path: root/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt
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authorDico Karssiens <>2018-11-11 14:06:45 +0000
committerDico Karssiens <>2018-11-11 14:06:45 +0000
commit0f196f59c6a4cb76ab8409da62ff1f35505f94a8 (patch)
tree4b612eb874fc3b7aebe88430a28f1bfc7272c9a6 /src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt
parente55c595e54116961798cec03f6404d0c8d986e6d (diff)
Changes I made before breaking my local repository. Hoping this
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt')
1 files changed, 191 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt
index 8891912..c39c4b6 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt
@@ -1,191 +1,191 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.ArgumentBuffer
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.Parameter
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterConfig
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterType
-import io.dico.parcels2.Parcel
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelProvider
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorld
-import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.DEFAULT_KIND
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.ID
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER_FAKE
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER_REAL
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.REAL
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.floor
-import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-sealed class ParcelTarget(val world: ParcelWorld, val parsedKind: Int, val isDefault: Boolean) {
- abstract suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel?
- class ByID(world: ParcelWorld, val id: Vec2i?, parsedKind: Int, isDefault: Boolean) : ParcelTarget(world, parsedKind, isDefault) {
- override suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel? = getParcel()
- fun getParcel() = id?.let { world.getParcelById(it) }
- val isPath: Boolean get() = id == null
- }
- class ByOwner(
- world: ParcelWorld,
- owner: PlayerProfile,
- val index: Int,
- parsedKind: Int,
- isDefault: Boolean,
- val onResolveFailure: (() -> Unit)? = null
- ) : ParcelTarget(world, parsedKind, isDefault) {
- init {
- if (index < 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parcel home index: $index")
- }
- var owner = owner; private set
- suspend fun resolveOwner(storage: Storage): Boolean {
- val owner = owner
- if (owner is PlayerProfile.Unresolved) {
- this.owner = owner.tryResolveSuspendedly(storage) ?: if (parsedKind and OWNER_FAKE != 0) PlayerProfile.Fake(
- else run { onResolveFailure?.invoke(); return false }
- }
- return true
- }
- override suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel? {
- onResolveFailure?.let { resolveOwner(storage) }
- val ownedParcelsSerialized = storage.getOwnedParcels(owner).await()
- val ownedParcels = ownedParcelsSerialized
- .filter { it.worldId.equals( }
- .map { world.getParcelById(it.x, it.z) }
- return ownedParcels.getOrNull(index)
- }
- }
- annotation class TargetKind(val kind: Int) {
- companion object : ParameterConfig<TargetKind, Int>( {
- const val ID = 1 // ID
- const val OWNER_REAL = 2 // an owner backed by a UUID
- const val OWNER_FAKE = 4 // an owner not backed by a UUID
- const val OWNER = OWNER_REAL or OWNER_FAKE // any owner
- const val ANY = ID or OWNER_REAL or OWNER_FAKE // any
- const val REAL = ID or OWNER_REAL // no owner not backed by a UUID
- const val DEFAULT_KIND = REAL
- const val PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT = 8 // if the kind can be ID and OWNER_REAL, prefer OWNER_REAL for default
- // instead of parcel that the player is in
- override fun toParameterInfo(annotation: TargetKind): Int {
- return annotation.kind
- }
- }
- }
- class PType(val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider, val parcelAddress: SpecialCommandAddress? = null) :
- ParameterType<ParcelTarget, Int>(, TargetKind) {
- override fun parse(parameter: Parameter<ParcelTarget, Int>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): ParcelTarget {
- var input =!!
- val worldString = input.substringBefore("/", missingDelimiterValue = "")
- input = input.substringAfter("/")
- val world = if (worldString.isEmpty()) {
- val player = requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the world")
- parcelProvider.getWorld(
- ?: invalidInput(parameter, "You cannot omit the world if you're not in a parcel world")
- } else {
- parcelProvider.getWorld(worldString) ?: invalidInput(parameter, "$worldString is not a parcel world")
- }
- val kind = parameter.paramInfo ?: DEFAULT_KIND
- if (input.contains(',')) {
- if (kind and ID == 0) invalidInput(parameter, "You must specify a parcel by OWNER, that is, an owner and index")
- return ByID(world, getId(parameter, input), kind, false)
- }
- if (kind and OWNER == 0) invalidInput(parameter, "You must specify a parcel by ID, that is, the x and z component separated by a comma")
- val (owner, index) = getHomeIndex(parameter, kind, sender, input)
- return ByOwner(world, owner, index, kind, false, onResolveFailure = { invalidInput(parameter, "The player $input does not exist") })
- }
- private fun getId(parameter: Parameter<*, *>, input: String): Vec2i {
- val x = input.substringBefore(',').run {
- toIntOrNull() ?: invalidInput(parameter, "ID(x) must be an integer, $this is not an integer")
- }
- val z = input.substringAfter(',').run {
- toIntOrNull() ?: invalidInput(parameter, "ID(z) must be an integer, $this is not an integer")
- }
- return Vec2i(x, z)
- }
- private fun getHomeIndex(parameter: Parameter<*, *>, kind: Int, sender: CommandSender, input: String): Pair<PlayerProfile, Int> {
- val splitIdx = input.indexOf(':')
- val ownerString: String
- val index: Int?
- val speciallyParsedIndex = parcelAddress?.speciallyParsedIndex
- if (splitIdx == -1) {
- if (speciallyParsedIndex == null) {
- // just the index.
- index = input.toIntOrNull()
- ownerString = if (index == null) input else ""
- } else {
- // just the owner.
- index = speciallyParsedIndex
- ownerString = input
- }
- } else {
- if (speciallyParsedIndex != null) {
- invalidInput(parameter, "Duplicate home index")
- }
- ownerString = input.substring(0, splitIdx)
- val indexString = input.substring(splitIdx + 1)
- index = indexString.toIntOrNull()
- ?: invalidInput(parameter, "The home index must be an integer, $indexString is not an integer")
- }
- val owner = if (ownerString.isEmpty())
- PlayerProfile(requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the player"))
- else
- PlayerProfile.byName(ownerString, allowReal = kind and OWNER_REAL != 0, allowFake = kind and OWNER_FAKE != 0)
- return owner to (index ?: 0)
- }
- private fun requirePlayer(sender: CommandSender, parameter: Parameter<*, *>, objName: String): Player {
- if (sender !is Player) invalidInput(parameter, "console cannot omit the $objName")
- return sender
- }
- override fun getDefaultValue(parameter: Parameter<ParcelTarget, Int>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): ParcelTarget? {
- val kind = parameter.paramInfo ?: DEFAULT_KIND
- val useLocation = when {
- kind and REAL == REAL -> kind and PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT == 0
- kind and ID != 0 -> true
- kind and OWNER_REAL != 0 -> false
- else -> return null
- }
- val player = requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the parcel")
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: invalidInput(parameter, "You must be in a parcel world to omit the parcel")
- if (useLocation) {
- val id = player.location.let { world.getParcelIdAt(it.x.floor(), it.z.floor())?.pos }
- return ByID(world, id, kind, true)
- }
- return ByOwner(world, PlayerProfile(player), parcelAddress?.speciallyParsedIndex ?: 0, kind, true)
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.ArgumentBuffer
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.Parameter
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterConfig
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterType
+import io.dico.parcels2.Parcel
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelProvider
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorld
+import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.DEFAULT_KIND
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.ID
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER_FAKE
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER_REAL
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.REAL
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.floor
+import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+sealed class ParcelTarget(val world: ParcelWorld, val parsedKind: Int, val isDefault: Boolean) {
+ abstract suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel?
+ class ByID(world: ParcelWorld, val id: Vec2i?, parsedKind: Int, isDefault: Boolean) : ParcelTarget(world, parsedKind, isDefault) {
+ override suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel? = getParcel()
+ fun getParcel() = id?.let { world.getParcelById(it) }
+ val isPath: Boolean get() = id == null
+ }
+ class ByOwner(
+ world: ParcelWorld,
+ owner: PlayerProfile,
+ val index: Int,
+ parsedKind: Int,
+ isDefault: Boolean,
+ val onResolveFailure: (() -> Unit)? = null
+ ) : ParcelTarget(world, parsedKind, isDefault) {
+ init {
+ if (index < 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parcel home index: $index")
+ }
+ var owner = owner; private set
+ suspend fun resolveOwner(storage: Storage): Boolean {
+ val owner = owner
+ if (owner is PlayerProfile.Unresolved) {
+ this.owner = owner.tryResolveSuspendedly(storage) ?: if (parsedKind and OWNER_FAKE != 0) PlayerProfile.Fake(
+ else run { onResolveFailure?.invoke(); return false }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ override suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel? {
+ onResolveFailure?.let { resolveOwner(storage) }
+ val ownedParcelsSerialized = storage.getOwnedParcels(owner).await()
+ val ownedParcels = ownedParcelsSerialized
+ .filter { it.worldId.equals( }
+ .map { world.getParcelById(it.x, it.z) }
+ return ownedParcels.getOrNull(index)
+ }
+ }
+ annotation class TargetKind(val kind: Int) {
+ companion object : ParameterConfig<TargetKind, Int>( {
+ const val ID = 1 // ID
+ const val OWNER_REAL = 2 // an owner backed by a UUID
+ const val OWNER_FAKE = 4 // an owner not backed by a UUID
+ const val OWNER = OWNER_REAL or OWNER_FAKE // any owner
+ const val ANY = ID or OWNER_REAL or OWNER_FAKE // any
+ const val REAL = ID or OWNER_REAL // no owner not backed by a UUID
+ const val DEFAULT_KIND = REAL
+ const val PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT = 8 // if the kind can be ID and OWNER_REAL, prefer OWNER_REAL for default
+ // instead of parcel that the player is in
+ override fun toParameterInfo(annotation: TargetKind): Int {
+ return annotation.kind
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ class PType(val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider, val parcelAddress: SpecialCommandAddress? = null) :
+ ParameterType<ParcelTarget, Int>(, TargetKind) {
+ override fun parse(parameter: Parameter<ParcelTarget, Int>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): ParcelTarget {
+ var input =!!
+ val worldString = input.substringBefore("/", missingDelimiterValue = "")
+ input = input.substringAfter("/")
+ val world = if (worldString.isEmpty()) {
+ val player = requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the world")
+ parcelProvider.getWorld(
+ ?: invalidInput(parameter, "You cannot omit the world if you're not in a parcel world")
+ } else {
+ parcelProvider.getWorld(worldString) ?: invalidInput(parameter, "$worldString is not a parcel world")
+ }
+ val kind = parameter.paramInfo ?: DEFAULT_KIND
+ if (input.contains(',')) {
+ if (kind and ID == 0) invalidInput(parameter, "You must specify a parcel by OWNER, that is, an owner and index")
+ return ByID(world, getId(parameter, input), kind, false)
+ }
+ if (kind and OWNER == 0) invalidInput(parameter, "You must specify a parcel by ID, that is, the x and z component separated by a comma")
+ val (owner, index) = getHomeIndex(parameter, kind, sender, input)
+ return ByOwner(world, owner, index, kind, false, onResolveFailure = { invalidInput(parameter, "The player $input does not exist") })
+ }
+ private fun getId(parameter: Parameter<*, *>, input: String): Vec2i {
+ val x = input.substringBefore(',').run {
+ toIntOrNull() ?: invalidInput(parameter, "ID(x) must be an integer, $this is not an integer")
+ }
+ val z = input.substringAfter(',').run {
+ toIntOrNull() ?: invalidInput(parameter, "ID(z) must be an integer, $this is not an integer")
+ }
+ return Vec2i(x, z)
+ }
+ private fun getHomeIndex(parameter: Parameter<*, *>, kind: Int, sender: CommandSender, input: String): Pair<PlayerProfile, Int> {
+ val splitIdx = input.indexOf(':')
+ val ownerString: String
+ val index: Int?
+ val speciallyParsedIndex = parcelAddress?.speciallyParsedIndex
+ if (splitIdx == -1) {
+ if (speciallyParsedIndex == null) {
+ // just the index.
+ index = input.toIntOrNull()
+ ownerString = if (index == null) input else ""
+ } else {
+ // just the owner.
+ index = speciallyParsedIndex
+ ownerString = input
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (speciallyParsedIndex != null) {
+ invalidInput(parameter, "Duplicate home index")
+ }
+ ownerString = input.substring(0, splitIdx)
+ val indexString = input.substring(splitIdx + 1)
+ index = indexString.toIntOrNull()
+ ?: invalidInput(parameter, "The home index must be an integer, $indexString is not an integer")
+ }
+ val owner = if (ownerString.isEmpty())
+ PlayerProfile(requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the player"))
+ else
+ PlayerProfile.byName(ownerString, allowReal = kind and OWNER_REAL != 0, allowFake = kind and OWNER_FAKE != 0)
+ return owner to (index ?: 0)
+ }
+ private fun requirePlayer(sender: CommandSender, parameter: Parameter<*, *>, objName: String): Player {
+ if (sender !is Player) invalidInput(parameter, "console cannot omit the $objName")
+ return sender
+ }
+ override fun getDefaultValue(parameter: Parameter<ParcelTarget, Int>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): ParcelTarget? {
+ val kind = parameter.paramInfo ?: DEFAULT_KIND
+ val useLocation = when {
+ kind and REAL == REAL -> kind and PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT == 0
+ kind and ID != 0 -> true
+ kind and OWNER_REAL != 0 -> false
+ else -> return null
+ }
+ val player = requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the parcel")
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: invalidInput(parameter, "You must be in a parcel world to omit the parcel")
+ if (useLocation) {
+ val id = player.location.let { world.getParcelIdAt(it.x.floor(), it.z.floor())?.pos }
+ return ByID(world, id, kind, true)
+ }
+ return ByOwner(world, PlayerProfile(player), parcelAddress?.speciallyParsedIndex ?: 0, kind, true)
+ }
+ }