from helpers import * import threading import time calc_users = open_json_file("calc", []) math_operators = ["+", "-", "*", "/", "%", ">", "<", "^", "&", "|"] allowed_strings = ["0b", "0x", "(", ")", "hex(", "bin(", "abs(", "int(", "min(", "max(", "round(", "float("] allowed_alpha = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"] calc_perm = "utils.calc" calc_perm_power = "utils.calc.power" def calc(sender, text): try: return do_calc(sender, text.lower()) except: return None def do_calc(sender, text): """ extracts a mathematical expression from `text` returns (expression, result) or None """ expression = "" should_calc = False i = 0 while True: if i >= len(text): break char = text[i] if i < len(text) - 5 and str(char + text[i+1] + text[i+2] + text[i+3] + text[i+4] + text[i+5]) in allowed_strings: expression += char expression += text[i + 1] expression += text[i + 2] expression += text[i + 3] expression += text[i + 4] expression += text[i + 5] i += 5 should_calc = True elif i < len(text) - 3 and str(char + text[i+1] + text[i+2] + text[i+3]) in allowed_strings: expression += char expression += text[i + 1] expression += text[i + 2] expression += text[i + 3] i += 3 should_calc = True elif i < len(text) - 1 and str(char + text[i + 1]) in allowed_strings: expression += char expression += text[i + 1] i += 1 should_calc = True elif char.isdigit() or char in allowed_alpha or (expression and char == ".") or (should_calc and char == " ") or (should_calc and char == ","): expression += char should_calc = True elif char in math_operators or char in ["(", ")"]: # calculation must include at least 1 operator should_calc = True expression += char elif should_calc and char.isalpha(): # don't include any more text in the calculation break i += 1 last_char = ' ' for char in expression: if last_char == '*' and char == '*': if sender.hasPermission(calc_perm_power): break else: return None last_char = char if should_calc: try: result = str(eval(expression)) # pylint: disable = W0123 except: # pylint: disable = W0702 # we can run into all kinds of errors here # most probably SyntaxError return None return (expression, result) return None def thread_calc(message, sender): output = calc(sender, message) if output and sender.isOnline(): msg(sender, "&2=== Calc: &e" + output[0] + " &2= &c" + output[1]) @hook.event("player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent", "monitor") def on_calc_chat(event): sender = event.getPlayer() message = event.getMessage() if not event.isCancelled() and uid(sender) in calc_users and sender.hasPermission(calc_perm): thread = threading.Thread(target=thread_calc, args=(message, sender)) thread.daemon = True thread.start() @hook.command("calc", description="Toggles chat calculations") def on_calc_command(sender, command, label, args): plugin_header(sender, "Chat Calculator") if not sender.hasPermission(calc_perm): noperm(sender) return True if not checkargs(sender, args, 0, 1): return True if not is_player(sender): msg(sender, "&cYou are not a player!") return True toggle(sender, calc_users, name = "Calc") save_json_file("calc", calc_users) return True