from helpers import * from basecommands import simplecommand, Validate import org.bukkit.Material as Material import java.util.UUID as UUID import org.bukkit.Material as Material import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace as BlockFace from math import ceil commands_whitelist = ( "mail", "email", "memo", "echo", "ping", "cg join", "cg info", "chatgroup join", "chatgroup info", "i", "item", "p h", "plot home", "plot h", "p home", "plotme home", "plotme h", "up", "tppos", "seen", ) max_line_length = 256 max_lines = 20 help_page_size = 12 def load_signs(): signs_obj = open_json_file("serversigns", []) loaded = {} for entry in signs_obj: loaded[tuple(entry[:4])] = list(entry[4:]) return loaded def save_signs(): signs_obj = [] for key, value in signs.iteritems(): signs_obj.append(key + tuple(value)) save_json_file("serversigns", signs_obj) # {("world", x, y, z): ["owner_id", "msg1", "msg2"]} signs = load_signs() # Accumulated messages so players can have longer messages: {"Dico200": "Message...........", ""} lines = {} def fromLoc(bLoc): """ # Returns a tuple containing the (bukkit)location's world's name and its x, y and z coordinates # The format for the tuple is ("world_name", x, y, z) """ return (bLoc.getWorld().getName(), bLoc.getBlockX(), bLoc.getBlockY(), bLoc.getBlockZ()) def equals(loc1, loc2): """ # Returns whether loc1 and loc2 represent the same block """ for i in range(4): if loc1[i] != loc2[i]: return False return True def getOwner(sign): """ # Returns the name of the sign its owner """ return retrieve_player(sign[0]).getName() def isOwner(sign, player): """ # Returns whether the given player owns the sign """ return sign and sign[0] == uid(player) def canEdit(sign, player): """ # Returns whether the given player can edit the sign. # Returns False if the sign wasn't claimed. """ return (sign and player.hasPermission("utils.serversigns.admin")) or isOwner(sign, player) def getSign(locAt): """ # If data was found for a sign at the given location, returns the data. # This data follows the format of ["owner_id", "msg1", "msg2"...]. """ for loc, sign in signs.iteritems(): if equals(locAt, loc): return sign return None def identifySign(loc): """ # Returns a string from which the user can tell what sign you're talking about. # The string follows the format of "sign at (x,y,z) in world_name". """ return "sign at (%s) in %s" % (",".join((str(i) for i in loc[1:])), loc[0]) def signsMsg(msg, colour = '4'): """ # Returns the given msg, prefixed with '[Signs] '. # The given colour is after applied to the msg. # The colour defaults to 4 (dark red). """ return "&c[Signs] &" + colour + msg # /svs command subcommand_info = ( (("claim",), ( "Claims the sign so that you can add messages to it", ), (("[owner]", "claims.other"),)), (("info", "lines"), ( "Displays information about the (claimed) sign", )), (("add",), ( "Adds the message to the sign. Use ++ at the end", "to add the message to your buffer. You can then use", "the same command again to create a longer message", ), (("[++]", None),)), (("remove", "rem", "del", "delete"), ( "Removes the message with the given ID from the sign.", "The ID is given before each message by &b/svs info&a.", ), (("", None),)), (("switch", "reverse"), ( "Reverses the order in which the given messages are shown.", ), ((" ", None),)), (("clear",), ( "Removes all messages from the sign.", )), (("reset", "unclaim"), ( "Resets the sign, removing all messages and its owner.", )), (("whitelist", "commands", "wl"), ( "Displays a list of whitelisted commands", )), (("help",), ( "Displays this help page", ), (("[page]", None),)), ) @simplecommand(cmd = "serversigns", aliases = ["svs", "signmsg"], description = "Makes something happen when you right click signs. \nUse /svs help for more details.", usage = "[++]|remove |clear|info|help>", helpNoargs = True, senderLimit = 0) def svs_command(sender, command, label, args): arg1 = args[0].lower() cmd_info = None for cmd in subcommand_info: if arg1 in cmd[0]: cmd_info = cmd break Validate.notNone(cmd_info, signsMsg("That command could not be recognized, use &o/svs help &4for expected arguments")) cmd = cmd_info[0][0] Validate.isAuthorized(sender, "utils.serversigns." + cmd) #-------------------- Sub commands that don't require any conditions ----------------------- if cmd == "help": all_lines = [ "&aServer signs let's you add messages to a sign.", "Right clicking the sign will display all the messages. Commands", "can also be added, by prefixing the message with a '/'.", "How to use &b/serversigns&a:", ] for cmd in subcommand_info: if sender.hasPermission("utils.serversigns." + cmd[0][0]): params = "" if len(cmd) == 3: for param, perm in cmd[2]: if perm is None or sender.hasPermission("utils.serversigns." + perm): params += param + " " all_lines.append("&b/svs %s %s" % ("|".join(cmd[0]), params)) for info_line in cmd[1]: all_lines.append("&a- " + info_line) last_page = int(ceil(len(all_lines) / help_page_size)) info("last page: %d" % last_page) page = 1 if len(args) > 1 and args[1].isdigit(): page = int(args[1]) if page <= 0: page = 1 elif page > last_page: page = last_page first_line = signsMsg("Serversigns help page %d" % page, '6') if page < last_page: first_line += ", &e/svs help %d&6 for the next" % (page + 1) page_lines = [first_line] + all_lines[(page - 1) * help_page_size : min(page * help_page_size, len(all_lines))] return "\n".join(page_lines) if cmd == "whitelist": return signsMsg("Whitelisted commands: &3" + ", ".join(commands_whitelist), 'a') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- block = sender.getTargetBlock(None, 5) Validate.isTrue(block.getType() in (Material.SIGN_POST, Material.WALL_SIGN), signsMsg("You have to be looking at a sign to use that!")) loc = fromLoc(block.getLocation()) sign = getSign(loc) signName = identifySign(loc) arg2 = args[1].lower() if len(args) > 1 else None #------------------------ Sub commands that require the block to be a sign ------------------------------- if cmd == "claim": Validate.isTrue(not sign, signsMsg("The %s was already claimed" % signName)) Validate.isTrue(can_build2(sender, block), signsMsg("You are not permitted to claim signs here")) target = sender if arg2: Validate.isTrue(player.hasPermission("utils.serversigns.admin"), signsMsg("You are not authorized to claim signs for other players")) target = server.getOfflinePlayer(arg2) Validate.notNone(target, signsMsg("That player could not be found")) Validate.isTrue(target.isOnline(), signsMsg("The target has to be online")) uuid = uid(target) if sign != None: if sign[0] == uuid: return signsMsg("The " + signName + " was already owned by that player") else: sign[0] = uuid else: signs[loc] = [uuid] save_signs() return signsMsg("Claimed the " + signName + ((" for %s" % target.getName()) if (target != sender) else ""), 'a') #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Validate.notNone(sign, signsMsg("The %s has not been claimed" % signName)) #----------------------Sub commands that require the sign to be claimed as well------------------------------------ if cmd == "info": sign_lines = "" for id, line in enumerate(sign[1:]): sign_lines += ("\n &a%s: \"&f%s&a\"" % (id + 1, line)) return signsMsg("Properties of the %s:\n Owner: %s\n Lines: %s" % (signName, getOwner(sign), sign_lines), 'a') #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Validate.isTrue(canEdit(sign, sender), signsMsg("You do not own the %s!" % signName)) #---------------------- Sub commands that require you to own targeted sign as well ------------------------- if cmd == "add": Validate.isTrue(len(sign) - 1 <= max_lines, signsMsg("This sign already has the maximum amount of lines, you cannot add more")) line = " ".join(args[1:]) Validate.isTrue(line != "" and line != None, signsMsg("You have to enter a message to add or accumulate")) key = sender.getName() global lines Validate.isTrue(key in lines or line[:1] != "/" or sender.hasPermission("utils.serversigns.command"), signsMsg("You cannot add commands to a sign!")) if line[-2:] == "++": if key not in lines: lines[key] = "" Validate.isTrue(len(lines[key]) + len(line[:-2]) + 1 <= max_line_length, signsMsg("This line would be too long, so the given message was not added to the accumulated message")) lines[key] += " " + line[:-2] return signsMsg("Added given message to the message you're accumulating. \nYour accumulated message is now as follows: \n&f%s" % lines[key], 'a') if key in lines: line = (lines[key] + " " + line)[1:] Validate.isTrue(len(line) <= max_line_length, signsMsg("This line would be too long, so it was not added to the sign. It is however still accumulated.")) if line[0] == "/": cmd = line[1:].lower() whitelisted = False for wl_cmd in commands_whitelist: if cmd[:len(wl_cmd)] == wl_cmd: whitelisted = True break Validate.isTrue(whitelisted, signsMsg("That command is not whitelisted for use with serversigns")) if key in lines: del lines[key] sign.append(colorify(line) if line[0] != "/" else line) save_signs() return signsMsg("Added line \"&f%s&a\" to the %s" % (line, signName), 'a') if cmd == "remove": Validate.notNone(arg2, signsMsg("You have to enter the ID of the message to remove!")) try: id = int(arg2) except: return signsMsg("The ID of the message has to be a number and can be found by using &o/svs info") Validate.isTrue(id != 0 and id < len(sign), signsMsg("The %s has no message with an ID of %s, use &o/svs info &4for all messages." % (signName, id))) del sign[id] return signsMsg("Removed message with id %s from the %s" % (id, signName), 'a') if cmd == "switch": Validate.isTrue(len(args) == 3, signsMsg("You have to enter the 2 IDs of the messages to reverse")) try: id1 = int(args[1]) id2 = int(args[2]) except: return signsMsg("The ID of the message has to be a number and can be found by using &o/svs info") for id in (id1, id2): Validate.isTrue(id != 0 and id < len(sign), signsMsg("The %s has no message with an ID of %s, use &o/svs info &4for all messages." % (signName, id))) sign[id1], sign[id2] = sign[id2], sign[id1] save_signs() return signsMsg("Reversed the messages with IDs %s and %s of the %s" % (id1, id2, signName), 'a') if cmd == "clear": signs[loc] = [sign[0]] save_signs() return signsMsg("Removed all messages from the %s" % signName, 'a') if cmd == "reset": del signs[loc] save_signs() return signsMsg("Removed all messages and the owner from the %s, it can now be claimed" % signName, 'a') #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- @hook.event("player.PlayerInteractEvent") def on_click(event): if str(event.getAction()) != "RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK": return block = event.getClickedBlock() if block.getType() not in (Material.WALL_SIGN, Material.SIGN_POST): return sign = getSign(fromLoc(block.getLocation())) if sign != None: player = event.getPlayer() for message in sign[1:]: if message[:1] == "/": server.dispatchCommand(player, message[1:]) else: msg(player, message, usecolor = False) # ---------------------------Sign breaking-------------------------------- checking_block = False faces = { BlockFace.NORTH : (0,1,2,), BlockFace.SOUTH : (3,), BlockFace.WEST : (4,), BlockFace.EAST : (5,), } @hook.event("block.BlockBreakEvent", "monitor") def on_break(event): if checking_block or event.isCancelled(): return block = event.getBlock() if block.getType() in (Material.SIGN_POST, Material.WALL_SIGN): check_sign(event, block, attached = False) for block_face, data_values in faces.iteritems(): block2 = block.getRelative(block_face) if block2.getType() == Material.WALL_SIGN and block2.getData() in data_values: check_sign(event, block2) block3 = block.getRelative(BlockFace.UP) if block3.getType() == Material.SIGN_POST: check_sign(event, block3) def check_sign(event, block, attached = True): player = event.getPlayer() loc = fromLoc(block.getLocation()) if block.getType() not in (Material.WALL_SIGN, Material.SIGN_POST) or getSign(loc) is None: return if not can_build2(player, block): event.setCancelled(True) msg(event.getPlayer(), signsMsg("You cannot break %s" % ("the sign attached to that block" if attached else "that sign"))) else: del signs[loc] save_signs() msg(player, signsMsg("Reset the %s which you just broke" % identifySign(loc))) def can_build2(player, block): global checking_block event = BlockBreakEvent(block, player) checking_block = True server.getPluginManager().callEvent(event) checking_block = False return not event.isCancelled() def check_all_signs_and_intercept_command(): try: #CommandInterceptions = shared["modules"]["misc"].CommandInterceptions #rsutils_cmd = CommandInterceptions.cmd_map.get("redstonerutils:serversigns") #label = rsutils_cmd.getLabel() def interception(sender, args): svs_command(sender, None, None, args) return False def tab_completion(original, sender, alias, args): return None shared["modules"]["misc"].CommandInterceptions.register("serversigns", "serversigns", interception, tab_completion) except: error("[Serversigns] failed to force commands") error(trace()) """ Check if all registered signs have an associated sign block in the world. WorldEdit commands could remove them without notification. Pistons might also be able to achieve the same thing. A sign missing from the world won't affect the world so it only checks on start. """ for loc in signs: if server.getWorld(loc[0]).getBlockAt(loc[1], loc[2], loc[3]).getType() not in (Material.WALL_SIGN, Material.SIGN_POST): del signs[loc]