " &cArgument '%s' was not recognized. \n Use &o/toggle %s info &cfor more information" % (arg2, setting) if enabled is new: return " &cAlready %s: &a%s" % ("enabled" if enabled else "disabled", details[1]) if new is default: values.remove(uuid) else: values.append(uuid) saveSettings() return (" &aEnabled " if new else " &aDisabled ") + details[1] elif details[0] == 1: # Save ItemStack in hand arg2 = args[1].lower() if arglen > 1 else "" enabled = uuid in values if arg2 == "clear": if enabled: del values[uuid] saveSettings() return " &aDisabled " + details[1] return " &cAlready disabled: " + details[1] if arg2 == "info": return " &aSetting %s:\n &9%s \n&6Accepted arguments: [|clear|details]" % (setting, details[2]) slot = int(arg2) if arg2.isdigit() else 0 if not (0 <= slot <= details[4]): return " &cSlot number must be more than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to %s!" % details[4] item = fromStack(player.getItemInHand()) if item[0] == 0 or item[1] <= 0: if enabled: items = values[uuid] if slot in items: del items[slot] if len(items) == 0: del items saveSettings() return " &aDisabled " + details[1] saveSettings() return " &aCleared slot %s of setting %s" % (slot, setting) return " &cSlot %s of setting %s was already cleared!" % (slot, setting) return " &cAlready disabled: " + details[1] if arglen == 2 and not arg2.isdigit(): return " &cArgument '%s' was not recognized. \nUse &o/toggle %s details &cfor more detailsrmation." % (arg2, setting) if not enabled: values[uuid] = {} values[uuid][slot] = item saveSettings() return ((" &aEnabled setting %s, S" % setting) if len(values[uuid]) == 1 else " &aS") + "et itemstack in slot %s to item in hand" % (slot) return None #This shouldn't happen def fromStack(itemStack): return [itemStack.getTypeId(), itemStack.getAmount(), itemStack.getData().getData()] def toStack(lst): return ItemStack(lst[0], lst[1], lst[2]) def isEnabled(toggleSetting, uuid): return (uuid not in get(toggleSetting)) == (settingInformation[toggleSetting][0] == 0) #Invert if off by default @hook.event("block.BlockPlaceEvent", "monitor") def on_block_place(event): try: if event.isCancelled(): return player = event.getPlayer() if not is_creative(player): return uuid = uid(player) block = event.getBlockPlaced() material = block.getType() if (material in (Material.WOOD_STEP, Material.STEP) and isEnabled("slab", uuid) and player.hasPermission("utils.toggle.slab") and block.getData() < 8 ): block.setData(block.getData() + 8) # Flip upside down elif (material == Material.CAULDRON and isEnabled("cauldron", uuid) and player.hasPermission("utils.toggle.cauldron") ): block.setData(3) #3 layers of water, 3 signal strength elif ((material == Material.FURNACE and player.hasPermission("utils.toggle.furnace")) or (material == Material.DROPPER and player.hasPermission("utils.toggle.dropper")) or (material == Material.HOPPER and player.hasPermission("utils.toggle.hopper")) ): stacks = get(str(material).lower()).get(uuid) if stacks != None: # Enabled state = block.getState() inv = state.getInventory() for slot, stack in stacks.iteritems(): inv.setItem(int(slot), toStack(stack)) state.update() elif (material == Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON and isEnabled("torch", uuid) and player.hasPermission("utils.toggle.torch") and block.getData() in torch_faces and block.getRelative(torch_faces[block.getData()]).getType() is Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK ): torches_to_break.append(block) elif (material in (Material.PISTON_BASE, Material.PISTON_STICKY_BASE) and isEnabled("piston", uuid) and player.hasPermission("utils.toggle.piston") ): block.setData(piston_faces[block.getFace(event.getBlockAgainst())]) except: error(trace()) @hook.event("player.PlayerInteractEvent", "monitor") def on_interact(event): player = event.getPlayer() if (isEnabled("cauldron", uid(player)) and player.hasPermission("utils.toggle.cauldron") and is_creative(player) and event.getAction() == Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK and (not event.hasItem() or event.getItem().getType() == Material.REDSTONE) and event.getClickedBlock().getType() == Material.CAULDRON ): block = event.getClickedBlock() event2 = BlockBreakEvent(block, player) server.getPluginManager().callEvent(event2) if not event2.isCancelled(): block.setData(block.getData() - 1 if block.getData() > 0 else 3) break_torches = True torches_to_break = deque() def stop_breaking_torches(): break_torches = False info("[BlockPlaceMods] Interrupted torch breaking thread") class JBukkitRunnable(BukkitRunnable): def __init__(self, func): = func def torch_breaker(): try: if break_torches: for i in range(len(torches_to_break)): block = torches_to_break.popleft() mat = block.getType() if mat == Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_OFF: block.setTypeId(0) elif mat == Material.REDSTONE_TORCH_ON: if block.getData() in torch_faces and block.getRelative(torch_faces[block.getData()]).getType() is Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK: torches_to_break.append(block) except: error(trace()) def schedule_torch_breaker(): JBukkitRunnable(torch_breaker).runTaskTimer(server.getPluginManager().getPlugin("RedstonerUtils"), 0, 1)