path: root/src/main
diff options
authorDico Karssiens <>2018-11-11 14:06:45 +0000
committerDico Karssiens <>2018-11-11 14:06:45 +0000
commit0f196f59c6a4cb76ab8409da62ff1f35505f94a8 (patch)
tree4b612eb874fc3b7aebe88430a28f1bfc7272c9a6 /src/main
parente55c595e54116961798cec03f6404d0c8d986e6d (diff)
Changes I made before breaking my local repository. Hoping this
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main')
67 files changed, 6939 insertions, 6939 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Interactable.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Interactable.kt
index c301340..f25b796 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Interactable.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Interactable.kt
@@ -1,174 +1,174 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.ceilDiv
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix
-import org.bukkit.Material
-import java.util.EnumMap
-class Interactables
-private constructor(
- val id: Int,
- val name: String,
- val interactableByDefault: Boolean,
- vararg val materials: Material
-) {
- companion object {
- val classesById: List<Interactables>
- val classesByName: Map<String, Interactables>
- val listedMaterials: Map<Material, Int>
- init {
- val array = getClassesArray()
- classesById = array.asList()
- classesByName = mapOf(* { to it }.toTypedArray())
- listedMaterials = EnumMap(mapOf(*array.flatMap { clazz -> { it to } }.toTypedArray()))
- }
- operator fun get(material: Material): Interactables? {
- val id = listedMaterials[material] ?: return null
- return classesById[id]
- }
- operator fun get(name: String): Interactables {
- return classesByName[name] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Interactables class does not exist: $name")
- }
- operator fun get(id: Int): Interactables {
- return classesById[id]
- }
- private fun getClassesArray() = run {
- var id = 0
- arrayOf(
- Interactables(
- id++, "buttons", true,
- Material.STONE_BUTTON,
- *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("BUTTON")
- ),
- Interactables(
- id++, "levers", true,
- Material.LEVER
- ),
- Interactables(
- id++, "pressure_plates", true,
- *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("PRESSURE_PLATE"),
- ),
- Interactables(
- id++, "redstone", false,
- Material.COMPARATOR,
- Material.REPEATER
- ),
- Interactables(
- id++, "containers", false,
- Material.CHEST,
- Material.DISPENSER,
- Material.DROPPER,
- Material.HOPPER,
- Material.FURNACE
- ),
- Interactables(
- id++, "gates", true,
- *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("DOOR"),
- *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("TRAPDOOR"),
- *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("FENCE_GATE")
- )
- )
- }
- }
-val Parcel?.effectiveInteractableConfig: InteractableConfiguration
- get() = this?.interactableConfig ?: pathInteractableConfig
-val pathInteractableConfig: InteractableConfiguration = run {
- val data = BitmaskInteractableConfiguration().apply {
- Interactables.classesById.forEach {
- setInteractable(it, false)
- }
- }
- object : InteractableConfiguration by data {
- override fun setInteractable(clazz: Interactables, interactable: Boolean) =
- throw IllegalStateException("pathInteractableConfig is immutable")
- override fun clear() =
- throw IllegalStateException("pathInteractableConfig is immutable")
- override fun copyFrom(other: InteractableConfiguration) =
- throw IllegalStateException("pathInteractableConfig is immutable")
- }
-interface InteractableConfiguration {
- val interactableClasses: List<Interactables> get() = Interactables.classesById.filter { isInteractable(it) }
- fun isInteractable(material: Material): Boolean
- fun isInteractable(clazz: Interactables): Boolean
- fun isDefault(): Boolean
- fun setInteractable(clazz: Interactables, interactable: Boolean): Boolean
- fun clear(): Boolean
- fun copyFrom(other: InteractableConfiguration) =
- Interactables.classesById.fold(false) { cur, elem -> setInteractable(elem, other.isInteractable(elem) || cur) }
- operator fun invoke(material: Material) = isInteractable(material)
- operator fun invoke(className: String) = isInteractable(Interactables[className])
-fun InteractableConfiguration.isInteractable(clazz: Interactables?) = clazz != null && isInteractable(clazz)
-class BitmaskInteractableConfiguration : InteractableConfiguration {
- val bitmaskArray = IntArray(Interactables.classesById.size ceilDiv Int.SIZE_BITS)
- private fun isBitSet(classId: Int): Boolean {
- val idx = classId.ushr(5)
- return idx < bitmaskArray.size && bitmaskArray[idx].and(0x1.shl(classId.and(0x1F))) != 0
- }
- override fun isInteractable(material: Material): Boolean {
- val classId = Interactables.listedMaterials[material] ?: return false
- return isBitSet(classId) != Interactables.classesById[classId].interactableByDefault
- }
- override fun isInteractable(clazz: Interactables): Boolean {
- return isBitSet( != clazz.interactableByDefault
- }
- override fun isDefault(): Boolean {
- for (x in bitmaskArray) {
- if (x != 0) return false
- }
- return true
- }
- override fun setInteractable(clazz: Interactables, interactable: Boolean): Boolean {
- val idx =
- if (idx >= bitmaskArray.size) return false
- val bit = 0x1.shl(
- val oldBitmask = bitmaskArray[idx]
- bitmaskArray[idx] = if (interactable != clazz.interactableByDefault) oldBitmask.or(bit) else oldBitmask.and(bit.inv())
- return bitmaskArray[idx] != oldBitmask
- }
- override fun clear(): Boolean {
- var change = false
- for (i in bitmaskArray.indices) {
- if (!change && bitmaskArray[i] != 0) change = true
- bitmaskArray[i] = 0
- }
- return change
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.ceilDiv
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix
+import org.bukkit.Material
+import java.util.EnumMap
+class Interactables
+private constructor(
+ val id: Int,
+ val name: String,
+ val interactableByDefault: Boolean,
+ vararg val materials: Material
+) {
+ companion object {
+ val classesById: List<Interactables>
+ val classesByName: Map<String, Interactables>
+ val listedMaterials: Map<Material, Int>
+ init {
+ val array = getClassesArray()
+ classesById = array.asList()
+ classesByName = mapOf(* { to it }.toTypedArray())
+ listedMaterials = EnumMap(mapOf(*array.flatMap { clazz -> { it to } }.toTypedArray()))
+ }
+ operator fun get(material: Material): Interactables? {
+ val id = listedMaterials[material] ?: return null
+ return classesById[id]
+ }
+ operator fun get(name: String): Interactables {
+ return classesByName[name] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Interactables class does not exist: $name")
+ }
+ operator fun get(id: Int): Interactables {
+ return classesById[id]
+ }
+ private fun getClassesArray() = run {
+ var id = 0
+ arrayOf(
+ Interactables(
+ id++, "buttons", true,
+ Material.STONE_BUTTON,
+ *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("BUTTON")
+ ),
+ Interactables(
+ id++, "levers", true,
+ Material.LEVER
+ ),
+ Interactables(
+ id++, "pressure_plates", true,
+ *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("PRESSURE_PLATE"),
+ ),
+ Interactables(
+ id++, "redstone", false,
+ Material.COMPARATOR,
+ Material.REPEATER
+ ),
+ Interactables(
+ id++, "containers", false,
+ Material.CHEST,
+ Material.DISPENSER,
+ Material.DROPPER,
+ Material.HOPPER,
+ Material.FURNACE
+ ),
+ Interactables(
+ id++, "gates", true,
+ *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("DOOR"),
+ *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("TRAPDOOR"),
+ *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("FENCE_GATE")
+ )
+ )
+ }
+ }
+val Parcel?.effectiveInteractableConfig: InteractableConfiguration
+ get() = this?.interactableConfig ?: pathInteractableConfig
+val pathInteractableConfig: InteractableConfiguration = run {
+ val data = BitmaskInteractableConfiguration().apply {
+ Interactables.classesById.forEach {
+ setInteractable(it, false)
+ }
+ }
+ object : InteractableConfiguration by data {
+ override fun setInteractable(clazz: Interactables, interactable: Boolean) =
+ throw IllegalStateException("pathInteractableConfig is immutable")
+ override fun clear() =
+ throw IllegalStateException("pathInteractableConfig is immutable")
+ override fun copyFrom(other: InteractableConfiguration) =
+ throw IllegalStateException("pathInteractableConfig is immutable")
+ }
+interface InteractableConfiguration {
+ val interactableClasses: List<Interactables> get() = Interactables.classesById.filter { isInteractable(it) }
+ fun isInteractable(material: Material): Boolean
+ fun isInteractable(clazz: Interactables): Boolean
+ fun isDefault(): Boolean
+ fun setInteractable(clazz: Interactables, interactable: Boolean): Boolean
+ fun clear(): Boolean
+ fun copyFrom(other: InteractableConfiguration) =
+ Interactables.classesById.fold(false) { cur, elem -> setInteractable(elem, other.isInteractable(elem) || cur) }
+ operator fun invoke(material: Material) = isInteractable(material)
+ operator fun invoke(className: String) = isInteractable(Interactables[className])
+fun InteractableConfiguration.isInteractable(clazz: Interactables?) = clazz != null && isInteractable(clazz)
+class BitmaskInteractableConfiguration : InteractableConfiguration {
+ val bitmaskArray = IntArray(Interactables.classesById.size ceilDiv Int.SIZE_BITS)
+ private fun isBitSet(classId: Int): Boolean {
+ val idx = classId.ushr(5)
+ return idx < bitmaskArray.size && bitmaskArray[idx].and(0x1.shl(classId.and(0x1F))) != 0
+ }
+ override fun isInteractable(material: Material): Boolean {
+ val classId = Interactables.listedMaterials[material] ?: return false
+ return isBitSet(classId) != Interactables.classesById[classId].interactableByDefault
+ }
+ override fun isInteractable(clazz: Interactables): Boolean {
+ return isBitSet( != clazz.interactableByDefault
+ }
+ override fun isDefault(): Boolean {
+ for (x in bitmaskArray) {
+ if (x != 0) return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ override fun setInteractable(clazz: Interactables, interactable: Boolean): Boolean {
+ val idx =
+ if (idx >= bitmaskArray.size) return false
+ val bit = 0x1.shl(
+ val oldBitmask = bitmaskArray[idx]
+ bitmaskArray[idx] = if (interactable != clazz.interactableByDefault) oldBitmask.or(bit) else oldBitmask.and(bit.inv())
+ return bitmaskArray[idx] != oldBitmask
+ }
+ override fun clear(): Boolean {
+ var change = false
+ for (i in bitmaskArray.indices) {
+ if (!change && bitmaskArray[i] != 0) change = true
+ bitmaskArray[i] = 0
+ }
+ return change
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/JobDispatcher.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/JobDispatcher.kt
index 10da0da..12be89a 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/JobDispatcher.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/JobDispatcher.kt
@@ -1,337 +1,337 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.clampMin
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineStart.LAZY
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Job as CoroutineJob
-import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
-import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask
-import java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis
-import java.util.LinkedList
-import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
-import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED
-import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn
-import kotlin.coroutines.resume
-typealias JobFunction = suspend JobScope.() -> Unit
-typealias JobUpdateLister = Job.(Double, Long) -> Unit
-data class TickJobtimeOptions(var jobTime: Int, var tickInterval: Int)
-interface JobDispatcher {
- /**
- * Submit a [function] that should be run synchronously, but limited such that it does not stall the server
- */
- fun dispatch(function: JobFunction): Job
- /**
- * Get a list of all jobs
- */
- val jobs: List<Job>
- /**
- * Attempts to complete any remaining tasks immediately, without suspension.
- */
- fun completeAllTasks()
-interface JobAndScopeMembersUnion {
- /**
- * The time that elapsed since this job was dispatched, in milliseconds
- */
- val elapsedTime: Long
- /**
- * A value indicating the progress of this job, in the range 0.0 <= progress <= 1.0
- * with no guarantees to its accuracy.
- */
- val progress: Double
-interface Job : JobAndScopeMembersUnion {
- /**
- * The coroutine associated with this job
- */
- val coroutine: CoroutineJob
- /**
- * true if this job has completed
- */
- val isComplete: Boolean
- /**
- * If an exception was thrown during the execution of this task,
- * returns that exception. Returns null otherwise.
- */
- val completionException: Throwable?
- /**
- * Calls the given [block] whenever the progress of this job is updated,
- * if [minInterval] milliseconds expired since the last call.
- * The first call occurs after at least [minDelay] milliseconds in a likewise manner.
- * Repeated invocations of this method result in an [IllegalStateException]
- *
- * if [asCompletionListener] is true, [onCompleted] is called with the same [block]
- */
- fun onProgressUpdate(minDelay: Int, minInterval: Int, asCompletionListener: Boolean = true, block: JobUpdateLister): Job
- /**
- * Calls the given [block] when this job completes, with the progress value 1.0.
- * Multiple listeners may be registered to this function.
- */
- fun onCompleted(block: JobUpdateLister): Job
- /**
- * Await completion of this job
- */
- suspend fun awaitCompletion()
-interface JobScope : JobAndScopeMembersUnion {
- /**
- * A task should call this frequently during its execution, such that the timer can suspend it when necessary.
- */
- suspend fun markSuspensionPoint()
- /**
- * A task should call this method to indicate its progress
- */
- fun setProgress(progress: Double)
- /**
- * Indicate that this job is complete
- */
- fun markComplete() = setProgress(1.0)
- /**
- * Get a [JobScope] that is responsible for [portion] part of the progress
- * If [portion] is negative, the remaining progress is used
- */
- fun delegateProgress(portion: Double = -1.0): JobScope
-inline fun <T> JobScope.delegateWork(portion: Double = -1.0, block: JobScope.() -> T): T {
- delegateProgress(portion).apply {
- val result = block()
- markComplete()
- return result
- }
-interface JobInternal : Job, JobScope {
- /**
- * Start or resumes the execution of this job
- * and returns true if the job completed
- *
- * [worktime] is the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds,
- * that this job may run for until suspension.
- *
- * If [worktime] is not positive, the job will complete
- * without suspension and this method will always return true.
- */
- fun resume(worktime: Long): Boolean
- * An object that controls one or more jobs, ensuring that they don't stall the server too much.
- * There is a configurable maxiumum amount of milliseconds that can be allocated to all jobs together in each server tick
- * This object attempts to split that maximum amount of milliseconds equally between all jobs
- */
-class BukkitJobDispatcher(private val plugin: ParcelsPlugin, var options: TickJobtimeOptions) : JobDispatcher {
- // The currently registered bukkit scheduler task
- private var bukkitTask: BukkitTask? = null
- // The jobs.
- private val _jobs = LinkedList<JobInternal>()
- override val jobs: List<Job> = _jobs
- override fun dispatch(function: JobFunction): Job {
- val job: JobInternal = JobImpl(plugin, function)
- if (bukkitTask == null) {
- val completed = job.resume(options.jobTime.toLong())
- if (completed) return job
- bukkitTask = plugin.scheduleRepeating(0, options.tickInterval) { tickCoroutineJobs() }
- }
- _jobs.addFirst(job)
- return job
- }
- private fun tickCoroutineJobs() {
- val jobs = _jobs
- if (jobs.isEmpty()) return
- val tickStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
- val iterator = jobs.listIterator(index = 0)
- while (iterator.hasNext()) {
- val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
- val timeElapsed = time - tickStartTime
- val timeLeft = options.jobTime - timeElapsed
- if (timeLeft <= 0) return
- val count = jobs.size - iterator.nextIndex()
- val timePerJob = (timeLeft + count - 1) / count
- val job =
- val completed = job.resume(timePerJob)
- if (completed) {
- iterator.remove()
- }
- }
- if (jobs.isEmpty()) {
- bukkitTask?.cancel()
- bukkitTask = null
- }
- }
- override fun completeAllTasks() {
- _jobs.forEach {
- it.resume(-1)
- }
- _jobs.clear()
- bukkitTask?.cancel()
- bukkitTask = null
- }
-private class JobImpl(scope: CoroutineScope, task: JobFunction) : JobInternal {
- override val coroutine: CoroutineJob = scope.launch(start = LAZY) { task() }
- private var continuation: Continuation<Unit>? = null
- private var nextSuspensionTime: Long = 0L
- private var completeForcefully = false
- private var isStarted = false
- override val elapsedTime
- get() =
- if (coroutine.isCompleted) startTimeOrElapsedTime
- else currentTimeMillis() - startTimeOrElapsedTime
- override val isComplete get() = coroutine.isCompleted
- private var _progress = 0.0
- override val progress get() = _progress
- override var completionException: Throwable? = null; private set
- private var startTimeOrElapsedTime: Long = 0L // startTime before completed, elapsed time otherwise
- private var onProgressUpdate: JobUpdateLister? = null
- private var progressUpdateInterval: Int = 0
- private var lastUpdateTime: Long = 0L
- private var onCompleted: JobUpdateLister? = null
- init {
- coroutine.invokeOnCompletion { exception ->
- // report any error that occurred
- completionException = exception?.also {
- if (it !is CancellationException)
- logger.error("JobFunction generated an exception", it)
- }
- // convert to elapsed time here
- startTimeOrElapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeOrElapsedTime
- onCompleted?.let { it(1.0, elapsedTime) }
- onCompleted = null
- onProgressUpdate = { prog, el -> }
- }
- }
- override fun onProgressUpdate(minDelay: Int, minInterval: Int, asCompletionListener: Boolean, block: JobUpdateLister): Job {
- onProgressUpdate?.let { throw IllegalStateException() }
- if (asCompletionListener) onCompleted(block)
- if (isComplete) return this
- onProgressUpdate = block
- progressUpdateInterval = minInterval
- lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + minDelay - minInterval
- return this
- }
- override fun onCompleted(block: JobUpdateLister): Job {
- if (isComplete) {
- block(1.0, startTimeOrElapsedTime)
- return this
- }
- val cur = onCompleted
- onCompleted = if (cur == null) {
- block
- } else {
- fun Job.(prog: Double, el: Long) {
- cur(prog, el)
- block(prog, el)
- }
- }
- return this
- }
- override suspend fun markSuspensionPoint() {
- if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= nextSuspensionTime && !completeForcefully)
- suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont: Continuation<Unit> ->
- continuation = cont
- }
- }
- override fun setProgress(progress: Double) {
- this._progress = progress
- val onProgressUpdate = onProgressUpdate ?: return
- val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
- if (time > lastUpdateTime + progressUpdateInterval) {
- onProgressUpdate(progress, elapsedTime)
- lastUpdateTime = time
- }
- }
- override fun resume(worktime: Long): Boolean {
- if (isComplete) return true
- if (worktime > 0) {
- nextSuspensionTime = currentTimeMillis() + worktime
- } else {
- completeForcefully = true
- }
- if (isStarted) {
- continuation?.let {
- continuation = null
- it.resume(Unit)
- return continuation == null
- }
- return true
- }
- isStarted = true
- startTimeOrElapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
- coroutine.start()
- return continuation == null
- }
- override suspend fun awaitCompletion() {
- coroutine.join()
- }
- private fun delegateProgress(curPortion: Double, portion: Double): JobScope =
- DelegateScope(progress, curPortion * (if (portion < 0) 1.0 - progress else portion).clampMin(0.0))
- override fun delegateProgress(portion: Double): JobScope = delegateProgress(1.0, portion)
- private inner class DelegateScope(val progressStart: Double, val portion: Double) : JobScope {
- override val elapsedTime: Long
- get() = this@JobImpl.elapsedTime
- override suspend fun markSuspensionPoint() =
- this@JobImpl.markSuspensionPoint()
- override val progress: Double
- get() = (this@JobImpl.progress - progressStart) / portion
- override fun setProgress(progress: Double) =
- this@JobImpl.setProgress(progressStart + progress * portion)
- override fun delegateProgress(portion: Double): JobScope =
- this@JobImpl.delegateProgress(this.portion, portion)
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.clampMin
+import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellationException
+import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
+import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineStart.LAZY
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Job as CoroutineJob
+import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
+import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask
+import java.lang.System.currentTimeMillis
+import java.util.LinkedList
+import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation
+import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.COROUTINE_SUSPENDED
+import kotlin.coroutines.intrinsics.suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn
+import kotlin.coroutines.resume
+typealias JobFunction = suspend JobScope.() -> Unit
+typealias JobUpdateLister = Job.(Double, Long) -> Unit
+data class TickJobtimeOptions(var jobTime: Int, var tickInterval: Int)
+interface JobDispatcher {
+ /**
+ * Submit a [function] that should be run synchronously, but limited such that it does not stall the server
+ */
+ fun dispatch(function: JobFunction): Job
+ /**
+ * Get a list of all jobs
+ */
+ val jobs: List<Job>
+ /**
+ * Attempts to complete any remaining tasks immediately, without suspension.
+ */
+ fun completeAllTasks()
+interface JobAndScopeMembersUnion {
+ /**
+ * The time that elapsed since this job was dispatched, in milliseconds
+ */
+ val elapsedTime: Long
+ /**
+ * A value indicating the progress of this job, in the range 0.0 <= progress <= 1.0
+ * with no guarantees to its accuracy.
+ */
+ val progress: Double
+interface Job : JobAndScopeMembersUnion {
+ /**
+ * The coroutine associated with this job
+ */
+ val coroutine: CoroutineJob
+ /**
+ * true if this job has completed
+ */
+ val isComplete: Boolean
+ /**
+ * If an exception was thrown during the execution of this task,
+ * returns that exception. Returns null otherwise.
+ */
+ val completionException: Throwable?
+ /**
+ * Calls the given [block] whenever the progress of this job is updated,
+ * if [minInterval] milliseconds expired since the last call.
+ * The first call occurs after at least [minDelay] milliseconds in a likewise manner.
+ * Repeated invocations of this method result in an [IllegalStateException]
+ *
+ * if [asCompletionListener] is true, [onCompleted] is called with the same [block]
+ */
+ fun onProgressUpdate(minDelay: Int, minInterval: Int, asCompletionListener: Boolean = true, block: JobUpdateLister): Job
+ /**
+ * Calls the given [block] when this job completes, with the progress value 1.0.
+ * Multiple listeners may be registered to this function.
+ */
+ fun onCompleted(block: JobUpdateLister): Job
+ /**
+ * Await completion of this job
+ */
+ suspend fun awaitCompletion()
+interface JobScope : JobAndScopeMembersUnion {
+ /**
+ * A task should call this frequently during its execution, such that the timer can suspend it when necessary.
+ */
+ suspend fun markSuspensionPoint()
+ /**
+ * A task should call this method to indicate its progress
+ */
+ fun setProgress(progress: Double)
+ /**
+ * Indicate that this job is complete
+ */
+ fun markComplete() = setProgress(1.0)
+ /**
+ * Get a [JobScope] that is responsible for [portion] part of the progress
+ * If [portion] is negative, the remaining progress is used
+ */
+ fun delegateProgress(portion: Double = -1.0): JobScope
+inline fun <T> JobScope.delegateWork(portion: Double = -1.0, block: JobScope.() -> T): T {
+ delegateProgress(portion).apply {
+ val result = block()
+ markComplete()
+ return result
+ }
+interface JobInternal : Job, JobScope {
+ /**
+ * Start or resumes the execution of this job
+ * and returns true if the job completed
+ *
+ * [worktime] is the maximum amount of time, in milliseconds,
+ * that this job may run for until suspension.
+ *
+ * If [worktime] is not positive, the job will complete
+ * without suspension and this method will always return true.
+ */
+ fun resume(worktime: Long): Boolean
+ * An object that controls one or more jobs, ensuring that they don't stall the server too much.
+ * There is a configurable maxiumum amount of milliseconds that can be allocated to all jobs together in each server tick
+ * This object attempts to split that maximum amount of milliseconds equally between all jobs
+ */
+class BukkitJobDispatcher(private val plugin: ParcelsPlugin, var options: TickJobtimeOptions) : JobDispatcher {
+ // The currently registered bukkit scheduler task
+ private var bukkitTask: BukkitTask? = null
+ // The jobs.
+ private val _jobs = LinkedList<JobInternal>()
+ override val jobs: List<Job> = _jobs
+ override fun dispatch(function: JobFunction): Job {
+ val job: JobInternal = JobImpl(plugin, function)
+ if (bukkitTask == null) {
+ val completed = job.resume(options.jobTime.toLong())
+ if (completed) return job
+ bukkitTask = plugin.scheduleRepeating(0, options.tickInterval) { tickCoroutineJobs() }
+ }
+ _jobs.addFirst(job)
+ return job
+ }
+ private fun tickCoroutineJobs() {
+ val jobs = _jobs
+ if (jobs.isEmpty()) return
+ val tickStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ val iterator = jobs.listIterator(index = 0)
+ while (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ val timeElapsed = time - tickStartTime
+ val timeLeft = options.jobTime - timeElapsed
+ if (timeLeft <= 0) return
+ val count = jobs.size - iterator.nextIndex()
+ val timePerJob = (timeLeft + count - 1) / count
+ val job =
+ val completed = job.resume(timePerJob)
+ if (completed) {
+ iterator.remove()
+ }
+ }
+ if (jobs.isEmpty()) {
+ bukkitTask?.cancel()
+ bukkitTask = null
+ }
+ }
+ override fun completeAllTasks() {
+ _jobs.forEach {
+ it.resume(-1)
+ }
+ _jobs.clear()
+ bukkitTask?.cancel()
+ bukkitTask = null
+ }
+private class JobImpl(scope: CoroutineScope, task: JobFunction) : JobInternal {
+ override val coroutine: CoroutineJob = scope.launch(start = LAZY) { task() }
+ private var continuation: Continuation<Unit>? = null
+ private var nextSuspensionTime: Long = 0L
+ private var completeForcefully = false
+ private var isStarted = false
+ override val elapsedTime
+ get() =
+ if (coroutine.isCompleted) startTimeOrElapsedTime
+ else currentTimeMillis() - startTimeOrElapsedTime
+ override val isComplete get() = coroutine.isCompleted
+ private var _progress = 0.0
+ override val progress get() = _progress
+ override var completionException: Throwable? = null; private set
+ private var startTimeOrElapsedTime: Long = 0L // startTime before completed, elapsed time otherwise
+ private var onProgressUpdate: JobUpdateLister? = null
+ private var progressUpdateInterval: Int = 0
+ private var lastUpdateTime: Long = 0L
+ private var onCompleted: JobUpdateLister? = null
+ init {
+ coroutine.invokeOnCompletion { exception ->
+ // report any error that occurred
+ completionException = exception?.also {
+ if (it !is CancellationException)
+ logger.error("JobFunction generated an exception", it)
+ }
+ // convert to elapsed time here
+ startTimeOrElapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTimeOrElapsedTime
+ onCompleted?.let { it(1.0, elapsedTime) }
+ onCompleted = null
+ onProgressUpdate = { prog, el -> }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun onProgressUpdate(minDelay: Int, minInterval: Int, asCompletionListener: Boolean, block: JobUpdateLister): Job {
+ onProgressUpdate?.let { throw IllegalStateException() }
+ if (asCompletionListener) onCompleted(block)
+ if (isComplete) return this
+ onProgressUpdate = block
+ progressUpdateInterval = minInterval
+ lastUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis() + minDelay - minInterval
+ return this
+ }
+ override fun onCompleted(block: JobUpdateLister): Job {
+ if (isComplete) {
+ block(1.0, startTimeOrElapsedTime)
+ return this
+ }
+ val cur = onCompleted
+ onCompleted = if (cur == null) {
+ block
+ } else {
+ fun Job.(prog: Double, el: Long) {
+ cur(prog, el)
+ block(prog, el)
+ }
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ override suspend fun markSuspensionPoint() {
+ if (System.currentTimeMillis() >= nextSuspensionTime && !completeForcefully)
+ suspendCoroutineUninterceptedOrReturn { cont: Continuation<Unit> ->
+ continuation = cont
+ }
+ }
+ override fun setProgress(progress: Double) {
+ this._progress = progress
+ val onProgressUpdate = onProgressUpdate ?: return
+ val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ if (time > lastUpdateTime + progressUpdateInterval) {
+ onProgressUpdate(progress, elapsedTime)
+ lastUpdateTime = time
+ }
+ }
+ override fun resume(worktime: Long): Boolean {
+ if (isComplete) return true
+ if (worktime > 0) {
+ nextSuspensionTime = currentTimeMillis() + worktime
+ } else {
+ completeForcefully = true
+ }
+ if (isStarted) {
+ continuation?.let {
+ continuation = null
+ it.resume(Unit)
+ return continuation == null
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ isStarted = true
+ startTimeOrElapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
+ coroutine.start()
+ return continuation == null
+ }
+ override suspend fun awaitCompletion() {
+ coroutine.join()
+ }
+ private fun delegateProgress(curPortion: Double, portion: Double): JobScope =
+ DelegateScope(progress, curPortion * (if (portion < 0) 1.0 - progress else portion).clampMin(0.0))
+ override fun delegateProgress(portion: Double): JobScope = delegateProgress(1.0, portion)
+ private inner class DelegateScope(val progressStart: Double, val portion: Double) : JobScope {
+ override val elapsedTime: Long
+ get() = this@JobImpl.elapsedTime
+ override suspend fun markSuspensionPoint() =
+ this@JobImpl.markSuspensionPoint()
+ override val progress: Double
+ get() = (this@JobImpl.progress - progressStart) / portion
+ override fun setProgress(progress: Double) =
+ this@JobImpl.setProgress(progressStart + progress * portion)
+ override fun delegateProgress(portion: Double): JobScope =
+ this@JobImpl.delegateProgress(this.portion, portion)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Parcel.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Parcel.kt
index 4f89fe0..3527e15 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Parcel.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Parcel.kt
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
-import org.bukkit.Location
-import org.joda.time.DateTime
-import java.util.UUID
- * Parcel implementation of ParcelData will update the database when changes are made.
- * To change the data without updating the database, defer to the data delegate instance.
- *
- * This should be used for example in database query callbacks.
- * However, this implementation is intentionally not thread-safe.
- * Therefore, database query callbacks should schedule their updates using the bukkit scheduler.
- */
-interface Parcel : ParcelData, Privileges {
- val id: ParcelId
- val world: ParcelWorld
- val pos: Vec2i
- val x: Int
- val z: Int
- val data: ParcelDataHolder
- val infoString: String
- val hasBlockVisitors: Boolean
- val globalPrivileges: GlobalPrivileges?
- override val keyOfOwner: PlayerProfile.Real?
- get() = owner as? PlayerProfile.Real
- fun copyData(newData: ParcelDataHolder, callerIsDatabase: Boolean = false)
- fun dispose() = copyData(ParcelDataHolder())
- fun updateOwnerSign(force: Boolean = false)
- val homeLocation: Location get() = world.blockManager.getHomeLocation(id)
-interface ParcelData : RawPrivileges {
- var owner: PlayerProfile?
- val lastClaimTime: DateTime?
- var isOwnerSignOutdated: Boolean
- var interactableConfig: InteractableConfiguration
- //fun canBuild(player: OfflinePlayer, checkAdmin: Boolean = true, checkGlobal: Boolean = true): Boolean
- fun isOwner(uuid: UUID): Boolean {
- return owner?.uuid == uuid
- }
- fun isOwner(profile: PlayerProfile?): Boolean {
- return owner == profile
- }
-class ParcelDataHolder(addedMap: MutablePrivilegeMap = mutableMapOf())
- : ParcelData, PrivilegesHolder(addedMap) {
- override var owner: PlayerProfile? = null
- override var lastClaimTime: DateTime? = null
- override var isOwnerSignOutdated = false
- override var interactableConfig: InteractableConfiguration = BitmaskInteractableConfiguration()
+package io.dico.parcels2
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
+import org.bukkit.Location
+import org.joda.time.DateTime
+import java.util.UUID
+ * Parcel implementation of ParcelData will update the database when changes are made.
+ * To change the data without updating the database, defer to the data delegate instance.
+ *
+ * This should be used for example in database query callbacks.
+ * However, this implementation is intentionally not thread-safe.
+ * Therefore, database query callbacks should schedule their updates using the bukkit scheduler.
+ */
+interface Parcel : ParcelData, Privileges {
+ val id: ParcelId
+ val world: ParcelWorld
+ val pos: Vec2i
+ val x: Int
+ val z: Int
+ val data: ParcelDataHolder
+ val infoString: String
+ val hasBlockVisitors: Boolean
+ val globalPrivileges: GlobalPrivileges?
+ override val keyOfOwner: PlayerProfile.Real?
+ get() = owner as? PlayerProfile.Real
+ fun copyData(newData: ParcelDataHolder, callerIsDatabase: Boolean = false)
+ fun dispose() = copyData(ParcelDataHolder())
+ fun updateOwnerSign(force: Boolean = false)
+ val homeLocation: Location get() = world.blockManager.getHomeLocation(id)
+interface ParcelData : RawPrivileges {
+ var owner: PlayerProfile?
+ val lastClaimTime: DateTime?
+ var isOwnerSignOutdated: Boolean
+ var interactableConfig: InteractableConfiguration
+ //fun canBuild(player: OfflinePlayer, checkAdmin: Boolean = true, checkGlobal: Boolean = true): Boolean
+ fun isOwner(uuid: UUID): Boolean {
+ return owner?.uuid == uuid
+ }
+ fun isOwner(profile: PlayerProfile?): Boolean {
+ return owner == profile
+ }
+class ParcelDataHolder(addedMap: MutablePrivilegeMap = mutableMapOf())
+ : ParcelData, PrivilegesHolder(addedMap) {
+ override var owner: PlayerProfile? = null
+ override var lastClaimTime: DateTime? = null
+ override var isOwnerSignOutdated = false
+ override var interactableConfig: InteractableConfiguration = BitmaskInteractableConfiguration()
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelGenerator.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelGenerator.kt
index 109c5dc..63ec02c 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelGenerator.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelGenerator.kt
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2
-import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.RegionTraverser
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Region
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.get
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
-import org.bukkit.Chunk
-import org.bukkit.Location
-import org.bukkit.Material
-import org.bukkit.World
-import org.bukkit.block.Biome
-import org.bukkit.block.Block
-import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
-import org.bukkit.entity.Entity
-import org.bukkit.generator.BlockPopulator
-import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator
-import java.util.Random
-abstract class ParcelGenerator : ChunkGenerator() {
- abstract val worldName: String
- abstract val world: World
- abstract override fun generateChunkData(world: World?, random: Random?, chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, biome: BiomeGrid?): ChunkData
- abstract fun populate(world: World?, random: Random?, chunk: Chunk?)
- abstract override fun getFixedSpawnLocation(world: World?, random: Random?): Location
- override fun getDefaultPopulators(world: World?): MutableList<BlockPopulator> {
- return mutableListOf(object : BlockPopulator() {
- override fun populate(world: World?, random: Random?, chunk: Chunk?) {
- this@ParcelGenerator.populate(world, random, chunk)
- }
- })
- }
- abstract fun makeParcelLocatorAndBlockManager(
- parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
- container: ParcelContainer,
- coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
- jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher
- ): Pair<ParcelLocator, ParcelBlockManager>
-interface ParcelBlockManager {
- val world: World
- val jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher
- val parcelTraverser: RegionTraverser
- fun getRegionOrigin(parcel: ParcelId) = getRegion(parcel).origin.toVec2i()
- fun getHomeLocation(parcel: ParcelId): Location
- fun getRegion(parcel: ParcelId): Region
- fun getEntities(parcel: ParcelId): Collection<Entity>
- fun isParcelInfoSectionLoaded(parcel: ParcelId): Boolean
- fun updateParcelInfo(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?)
- fun getParcelForInfoBlockInteraction(block: Vec3i, type: Material, face: BlockFace): Parcel?
- fun setBiome(parcel: ParcelId, biome: Biome): Job?
- fun clearParcel(parcel: ParcelId): Job?
- /**
- * Used to update owner blocks in the corner of the parcel
- */
- fun getParcelsWithOwnerBlockIn(chunk: Chunk): Collection<Vec2i>
-inline fun ParcelBlockManager.tryDoBlockOperation(
- parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
- parcel: ParcelId,
- traverser: RegionTraverser,
- crossinline operation: suspend JobScope.(Block) -> Unit
-) = parcelProvider.trySubmitBlockVisitor(Permit(), arrayOf(parcel)) {
- val region = getRegion(parcel)
- val blockCount = region.blockCount.toDouble()
- val blocks = traverser.traverseRegion(region)
- for ((index, vec) in blocks.withIndex()) {
- markSuspensionPoint()
- operation(world[vec])
- setProgress((index + 1) / blockCount)
- }
-abstract class ParcelBlockManagerBase : ParcelBlockManager {
- override fun getEntities(parcel: ParcelId): Collection<Entity> {
- val region = getRegion(parcel)
- val center =
- val centerLoc = Location(world, center.x, center.y, center.z)
- val centerDist = (center - region.origin).add(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
- return world.getNearbyEntities(centerLoc, centerDist.x, centerDist.y, centerDist.z)
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2
+import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.RegionTraverser
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Region
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.get
+import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
+import org.bukkit.Chunk
+import org.bukkit.Location
+import org.bukkit.Material
+import org.bukkit.World
+import org.bukkit.block.Biome
+import org.bukkit.block.Block
+import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
+import org.bukkit.entity.Entity
+import org.bukkit.generator.BlockPopulator
+import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator
+import java.util.Random
+abstract class ParcelGenerator : ChunkGenerator() {
+ abstract val worldName: String
+ abstract val world: World
+ abstract override fun generateChunkData(world: World?, random: Random?, chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, biome: BiomeGrid?): ChunkData
+ abstract fun populate(world: World?, random: Random?, chunk: Chunk?)
+ abstract override fun getFixedSpawnLocation(world: World?, random: Random?): Location
+ override fun getDefaultPopulators(world: World?): MutableList<BlockPopulator> {
+ return mutableListOf(object : BlockPopulator() {
+ override fun populate(world: World?, random: Random?, chunk: Chunk?) {
+ this@ParcelGenerator.populate(world, random, chunk)
+ }
+ })
+ }
+ abstract fun makeParcelLocatorAndBlockManager(
+ parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
+ container: ParcelContainer,
+ coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
+ jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher
+ ): Pair<ParcelLocator, ParcelBlockManager>
+interface ParcelBlockManager {
+ val world: World
+ val jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher
+ val parcelTraverser: RegionTraverser
+ fun getRegionOrigin(parcel: ParcelId) = getRegion(parcel).origin.toVec2i()
+ fun getHomeLocation(parcel: ParcelId): Location
+ fun getRegion(parcel: ParcelId): Region
+ fun getEntities(parcel: ParcelId): Collection<Entity>
+ fun isParcelInfoSectionLoaded(parcel: ParcelId): Boolean
+ fun updateParcelInfo(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?)
+ fun getParcelForInfoBlockInteraction(block: Vec3i, type: Material, face: BlockFace): Parcel?
+ fun setBiome(parcel: ParcelId, biome: Biome): Job?
+ fun clearParcel(parcel: ParcelId): Job?
+ /**
+ * Used to update owner blocks in the corner of the parcel
+ */
+ fun getParcelsWithOwnerBlockIn(chunk: Chunk): Collection<Vec2i>
+inline fun ParcelBlockManager.tryDoBlockOperation(
+ parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
+ parcel: ParcelId,
+ traverser: RegionTraverser,
+ crossinline operation: suspend JobScope.(Block) -> Unit
+) = parcelProvider.trySubmitBlockVisitor(Permit(), arrayOf(parcel)) {
+ val region = getRegion(parcel)
+ val blockCount = region.blockCount.toDouble()
+ val blocks = traverser.traverseRegion(region)
+ for ((index, vec) in blocks.withIndex()) {
+ markSuspensionPoint()
+ operation(world[vec])
+ setProgress((index + 1) / blockCount)
+ }
+abstract class ParcelBlockManagerBase : ParcelBlockManager {
+ override fun getEntities(parcel: ParcelId): Collection<Entity> {
+ val region = getRegion(parcel)
+ val center =
+ val centerLoc = Location(world, center.x, center.y, center.z)
+ val centerDist = (center - region.origin).add(0.2, 0.2, 0.2)
+ return world.getNearbyEntities(centerLoc, centerDist.x, centerDist.y, centerDist.z)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelId.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelId.kt
index eef7129..77a1835 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelId.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelId.kt
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit
-import org.bukkit.World
-import java.util.UUID
- * Used by storage backing options to encompass the identity of a world
- * Does NOT support equality operator.
- */
-interface ParcelWorldId {
- val name: String
- val uid: UUID?
- fun equals(id: ParcelWorldId): Boolean = name == || (uid != null && uid == id.uid)
- val bukkitWorld: World? get() = Bukkit.getWorld(name) ?: uid?.let { Bukkit.getWorld(it) }
-fun ParcelWorldId.parcelWorldIdToString() = "ParcelWorld($name)"
-fun ParcelWorldId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID? = null): ParcelWorldId = ParcelWorldIdImpl(worldName, worldUid)
-fun ParcelWorldId(world: World) = ParcelWorldId(, world.uid)
- * Used by storage backing options to encompass the location of a parcel
- * Does NOT support equality operator.
- */
-interface ParcelId {
- val worldId: ParcelWorldId
- val x: Int
- val z: Int
- val pos: Vec2i get() = Vec2i(x, z)
- val idString get() = "$x,$z"
- fun equals(id: ParcelId): Boolean = x == id.x && z == id.z && worldId.equals(id.worldId)
-fun ParcelId.parcelIdToString() = "Parcel(${},$idString)"
-fun ParcelId(worldId: ParcelWorldId, pos: Vec2i) = ParcelId(worldId, pos.x, pos.z)
-fun ParcelId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, pos: Vec2i) = ParcelId(worldName, worldUid, pos.x, pos.z)
-fun ParcelId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, x: Int, z: Int) = ParcelId(ParcelWorldId(worldName, worldUid), x, z)
-fun ParcelId(worldId: ParcelWorldId, x: Int, z: Int): ParcelId = ParcelIdImpl(worldId, x, z)
-private class ParcelWorldIdImpl(override val name: String,
- override val uid: UUID?) : ParcelWorldId {
- override fun toString() = parcelWorldIdToString()
-private class ParcelIdImpl(override val worldId: ParcelWorldId,
- override val x: Int,
- override val z: Int) : ParcelId {
- override fun toString() = parcelIdToString()
+package io.dico.parcels2
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit
+import org.bukkit.World
+import java.util.UUID
+ * Used by storage backing options to encompass the identity of a world
+ * Does NOT support equality operator.
+ */
+interface ParcelWorldId {
+ val name: String
+ val uid: UUID?
+ fun equals(id: ParcelWorldId): Boolean = name == || (uid != null && uid == id.uid)
+ val bukkitWorld: World? get() = Bukkit.getWorld(name) ?: uid?.let { Bukkit.getWorld(it) }
+fun ParcelWorldId.parcelWorldIdToString() = "ParcelWorld($name)"
+fun ParcelWorldId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID? = null): ParcelWorldId = ParcelWorldIdImpl(worldName, worldUid)
+fun ParcelWorldId(world: World) = ParcelWorldId(, world.uid)
+ * Used by storage backing options to encompass the location of a parcel
+ * Does NOT support equality operator.
+ */
+interface ParcelId {
+ val worldId: ParcelWorldId
+ val x: Int
+ val z: Int
+ val pos: Vec2i get() = Vec2i(x, z)
+ val idString get() = "$x,$z"
+ fun equals(id: ParcelId): Boolean = x == id.x && z == id.z && worldId.equals(id.worldId)
+fun ParcelId.parcelIdToString() = "Parcel(${},$idString)"
+fun ParcelId(worldId: ParcelWorldId, pos: Vec2i) = ParcelId(worldId, pos.x, pos.z)
+fun ParcelId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, pos: Vec2i) = ParcelId(worldName, worldUid, pos.x, pos.z)
+fun ParcelId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, x: Int, z: Int) = ParcelId(ParcelWorldId(worldName, worldUid), x, z)
+fun ParcelId(worldId: ParcelWorldId, x: Int, z: Int): ParcelId = ParcelIdImpl(worldId, x, z)
+private class ParcelWorldIdImpl(override val name: String,
+ override val uid: UUID?) : ParcelWorldId {
+ override fun toString() = parcelWorldIdToString()
+private class ParcelIdImpl(override val worldId: ParcelWorldId,
+ override val x: Int,
+ override val z: Int) : ParcelId {
+ override fun toString() = parcelIdToString()
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelWorld.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelWorld.kt
index c31b11a..36dfe1c 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelWorld.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelWorld.kt
@@ -1,103 +1,103 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2
-import io.dico.parcels2.options.RuntimeWorldOptions
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.floor
-import org.bukkit.Location
-import org.bukkit.World
-import org.bukkit.block.Block
-import org.bukkit.entity.Entity
-import org.joda.time.DateTime
-import java.lang.IllegalStateException
-import java.util.UUID
-class Permit
-interface ParcelProvider {
- val worlds: Map<String, ParcelWorld>
- fun getWorldById(id: ParcelWorldId): ParcelWorld?
- fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel?
- fun getWorld(name: String): ParcelWorld?
- fun getWorld(world: World): ParcelWorld? = getWorld(
- fun getWorld(block: Block): ParcelWorld? = getWorld(
- fun getWorld(loc: Location): ParcelWorld? = getWorld(
- fun getWorld(entity: Entity): ParcelWorld? = getWorld(entity.location)
- fun getParcelAt(worldName: String, x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? = getWorld(worldName)?.locator?.getParcelAt(x, z)
- fun getParcelAt(world: World, x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? = getParcelAt(, x, z)
- fun getParcelAt(world: World, vec: Vec2i): Parcel? = getParcelAt(world, vec.x, vec.z)
- fun getParcelAt(loc: Location): Parcel? = getParcelAt(, loc.x.floor(), loc.z.floor())
- fun getParcelAt(entity: Entity): Parcel? = getParcelAt(entity.location)
- fun getParcelAt(block: Block): Parcel? = getParcelAt(, block.x, block.z)
- fun getWorldGenerator(worldName: String): ParcelGenerator?
- fun loadWorlds()
- fun acquireBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit): Boolean
- @Throws(IllegalStateException::class)
- fun releaseBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit)
- fun trySubmitBlockVisitor(permit: Permit, parcelIds: Array<out ParcelId>, function: JobFunction): Job?
- fun swapParcels(parcelId1: ParcelId, parcelId2: ParcelId): Job?
-interface ParcelLocator {
- val world: World
- fun getParcelIdAt(x: Int, z: Int): ParcelId?
- fun getParcelAt(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel?
- fun getParcelAt(vec: Vec2i): Parcel? = getParcelAt(vec.x, vec.z)
- fun getParcelAt(loc: Location): Parcel? = getParcelAt(loc.x.floor(), loc.z.floor()).takeIf { == world }
- fun getParcelAt(entity: Entity): Parcel? = getParcelAt(entity.location).takeIf { == world }
- fun getParcelAt(block: Block): Parcel? = getParcelAt(block.x, block.z).takeIf { == world }
-typealias ParcelContainerFactory = (ParcelWorld) -> ParcelContainer
-interface ParcelContainer {
- fun getParcelById(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel?
- fun getParcelById(id: Vec2i): Parcel? = getParcelById(id.x, id.z)
- fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel?
- fun nextEmptyParcel(): Parcel?
-interface ParcelWorld : ParcelLocator, ParcelContainer {
- val id: ParcelWorldId
- val name: String
- val uid: UUID?
- val options: RuntimeWorldOptions
- val generator: ParcelGenerator
- val storage: Storage
- val container: ParcelContainer
- val locator: ParcelLocator
- val blockManager: ParcelBlockManager
- val globalPrivileges: GlobalPrivilegesManager
- val creationTime: DateTime?
+package io.dico.parcels2
+import io.dico.parcels2.options.RuntimeWorldOptions
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.floor
+import org.bukkit.Location
+import org.bukkit.World
+import org.bukkit.block.Block
+import org.bukkit.entity.Entity
+import org.joda.time.DateTime
+import java.lang.IllegalStateException
+import java.util.UUID
+class Permit
+interface ParcelProvider {
+ val worlds: Map<String, ParcelWorld>
+ fun getWorldById(id: ParcelWorldId): ParcelWorld?
+ fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel?
+ fun getWorld(name: String): ParcelWorld?
+ fun getWorld(world: World): ParcelWorld? = getWorld(
+ fun getWorld(block: Block): ParcelWorld? = getWorld(
+ fun getWorld(loc: Location): ParcelWorld? = getWorld(
+ fun getWorld(entity: Entity): ParcelWorld? = getWorld(entity.location)
+ fun getParcelAt(worldName: String, x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? = getWorld(worldName)?.locator?.getParcelAt(x, z)
+ fun getParcelAt(world: World, x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? = getParcelAt(, x, z)
+ fun getParcelAt(world: World, vec: Vec2i): Parcel? = getParcelAt(world, vec.x, vec.z)
+ fun getParcelAt(loc: Location): Parcel? = getParcelAt(, loc.x.floor(), loc.z.floor())
+ fun getParcelAt(entity: Entity): Parcel? = getParcelAt(entity.location)
+ fun getParcelAt(block: Block): Parcel? = getParcelAt(, block.x, block.z)
+ fun getWorldGenerator(worldName: String): ParcelGenerator?
+ fun loadWorlds()
+ fun acquireBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit): Boolean
+ @Throws(IllegalStateException::class)
+ fun releaseBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit)
+ fun trySubmitBlockVisitor(permit: Permit, parcelIds: Array<out ParcelId>, function: JobFunction): Job?
+ fun swapParcels(parcelId1: ParcelId, parcelId2: ParcelId): Job?
+interface ParcelLocator {
+ val world: World
+ fun getParcelIdAt(x: Int, z: Int): ParcelId?
+ fun getParcelAt(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel?
+ fun getParcelAt(vec: Vec2i): Parcel? = getParcelAt(vec.x, vec.z)
+ fun getParcelAt(loc: Location): Parcel? = getParcelAt(loc.x.floor(), loc.z.floor()).takeIf { == world }
+ fun getParcelAt(entity: Entity): Parcel? = getParcelAt(entity.location).takeIf { == world }
+ fun getParcelAt(block: Block): Parcel? = getParcelAt(block.x, block.z).takeIf { == world }
+typealias ParcelContainerFactory = (ParcelWorld) -> ParcelContainer
+interface ParcelContainer {
+ fun getParcelById(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel?
+ fun getParcelById(id: Vec2i): Parcel? = getParcelById(id.x, id.z)
+ fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel?
+ fun nextEmptyParcel(): Parcel?
+interface ParcelWorld : ParcelLocator, ParcelContainer {
+ val id: ParcelWorldId
+ val name: String
+ val uid: UUID?
+ val options: RuntimeWorldOptions
+ val generator: ParcelGenerator
+ val storage: Storage
+ val container: ParcelContainer
+ val locator: ParcelLocator
+ val blockManager: ParcelBlockManager
+ val globalPrivileges: GlobalPrivilegesManager
+ val creationTime: DateTime?
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelsPlugin.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelsPlugin.kt
index a6ebcd8..b2d52a9 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelsPlugin.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/ParcelsPlugin.kt
@@ -1,153 +1,153 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2
-import io.dico.dicore.Registrator
-import io.dico.dicore.command.EOverridePolicy
-import io.dico.dicore.command.ICommandDispatcher
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.getParcelCommands
-import io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl.GlobalPrivilegesManagerImpl
-import io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl.ParcelProviderImpl
-import io.dico.parcels2.listener.ParcelEntityTracker
-import io.dico.parcels2.listener.ParcelListeners
-import io.dico.parcels2.listener.WorldEditListener
-import io.dico.parcels2.options.Options
-import io.dico.parcels2.options.optionsMapper
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.MainThreadDispatcher
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.PluginScheduler
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.tryCreate
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.isServerThread
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit
-import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator
-import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
-import org.slf4j.Logger
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
-import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
-val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("ParcelsPlugin")
-private inline val plogger get() = logger
-class ParcelsPlugin : JavaPlugin(), CoroutineScope, PluginScheduler {
- lateinit var optionsFile: File; private set
- lateinit var options: Options; private set
- lateinit var parcelProvider: ParcelProvider; private set
- lateinit var storage: Storage; private set
- lateinit var globalPrivileges: GlobalPrivilegesManager; private set
- val registrator = Registrator(this)
- lateinit var entityTracker: ParcelEntityTracker; private set
- private var listeners: ParcelListeners? = null
- private var cmdDispatcher: ICommandDispatcher? = null
- override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = MainThreadDispatcher(this)
- override val plugin: Plugin get() = this
- val jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher by lazy { BukkitJobDispatcher(this, options.tickJobtime) }
- override fun onEnable() {
-"Is server thread: ${isServerThread()}")
-"Debug enabled: ${plogger.isDebugEnabled}")
- plogger.debug(System.getProperty("user.dir"))
- if (!init()) {
- Bukkit.getPluginManager().disablePlugin(this)
- }
- }
- override fun onDisable() {
- val hasWorkers =
- if (hasWorkers) {
- plogger.warn("Parcels is attempting to complete all ${} remaining jobs before shutdown...")
- }
- jobDispatcher.completeAllTasks()
- if (hasWorkers) {
-"Parcels has completed the remaining jobs.")
- }
- cmdDispatcher?.unregisterFromCommandMap()
- }
- private fun init(): Boolean {
- optionsFile = File(dataFolder, "options.yml")
- options = Options()
- parcelProvider = ParcelProviderImpl(this)
- try {
- if (!loadOptions()) return false
- try {
- storage =
- storage.init()
- } catch (ex: Exception) {
- plogger.error("Failed to connect to database", ex)
- return false
- }
- globalPrivileges = GlobalPrivilegesManagerImpl(this)
- entityTracker = ParcelEntityTracker(parcelProvider)
- } catch (ex: Exception) {
- plogger.error("Error loading options", ex)
- return false
- }
- registerListeners()
- registerCommands()
- parcelProvider.loadWorlds()
- return true
- }
- fun loadOptions(): Boolean {
- when {
- optionsFile.exists() -> optionsMapper.readerForUpdating(options).readValue<Options>(optionsFile)
- else -> run {
- options.addWorld("parcels")
- if (saveOptions()) {
- plogger.warn("Created options file with a world template. Please review it before next start.")
- } else {
- plogger.error("Failed to save options file ${optionsFile.canonicalPath}")
- }
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- }
- fun saveOptions(): Boolean {
- if (optionsFile.tryCreate()) {
- try {
- optionsMapper.writeValue(optionsFile, options)
- } catch (ex: Throwable) {
- optionsFile.delete()
- throw ex
- }
- return true
- }
- return false
- }
- override fun getDefaultWorldGenerator(worldName: String, generatorId: String?): ChunkGenerator? {
- return parcelProvider.getWorldGenerator(worldName)
- }
- private fun registerCommands() {
- cmdDispatcher = getParcelCommands(this).apply {
- registerToCommandMap("parcels:", EOverridePolicy.FALLBACK_ONLY)
- }
- }
- private fun registerListeners() {
- if (listeners == null) {
- listeners = ParcelListeners(parcelProvider, entityTracker, storage)
- registrator.registerListeners(listeners!!)
- val worldEditPlugin = server.pluginManager.getPlugin("WorldEdit")
- if (worldEditPlugin != null) {
- WorldEditListener.register(this, worldEditPlugin)
- }
- }
- scheduleRepeating(100, 5, entityTracker::tick)
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2
+import io.dico.dicore.Registrator
+import io.dico.dicore.command.EOverridePolicy
+import io.dico.dicore.command.ICommandDispatcher
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.getParcelCommands
+import io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl.GlobalPrivilegesManagerImpl
+import io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl.ParcelProviderImpl
+import io.dico.parcels2.listener.ParcelEntityTracker
+import io.dico.parcels2.listener.ParcelListeners
+import io.dico.parcels2.listener.WorldEditListener
+import io.dico.parcels2.options.Options
+import io.dico.parcels2.options.optionsMapper
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.MainThreadDispatcher
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.PluginScheduler
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.tryCreate
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.isServerThread
+import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit
+import org.bukkit.generator.ChunkGenerator
+import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
+import org.slf4j.Logger
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+val logger: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("ParcelsPlugin")
+private inline val plogger get() = logger
+class ParcelsPlugin : JavaPlugin(), CoroutineScope, PluginScheduler {
+ lateinit var optionsFile: File; private set
+ lateinit var options: Options; private set
+ lateinit var parcelProvider: ParcelProvider; private set
+ lateinit var storage: Storage; private set
+ lateinit var globalPrivileges: GlobalPrivilegesManager; private set
+ val registrator = Registrator(this)
+ lateinit var entityTracker: ParcelEntityTracker; private set
+ private var listeners: ParcelListeners? = null
+ private var cmdDispatcher: ICommandDispatcher? = null
+ override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = MainThreadDispatcher(this)
+ override val plugin: Plugin get() = this
+ val jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher by lazy { BukkitJobDispatcher(this, options.tickJobtime) }
+ override fun onEnable() {
+"Is server thread: ${isServerThread()}")
+"Debug enabled: ${plogger.isDebugEnabled}")
+ plogger.debug(System.getProperty("user.dir"))
+ if (!init()) {
+ Bukkit.getPluginManager().disablePlugin(this)
+ }
+ }
+ override fun onDisable() {
+ val hasWorkers =
+ if (hasWorkers) {
+ plogger.warn("Parcels is attempting to complete all ${} remaining jobs before shutdown...")
+ }
+ jobDispatcher.completeAllTasks()
+ if (hasWorkers) {
+"Parcels has completed the remaining jobs.")
+ }
+ cmdDispatcher?.unregisterFromCommandMap()
+ }
+ private fun init(): Boolean {
+ optionsFile = File(dataFolder, "options.yml")
+ options = Options()
+ parcelProvider = ParcelProviderImpl(this)
+ try {
+ if (!loadOptions()) return false
+ try {
+ storage =
+ storage.init()
+ } catch (ex: Exception) {
+ plogger.error("Failed to connect to database", ex)
+ return false
+ }
+ globalPrivileges = GlobalPrivilegesManagerImpl(this)
+ entityTracker = ParcelEntityTracker(parcelProvider)
+ } catch (ex: Exception) {
+ plogger.error("Error loading options", ex)
+ return false
+ }
+ registerListeners()
+ registerCommands()
+ parcelProvider.loadWorlds()
+ return true
+ }
+ fun loadOptions(): Boolean {
+ when {
+ optionsFile.exists() -> optionsMapper.readerForUpdating(options).readValue<Options>(optionsFile)
+ else -> run {
+ options.addWorld("parcels")
+ if (saveOptions()) {
+ plogger.warn("Created options file with a world template. Please review it before next start.")
+ } else {
+ plogger.error("Failed to save options file ${optionsFile.canonicalPath}")
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ fun saveOptions(): Boolean {
+ if (optionsFile.tryCreate()) {
+ try {
+ optionsMapper.writeValue(optionsFile, options)
+ } catch (ex: Throwable) {
+ optionsFile.delete()
+ throw ex
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ override fun getDefaultWorldGenerator(worldName: String, generatorId: String?): ChunkGenerator? {
+ return parcelProvider.getWorldGenerator(worldName)
+ }
+ private fun registerCommands() {
+ cmdDispatcher = getParcelCommands(this).apply {
+ registerToCommandMap("parcels:", EOverridePolicy.FALLBACK_ONLY)
+ }
+ }
+ private fun registerListeners() {
+ if (listeners == null) {
+ listeners = ParcelListeners(parcelProvider, entityTracker, storage)
+ registrator.registerListeners(listeners!!)
+ val worldEditPlugin = server.pluginManager.getPlugin("WorldEdit")
+ if (worldEditPlugin != null) {
+ WorldEditListener.register(this, worldEditPlugin)
+ }
+ }
+ scheduleRepeating(100, 5, entityTracker::tick)
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/PlayerProfile.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/PlayerProfile.kt
index e3e0f55..6c30c27 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/PlayerProfile.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/PlayerProfile.kt
@@ -1,184 +1,184 @@
-@file:Suppress("unused", "UsePropertyAccessSyntax", "DEPRECATION")
-package io.dico.parcels2
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PLAYER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.isValid
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.uuid
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.getOfflinePlayer
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.getPlayerName
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit
-import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
-import java.util.UUID
-interface PlayerProfile {
- val uuid: UUID? get() = null
- val name: String?
- val nameOrBukkitName: String?
- val notNullName: String
- val isStar: Boolean get() = this is Star
- val exists: Boolean get() = this is RealImpl
- fun matches(player: OfflinePlayer, allowNameMatch: Boolean = false): Boolean
- fun equals(other: PlayerProfile): Boolean
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
- override fun hashCode(): Int
- val isFake: Boolean get() = this is Fake
- val isReal: Boolean get() = this is Real
- companion object {
- fun safe(uuid: UUID?, name: String?): PlayerProfile? {
- if (uuid != null) return Real(uuid, name)
- if (name != null) return invoke(name)
- return null
- }
- operator fun invoke(uuid: UUID?, name: String?): PlayerProfile {
- return safe(uuid, name) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("One of uuid and name must not be null")
- }
- operator fun invoke(uuid: UUID): Real {
- if (uuid == Star.uuid) return Star
- return RealImpl(uuid, null)
- }
- operator fun invoke(name: String): PlayerProfile {
- if (name == return Star
- return Fake(name)
- }
- operator fun invoke(player: OfflinePlayer): PlayerProfile {
- return if (player.isValid) Real(player.uuid, else Fake(
- }
- fun nameless(player: OfflinePlayer): Real {
- if (!player.isValid) throw IllegalArgumentException("The given OfflinePlayer is not valid")
- return RealImpl(player.uuid, null)
- }
- fun byName(input: String, allowReal: Boolean = true, allowFake: Boolean = false): PlayerProfile {
- if (!allowReal) {
- if (!allowFake) throw IllegalArgumentException("at least one of allowReal and allowFake must be true")
- return Fake(input)
- }
- if (input == return Star
- return getOfflinePlayer(input)?.let { PlayerProfile(it) } ?: Unresolved(input)
- }
- }
- interface Real : PlayerProfile {
- override val uuid: UUID
- override val nameOrBukkitName: String?
- // If a player is online, their name is prioritized to get name changes right immediately
- get() = Bukkit.getPlayer(uuid)?.name ?: name ?: getPlayerName(uuid)
- override val notNullName: String
- get() = nameOrBukkitName ?: PLAYER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER
- val player: OfflinePlayer? get() = getOfflinePlayer(uuid)
- override fun matches(player: OfflinePlayer, allowNameMatch: Boolean): Boolean {
- return uuid == player.uuid || (allowNameMatch && name?.let { it == } == true)
- }
- override fun equals(other: PlayerProfile): Boolean {
- return other is Real && uuid == other.uuid
- }
- companion object {
- fun byName(name: String): PlayerProfile {
- if (name == return Star
- return Unresolved(name)
- }
- operator fun invoke(uuid: UUID, name: String?): Real {
- if (name == || uuid == Star.uuid) return Star
- return RealImpl(uuid, name)
- }
- fun safe(uuid: UUID?, name: String?): Real? {
- if (name == || uuid == Star.uuid) return Star
- if (uuid == null) return null
- return RealImpl(uuid, name)
- }
- }
- }
- object Star : BaseImpl(), Real {
- override val name get() = "*"
- override val nameOrBukkitName get() = name
- override val notNullName get() = name
- // hopefully nobody will have this random UUID :)
- override val uuid: UUID = UUID.fromString("7d09c4c6-117d-4f36-9778-c4d24618cee1")
- override fun matches(player: OfflinePlayer, allowNameMatch: Boolean): Boolean {
- return true
- }
- override fun toString() = "Star"
- }
- abstract class NameOnly(override val name: String) : BaseImpl() {
- override val notNullName get() = name
- override val nameOrBukkitName: String get() = name
- override fun matches(player: OfflinePlayer, allowNameMatch: Boolean): Boolean {
- return allowNameMatch && == name
- }
- override fun toString() = "${javaClass.simpleName}($name)"
- }
- class Fake(name: String) : NameOnly(name) {
- override fun equals(other: PlayerProfile): Boolean {
- return other is Fake && == name
- }
- }
- class Unresolved(name: String) : NameOnly(name) {
- override fun equals(other: PlayerProfile): Boolean {
- return other is Unresolved && name ==
- }
- suspend fun tryResolveSuspendedly(storage: Storage): Real? {
- return storage.getPlayerUuidForName(name).await()?.let { resolve(it) }
- }
- fun resolve(uuid: UUID): Real {
- return RealImpl(uuid, name)
- }
- fun throwException(): Nothing {
- throw IllegalArgumentException("A UUID for the player $name can not be found")
- }
- }
- abstract class BaseImpl : PlayerProfile {
- override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
- return this === other || (other is PlayerProfile && equals(other))
- }
- override fun hashCode(): Int {
- return uuid?.hashCode() ?: name!!.hashCode()
- }
- }
- private class RealImpl(override val uuid: UUID, override val name: String?) : BaseImpl(), Real {
- override fun toString() = "Real($notNullName)"
- }
-suspend fun PlayerProfile.resolved(storage: Storage, resolveToFake: Boolean = false): PlayerProfile? =
- when (this) {
- is PlayerProfile.Unresolved -> tryResolveSuspendedly(storage)
- ?: if (resolveToFake) PlayerProfile.Fake(name) else null
- else -> this
+@file:Suppress("unused", "UsePropertyAccessSyntax", "DEPRECATION")
+package io.dico.parcels2
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PLAYER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.isValid
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.uuid
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.getOfflinePlayer
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.getPlayerName
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit
+import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
+import java.util.UUID
+interface PlayerProfile {
+ val uuid: UUID? get() = null
+ val name: String?
+ val nameOrBukkitName: String?
+ val notNullName: String
+ val isStar: Boolean get() = this is Star
+ val exists: Boolean get() = this is RealImpl
+ fun matches(player: OfflinePlayer, allowNameMatch: Boolean = false): Boolean
+ fun equals(other: PlayerProfile): Boolean
+ override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
+ override fun hashCode(): Int
+ val isFake: Boolean get() = this is Fake
+ val isReal: Boolean get() = this is Real
+ companion object {
+ fun safe(uuid: UUID?, name: String?): PlayerProfile? {
+ if (uuid != null) return Real(uuid, name)
+ if (name != null) return invoke(name)
+ return null
+ }
+ operator fun invoke(uuid: UUID?, name: String?): PlayerProfile {
+ return safe(uuid, name) ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("One of uuid and name must not be null")
+ }
+ operator fun invoke(uuid: UUID): Real {
+ if (uuid == Star.uuid) return Star
+ return RealImpl(uuid, null)
+ }
+ operator fun invoke(name: String): PlayerProfile {
+ if (name == return Star
+ return Fake(name)
+ }
+ operator fun invoke(player: OfflinePlayer): PlayerProfile {
+ return if (player.isValid) Real(player.uuid, else Fake(
+ }
+ fun nameless(player: OfflinePlayer): Real {
+ if (!player.isValid) throw IllegalArgumentException("The given OfflinePlayer is not valid")
+ return RealImpl(player.uuid, null)
+ }
+ fun byName(input: String, allowReal: Boolean = true, allowFake: Boolean = false): PlayerProfile {
+ if (!allowReal) {
+ if (!allowFake) throw IllegalArgumentException("at least one of allowReal and allowFake must be true")
+ return Fake(input)
+ }
+ if (input == return Star
+ return getOfflinePlayer(input)?.let { PlayerProfile(it) } ?: Unresolved(input)
+ }
+ }
+ interface Real : PlayerProfile {
+ override val uuid: UUID
+ override val nameOrBukkitName: String?
+ // If a player is online, their name is prioritized to get name changes right immediately
+ get() = Bukkit.getPlayer(uuid)?.name ?: name ?: getPlayerName(uuid)
+ override val notNullName: String
+ get() = nameOrBukkitName ?: PLAYER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER
+ val player: OfflinePlayer? get() = getOfflinePlayer(uuid)
+ override fun matches(player: OfflinePlayer, allowNameMatch: Boolean): Boolean {
+ return uuid == player.uuid || (allowNameMatch && name?.let { it == } == true)
+ }
+ override fun equals(other: PlayerProfile): Boolean {
+ return other is Real && uuid == other.uuid
+ }
+ companion object {
+ fun byName(name: String): PlayerProfile {
+ if (name == return Star
+ return Unresolved(name)
+ }
+ operator fun invoke(uuid: UUID, name: String?): Real {
+ if (name == || uuid == Star.uuid) return Star
+ return RealImpl(uuid, name)
+ }
+ fun safe(uuid: UUID?, name: String?): Real? {
+ if (name == || uuid == Star.uuid) return Star
+ if (uuid == null) return null
+ return RealImpl(uuid, name)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ object Star : BaseImpl(), Real {
+ override val name get() = "*"
+ override val nameOrBukkitName get() = name
+ override val notNullName get() = name
+ // hopefully nobody will have this random UUID :)
+ override val uuid: UUID = UUID.fromString("7d09c4c6-117d-4f36-9778-c4d24618cee1")
+ override fun matches(player: OfflinePlayer, allowNameMatch: Boolean): Boolean {
+ return true
+ }
+ override fun toString() = "Star"
+ }
+ abstract class NameOnly(override val name: String) : BaseImpl() {
+ override val notNullName get() = name
+ override val nameOrBukkitName: String get() = name
+ override fun matches(player: OfflinePlayer, allowNameMatch: Boolean): Boolean {
+ return allowNameMatch && == name
+ }
+ override fun toString() = "${javaClass.simpleName}($name)"
+ }
+ class Fake(name: String) : NameOnly(name) {
+ override fun equals(other: PlayerProfile): Boolean {
+ return other is Fake && == name
+ }
+ }
+ class Unresolved(name: String) : NameOnly(name) {
+ override fun equals(other: PlayerProfile): Boolean {
+ return other is Unresolved && name ==
+ }
+ suspend fun tryResolveSuspendedly(storage: Storage): Real? {
+ return storage.getPlayerUuidForName(name).await()?.let { resolve(it) }
+ }
+ fun resolve(uuid: UUID): Real {
+ return RealImpl(uuid, name)
+ }
+ fun throwException(): Nothing {
+ throw IllegalArgumentException("A UUID for the player $name can not be found")
+ }
+ }
+ abstract class BaseImpl : PlayerProfile {
+ override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {
+ return this === other || (other is PlayerProfile && equals(other))
+ }
+ override fun hashCode(): Int {
+ return uuid?.hashCode() ?: name!!.hashCode()
+ }
+ }
+ private class RealImpl(override val uuid: UUID, override val name: String?) : BaseImpl(), Real {
+ override fun toString() = "Real($notNullName)"
+ }
+suspend fun PlayerProfile.resolved(storage: Storage, resolveToFake: Boolean = false): PlayerProfile? =
+ when (this) {
+ is PlayerProfile.Unresolved -> tryResolveSuspendedly(storage)
+ ?: if (resolveToFake) PlayerProfile.Fake(name) else null
+ else -> this
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Privilege.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Privilege.kt
index 135d7c1..892ed4c 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Privilege.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Privilege.kt
@@ -1,125 +1,125 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2
-import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.DEFAULT
-import java.util.Collections
-typealias PrivilegeKey = PlayerProfile.Real
-typealias PrivilegeMap = Map<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>
-typealias MutablePrivilegeMap = MutableMap<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>
-fun MutablePrivilegeMap(): MutablePrivilegeMap = hashMapOf()
-val EmptyPrivilegeMap = Collections.emptyMap<Any, Any>() as MutablePrivilegeMap
-enum class Privilege(
- val number: Int,
- val transient: Boolean = false
-) {
- BANNED(1),
- OWNER(-1, transient = true),
- ADMIN(-1, transient = true);
- fun implies(other: Privilege): Boolean =
- when {
- other > DEFAULT -> this >= other
- other == DEFAULT -> this == other
- else -> this <= other
- }
- fun isChangeInDirection(positiveDirection: Boolean, update: Privilege): Boolean =
- if (positiveDirection) update > this
- else update < this
- fun requireNonTransient(): Privilege {
- if (transient) {
- throw IllegalArgumentException("Transient privilege $this is invalid")
- }
- return this
- }
- companion object {
- fun getByNumber(id: Int) =
- when (id) {
- 1 -> BANNED
- 2 -> DEFAULT
- 3 -> CAN_BUILD
- else -> null
- }
- }
-interface RawPrivileges {
- val privilegeMap: PrivilegeMap
- var privilegeOfStar: Privilege
- fun getRawStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey): Privilege
- fun setRawStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey, privilege: Privilege): Boolean
- fun hasAnyDeclaredPrivileges(): Boolean
-open class PrivilegesHolder(override var privilegeMap: MutablePrivilegeMap = EmptyPrivilegeMap) : RawPrivileges {
- private var _privilegeOfStar: Privilege = DEFAULT
- override /*open*/ var privilegeOfStar: Privilege
- get() = _privilegeOfStar
- set(value) = run { _privilegeOfStar = value }
- protected val isEmpty
- inline get() = privilegeMap === EmptyPrivilegeMap
- override fun getRawStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey) =
- if (key.isStar) _privilegeOfStar
- else privilegeMap.getOrDefault(key, _privilegeOfStar)
- override fun setRawStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey, privilege: Privilege): Boolean {
- privilege.requireNonTransient()
- if (key.isStar) {
- if (_privilegeOfStar == privilege) return false
- _privilegeOfStar = privilege
- return true
- }
- if (isEmpty) {
- if (privilege == DEFAULT) return false
- privilegeMap = MutablePrivilegeMap()
- }
- return if (privilege == DEFAULT) privilegeMap.remove(key) != null
- else privilegeMap.put(key, privilege) != privilege
- }
- override fun hasAnyDeclaredPrivileges(): Boolean {
- return privilegeMap.isNotEmpty() || privilegeOfStar != DEFAULT
- }
- fun copyPrivilegesFrom(other: PrivilegesHolder) {
- privilegeMap = other.privilegeMap
- privilegeOfStar = other.privilegeOfStar
- }
-private fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.put(key: K, value: V, override: Boolean) {
- if (override) this[key] = value
- else putIfAbsent(key, value)
-fun RawPrivileges.filterProfilesWithPrivilegeTo(map: MutableMap<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>, privilege: Privilege) {
- if (privilegeOfStar.implies(privilege)) {
- map.putIfAbsent(PlayerProfile.Star, privilegeOfStar)
- }
- for ((profile, declaredPrivilege) in privilegeMap) {
- if (declaredPrivilege.implies(privilege)) {
- map.putIfAbsent(profile, declaredPrivilege)
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2
+import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.DEFAULT
+import java.util.Collections
+typealias PrivilegeKey = PlayerProfile.Real
+typealias PrivilegeMap = Map<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>
+typealias MutablePrivilegeMap = MutableMap<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>
+fun MutablePrivilegeMap(): MutablePrivilegeMap = hashMapOf()
+val EmptyPrivilegeMap = Collections.emptyMap<Any, Any>() as MutablePrivilegeMap
+enum class Privilege(
+ val number: Int,
+ val transient: Boolean = false
+) {
+ BANNED(1),
+ OWNER(-1, transient = true),
+ ADMIN(-1, transient = true);
+ fun implies(other: Privilege): Boolean =
+ when {
+ other > DEFAULT -> this >= other
+ other == DEFAULT -> this == other
+ else -> this <= other
+ }
+ fun isChangeInDirection(positiveDirection: Boolean, update: Privilege): Boolean =
+ if (positiveDirection) update > this
+ else update < this
+ fun requireNonTransient(): Privilege {
+ if (transient) {
+ throw IllegalArgumentException("Transient privilege $this is invalid")
+ }
+ return this
+ }
+ companion object {
+ fun getByNumber(id: Int) =
+ when (id) {
+ 1 -> BANNED
+ 2 -> DEFAULT
+ 3 -> CAN_BUILD
+ else -> null
+ }
+ }
+interface RawPrivileges {
+ val privilegeMap: PrivilegeMap
+ var privilegeOfStar: Privilege
+ fun getRawStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey): Privilege
+ fun setRawStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey, privilege: Privilege): Boolean
+ fun hasAnyDeclaredPrivileges(): Boolean
+open class PrivilegesHolder(override var privilegeMap: MutablePrivilegeMap = EmptyPrivilegeMap) : RawPrivileges {
+ private var _privilegeOfStar: Privilege = DEFAULT
+ override /*open*/ var privilegeOfStar: Privilege
+ get() = _privilegeOfStar
+ set(value) = run { _privilegeOfStar = value }
+ protected val isEmpty
+ inline get() = privilegeMap === EmptyPrivilegeMap
+ override fun getRawStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey) =
+ if (key.isStar) _privilegeOfStar
+ else privilegeMap.getOrDefault(key, _privilegeOfStar)
+ override fun setRawStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey, privilege: Privilege): Boolean {
+ privilege.requireNonTransient()
+ if (key.isStar) {
+ if (_privilegeOfStar == privilege) return false
+ _privilegeOfStar = privilege
+ return true
+ }
+ if (isEmpty) {
+ if (privilege == DEFAULT) return false
+ privilegeMap = MutablePrivilegeMap()
+ }
+ return if (privilege == DEFAULT) privilegeMap.remove(key) != null
+ else privilegeMap.put(key, privilege) != privilege
+ }
+ override fun hasAnyDeclaredPrivileges(): Boolean {
+ return privilegeMap.isNotEmpty() || privilegeOfStar != DEFAULT
+ }
+ fun copyPrivilegesFrom(other: PrivilegesHolder) {
+ privilegeMap = other.privilegeMap
+ privilegeOfStar = other.privilegeOfStar
+ }
+private fun <K, V> MutableMap<K, V>.put(key: K, value: V, override: Boolean) {
+ if (override) this[key] = value
+ else putIfAbsent(key, value)
+fun RawPrivileges.filterProfilesWithPrivilegeTo(map: MutableMap<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>, privilege: Privilege) {
+ if (privilegeOfStar.implies(privilege)) {
+ map.putIfAbsent(PlayerProfile.Star, privilegeOfStar)
+ }
+ for ((profile, declaredPrivilege) in privilegeMap) {
+ if (declaredPrivilege.implies(privilege)) {
+ map.putIfAbsent(profile, declaredPrivilege)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Privileges.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Privileges.kt
index 632f1a4..6cdd6d0 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Privileges.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/Privileges.kt
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2
-import io.dico.parcels2.PrivilegeChangeResult.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_BAN_BYPASS
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_BUILD_ANYWHERE
-import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-interface Privileges : RawPrivileges {
- val keyOfOwner: PlayerProfile.Real?
- fun getStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey): Privilege {
- return if (key == keyOfOwner) Privilege.OWNER
- else getRawStoredPrivilege(key)
- }
- override var privilegeOfStar: Privilege
- get() = getStoredPrivilege(PlayerProfile.Star)
- set(value) {
- setRawStoredPrivilege(PlayerProfile.Star, value)
- }
-val OfflinePlayer.privilegeKey: PrivilegeKey
- inline get() = PlayerProfile.nameless(this)
-fun Privileges.getEffectivePrivilege(player: OfflinePlayer, adminPerm: String): Privilege =
- if (player is Player && player.hasPermission(adminPerm)) Privilege.ADMIN
- else getStoredPrivilege(player.privilegeKey)
-fun Privileges.canManage(player: OfflinePlayer) = getEffectivePrivilege(player, PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE) >= Privilege.CAN_MANAGE
-fun Privileges.canManageFast(player: OfflinePlayer) = getStoredPrivilege(player.privilegeKey) >= Privilege.CAN_MANAGE
-fun Privileges.canBuild(player: OfflinePlayer) = getEffectivePrivilege(player, PERM_BUILD_ANYWHERE) >= Privilege.CAN_BUILD
-fun Privileges.canBuildFast(player: OfflinePlayer) = getStoredPrivilege(player.privilegeKey) >= Privilege.CAN_BUILD
-fun Privileges.canEnter(player: OfflinePlayer) = getEffectivePrivilege(player, PERM_BAN_BYPASS) >= Privilege.DEFAULT
-fun Privileges.canEnterFast(player: OfflinePlayer) = getStoredPrivilege(player.privilegeKey) >= Privilege.DEFAULT
-enum class PrivilegeChangeResult {
-fun Privileges.changePrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey, positive: Boolean, update: Privilege): PrivilegeChangeResult =
- when {
- key == keyOfOwner -> FAIL_OWNER
- getRawStoredPrivilege(key).isChangeInDirection(positive, update) && setRawStoredPrivilege(key, update) -> SUCCESS
- else -> FAIL
- }
-fun Privileges.allowManage(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, true, Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
-fun Privileges.disallowManage(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, false, Privilege.CAN_BUILD)
-fun Privileges.allowBuild(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, true, Privilege.CAN_BUILD)
-fun Privileges.disallowBuild(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, false, Privilege.DEFAULT)
-fun Privileges.allowEnter(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, true, Privilege.DEFAULT)
-fun Privileges.disallowEnter(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, false, Privilege.BANNED)
-interface GlobalPrivileges : RawPrivileges, Privileges {
- override val keyOfOwner: PlayerProfile.Real
-interface GlobalPrivilegesManager {
- operator fun get(owner: PlayerProfile.Real): GlobalPrivileges
- operator fun get(owner: OfflinePlayer): GlobalPrivileges = get(owner.privilegeKey)
+package io.dico.parcels2
+import io.dico.parcels2.PrivilegeChangeResult.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_BAN_BYPASS
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_BUILD_ANYWHERE
+import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+interface Privileges : RawPrivileges {
+ val keyOfOwner: PlayerProfile.Real?
+ fun getStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey): Privilege {
+ return if (key == keyOfOwner) Privilege.OWNER
+ else getRawStoredPrivilege(key)
+ }
+ override var privilegeOfStar: Privilege
+ get() = getStoredPrivilege(PlayerProfile.Star)
+ set(value) {
+ setRawStoredPrivilege(PlayerProfile.Star, value)
+ }
+val OfflinePlayer.privilegeKey: PrivilegeKey
+ inline get() = PlayerProfile.nameless(this)
+fun Privileges.getEffectivePrivilege(player: OfflinePlayer, adminPerm: String): Privilege =
+ if (player is Player && player.hasPermission(adminPerm)) Privilege.ADMIN
+ else getStoredPrivilege(player.privilegeKey)
+fun Privileges.canManage(player: OfflinePlayer) = getEffectivePrivilege(player, PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE) >= Privilege.CAN_MANAGE
+fun Privileges.canManageFast(player: OfflinePlayer) = getStoredPrivilege(player.privilegeKey) >= Privilege.CAN_MANAGE
+fun Privileges.canBuild(player: OfflinePlayer) = getEffectivePrivilege(player, PERM_BUILD_ANYWHERE) >= Privilege.CAN_BUILD
+fun Privileges.canBuildFast(player: OfflinePlayer) = getStoredPrivilege(player.privilegeKey) >= Privilege.CAN_BUILD
+fun Privileges.canEnter(player: OfflinePlayer) = getEffectivePrivilege(player, PERM_BAN_BYPASS) >= Privilege.DEFAULT
+fun Privileges.canEnterFast(player: OfflinePlayer) = getStoredPrivilege(player.privilegeKey) >= Privilege.DEFAULT
+enum class PrivilegeChangeResult {
+fun Privileges.changePrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey, positive: Boolean, update: Privilege): PrivilegeChangeResult =
+ when {
+ key == keyOfOwner -> FAIL_OWNER
+ getRawStoredPrivilege(key).isChangeInDirection(positive, update) && setRawStoredPrivilege(key, update) -> SUCCESS
+ else -> FAIL
+ }
+fun Privileges.allowManage(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, true, Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
+fun Privileges.disallowManage(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, false, Privilege.CAN_BUILD)
+fun Privileges.allowBuild(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, true, Privilege.CAN_BUILD)
+fun Privileges.disallowBuild(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, false, Privilege.DEFAULT)
+fun Privileges.allowEnter(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, true, Privilege.DEFAULT)
+fun Privileges.disallowEnter(key: PrivilegeKey) = changePrivilege(key, false, Privilege.BANNED)
+interface GlobalPrivileges : RawPrivileges, Privileges {
+ override val keyOfOwner: PlayerProfile.Real
+interface GlobalPrivilegesManager {
+ operator fun get(owner: PlayerProfile.Real): GlobalPrivileges
+ operator fun get(owner: OfflinePlayer): GlobalPrivileges = get(owner.privilegeKey)
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/Attachables.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/Attachables.kt
index 8f2c565..83567c5 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/Attachables.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/Attachables.kt
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix
-import org.bukkit.Material
-import org.bukkit.Material.*
-import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
-import java.util.EnumSet
-private val attachables = EnumSet.of(
- *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("PRESSURE_PLATE"),
- *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("BUTTON"),
- *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("DOOR"), IRON_DOOR,
- *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("SAPLING"),
- *getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix("CONCRETE_POWDER"),
- *getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix("CARPET"),
- // NETHER_PORTAL, fuck nether portals
- *getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix("BANNER"),
- *getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix("WALL_BANNER"),
-fun isAttachable(type: Material) = attachables.contains(type)
-fun getSupportingBlock(data: BlockData): Vec3i = when (data) {
- //is MultipleFacing -> // fuck it xD this is good enough
- is Directional -> Vec3i.convert(when (data.material) {
- // exceptions
- COCOA -> data.facing
- else -> data.facing.oppositeFace
- })
- else -> Vec3i.down
+package io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix
+import org.bukkit.Material
+import org.bukkit.Material.*
+import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
+import java.util.EnumSet
+private val attachables = EnumSet.of(
+ *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("PRESSURE_PLATE"),
+ *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("BUTTON"),
+ *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("DOOR"), IRON_DOOR,
+ *getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix("SAPLING"),
+ *getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix("CONCRETE_POWDER"),
+ *getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix("CARPET"),
+ // NETHER_PORTAL, fuck nether portals
+ *getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix("BANNER"),
+ *getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix("WALL_BANNER"),
+fun isAttachable(type: Material) = attachables.contains(type)
+fun getSupportingBlock(data: BlockData): Vec3i = when (data) {
+ //is MultipleFacing -> // fuck it xD this is good enough
+ is Directional -> Vec3i.convert(when (data.material) {
+ // exceptions
+ COCOA -> data.facing
+ else -> data.facing.oppositeFace
+ })
+ else -> Vec3i.down
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/ExtraBlockChange.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/ExtraBlockChange.kt
index 3f7e070..ddfec27 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/ExtraBlockChange.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/ExtraBlockChange.kt
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor
-import org.bukkit.block.Block
-import org.bukkit.block.BlockState
-import org.bukkit.block.Sign
-import kotlin.reflect.KClass
-interface ExtraBlockChange {
- fun update(block: Block)
-abstract class BlockStateChange<T : BlockState> : ExtraBlockChange {
- abstract val stateClass: KClass<T>
- abstract fun update(state: T)
- override fun update(block: Block) {
- val state = block.state
- if (stateClass.isInstance(state)) {
- @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
- update(state as T)
- }
- }
-class SignStateChange(state: Sign) : BlockStateChange<Sign>() {
- val lines = state.lines
- override val stateClass: KClass<Sign>
- get() = Sign::class
- override fun update(state: Sign) {
- for (i in lines.indices) {
- val line = lines[i]
- state.setLine(i, line)
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor
+import org.bukkit.block.Block
+import org.bukkit.block.BlockState
+import org.bukkit.block.Sign
+import kotlin.reflect.KClass
+interface ExtraBlockChange {
+ fun update(block: Block)
+abstract class BlockStateChange<T : BlockState> : ExtraBlockChange {
+ abstract val stateClass: KClass<T>
+ abstract fun update(state: T)
+ override fun update(block: Block) {
+ val state = block.state
+ if (stateClass.isInstance(state)) {
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ update(state as T)
+ }
+ }
+class SignStateChange(state: Sign) : BlockStateChange<Sign>() {
+ val lines = state.lines
+ override val stateClass: KClass<Sign>
+ get() = Sign::class
+ override fun update(state: Sign) {
+ for (i in lines.indices) {
+ val line = lines[i]
+ state.setLine(i, line)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/RegionTraverser.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/RegionTraverser.kt
index b749b36..6525655 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/RegionTraverser.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/RegionTraverser.kt
@@ -1,323 +1,323 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Dimension
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Region
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.clampMax
-private typealias Scope = SequenceScope<Vec3i>
-class ParcelTraverser(
- val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
- val delegate: RegionTraverser,
- scope: CoroutineScope
-) : RegionTraverser(), CoroutineScope by scope {
- class OccupiedException(parcelId: ParcelId) : Exception("Parcel $parcelId is occupied")
- /**
- * Traverse the blocks of parcel's land
- * The iterator must be exhausted, else the permit to traverse it will not be reclaimed.
- *
- * @throws OccupiedException if a parcel is maintained with the given parcel id and an
- * iterator exists for it that has not been exhausted
- */
- fun traverseParcel(parcelId: ParcelId): Iterator<Vec3i> {
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorldById(parcelId.worldId)
- ?: throw IllegalArgumentException()
- val parcel = parcelProvider.getParcelById(parcelId)
- val medium = if (parcel != null) {
- if (parcel.hasBlockVisitors || parcel !is ParcelImpl) {
- throw OccupiedException(parcelId)
- }
- parcel.hasBlockVisitors = true
- TraverserMedium { parcel.hasBlockVisitors = false }
- } else {
- TraverserMedium.DoNothing
- }
- val region = world.blockManager.getRegion(parcelId)
- return traverseRegion(region,, medium)
- }
- override suspend fun Region, medium: TraverserMedium) {
- with(delegate) {
- return build(region, medium)
- }
- }
-inline fun TraverserMedium(crossinline whenComplete: () -> Unit) =
- object : TraverserMedium {
- override fun iterationCompleted() {
- whenComplete()
- }
- }
- * An object that is able to communicate with an iterator returned by [RegionTraverser]
- *
- */
-interface TraverserMedium {
- /**
- * Called by the traverser during first [Iterator.hasNext] call that returns false
- */
- fun iterationCompleted()
- /**
- * The default [TraverserMedium], which does nothing.
- */
- object DoNothing : TraverserMedium {
- override fun iterationCompleted() {}
- }
-sealed class RegionTraverser {
- /**
- * Get an iterator traversing [region] using this traverser.
- * Depending on the implementation, [region] might be traversed in a specific order and direction.
- */
- fun traverseRegion(
- region: Region,
- worldHeight: Int = 256/*,
- medium: TraverserMedium = TraverserMedium.DoNothing*/
- ): Iterator<Vec3i> = iterator { build(validify(region, worldHeight)/*, medium*/) }
- abstract suspend fun Region/*, medium: TraverserMedium = TraverserMedium.DoNothing*/)
- companion object {
- val upward = Directional(TraverseDirection(1, 1, 1), TraverseOrderFactory.createWith(Dimension.Y, Dimension.X))
- val downward = Directional(TraverseDirection(1, -1, 1), TraverseOrderFactory.createWith(Dimension.Y, Dimension.X))
- val toClear get() = downward
- val toFill get() = upward
- /**
- * The returned [RegionTraverser] will traverse the regions
- * * below and including absolute level [y] first, in [upward] direction.
- * * above absolute level [y] last, in [downward] direction.
- */
- fun convergingTo(y: Int) = Slicing(y, upward, downward, true)
- /**
- * The returned [RegionTraverser] will traverse the regions
- * * above absolute level [y] first, in [upward] direction.
- * * below and including absolute level [y] second, in [downward] direction.
- */
- fun separatingFrom(y: Int) = Slicing(y, downward, upward, false)
- private fun validify(region: Region, worldHeight: Int): Region {
- if (region.origin.y < 0) {
- val origin = region.origin withY 0
- val size = region.size.withY((region.size.y + region.origin.y).clampMax(worldHeight))
- return Region(origin, size)
- }
- if (region.origin.y + region.size.y > worldHeight) {
- val size = region.size.withY(worldHeight - region.origin.y)
- return Region(region.origin, size)
- }
- return region
- }
- }
- class Directional(
- val direction: TraverseDirection,
- val order: TraverseOrder
- ) : RegionTraverser() {
- private inline fun iterate(max: Int, increasing: Boolean, action: (Int) -> Unit) {
- for (i in 0..max) {
- action(if (increasing) i else max - i)
- }
- }
- override suspend fun Region/*, medium: TraverserMedium*/) {
- val order = order
- val (primary, secondary, tertiary) = order.toArray()
- val (origin, size) = region
- val maxOfPrimary = size[primary] - 1
- val maxOfSecondary = size[secondary] - 1
- val maxOfTertiary = size[tertiary] - 1
- val isPrimaryIncreasing = direction.isIncreasing(primary)
- val isSecondaryIncreasing = direction.isIncreasing(secondary)
- val isTertiaryIncreasing = direction.isIncreasing(tertiary)
- iterate(maxOfPrimary, isPrimaryIncreasing) { p ->
- iterate(maxOfSecondary, isSecondaryIncreasing) { s ->
- iterate(maxOfTertiary, isTertiaryIncreasing) { t ->
- yield(order.add(origin, p, s, t))
- }
- }
- }
- /*medium.iterationCompleted()*/
- }
- }
- class Slicing(
- val bottomSectionMaxY: Int,
- val bottomTraverser: RegionTraverser,
- val topTraverser: RegionTraverser,
- val bottomFirst: Boolean = true
- ) : RegionTraverser() {
- private fun slice(region: Region, atY: Int): Pair<Region, Region?> {
- if (atY < region.size.y + 1) {
- val bottom = Region(region.origin, region.size.withY(atY + 1))
- val top = Region(region.origin.withY(atY + 1), region.size.addY(-atY - 1))
- return bottom to top
- }
- return region to null
- }
- override suspend fun Region/*, medium: TraverserMedium*/) {
- val (bottom, top) = slice(region, bottomSectionMaxY)
- if (bottomFirst) {
- with(bottomTraverser) { build(bottom) }
- top?.let { with(topTraverser) { build(it) } }
- } else {
- top?.let { with(topTraverser) { build(it) } }
- with(bottomTraverser) { build(bottom) }
- }
- /*medium.iterationCompleted()*/
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns [Directional] instance that would be responsible for
- * emitting the given position if it is contained in a region.
- * [Directional] instance has a set order and direction
- */
- fun childForPosition(position: Vec3i): Directional {
- var cur = this
- while (true) {
- when (cur) {
- /*is ParcelTraverser -> cur = cur.delegate*/
- is Directional -> return cur
- is Slicing ->
- cur =
- if (position.y <= cur.bottomSectionMaxY) cur.bottomTraverser
- else cur.topTraverser
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Returns true if and only if this traverser would visit the given
- * [block] position before the given [current] position.
- * If at least one of [block] and [current] is not contained in a
- * region being traversed the result is undefined.
- */
- fun comesFirst(current: Vec3i, block: Vec3i): Boolean {
- var cur = this
- while (true) {
- when (cur) {
- /*is ParcelTraverser -> cur = cur.delegate*/
- is Directional -> return cur.direction.comesFirst(current, block)
- is Slicing -> {
- val border = cur.bottomSectionMaxY
- cur = when {
- current.y <= border && block.y <= border -> cur.bottomTraverser
- current.y <= border -> return !cur.bottomFirst
- block.y <= border -> return cur.bottomFirst
- else -> cur.topTraverser
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-object TraverseOrderFactory {
- private fun isSwap(primary: Dimension, secondary: Dimension) = secondary.ordinal != (primary.ordinal + 1) % 3
- fun createWith(primary: Dimension, secondary: Dimension): TraverseOrder {
- // tertiary is implicit
- if (primary == secondary) throw IllegalArgumentException()
- return TraverseOrder(primary, isSwap(primary, secondary))
- }
-inline class TraverseOrder(val orderNum: Int) {
- constructor(first: Dimension, swap: Boolean)
- : this(if (swap) first.ordinal + 3 else first.ordinal)
- @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
- private inline fun element(index: Int) = Dimension[(orderNum + index) % 3]
- private val swap inline get() = orderNum >= 3
- /**
- * The slowest changing dimension
- */
- val primary: Dimension get() = element(0)
- /**
- * Second slowest changing dimension
- */
- val secondary: Dimension get() = element(if (swap) 2 else 1)
- /**
- * Dimension that changes every block
- */
- val tertiary: Dimension get() = element(if (swap) 1 else 2)
- /**
- * All 3 dimensions in this order
- */
- fun toArray() = arrayOf(primary, secondary, tertiary)
- fun add(vec: Vec3i, p: Int, s: Int, t: Int): Vec3i =
- // optimize this, will be called lots
- when (orderNum) {
- 0 -> vec.add(p, s, t) // xyz
- 1 -> vec.add(t, p, s) // yzx
- 2 -> vec.add(s, t, p) // zxy
- 3 -> vec.add(p, t, s) // xzy
- 4 -> vec.add(s, p, t) // yxz
- 5 -> vec.add(t, s, p) // zyx
- else -> error("Invalid orderNum $orderNum")
- }
-inline class TraverseDirection(val bits: Int) {
- fun isIncreasing(dimension: Dimension) = (1 shl dimension.ordinal) and bits != 0
- fun comesFirst(current: Vec3i, block: Vec3i, dimension: Dimension): Boolean =
- if (isIncreasing(dimension))
- block[dimension] <= current[dimension]
- else
- block[dimension] >= current[dimension]
- fun comesFirst(current: Vec3i, block: Vec3i) =
- comesFirst(current, block, Dimension.X)
- && comesFirst(current, block, Dimension.Y)
- && comesFirst(current, block, Dimension.Z)
- companion object {
- operator fun invoke(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) = invoke(Vec3i(x, y, z))
- operator fun invoke(block: Vec3i): TraverseDirection {
- if (block.x == 0 || block.y == 0 || block.z == 0) throw IllegalArgumentException()
- var bits = 0
- if (block.x > 0) bits = bits or 1
- if (block.y > 0) bits = bits or 2
- if (block.z > 0) bits = bits or 4
- return TraverseDirection(bits)
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Dimension
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Region
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.clampMax
+private typealias Scope = SequenceScope<Vec3i>
+class ParcelTraverser(
+ val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
+ val delegate: RegionTraverser,
+ scope: CoroutineScope
+) : RegionTraverser(), CoroutineScope by scope {
+ class OccupiedException(parcelId: ParcelId) : Exception("Parcel $parcelId is occupied")
+ /**
+ * Traverse the blocks of parcel's land
+ * The iterator must be exhausted, else the permit to traverse it will not be reclaimed.
+ *
+ * @throws OccupiedException if a parcel is maintained with the given parcel id and an
+ * iterator exists for it that has not been exhausted
+ */
+ fun traverseParcel(parcelId: ParcelId): Iterator<Vec3i> {
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorldById(parcelId.worldId)
+ ?: throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ val parcel = parcelProvider.getParcelById(parcelId)
+ val medium = if (parcel != null) {
+ if (parcel.hasBlockVisitors || parcel !is ParcelImpl) {
+ throw OccupiedException(parcelId)
+ }
+ parcel.hasBlockVisitors = true
+ TraverserMedium { parcel.hasBlockVisitors = false }
+ } else {
+ TraverserMedium.DoNothing
+ }
+ val region = world.blockManager.getRegion(parcelId)
+ return traverseRegion(region,, medium)
+ }
+ override suspend fun Region, medium: TraverserMedium) {
+ with(delegate) {
+ return build(region, medium)
+ }
+ }
+inline fun TraverserMedium(crossinline whenComplete: () -> Unit) =
+ object : TraverserMedium {
+ override fun iterationCompleted() {
+ whenComplete()
+ }
+ }
+ * An object that is able to communicate with an iterator returned by [RegionTraverser]
+ *
+ */
+interface TraverserMedium {
+ /**
+ * Called by the traverser during first [Iterator.hasNext] call that returns false
+ */
+ fun iterationCompleted()
+ /**
+ * The default [TraverserMedium], which does nothing.
+ */
+ object DoNothing : TraverserMedium {
+ override fun iterationCompleted() {}
+ }
+sealed class RegionTraverser {
+ /**
+ * Get an iterator traversing [region] using this traverser.
+ * Depending on the implementation, [region] might be traversed in a specific order and direction.
+ */
+ fun traverseRegion(
+ region: Region,
+ worldHeight: Int = 256/*,
+ medium: TraverserMedium = TraverserMedium.DoNothing*/
+ ): Iterator<Vec3i> = iterator { build(validify(region, worldHeight)/*, medium*/) }
+ abstract suspend fun Region/*, medium: TraverserMedium = TraverserMedium.DoNothing*/)
+ companion object {
+ val upward = Directional(TraverseDirection(1, 1, 1), TraverseOrderFactory.createWith(Dimension.Y, Dimension.X))
+ val downward = Directional(TraverseDirection(1, -1, 1), TraverseOrderFactory.createWith(Dimension.Y, Dimension.X))
+ val toClear get() = downward
+ val toFill get() = upward
+ /**
+ * The returned [RegionTraverser] will traverse the regions
+ * * below and including absolute level [y] first, in [upward] direction.
+ * * above absolute level [y] last, in [downward] direction.
+ */
+ fun convergingTo(y: Int) = Slicing(y, upward, downward, true)
+ /**
+ * The returned [RegionTraverser] will traverse the regions
+ * * above absolute level [y] first, in [upward] direction.
+ * * below and including absolute level [y] second, in [downward] direction.
+ */
+ fun separatingFrom(y: Int) = Slicing(y, downward, upward, false)
+ private fun validify(region: Region, worldHeight: Int): Region {
+ if (region.origin.y < 0) {
+ val origin = region.origin withY 0
+ val size = region.size.withY((region.size.y + region.origin.y).clampMax(worldHeight))
+ return Region(origin, size)
+ }
+ if (region.origin.y + region.size.y > worldHeight) {
+ val size = region.size.withY(worldHeight - region.origin.y)
+ return Region(region.origin, size)
+ }
+ return region
+ }
+ }
+ class Directional(
+ val direction: TraverseDirection,
+ val order: TraverseOrder
+ ) : RegionTraverser() {
+ private inline fun iterate(max: Int, increasing: Boolean, action: (Int) -> Unit) {
+ for (i in 0..max) {
+ action(if (increasing) i else max - i)
+ }
+ }
+ override suspend fun Region/*, medium: TraverserMedium*/) {
+ val order = order
+ val (primary, secondary, tertiary) = order.toArray()
+ val (origin, size) = region
+ val maxOfPrimary = size[primary] - 1
+ val maxOfSecondary = size[secondary] - 1
+ val maxOfTertiary = size[tertiary] - 1
+ val isPrimaryIncreasing = direction.isIncreasing(primary)
+ val isSecondaryIncreasing = direction.isIncreasing(secondary)
+ val isTertiaryIncreasing = direction.isIncreasing(tertiary)
+ iterate(maxOfPrimary, isPrimaryIncreasing) { p ->
+ iterate(maxOfSecondary, isSecondaryIncreasing) { s ->
+ iterate(maxOfTertiary, isTertiaryIncreasing) { t ->
+ yield(order.add(origin, p, s, t))
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*medium.iterationCompleted()*/
+ }
+ }
+ class Slicing(
+ val bottomSectionMaxY: Int,
+ val bottomTraverser: RegionTraverser,
+ val topTraverser: RegionTraverser,
+ val bottomFirst: Boolean = true
+ ) : RegionTraverser() {
+ private fun slice(region: Region, atY: Int): Pair<Region, Region?> {
+ if (atY < region.size.y + 1) {
+ val bottom = Region(region.origin, region.size.withY(atY + 1))
+ val top = Region(region.origin.withY(atY + 1), region.size.addY(-atY - 1))
+ return bottom to top
+ }
+ return region to null
+ }
+ override suspend fun Region/*, medium: TraverserMedium*/) {
+ val (bottom, top) = slice(region, bottomSectionMaxY)
+ if (bottomFirst) {
+ with(bottomTraverser) { build(bottom) }
+ top?.let { with(topTraverser) { build(it) } }
+ } else {
+ top?.let { with(topTraverser) { build(it) } }
+ with(bottomTraverser) { build(bottom) }
+ }
+ /*medium.iterationCompleted()*/
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns [Directional] instance that would be responsible for
+ * emitting the given position if it is contained in a region.
+ * [Directional] instance has a set order and direction
+ */
+ fun childForPosition(position: Vec3i): Directional {
+ var cur = this
+ while (true) {
+ when (cur) {
+ /*is ParcelTraverser -> cur = cur.delegate*/
+ is Directional -> return cur
+ is Slicing ->
+ cur =
+ if (position.y <= cur.bottomSectionMaxY) cur.bottomTraverser
+ else cur.topTraverser
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns true if and only if this traverser would visit the given
+ * [block] position before the given [current] position.
+ * If at least one of [block] and [current] is not contained in a
+ * region being traversed the result is undefined.
+ */
+ fun comesFirst(current: Vec3i, block: Vec3i): Boolean {
+ var cur = this
+ while (true) {
+ when (cur) {
+ /*is ParcelTraverser -> cur = cur.delegate*/
+ is Directional -> return cur.direction.comesFirst(current, block)
+ is Slicing -> {
+ val border = cur.bottomSectionMaxY
+ cur = when {
+ current.y <= border && block.y <= border -> cur.bottomTraverser
+ current.y <= border -> return !cur.bottomFirst
+ block.y <= border -> return cur.bottomFirst
+ else -> cur.topTraverser
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+object TraverseOrderFactory {
+ private fun isSwap(primary: Dimension, secondary: Dimension) = secondary.ordinal != (primary.ordinal + 1) % 3
+ fun createWith(primary: Dimension, secondary: Dimension): TraverseOrder {
+ // tertiary is implicit
+ if (primary == secondary) throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ return TraverseOrder(primary, isSwap(primary, secondary))
+ }
+inline class TraverseOrder(val orderNum: Int) {
+ constructor(first: Dimension, swap: Boolean)
+ : this(if (swap) first.ordinal + 3 else first.ordinal)
+ @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
+ private inline fun element(index: Int) = Dimension[(orderNum + index) % 3]
+ private val swap inline get() = orderNum >= 3
+ /**
+ * The slowest changing dimension
+ */
+ val primary: Dimension get() = element(0)
+ /**
+ * Second slowest changing dimension
+ */
+ val secondary: Dimension get() = element(if (swap) 2 else 1)
+ /**
+ * Dimension that changes every block
+ */
+ val tertiary: Dimension get() = element(if (swap) 1 else 2)
+ /**
+ * All 3 dimensions in this order
+ */
+ fun toArray() = arrayOf(primary, secondary, tertiary)
+ fun add(vec: Vec3i, p: Int, s: Int, t: Int): Vec3i =
+ // optimize this, will be called lots
+ when (orderNum) {
+ 0 -> vec.add(p, s, t) // xyz
+ 1 -> vec.add(t, p, s) // yzx
+ 2 -> vec.add(s, t, p) // zxy
+ 3 -> vec.add(p, t, s) // xzy
+ 4 -> vec.add(s, p, t) // yxz
+ 5 -> vec.add(t, s, p) // zyx
+ else -> error("Invalid orderNum $orderNum")
+ }
+inline class TraverseDirection(val bits: Int) {
+ fun isIncreasing(dimension: Dimension) = (1 shl dimension.ordinal) and bits != 0
+ fun comesFirst(current: Vec3i, block: Vec3i, dimension: Dimension): Boolean =
+ if (isIncreasing(dimension))
+ block[dimension] <= current[dimension]
+ else
+ block[dimension] >= current[dimension]
+ fun comesFirst(current: Vec3i, block: Vec3i) =
+ comesFirst(current, block, Dimension.X)
+ && comesFirst(current, block, Dimension.Y)
+ && comesFirst(current, block, Dimension.Z)
+ companion object {
+ operator fun invoke(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) = invoke(Vec3i(x, y, z))
+ operator fun invoke(block: Vec3i): TraverseDirection {
+ if (block.x == 0 || block.y == 0 || block.z == 0) throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ var bits = 0
+ if (block.x > 0) bits = bits or 1
+ if (block.y > 0) bits = bits or 2
+ if (block.z > 0) bits = bits or 4
+ return TraverseDirection(bits)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/Schematic.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/Schematic.kt
index df3cfab..39b4345 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/Schematic.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/blockvisitor/Schematic.kt
@@ -1,121 +1,121 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor
-import io.dico.parcels2.JobFunction
-import io.dico.parcels2.JobScope
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Region
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.get
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit
-import org.bukkit.Material
-import org.bukkit.World
-import org.bukkit.block.Sign
-private val air = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.AIR)
-class Schematic {
- val size: Vec3i get() = _size!!
- private var _size: Vec3i? = null
- set(value) {
- field?.let { throw IllegalStateException() }
- field = value
- }
- private var blockDatas: Array<BlockData?>? = null
- private val extra = mutableListOf<Pair<Vec3i, ExtraBlockChange>>()
- private var isLoaded = false; private set
- private val traverser: RegionTraverser = RegionTraverser.upward
- suspend fun JobScope.load(world: World, region: Region) {
- _size = region.size
- val data = arrayOfNulls<BlockData>(region.blockCount).also { blockDatas = it }
- val blocks = traverser.traverseRegion(region)
- val total = region.blockCount.toDouble()
- loop@ for ((index, vec) in blocks.withIndex()) {
- markSuspensionPoint()
- setProgress(index / total)
- val block = world[vec]
- if (block.y > 255) continue
- val blockData = block.blockData
- data[index] = blockData
- val extraChange = when (blockData.material) {
- Material.SIGN,
- Material.WALL_SIGN -> SignStateChange(block.state as Sign)
- else -> continue@loop
- }
- extra += (vec - region.origin) to extraChange
- }
- isLoaded = true
- }
- suspend fun JobScope.paste(world: World, position: Vec3i) {
- if (!isLoaded) throw IllegalStateException()
- val region = Region(position, _size!!)
- val blocks = traverser.traverseRegion(region, worldHeight = world.maxHeight)
- val blockDatas = blockDatas!!
- var postponed = hashMapOf<Vec3i, BlockData>()
- val total = region.blockCount.toDouble()
- var processed = 0
- for ((index, vec) in blocks.withIndex()) {
- markSuspensionPoint()
- setProgress(index / total)
- val block = world[vec]
- val type = blockDatas[index] ?: air
- if (type !== air && isAttachable(type.material)) {
- val supportingBlock = vec + getSupportingBlock(type)
- if (!postponed.containsKey(supportingBlock) && traverser.comesFirst(vec, supportingBlock)) {
- block.blockData = type
- setProgress(++processed / total)
- } else {
- postponed[vec] = type
- }
- } else {
- block.blockData = type
- setProgress(++processed / total)
- }
- }
- while (!postponed.isEmpty()) {
- markSuspensionPoint()
- val newMap = hashMapOf<Vec3i, BlockData>()
- for ((vec, type) in postponed) {
- val supportingBlock = vec + getSupportingBlock(type)
- if (supportingBlock in postponed && supportingBlock != vec) {
- newMap[vec] = type
- } else {
- world[vec].blockData = type
- setProgress(++processed / total)
- }
- }
- postponed = newMap
- }
- // Should be negligible so we don't track progress
- for ((vec, extraChange) in extra) {
- markSuspensionPoint()
- val block = world[position + vec]
- extraChange.update(block)
- }
- }
- fun getLoadTask(world: World, region: Region): JobFunction = {
- load(world, region)
- }
- fun getPasteTask(world: World, position: Vec3i): JobFunction = {
- paste(world, position)
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor
+import io.dico.parcels2.JobFunction
+import io.dico.parcels2.JobScope
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Region
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.get
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit
+import org.bukkit.Material
+import org.bukkit.World
+import org.bukkit.block.Sign
+private val air = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.AIR)
+class Schematic {
+ val size: Vec3i get() = _size!!
+ private var _size: Vec3i? = null
+ set(value) {
+ field?.let { throw IllegalStateException() }
+ field = value
+ }
+ private var blockDatas: Array<BlockData?>? = null
+ private val extra = mutableListOf<Pair<Vec3i, ExtraBlockChange>>()
+ private var isLoaded = false; private set
+ private val traverser: RegionTraverser = RegionTraverser.upward
+ suspend fun JobScope.load(world: World, region: Region) {
+ _size = region.size
+ val data = arrayOfNulls<BlockData>(region.blockCount).also { blockDatas = it }
+ val blocks = traverser.traverseRegion(region)
+ val total = region.blockCount.toDouble()
+ loop@ for ((index, vec) in blocks.withIndex()) {
+ markSuspensionPoint()
+ setProgress(index / total)
+ val block = world[vec]
+ if (block.y > 255) continue
+ val blockData = block.blockData
+ data[index] = blockData
+ val extraChange = when (blockData.material) {
+ Material.SIGN,
+ Material.WALL_SIGN -> SignStateChange(block.state as Sign)
+ else -> continue@loop
+ }
+ extra += (vec - region.origin) to extraChange
+ }
+ isLoaded = true
+ }
+ suspend fun JobScope.paste(world: World, position: Vec3i) {
+ if (!isLoaded) throw IllegalStateException()
+ val region = Region(position, _size!!)
+ val blocks = traverser.traverseRegion(region, worldHeight = world.maxHeight)
+ val blockDatas = blockDatas!!
+ var postponed = hashMapOf<Vec3i, BlockData>()
+ val total = region.blockCount.toDouble()
+ var processed = 0
+ for ((index, vec) in blocks.withIndex()) {
+ markSuspensionPoint()
+ setProgress(index / total)
+ val block = world[vec]
+ val type = blockDatas[index] ?: air
+ if (type !== air && isAttachable(type.material)) {
+ val supportingBlock = vec + getSupportingBlock(type)
+ if (!postponed.containsKey(supportingBlock) && traverser.comesFirst(vec, supportingBlock)) {
+ block.blockData = type
+ setProgress(++processed / total)
+ } else {
+ postponed[vec] = type
+ }
+ } else {
+ block.blockData = type
+ setProgress(++processed / total)
+ }
+ }
+ while (!postponed.isEmpty()) {
+ markSuspensionPoint()
+ val newMap = hashMapOf<Vec3i, BlockData>()
+ for ((vec, type) in postponed) {
+ val supportingBlock = vec + getSupportingBlock(type)
+ if (supportingBlock in postponed && supportingBlock != vec) {
+ newMap[vec] = type
+ } else {
+ world[vec].blockData = type
+ setProgress(++processed / total)
+ }
+ }
+ postponed = newMap
+ }
+ // Should be negligible so we don't track progress
+ for ((vec, extraChange) in extra) {
+ markSuspensionPoint()
+ val block = world[position + vec]
+ extraChange.update(block)
+ }
+ }
+ fun getLoadTask(world: World, region: Region): JobFunction = {
+ load(world, region)
+ }
+ fun getPasteTask(world: World, position: Vec3i): JobFunction = {
+ paste(world, position)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/AbstractParcelCommands.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/AbstractParcelCommands.kt
index eaa9f57..32f4299 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/AbstractParcelCommands.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/AbstractParcelCommands.kt
@@ -1,64 +1,64 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.*
-import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ICommandInterceptor
-import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ICommandReceiver
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile.Real
-import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile.Unresolved
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.parcelLimit
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
-import java.lang.reflect.Method
-abstract class AbstractParcelCommands(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : ICommandInterceptor {
- override fun getReceiver(context: ExecutionContext, target: Method, cmdName: String): ICommandReceiver {
- return getParcelCommandReceiver(plugin.parcelProvider, context, target, cmdName)
- }
- override fun getCoroutineContext(context: ExecutionContext?, target: Method?, cmdName: String?): Any {
- return plugin.coroutineContext
- }
- protected fun checkConnected(action: String) {
- if (! err("Parcels cannot $action right now because of a database error")
- }
- protected suspend fun checkParcelLimit(player: Player, world: ParcelWorld) {
- if (player.hasPermAdminManage) return
- val numOwnedParcels =
- .filter { it.worldId.equals( }.size
- val limit = player.parcelLimit
- if (numOwnedParcels >= limit) {
- err("You have enough plots for now")
- }
- }
- protected suspend fun toPrivilegeKey(profile: PlayerProfile): PrivilegeKey = when (profile) {
- is Real -> profile
- is Unresolved -> profile.tryResolveSuspendedly(
- ?: throw CommandException()
- else -> throw CommandException()
- }
- protected fun areYouSureMessage(context: ExecutionContext): String {
- val command = (context.route + context.original).joinToString(" ") + " -sure"
- return "Are you sure? You cannot undo this action!\n" +
- "Run \"/$command\" if you want to go through with this."
- }
- protected fun Job.reportProgressUpdates(context: ExecutionContext, action: String): Job =
- onProgressUpdate(1000, 1000) { progress, elapsedTime ->
- val alt = context.getFormat(EMessageType.NUMBER)
- val main = context.getFormat(EMessageType.INFORMATIVE)
- context.sendMessage(
- EMessageType.INFORMATIVE, false, "$action progress: $alt%.02f$main%%, $alt%.2f${main}s elapsed"
- .format(progress * 100, elapsedTime / 1000.0)
- )
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.*
+import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ICommandInterceptor
+import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ICommandReceiver
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile.Real
+import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile.Unresolved
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.parcelLimit
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
+import java.lang.reflect.Method
+abstract class AbstractParcelCommands(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : ICommandInterceptor {
+ override fun getReceiver(context: ExecutionContext, target: Method, cmdName: String): ICommandReceiver {
+ return getParcelCommandReceiver(plugin.parcelProvider, context, target, cmdName)
+ }
+ override fun getCoroutineContext(context: ExecutionContext?, target: Method?, cmdName: String?): Any {
+ return plugin.coroutineContext
+ }
+ protected fun checkConnected(action: String) {
+ if (! err("Parcels cannot $action right now because of a database error")
+ }
+ protected suspend fun checkParcelLimit(player: Player, world: ParcelWorld) {
+ if (player.hasPermAdminManage) return
+ val numOwnedParcels =
+ .filter { it.worldId.equals( }.size
+ val limit = player.parcelLimit
+ if (numOwnedParcels >= limit) {
+ err("You have enough plots for now")
+ }
+ }
+ protected suspend fun toPrivilegeKey(profile: PlayerProfile): PrivilegeKey = when (profile) {
+ is Real -> profile
+ is Unresolved -> profile.tryResolveSuspendedly(
+ ?: throw CommandException()
+ else -> throw CommandException()
+ }
+ protected fun areYouSureMessage(context: ExecutionContext): String {
+ val command = (context.route + context.original).joinToString(" ") + " -sure"
+ return "Are you sure? You cannot undo this action!\n" +
+ "Run \"/$command\" if you want to go through with this."
+ }
+ protected fun Job.reportProgressUpdates(context: ExecutionContext, action: String): Job =
+ onProgressUpdate(1000, 1000) { progress, elapsedTime ->
+ val alt = context.getFormat(EMessageType.NUMBER)
+ val main = context.getFormat(EMessageType.INFORMATIVE)
+ context.sendMessage(
+ EMessageType.INFORMATIVE, false, "$action progress: $alt%.02f$main%%, $alt%.2f${main}s elapsed"
+ .format(progress * 100, elapsedTime / 1000.0)
+ )
+ }
fun err(message: String): Nothing = throw CommandException(message) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsAdmin.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsAdmin.kt
index e700d6d..38adc43 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsAdmin.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsAdmin.kt
@@ -1,95 +1,95 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.CommandException
-import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
-import io.dico.dicore.command.Validate
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Flag
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind
-import io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl.DefaultParcelContainer
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
-class CommandsAdmin(plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
- @Cmd("setowner")
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.ADMIN)
- suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdSetowner(@ProfileKind(ProfileKind.ANY) target: PlayerProfile): Any? {
- val profile = target.resolved(, resolveToFake = true)!!
- parcel.owner = profile
- val fakeString = if (profile.isFake) " (fake)" else ""
- return "${profile.notNullName}$fakeString is the new owner of (${})"
- }
- @Cmd("update_all_owner_signs")
- fun cmdUpdateAllOwnerSigns(context: ExecutionContext): Any? {
- Validate.isAuthorized(context.sender, PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE)
- plugin.jobDispatcher.dispatch {
- fun getParcelCount(world: ParcelWorld) = (world.options.axisLimit * 2 + 1).let { it * it }
- val parcelCount = plugin.parcelProvider.worlds.values.sumBy { getParcelCount(it) }.toDouble()
- var processed = 0
- for (world in plugin.parcelProvider.worlds.values) {
- markSuspensionPoint()
- val container = world.container as? DefaultParcelContainer
- if (container == null) {
- processed += getParcelCount(world)
- setProgress(processed / parcelCount)
- continue
- }
- for (parcel in container.getAllParcels()) {
- parcel.updateOwnerSign(force = true)
- processed++
- setProgress(processed / parcelCount)
- }
- }
- }.reportProgressUpdates(context, "Updating")
- return null
- }
- @Cmd("dispose")
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.ADMIN)
- fun ParcelScope.cmdDispose(): Any? {
- parcel.dispose()
- return "Data of (${}) has been disposed"
- }
- @Cmd("reset")
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.ADMIN)
- fun ParcelScope.cmdReset(context: ExecutionContext, @Flag sure: Boolean): Any? {
- Validate.isTrue(!parcel.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in this parcel")
- if (!sure) return areYouSureMessage(context)
- parcel.dispose()
- world.blockManager.clearParcel(, "Reset")
- return "Data of (${}) has been disposed"
- }
- @Cmd("swap")
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.ADMIN)
- fun ParcelScope.cmdSwap(
- context: ExecutionContext,
- @TargetKind(TargetKind.ID) target: ParcelTarget,
- @Flag sure: Boolean
- ): Any? {
- Validate.isTrue(!parcel.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in this parcel")
- if (!sure) return areYouSureMessage(context)
- val parcel2 = (target as ParcelTarget.ByID).getParcel()
- ?: throw CommandException("Invalid parcel target")
- // Validate.isTrue( == world, "Parcel must be in the same world")
- Validate.isTrue(!parcel2.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in that parcel")
- val data =
- parcel.copyData(
- parcel2.copyData(data)
- val job = plugin.parcelProvider.swapParcels(,, "Swap")
- Validate.notNull(job, "A process is already running in some parcel (internal error)")
- return null
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.CommandException
+import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
+import io.dico.dicore.command.Validate
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Flag
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind
+import io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl.DefaultParcelContainer
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
+class CommandsAdmin(plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
+ @Cmd("setowner")
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.ADMIN)
+ suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdSetowner(@ProfileKind(ProfileKind.ANY) target: PlayerProfile): Any? {
+ val profile = target.resolved(, resolveToFake = true)!!
+ parcel.owner = profile
+ val fakeString = if (profile.isFake) " (fake)" else ""
+ return "${profile.notNullName}$fakeString is the new owner of (${})"
+ }
+ @Cmd("update_all_owner_signs")
+ fun cmdUpdateAllOwnerSigns(context: ExecutionContext): Any? {
+ Validate.isAuthorized(context.sender, PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE)
+ plugin.jobDispatcher.dispatch {
+ fun getParcelCount(world: ParcelWorld) = (world.options.axisLimit * 2 + 1).let { it * it }
+ val parcelCount = plugin.parcelProvider.worlds.values.sumBy { getParcelCount(it) }.toDouble()
+ var processed = 0
+ for (world in plugin.parcelProvider.worlds.values) {
+ markSuspensionPoint()
+ val container = world.container as? DefaultParcelContainer
+ if (container == null) {
+ processed += getParcelCount(world)
+ setProgress(processed / parcelCount)
+ continue
+ }
+ for (parcel in container.getAllParcels()) {
+ parcel.updateOwnerSign(force = true)
+ processed++
+ setProgress(processed / parcelCount)
+ }
+ }
+ }.reportProgressUpdates(context, "Updating")
+ return null
+ }
+ @Cmd("dispose")
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.ADMIN)
+ fun ParcelScope.cmdDispose(): Any? {
+ parcel.dispose()
+ return "Data of (${}) has been disposed"
+ }
+ @Cmd("reset")
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.ADMIN)
+ fun ParcelScope.cmdReset(context: ExecutionContext, @Flag sure: Boolean): Any? {
+ Validate.isTrue(!parcel.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in this parcel")
+ if (!sure) return areYouSureMessage(context)
+ parcel.dispose()
+ world.blockManager.clearParcel(, "Reset")
+ return "Data of (${}) has been disposed"
+ }
+ @Cmd("swap")
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.ADMIN)
+ fun ParcelScope.cmdSwap(
+ context: ExecutionContext,
+ @TargetKind(TargetKind.ID) target: ParcelTarget,
+ @Flag sure: Boolean
+ ): Any? {
+ Validate.isTrue(!parcel.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in this parcel")
+ if (!sure) return areYouSureMessage(context)
+ val parcel2 = (target as ParcelTarget.ByID).getParcel()
+ ?: throw CommandException("Invalid parcel target")
+ // Validate.isTrue( == world, "Parcel must be in the same world")
+ Validate.isTrue(!parcel2.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in that parcel")
+ val data =
+ parcel.copyData(
+ parcel2.copyData(data)
+ val job = plugin.parcelProvider.swapParcels(,, "Swap")
+ Validate.notNull(job, "A process is already running in some parcel (internal error)")
+ return null
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsAdminPrivilegesGlobal.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsAdminPrivilegesGlobal.kt
index cee3e62..a2bd8d1 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsAdminPrivilegesGlobal.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsAdminPrivilegesGlobal.kt
@@ -1,132 +1,132 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
-import io.dico.dicore.command.Validate
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Desc
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.BANNED
-import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.CAN_BUILD
-import io.dico.parcels2.PrivilegeChangeResult.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl.InfoBuilder
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
-import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
-class CommandsAdminPrivilegesGlobal(plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
- private val data
- inline get() = plugin.globalPrivileges
- private fun checkContext(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, changing: Boolean = true): OfflinePlayer {
- if (changing) {
- checkConnected("have privileges changed")
- }
- val sender = context.sender
- if (sender !== owner) {
- Validate.isAuthorized(sender, PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE)
- }
- return owner
- }
- @Cmd("list", aliases = ["l"])
- @Desc(
- "List globally declared privileges, players you",
- "allowed to build on or banned from all your parcels",
- shortVersion = "lists globally declared privileges"
- )
- fun cmdList(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer): Any? {
- checkContext(context, owner, changing = false)
- val map = plugin.globalPrivileges[owner]
- Validate.isTrue(map.hasAnyDeclaredPrivileges(), "This user has not declared any global privileges")
- return StringBuilder().apply {
- with(InfoBuilder) {
- appendProfilesWithPrivilege("Globally Allowed", map, null, CAN_BUILD)
- appendProfilesWithPrivilege("Globally Banned", map, null, BANNED)
- }
- }.toString()
- }
- @Cmd("entrust")
- @Desc(
- "Allows a player to manage globally",
- shortVersion = "allows a player to manage globally"
- )
- suspend fun cmdEntrust(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
- when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].allowManage(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
- FAIL -> err("${} is already allowed to manage globally")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is now allowed to manage globally"
- }
- @Cmd("distrust")
- @Desc(
- "Disallows a player to manage globally,",
- "they will still be able to build",
- shortVersion = "disallows a player to manage globally"
- )
- suspend fun cmdDistrust(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
- when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].disallowManage(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
- FAIL -> err("${} is not currently allowed to manage globally")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is not allowed to manage globally anymore"
- }
- @Cmd("allow", aliases = ["add", "permit"])
- @Desc(
- "Globally allows a player to build on all",
- "the parcels that you own.",
- shortVersion = "globally allows a player to build on your parcels"
- )
- suspend fun cmdAllow(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
- when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].allowBuild(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
- FAIL -> err("${} is already allowed globally")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is now allowed to build globally"
- }
- @Cmd("disallow", aliases = ["remove", "forbid"])
- @Desc(
- "Globally disallows a player to build on",
- "the parcels that you own.",
- "If the player is allowed to build on specific",
- "parcels, they can still build there.",
- shortVersion = "globally disallows a player to build on your parcels"
- )
- suspend fun cmdDisallow(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
- when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].disallowBuild(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
- FAIL -> err("${} is not currently allowed globally")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is not allowed to build globally anymore"
- }
- @Cmd("ban", aliases = ["deny"])
- @Desc(
- "Globally bans a player from all the parcels",
- "that you own, making them unable to enter.",
- shortVersion = "globally bans a player from your parcels"
- )
- suspend fun cmdBan(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
- when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].disallowEnter(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
- FAIL -> err("${} is already banned globally")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is now banned globally"
- }
- @Cmd("unban", aliases = ["undeny"])
- @Desc(
- "Globally unbans a player from all the parcels",
- "that you own, they can enter again.",
- "If the player is banned from specific parcels,",
- "they will still be banned there.",
- shortVersion = "globally unbans a player from your parcels"
- )
- suspend fun cmdUnban(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
- when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].allowEnter(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
- FAIL -> err("${} is not currently banned globally")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is not banned globally anymore"
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
+import io.dico.dicore.command.Validate
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Desc
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.BANNED
+import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.CAN_BUILD
+import io.dico.parcels2.PrivilegeChangeResult.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl.InfoBuilder
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
+import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
+class CommandsAdminPrivilegesGlobal(plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
+ private val data
+ inline get() = plugin.globalPrivileges
+ private fun checkContext(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, changing: Boolean = true): OfflinePlayer {
+ if (changing) {
+ checkConnected("have privileges changed")
+ }
+ val sender = context.sender
+ if (sender !== owner) {
+ Validate.isAuthorized(sender, PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE)
+ }
+ return owner
+ }
+ @Cmd("list", aliases = ["l"])
+ @Desc(
+ "List globally declared privileges, players you",
+ "allowed to build on or banned from all your parcels",
+ shortVersion = "lists globally declared privileges"
+ )
+ fun cmdList(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer): Any? {
+ checkContext(context, owner, changing = false)
+ val map = plugin.globalPrivileges[owner]
+ Validate.isTrue(map.hasAnyDeclaredPrivileges(), "This user has not declared any global privileges")
+ return StringBuilder().apply {
+ with(InfoBuilder) {
+ appendProfilesWithPrivilege("Globally Allowed", map, null, CAN_BUILD)
+ appendProfilesWithPrivilege("Globally Banned", map, null, BANNED)
+ }
+ }.toString()
+ }
+ @Cmd("entrust")
+ @Desc(
+ "Allows a player to manage globally",
+ shortVersion = "allows a player to manage globally"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdEntrust(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
+ when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].allowManage(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is already allowed to manage globally")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is now allowed to manage globally"
+ }
+ @Cmd("distrust")
+ @Desc(
+ "Disallows a player to manage globally,",
+ "they will still be able to build",
+ shortVersion = "disallows a player to manage globally"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdDistrust(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
+ when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].disallowManage(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is not currently allowed to manage globally")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is not allowed to manage globally anymore"
+ }
+ @Cmd("allow", aliases = ["add", "permit"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Globally allows a player to build on all",
+ "the parcels that you own.",
+ shortVersion = "globally allows a player to build on your parcels"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdAllow(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
+ when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].allowBuild(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is already allowed globally")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is now allowed to build globally"
+ }
+ @Cmd("disallow", aliases = ["remove", "forbid"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Globally disallows a player to build on",
+ "the parcels that you own.",
+ "If the player is allowed to build on specific",
+ "parcels, they can still build there.",
+ shortVersion = "globally disallows a player to build on your parcels"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdDisallow(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
+ when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].disallowBuild(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is not currently allowed globally")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is not allowed to build globally anymore"
+ }
+ @Cmd("ban", aliases = ["deny"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Globally bans a player from all the parcels",
+ "that you own, making them unable to enter.",
+ shortVersion = "globally bans a player from your parcels"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdBan(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
+ when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].disallowEnter(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is already banned globally")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is now banned globally"
+ }
+ @Cmd("unban", aliases = ["undeny"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Globally unbans a player from all the parcels",
+ "that you own, they can enter again.",
+ "If the player is banned from specific parcels,",
+ "they will still be banned there.",
+ shortVersion = "globally unbans a player from your parcels"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdUnban(context: ExecutionContext, owner: OfflinePlayer, player: PlayerProfile): Any? =
+ when (data[checkContext(context, owner)].allowEnter(toPrivilegeKey(player))) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target cannot be the owner themselves")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is not currently banned globally")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is not banned globally anymore"
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsDebug.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsDebug.kt
index e0bde7d..3f166ad 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsDebug.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsDebug.kt
@@ -1,162 +1,162 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
-import io.dico.dicore.command.*
-import io.dico.dicore.command.IContextFilter.Priority.PERMISSION
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.PreprocessArgs
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.RequireParameters
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.ArgumentBuffer
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.RegionTraverser
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_BAN_BYPASS
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_BUILD_ANYWHERE
-import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit
-import org.bukkit.Material
-import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
-import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-import java.util.Random
-class CommandsDebug(plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
- @Cmd("reloadoptions")
- fun reloadOptions() {
- plugin.loadOptions()
- }
- @Cmd("tpworld")
- fun tpWorld(sender: Player, worldName: String): String {
- if (worldName == "list") {
- return Bukkit.getWorlds().joinToString("\n- ", "- ", "")
- }
- val world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName) ?: err("World $worldName is not loaded")
- sender.teleport(world.spawnLocation)
- return "Teleported you to $worldName spawn"
- }
- @Cmd("make_mess")
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
- fun ParcelScope.cmdMakeMess(context: ExecutionContext) {
- Validate.isTrue(!parcel.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in this parcel")
- val server = plugin.server
- val blockDatas = arrayOf(
- server.createBlockData(Material.BLUE_WOOL),
- server.createBlockData(Material.LIME_WOOL),
- server.createBlockData(Material.GLASS),
- server.createBlockData(Material.STONE_SLAB),
- server.createBlockData(Material.STONE),
- server.createBlockData(Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK),
- server.createBlockData(Material.BROWN_CONCRETE)
- )
- val random = Random()
- world.blockManager.tryDoBlockOperation(plugin.parcelProvider,, traverser = RegionTraverser.upward) { block ->
- block.blockData = blockDatas[random.nextInt(7)]
- }?.onProgressUpdate(1000, 1000) { progress, elapsedTime ->
- context.sendMessage(
- EMessageType.INFORMATIVE, "Mess progress: %.02f%%, %.2fs elapsed"
- .format(progress * 100, elapsedTime / 1000.0)
- )
- }
- }
- @Cmd("directionality", aliases = ["dir"])
- fun cmdDirectionality(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, material: Material): Any? {
- val senderLoc = sender.location
- val block = senderLoc.add(senderLoc.direction.setY(0).normalize().multiply(2).toLocation(
- val blockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(material)
- if (blockData is Directional) {
- blockData.facing = BlockFace.SOUTH
- }
- block.blockData = blockData
- return if (blockData is Directional) "The block is facing south" else "The block is not directional, however it implements " +
- blockData.javaClass.interfaces!!.contentToString()
- }
- @Cmd("jobs")
- fun cmdJobs(): Any? {
- val workers =
- println( { it.coroutine }.joinToString(separator = "\n"))
- return "Task count: ${workers.size}"
- }
- @Cmd("complete_jobs")
- fun cmdCompleteJobs(): Any? = cmdJobs().also {
- plugin.launch { plugin.jobDispatcher.completeAllTasks() }
- }
- @Cmd("message")
- @PreprocessArgs
- fun cmdMessage(sender: CommandSender, message: String): Any? {
- // testing @PreprocessArgs which merges "hello there" into a single argument
- sender.sendMessage(Formatting.translate(message))
- return null
- }
- @Cmd("hasperm")
- fun cmdHasperm(target: Player, permission: String): Any? {
- return target.hasPermission(permission).toString()
- }
- @Cmd("permissions")
- fun cmdPermissions(context: ExecutionContext, of: Player, vararg address: String): Any? {
- val target = context.address.dispatcherForTree.getDeepChild(ArgumentBuffer(address))
- Validate.isTrue(target.depth == address.size && target.hasCommand(), "Not found: /${address.joinToString(separator = " ")}")
- return getPermissionsOf(target).joinToString(separator = "\n") { "$it: ${of.hasPermission(it)}" }
- }
- @Cmd("privilege")
- @RequireParameters(1)
- suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdPrivilege(target: PlayerProfile, adminPerm: String?): Any? {
- val key = toPrivilegeKey(target)
- val perm = when (adminPerm) {
- "none" -> null
- "manage", null -> PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
- "enter" -> PERM_BAN_BYPASS
- else -> err("adminPerm should be build, manager or enter")
- }
- val privilege = if (perm == null) {
- parcel.getStoredPrivilege(key)
- } else {
- if (key is PlayerProfile.Star) err("* can't have permissions")
- parcel.getEffectivePrivilege(key.player!!, perm)
- }
- return privilege.toString()
- }
- private fun getPermissionsOf(address: ICommandAddress) = getPermissionsOf(address, emptyArray(), mutableListOf())
- private fun getPermissionsOf(address: ICommandAddress, path: Array<String>, result: MutableList<String>): List<String> {
- val command = address.command ?: return result
- var inherited = false
- for (filter in command.contextFilters) {
- when (filter) {
- is PermissionContextFilter -> {
- if (path.isEmpty()) result.add(filter.permission)
- else if (filter.isInheritable) result.add(filter.getInheritedPermission(path))
- }
- is InheritingContextFilter -> {
- if (filter.priority == PERMISSION && address.hasParent() && !inherited) {
- inherited = true
- getPermissionsOf(address.parent, arrayOf(address.mainKey, *path), result)
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return result
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
+import io.dico.dicore.command.*
+import io.dico.dicore.command.IContextFilter.Priority.PERMISSION
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.PreprocessArgs
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.RequireParameters
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.ArgumentBuffer
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.RegionTraverser
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_BAN_BYPASS
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_BUILD_ANYWHERE
+import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit
+import org.bukkit.Material
+import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
+import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+import java.util.Random
+class CommandsDebug(plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
+ @Cmd("reloadoptions")
+ fun reloadOptions() {
+ plugin.loadOptions()
+ }
+ @Cmd("tpworld")
+ fun tpWorld(sender: Player, worldName: String): String {
+ if (worldName == "list") {
+ return Bukkit.getWorlds().joinToString("\n- ", "- ", "")
+ }
+ val world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName) ?: err("World $worldName is not loaded")
+ sender.teleport(world.spawnLocation)
+ return "Teleported you to $worldName spawn"
+ }
+ @Cmd("make_mess")
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
+ fun ParcelScope.cmdMakeMess(context: ExecutionContext) {
+ Validate.isTrue(!parcel.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in this parcel")
+ val server = plugin.server
+ val blockDatas = arrayOf(
+ server.createBlockData(Material.BLUE_WOOL),
+ server.createBlockData(Material.LIME_WOOL),
+ server.createBlockData(Material.GLASS),
+ server.createBlockData(Material.STONE_SLAB),
+ server.createBlockData(Material.STONE),
+ server.createBlockData(Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK),
+ server.createBlockData(Material.BROWN_CONCRETE)
+ )
+ val random = Random()
+ world.blockManager.tryDoBlockOperation(plugin.parcelProvider,, traverser = RegionTraverser.upward) { block ->
+ block.blockData = blockDatas[random.nextInt(7)]
+ }?.onProgressUpdate(1000, 1000) { progress, elapsedTime ->
+ context.sendMessage(
+ EMessageType.INFORMATIVE, "Mess progress: %.02f%%, %.2fs elapsed"
+ .format(progress * 100, elapsedTime / 1000.0)
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ @Cmd("directionality", aliases = ["dir"])
+ fun cmdDirectionality(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, material: Material): Any? {
+ val senderLoc = sender.location
+ val block = senderLoc.add(senderLoc.direction.setY(0).normalize().multiply(2).toLocation(
+ val blockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(material)
+ if (blockData is Directional) {
+ blockData.facing = BlockFace.SOUTH
+ }
+ block.blockData = blockData
+ return if (blockData is Directional) "The block is facing south" else "The block is not directional, however it implements " +
+ blockData.javaClass.interfaces!!.contentToString()
+ }
+ @Cmd("jobs")
+ fun cmdJobs(): Any? {
+ val workers =
+ println( { it.coroutine }.joinToString(separator = "\n"))
+ return "Task count: ${workers.size}"
+ }
+ @Cmd("complete_jobs")
+ fun cmdCompleteJobs(): Any? = cmdJobs().also {
+ plugin.launch { plugin.jobDispatcher.completeAllTasks() }
+ }
+ @Cmd("message")
+ @PreprocessArgs
+ fun cmdMessage(sender: CommandSender, message: String): Any? {
+ // testing @PreprocessArgs which merges "hello there" into a single argument
+ sender.sendMessage(Formatting.translate(message))
+ return null
+ }
+ @Cmd("hasperm")
+ fun cmdHasperm(target: Player, permission: String): Any? {
+ return target.hasPermission(permission).toString()
+ }
+ @Cmd("permissions")
+ fun cmdPermissions(context: ExecutionContext, of: Player, vararg address: String): Any? {
+ val target = context.address.dispatcherForTree.getDeepChild(ArgumentBuffer(address))
+ Validate.isTrue(target.depth == address.size && target.hasCommand(), "Not found: /${address.joinToString(separator = " ")}")
+ return getPermissionsOf(target).joinToString(separator = "\n") { "$it: ${of.hasPermission(it)}" }
+ }
+ @Cmd("privilege")
+ @RequireParameters(1)
+ suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdPrivilege(target: PlayerProfile, adminPerm: String?): Any? {
+ val key = toPrivilegeKey(target)
+ val perm = when (adminPerm) {
+ "none" -> null
+ "manage", null -> PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
+ "enter" -> PERM_BAN_BYPASS
+ else -> err("adminPerm should be build, manager or enter")
+ }
+ val privilege = if (perm == null) {
+ parcel.getStoredPrivilege(key)
+ } else {
+ if (key is PlayerProfile.Star) err("* can't have permissions")
+ parcel.getEffectivePrivilege(key.player!!, perm)
+ }
+ return privilege.toString()
+ }
+ private fun getPermissionsOf(address: ICommandAddress) = getPermissionsOf(address, emptyArray(), mutableListOf())
+ private fun getPermissionsOf(address: ICommandAddress, path: Array<String>, result: MutableList<String>): List<String> {
+ val command = address.command ?: return result
+ var inherited = false
+ for (filter in command.contextFilters) {
+ when (filter) {
+ is PermissionContextFilter -> {
+ if (path.isEmpty()) result.add(filter.permission)
+ else if (filter.isInheritable) result.add(filter.getInheritedPermission(path))
+ }
+ is InheritingContextFilter -> {
+ if (filter.priority == PERMISSION && address.hasParent() && !inherited) {
+ inherited = true
+ getPermissionsOf(address.parent, arrayOf(address.mainKey, *path), result)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsGeneral.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsGeneral.kt
index c918b80..61e8d9e 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsGeneral.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsGeneral.kt
@@ -1,142 +1,142 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
-import io.dico.dicore.command.Validate
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Desc
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Flag
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.RequireParameters
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
-import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
-import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasParcelHomeOthers
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.uuid
-import org.bukkit.block.Biome
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-class CommandsGeneral(plugin: ParcelsPlugin, parent: SpecialCommandAddress) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
- @Cmd("auto")
- @Desc(
- "Finds the unclaimed parcel nearest to origin,",
- "and gives it to you",
- shortVersion = "sets you up with a fresh, unclaimed parcel"
- )
- suspend fun WorldScope.cmdAuto(player: Player): Any? {
- checkConnected("be claimed")
- checkParcelLimit(player, world)
- val parcel = world.nextEmptyParcel()
- ?: err("This world is full, please ask an admin to upsize it")
- parcel.owner = PlayerProfile(uuid = player.uuid)
- player.teleport(parcel.homeLocation)
- return "Enjoy your new parcel!"
- }
- @Cmd("info", aliases = ["i"])
- @Desc(
- "Displays general information",
- "about the parcel you're on",
- shortVersion = "displays information about this parcel"
- )
- fun ParcelScope.cmdInfo(player: Player) = parcel.infoString
- init {
- parent.addSpeciallyTreatedKeys("home", "h")
- }
- @Cmd("home", aliases = ["h"])
- @Desc(
- "Teleports you to your parcels,",
- "unless another player was specified.",
- "You can specify an index number if you have",
- "more than one parcel",
- shortVersion = "teleports you to parcels"
- )
- @RequireParameters(0)
- suspend fun cmdHome(
- player: Player,
- @TargetKind(TargetKind.OWNER_REAL) target: ParcelTarget
- ): Any? {
- return cmdGoto(player, target)
- }
- @Cmd("tp", aliases = ["teleport"])
- suspend fun cmdTp(
- player: Player,
- @TargetKind(TargetKind.ID) target: ParcelTarget
- ): Any? {
- return cmdGoto(player, target)
- }
- @Cmd("goto")
- suspend fun cmdGoto(
- player: Player,
- @TargetKind(TargetKind.ANY) target: ParcelTarget
- ): Any? {
- if (target is ParcelTarget.ByOwner) {
- target.resolveOwner(
- if (!target.owner.matches(player) && !player.hasParcelHomeOthers) {
- err("You do not have permission to teleport to other people's parcels")
- }
- }
- val match = target.getParcelSuspend(
- ?: err("The specified parcel could not be matched")
- player.teleport(match.homeLocation)
- return null
- }
- @Cmd("goto_fake")
- suspend fun cmdGotoFake(
- player: Player,
- @TargetKind(TargetKind.OWNER_FAKE) target: ParcelTarget
- ): Any? {
- return cmdGoto(player, target)
- }
- @Cmd("claim")
- @Desc(
- "If this parcel is unowned, makes you the owner",
- shortVersion = "claims this parcel"
- )
- suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdClaim(player: Player): Any? {
- checkConnected("be claimed")
- parcel.owner.takeIf { !player.hasPermAdminManage }?.let {
- err(if (it.matches(player)) "You already own this parcel" else "This parcel is not available")
- }
- checkParcelLimit(player, world)
- parcel.owner = PlayerProfile(player)
- return "Enjoy your new parcel!"
- }
- @Cmd("unclaim")
- @Desc("Unclaims this parcel")
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
- fun ParcelScope.cmdUnclaim(player: Player): Any? {
- checkConnected("be unclaimed")
- parcel.dispose()
- return "Your parcel has been disposed"
- }
- @Cmd("clear")
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
- fun ParcelScope.cmdClear(context: ExecutionContext, @Flag sure: Boolean): Any? {
- Validate.isTrue(!parcel.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in this parcel")
- if (!sure) return areYouSureMessage(context)
- world.blockManager.clearParcel(, "Clear")
- return null
- }
- @Cmd("setbiome")
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
- fun ParcelScope.cmdSetbiome(context: ExecutionContext, biome: Biome): Any? {
- Validate.isTrue(!parcel.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in this parcel")
- world.blockManager.setBiome(, biome)?.reportProgressUpdates(context, "Biome change")
- return null
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
+import io.dico.dicore.command.Validate
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Desc
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Flag
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.RequireParameters
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
+import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
+import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasParcelHomeOthers
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.uuid
+import org.bukkit.block.Biome
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+class CommandsGeneral(plugin: ParcelsPlugin, parent: SpecialCommandAddress) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
+ @Cmd("auto")
+ @Desc(
+ "Finds the unclaimed parcel nearest to origin,",
+ "and gives it to you",
+ shortVersion = "sets you up with a fresh, unclaimed parcel"
+ )
+ suspend fun WorldScope.cmdAuto(player: Player): Any? {
+ checkConnected("be claimed")
+ checkParcelLimit(player, world)
+ val parcel = world.nextEmptyParcel()
+ ?: err("This world is full, please ask an admin to upsize it")
+ parcel.owner = PlayerProfile(uuid = player.uuid)
+ player.teleport(parcel.homeLocation)
+ return "Enjoy your new parcel!"
+ }
+ @Cmd("info", aliases = ["i"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Displays general information",
+ "about the parcel you're on",
+ shortVersion = "displays information about this parcel"
+ )
+ fun ParcelScope.cmdInfo(player: Player) = parcel.infoString
+ init {
+ parent.addSpeciallyTreatedKeys("home", "h")
+ }
+ @Cmd("home", aliases = ["h"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Teleports you to your parcels,",
+ "unless another player was specified.",
+ "You can specify an index number if you have",
+ "more than one parcel",
+ shortVersion = "teleports you to parcels"
+ )
+ @RequireParameters(0)
+ suspend fun cmdHome(
+ player: Player,
+ @TargetKind(TargetKind.OWNER_REAL) target: ParcelTarget
+ ): Any? {
+ return cmdGoto(player, target)
+ }
+ @Cmd("tp", aliases = ["teleport"])
+ suspend fun cmdTp(
+ player: Player,
+ @TargetKind(TargetKind.ID) target: ParcelTarget
+ ): Any? {
+ return cmdGoto(player, target)
+ }
+ @Cmd("goto")
+ suspend fun cmdGoto(
+ player: Player,
+ @TargetKind(TargetKind.ANY) target: ParcelTarget
+ ): Any? {
+ if (target is ParcelTarget.ByOwner) {
+ target.resolveOwner(
+ if (!target.owner.matches(player) && !player.hasParcelHomeOthers) {
+ err("You do not have permission to teleport to other people's parcels")
+ }
+ }
+ val match = target.getParcelSuspend(
+ ?: err("The specified parcel could not be matched")
+ player.teleport(match.homeLocation)
+ return null
+ }
+ @Cmd("goto_fake")
+ suspend fun cmdGotoFake(
+ player: Player,
+ @TargetKind(TargetKind.OWNER_FAKE) target: ParcelTarget
+ ): Any? {
+ return cmdGoto(player, target)
+ }
+ @Cmd("claim")
+ @Desc(
+ "If this parcel is unowned, makes you the owner",
+ shortVersion = "claims this parcel"
+ )
+ suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdClaim(player: Player): Any? {
+ checkConnected("be claimed")
+ parcel.owner.takeIf { !player.hasPermAdminManage }?.let {
+ err(if (it.matches(player)) "You already own this parcel" else "This parcel is not available")
+ }
+ checkParcelLimit(player, world)
+ parcel.owner = PlayerProfile(player)
+ return "Enjoy your new parcel!"
+ }
+ @Cmd("unclaim")
+ @Desc("Unclaims this parcel")
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
+ fun ParcelScope.cmdUnclaim(player: Player): Any? {
+ checkConnected("be unclaimed")
+ parcel.dispose()
+ return "Your parcel has been disposed"
+ }
+ @Cmd("clear")
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
+ fun ParcelScope.cmdClear(context: ExecutionContext, @Flag sure: Boolean): Any? {
+ Validate.isTrue(!parcel.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in this parcel")
+ if (!sure) return areYouSureMessage(context)
+ world.blockManager.clearParcel(, "Clear")
+ return null
+ }
+ @Cmd("setbiome")
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
+ fun ParcelScope.cmdSetbiome(context: ExecutionContext, biome: Biome): Any? {
+ Validate.isTrue(!parcel.hasBlockVisitors, "A process is already running in this parcel")
+ world.blockManager.setBiome(, biome)?.reportProgressUpdates(context, "Biome change")
+ return null
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsPrivilegesGlobal.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsPrivilegesGlobal.kt
index 3b4234c..33ffb8b 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsPrivilegesGlobal.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsPrivilegesGlobal.kt
@@ -1,77 +1,77 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Desc
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
-import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-class CommandsPrivilegesGlobal(plugin: ParcelsPlugin,
- val adminVersion: CommandsAdminPrivilegesGlobal) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
- @Cmd("list", aliases = ["l"])
- @Desc(
- "List globally declared privileges, players you",
- "allowed to build on or banned from all your parcels",
- shortVersion = "lists globally declared privileges"
- )
- fun cmdList(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext) =
- adminVersion.cmdList(context, sender)
- @Cmd("entrust")
- @Desc(
- "Allows a player to manage globally",
- shortVersion = "allows a player to manage globally"
- )
- suspend fun cmdEntrust(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
- adminVersion.cmdEntrust(context, sender, player)
- @Cmd("distrust")
- @Desc(
- "Disallows a player to manage globally,",
- "they will still be able to build",
- shortVersion = "disallows a player to manage globally"
- )
- suspend fun cmdDistrust(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
- adminVersion.cmdDistrust(context, sender, player)
- @Cmd("allow", aliases = ["add", "permit"])
- @Desc(
- "Globally allows a player to build on all",
- "the parcels that you own.",
- shortVersion = "globally allows a player to build on your parcels"
- )
- suspend fun cmdAllow(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
- adminVersion.cmdAllow(context, sender, player)
- @Cmd("disallow", aliases = ["remove", "forbid"])
- @Desc(
- "Globally disallows a player to build on",
- "the parcels that you own.",
- "If the player is allowed to build on specific",
- "parcels, they can still build there.",
- shortVersion = "globally disallows a player to build on your parcels"
- )
- suspend fun cmdDisallow(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
- adminVersion.cmdDisallow(context, sender, player)
- @Cmd("ban", aliases = ["deny"])
- @Desc(
- "Globally bans a player from all the parcels",
- "that you own, making them unable to enter.",
- shortVersion = "globally bans a player from your parcels"
- )
- suspend fun cmdBan(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
- adminVersion.cmdBan(context, sender, player)
- @Cmd("unban", aliases = ["undeny"])
- @Desc(
- "Globally unbans a player from all the parcels",
- "that you own, they can enter again.",
- "If the player is banned from specific parcels,",
- "they will still be banned there.",
- shortVersion = "globally unbans a player from your parcels"
- )
- suspend fun cmdUnban(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
- adminVersion.cmdUnban(context, sender, player)
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Desc
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
+import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+class CommandsPrivilegesGlobal(plugin: ParcelsPlugin,
+ val adminVersion: CommandsAdminPrivilegesGlobal) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
+ @Cmd("list", aliases = ["l"])
+ @Desc(
+ "List globally declared privileges, players you",
+ "allowed to build on or banned from all your parcels",
+ shortVersion = "lists globally declared privileges"
+ )
+ fun cmdList(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext) =
+ adminVersion.cmdList(context, sender)
+ @Cmd("entrust")
+ @Desc(
+ "Allows a player to manage globally",
+ shortVersion = "allows a player to manage globally"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdEntrust(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
+ adminVersion.cmdEntrust(context, sender, player)
+ @Cmd("distrust")
+ @Desc(
+ "Disallows a player to manage globally,",
+ "they will still be able to build",
+ shortVersion = "disallows a player to manage globally"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdDistrust(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
+ adminVersion.cmdDistrust(context, sender, player)
+ @Cmd("allow", aliases = ["add", "permit"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Globally allows a player to build on all",
+ "the parcels that you own.",
+ shortVersion = "globally allows a player to build on your parcels"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdAllow(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
+ adminVersion.cmdAllow(context, sender, player)
+ @Cmd("disallow", aliases = ["remove", "forbid"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Globally disallows a player to build on",
+ "the parcels that you own.",
+ "If the player is allowed to build on specific",
+ "parcels, they can still build there.",
+ shortVersion = "globally disallows a player to build on your parcels"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdDisallow(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
+ adminVersion.cmdDisallow(context, sender, player)
+ @Cmd("ban", aliases = ["deny"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Globally bans a player from all the parcels",
+ "that you own, making them unable to enter.",
+ shortVersion = "globally bans a player from your parcels"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdBan(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
+ adminVersion.cmdBan(context, sender, player)
+ @Cmd("unban", aliases = ["undeny"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Globally unbans a player from all the parcels",
+ "that you own, they can enter again.",
+ "If the player is banned from specific parcels,",
+ "they will still be banned there.",
+ shortVersion = "globally unbans a player from your parcels"
+ )
+ suspend fun cmdUnban(sender: Player, context: ExecutionContext, player: PlayerProfile) =
+ adminVersion.cmdUnban(context, sender, player)
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsPrivilegesLocal.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsPrivilegesLocal.kt
index 21910b1..e3aba22 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsPrivilegesLocal.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/CommandsPrivilegesLocal.kt
@@ -1,144 +1,144 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.Validate
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
-import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Desc
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.PrivilegeChangeResult.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-class CommandsPrivilegesLocal(plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
- private fun ParcelScope.checkPrivilege(sender: Player, key: PrivilegeKey) {
- val senderPrivilege = parcel.getEffectivePrivilege(sender, PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE)
- val targetPrivilege = parcel.getStoredPrivilege(key)
- Validate.isTrue(senderPrivilege > targetPrivilege, "You may not change the privilege of ${key.notNullName}")
- }
- private fun ParcelScope.checkOwned(sender: Player) {
- Validate.isTrue(parcel.owner != null || sender.hasPermAdminManage, "This parcel is unowned")
- }
- @Cmd("entrust")
- @Desc(
- "Allows a player to manage this parcel",
- shortVersion = "allows a player to manage this parcel"
- )
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
- suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdEntrust(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
- checkConnected("have privileges changed")
- checkOwned(sender)
- val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
- return when (parcel.allowManage(key)) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target already owns the parcel")
- FAIL -> err("${} is already allowed to manage this parcel")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is now allowed to manage this parcel"
- }
- }
- @Cmd("distrust")
- @Desc(
- "Disallows a player to manage this parcel,",
- "they will still be able to build",
- shortVersion = "disallows a player to manage this parcel"
- )
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
- suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdDistrust(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
- checkConnected("have privileges changed")
- checkOwned(sender)
- val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
- return when (parcel.disallowManage(key)) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target owns the parcel and can't be distrusted")
- FAIL -> err("${} is not currently allowed to manage this parcel")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is not allowed to manage this parcel anymore"
- }
- }
- @Cmd("allow", aliases = ["add", "permit"])
- @Desc(
- "Allows a player to build on this parcel",
- shortVersion = "allows a player to build on this parcel"
- )
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
- suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdAllow(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
- checkConnected("have privileges changed")
- checkOwned(sender)
- val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
- checkPrivilege(sender, key)
- return when (parcel.allowBuild(key)) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target already owns the parcel")
- FAIL -> err("${} is already allowed to build on this parcel")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is now allowed to build on this parcel"
- }
- }
- @Cmd("disallow", aliases = ["remove", "forbid"])
- @Desc(
- "Disallows a player to build on this parcel,",
- "they won't be allowed to anymore",
- shortVersion = "disallows a player to build on this parcel"
- )
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
- suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdDisallow(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
- checkConnected("have privileges changed")
- checkOwned(sender)
- val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
- checkPrivilege(sender, key)
- return when (parcel.disallowBuild(key)) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target owns the parcel")
- FAIL -> err("${} is not currently allowed to build on this parcel")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is not allowed to build on this parcel anymore"
- }
- }
- @Cmd("ban", aliases = ["deny"])
- @Desc(
- "Bans a player from this parcel,",
- "making them unable to enter",
- shortVersion = "bans a player from this parcel"
- )
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
- suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdBan(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
- checkConnected("have privileges changed")
- checkOwned(sender)
- val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
- checkPrivilege(sender, key)
- return when (parcel.disallowEnter(key)) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target owns the parcel")
- FAIL -> err("${} is already banned from this parcel")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is now banned from this parcel"
- }
- }
- @Cmd("unban", aliases = ["undeny"])
- @Desc(
- "Unbans a player from this parcel,",
- "they will be able to enter it again",
- shortVersion = "unbans a player from this parcel"
- )
- @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
- suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdUnban(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
- checkConnected("have privileges changed")
- checkOwned(sender)
- val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
- checkPrivilege(sender, key)
- return when (parcel.allowEnter(key)) {
- FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target owns the parcel")
- FAIL -> err("${} is not currently banned from this parcel")
- SUCCESS -> "${} is not banned from this parcel anymore"
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.Validate
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Cmd
+import io.dico.dicore.command.annotation.Desc
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.PrivilegeChangeResult.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+class CommandsPrivilegesLocal(plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : AbstractParcelCommands(plugin) {
+ private fun ParcelScope.checkPrivilege(sender: Player, key: PrivilegeKey) {
+ val senderPrivilege = parcel.getEffectivePrivilege(sender, PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE)
+ val targetPrivilege = parcel.getStoredPrivilege(key)
+ Validate.isTrue(senderPrivilege > targetPrivilege, "You may not change the privilege of ${key.notNullName}")
+ }
+ private fun ParcelScope.checkOwned(sender: Player) {
+ Validate.isTrue(parcel.owner != null || sender.hasPermAdminManage, "This parcel is unowned")
+ }
+ @Cmd("entrust")
+ @Desc(
+ "Allows a player to manage this parcel",
+ shortVersion = "allows a player to manage this parcel"
+ )
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
+ suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdEntrust(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
+ checkConnected("have privileges changed")
+ checkOwned(sender)
+ val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
+ return when (parcel.allowManage(key)) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target already owns the parcel")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is already allowed to manage this parcel")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is now allowed to manage this parcel"
+ }
+ }
+ @Cmd("distrust")
+ @Desc(
+ "Disallows a player to manage this parcel,",
+ "they will still be able to build",
+ shortVersion = "disallows a player to manage this parcel"
+ )
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.OWNER)
+ suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdDistrust(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
+ checkConnected("have privileges changed")
+ checkOwned(sender)
+ val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
+ return when (parcel.disallowManage(key)) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target owns the parcel and can't be distrusted")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is not currently allowed to manage this parcel")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is not allowed to manage this parcel anymore"
+ }
+ }
+ @Cmd("allow", aliases = ["add", "permit"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Allows a player to build on this parcel",
+ shortVersion = "allows a player to build on this parcel"
+ )
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
+ suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdAllow(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
+ checkConnected("have privileges changed")
+ checkOwned(sender)
+ val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
+ checkPrivilege(sender, key)
+ return when (parcel.allowBuild(key)) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target already owns the parcel")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is already allowed to build on this parcel")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is now allowed to build on this parcel"
+ }
+ }
+ @Cmd("disallow", aliases = ["remove", "forbid"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Disallows a player to build on this parcel,",
+ "they won't be allowed to anymore",
+ shortVersion = "disallows a player to build on this parcel"
+ )
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
+ suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdDisallow(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
+ checkConnected("have privileges changed")
+ checkOwned(sender)
+ val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
+ checkPrivilege(sender, key)
+ return when (parcel.disallowBuild(key)) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target owns the parcel")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is not currently allowed to build on this parcel")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is not allowed to build on this parcel anymore"
+ }
+ }
+ @Cmd("ban", aliases = ["deny"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Bans a player from this parcel,",
+ "making them unable to enter",
+ shortVersion = "bans a player from this parcel"
+ )
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
+ suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdBan(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
+ checkConnected("have privileges changed")
+ checkOwned(sender)
+ val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
+ checkPrivilege(sender, key)
+ return when (parcel.disallowEnter(key)) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target owns the parcel")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is already banned from this parcel")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is now banned from this parcel"
+ }
+ }
+ @Cmd("unban", aliases = ["undeny"])
+ @Desc(
+ "Unbans a player from this parcel,",
+ "they will be able to enter it again",
+ shortVersion = "unbans a player from this parcel"
+ )
+ @RequireParcelPrivilege(Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
+ suspend fun ParcelScope.cmdUnban(sender: Player, player: PlayerProfile): Any? {
+ checkConnected("have privileges changed")
+ checkOwned(sender)
+ val key = toPrivilegeKey(player)
+ checkPrivilege(sender, key)
+ return when (parcel.allowEnter(key)) {
+ FAIL_OWNER -> err("The target owns the parcel")
+ FAIL -> err("${} is not currently banned from this parcel")
+ SUCCESS -> "${} is not banned from this parcel anymore"
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelCommandBuilder.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelCommandBuilder.kt
index 721ce2d..155f4f1 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelCommandBuilder.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelCommandBuilder.kt
@@ -1,137 +1,137 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.*
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.ArgumentBuffer
-import io.dico.dicore.command.predef.DefaultGroupCommand
-import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ReflectiveRegistration
-import io.dico.parcels2.Interactables
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
-import io.dico.parcels2.logger
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage
-import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
-import java.util.LinkedList
-import java.util.Queue
-fun getParcelCommands(plugin: ParcelsPlugin): ICommandDispatcher = CommandBuilder().apply {
- val parcelsAddress = SpecialCommandAddress()
- setChatHandler(ParcelsChatHandler())
- addParameterType(false, ParcelParameterType(plugin.parcelProvider))
- addParameterType(false, ProfileParameterType())
- addParameterType(true, ParcelTarget.PType(plugin.parcelProvider, parcelsAddress))
- group(parcelsAddress, "parcel", "plot", "plots", "p") {
- addContextFilter(IContextFilter.inheritablePermission("parcels.command"))
- registerCommands(CommandsGeneral(plugin, parcelsAddress))
- registerCommands(CommandsPrivilegesLocal(plugin))
- group("option", "opt", "o") {
- setGroupDescription(
- "changes interaction options for this parcel",
- "Sets whether players who are not allowed to",
- "build here can interact with certain things."
- )
- group("interact", "i") {
- val command = ParcelOptionsInteractCommand(plugin)
- Interactables.classesById.forEach {
- addSubCommand(, command)
- }
- }
- }
- val adminPrivilegesGlobal = CommandsAdminPrivilegesGlobal(plugin)
- group("global", "g") {
- registerCommands(CommandsPrivilegesGlobal(plugin, adminVersion = adminPrivilegesGlobal))
- }
- group("admin", "a") {
- setCommand(AdminGroupCommand())
- registerCommands(CommandsAdmin(plugin))
- group("global", "g") {
- registerCommands(adminPrivilegesGlobal)
- }
- }
- if (!logger.isDebugEnabled) return@group
- group("debug", "d") {
- registerCommands(CommandsDebug(plugin))
- }
- }
- generateHelpAndSyntaxCommands(parcelsAddress)
-private inline fun String, vararg aliases: String, config: CommandBuilder.() -> Unit) {
- group(name, *aliases)
- config()
- parent()
-private inline fun ICommandAddress, name: String, vararg aliases: String, config: CommandBuilder.() -> Unit) {
- group(address, name, *aliases)
- config()
- parent()
-private fun CommandBuilder.generateHelpAndSyntaxCommands(root: ICommandAddress): CommandBuilder {
- generateCommands(root, "help", "syntax")
- return this
-private fun generateCommands(address: ICommandAddress, vararg names: String) {
- val addresses: Queue<ICommandAddress> = LinkedList()
- addresses.offer(address)
- while (addresses.isNotEmpty()) {
- val cur = addresses.poll()
- cur.childrenMainKeys.mapTo(addresses) { cur.getChild(it) }
- if (cur.hasCommand()) {
- ReflectiveRegistration.generateCommands(cur, names)
- }
- }
-class SpecialCommandAddress : ChildCommandAddress() {
- private val speciallyTreatedKeys = mutableListOf<String>()
- // Used to allow /p h:1 syntax, which is the same as what PlotMe uses.
- var speciallyParsedIndex: Int? = null; private set
- fun addSpeciallyTreatedKeys(vararg keys: String) {
- for (key in keys) {
- speciallyTreatedKeys.add(key + ":")
- }
- }
- // h:1
- @Throws(CommandException::class)
- override fun getChild(context: ExecutionContext, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): ChildCommandAddress? {
- speciallyParsedIndex = null
- val key = ?: return null
- for (specialKey in speciallyTreatedKeys) {
- if (key.startsWith(specialKey)) {
- val result = getChild(specialKey.substring(0, specialKey.length - 1))
- ?: return null
- val text = key.substring(specialKey.length)
- val num = text.toIntOrNull() ?: throw CommandException("$text is not a number")
- speciallyParsedIndex = num
- return result
- }
- }
- return super.getChild(key)
- }
-private class AdminGroupCommand : DefaultGroupCommand() {
- override fun isVisibleTo(sender: CommandSender) = sender.hasPermAdminManage
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.*
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.ArgumentBuffer
+import io.dico.dicore.command.predef.DefaultGroupCommand
+import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ReflectiveRegistration
+import io.dico.parcels2.Interactables
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
+import io.dico.parcels2.logger
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage
+import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
+import java.util.LinkedList
+import java.util.Queue
+fun getParcelCommands(plugin: ParcelsPlugin): ICommandDispatcher = CommandBuilder().apply {
+ val parcelsAddress = SpecialCommandAddress()
+ setChatHandler(ParcelsChatHandler())
+ addParameterType(false, ParcelParameterType(plugin.parcelProvider))
+ addParameterType(false, ProfileParameterType())
+ addParameterType(true, ParcelTarget.PType(plugin.parcelProvider, parcelsAddress))
+ group(parcelsAddress, "parcel", "plot", "plots", "p") {
+ addContextFilter(IContextFilter.inheritablePermission("parcels.command"))
+ registerCommands(CommandsGeneral(plugin, parcelsAddress))
+ registerCommands(CommandsPrivilegesLocal(plugin))
+ group("option", "opt", "o") {
+ setGroupDescription(
+ "changes interaction options for this parcel",
+ "Sets whether players who are not allowed to",
+ "build here can interact with certain things."
+ )
+ group("interact", "i") {
+ val command = ParcelOptionsInteractCommand(plugin)
+ Interactables.classesById.forEach {
+ addSubCommand(, command)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ val adminPrivilegesGlobal = CommandsAdminPrivilegesGlobal(plugin)
+ group("global", "g") {
+ registerCommands(CommandsPrivilegesGlobal(plugin, adminVersion = adminPrivilegesGlobal))
+ }
+ group("admin", "a") {
+ setCommand(AdminGroupCommand())
+ registerCommands(CommandsAdmin(plugin))
+ group("global", "g") {
+ registerCommands(adminPrivilegesGlobal)
+ }
+ }
+ if (!logger.isDebugEnabled) return@group
+ group("debug", "d") {
+ registerCommands(CommandsDebug(plugin))
+ }
+ }
+ generateHelpAndSyntaxCommands(parcelsAddress)
+private inline fun String, vararg aliases: String, config: CommandBuilder.() -> Unit) {
+ group(name, *aliases)
+ config()
+ parent()
+private inline fun ICommandAddress, name: String, vararg aliases: String, config: CommandBuilder.() -> Unit) {
+ group(address, name, *aliases)
+ config()
+ parent()
+private fun CommandBuilder.generateHelpAndSyntaxCommands(root: ICommandAddress): CommandBuilder {
+ generateCommands(root, "help", "syntax")
+ return this
+private fun generateCommands(address: ICommandAddress, vararg names: String) {
+ val addresses: Queue<ICommandAddress> = LinkedList()
+ addresses.offer(address)
+ while (addresses.isNotEmpty()) {
+ val cur = addresses.poll()
+ cur.childrenMainKeys.mapTo(addresses) { cur.getChild(it) }
+ if (cur.hasCommand()) {
+ ReflectiveRegistration.generateCommands(cur, names)
+ }
+ }
+class SpecialCommandAddress : ChildCommandAddress() {
+ private val speciallyTreatedKeys = mutableListOf<String>()
+ // Used to allow /p h:1 syntax, which is the same as what PlotMe uses.
+ var speciallyParsedIndex: Int? = null; private set
+ fun addSpeciallyTreatedKeys(vararg keys: String) {
+ for (key in keys) {
+ speciallyTreatedKeys.add(key + ":")
+ }
+ }
+ // h:1
+ @Throws(CommandException::class)
+ override fun getChild(context: ExecutionContext, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): ChildCommandAddress? {
+ speciallyParsedIndex = null
+ val key = ?: return null
+ for (specialKey in speciallyTreatedKeys) {
+ if (key.startsWith(specialKey)) {
+ val result = getChild(specialKey.substring(0, specialKey.length - 1))
+ ?: return null
+ val text = key.substring(specialKey.length)
+ val num = text.toIntOrNull() ?: throw CommandException("$text is not a number")
+ speciallyParsedIndex = num
+ return result
+ }
+ }
+ return super.getChild(key)
+ }
+private class AdminGroupCommand : DefaultGroupCommand() {
+ override fun isVisibleTo(sender: CommandSender) = sender.hasPermAdminManage
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelCommandReceivers.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelCommandReceivers.kt
index 15548b4..e41fd37 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelCommandReceivers.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelCommandReceivers.kt
@@ -1,68 +1,68 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.CommandException
-import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
-import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ICommandReceiver
-import io.dico.dicore.command.Validate
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.uuid
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-import java.lang.reflect.Method
-import kotlin.reflect.full.extensionReceiverParameter
-import kotlin.reflect.full.findAnnotation
-import kotlin.reflect.jvm.jvmErasure
-import kotlin.reflect.jvm.kotlinFunction
-annotation class RequireParcelPrivilege(val privilege: Privilege)
-annotation class SuspensionTimeout(val millis: Int)
-open class WorldScope(val world: ParcelWorld) : ICommandReceiver
-open class ParcelScope(val parcel: Parcel) : WorldScope( {
- fun checkCanManage(player: Player, action: String) = Validate.isTrue(parcel.canManage(player), "You must own this parcel to $action")
-fun getParcelCommandReceiver(parcelProvider: ParcelProvider, context: ExecutionContext, method: Method, cmdName: String): ICommandReceiver {
- val player = context.sender as Player
- val function = method.kotlinFunction!!
- val receiverType = function.extensionReceiverParameter!!.type
- val require = function.findAnnotation<RequireParcelPrivilege>()
- return when (receiverType.jvmErasure) {
- ParcelScope::class -> ParcelScope(parcelProvider.getParcelRequired(player, require?.privilege))
- WorldScope::class -> WorldScope(parcelProvider.getWorldRequired(player, require?.privilege == ADMIN))
- else -> throw InternalError("Invalid command receiver type")
- }
-fun ParcelProvider.getWorldRequired(player: Player, admin: Boolean = false): ParcelWorld {
- if (admin) Validate.isTrue(player.hasPermAdminManage, "You must have admin rights to use that command")
- return getWorld(
- ?: throw CommandException("You must be in a parcel world to use that command")
-fun ParcelProvider.getParcelRequired(player: Player, privilege: Privilege? = null): Parcel {
- val parcel = getWorldRequired(player, admin = privilege == ADMIN).getParcelAt(player)
- ?: throw CommandException("You must be in a parcel to use that command")
- if (!player.hasPermAdminManage) {
- when (privilege) {
- OWNER ->
- Validate.isTrue(parcel.isOwner(player.uuid), "You must own this parcel to use that command")
- Validate.isTrue(parcel.canManage(player), "You must have management privileges on this parcel to use that command")
- }
- }
- return parcel
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.CommandException
+import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
+import io.dico.dicore.command.registration.reflect.ICommandReceiver
+import io.dico.dicore.command.Validate
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermAdminManage
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.uuid
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+import java.lang.reflect.Method
+import kotlin.reflect.full.extensionReceiverParameter
+import kotlin.reflect.full.findAnnotation
+import kotlin.reflect.jvm.jvmErasure
+import kotlin.reflect.jvm.kotlinFunction
+annotation class RequireParcelPrivilege(val privilege: Privilege)
+annotation class SuspensionTimeout(val millis: Int)
+open class WorldScope(val world: ParcelWorld) : ICommandReceiver
+open class ParcelScope(val parcel: Parcel) : WorldScope( {
+ fun checkCanManage(player: Player, action: String) = Validate.isTrue(parcel.canManage(player), "You must own this parcel to $action")
+fun getParcelCommandReceiver(parcelProvider: ParcelProvider, context: ExecutionContext, method: Method, cmdName: String): ICommandReceiver {
+ val player = context.sender as Player
+ val function = method.kotlinFunction!!
+ val receiverType = function.extensionReceiverParameter!!.type
+ val require = function.findAnnotation<RequireParcelPrivilege>()
+ return when (receiverType.jvmErasure) {
+ ParcelScope::class -> ParcelScope(parcelProvider.getParcelRequired(player, require?.privilege))
+ WorldScope::class -> WorldScope(parcelProvider.getWorldRequired(player, require?.privilege == ADMIN))
+ else -> throw InternalError("Invalid command receiver type")
+ }
+fun ParcelProvider.getWorldRequired(player: Player, admin: Boolean = false): ParcelWorld {
+ if (admin) Validate.isTrue(player.hasPermAdminManage, "You must have admin rights to use that command")
+ return getWorld(
+ ?: throw CommandException("You must be in a parcel world to use that command")
+fun ParcelProvider.getParcelRequired(player: Player, privilege: Privilege? = null): Parcel {
+ val parcel = getWorldRequired(player, admin = privilege == ADMIN).getParcelAt(player)
+ ?: throw CommandException("You must be in a parcel to use that command")
+ if (!player.hasPermAdminManage) {
+ when (privilege) {
+ OWNER ->
+ Validate.isTrue(parcel.isOwner(player.uuid), "You must own this parcel to use that command")
+ Validate.isTrue(parcel.canManage(player), "You must have management privileges on this parcel to use that command")
+ }
+ }
+ return parcel
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelOptionsInteractCommand.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelOptionsInteractCommand.kt
index 23087dc..fbe4333 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelOptionsInteractCommand.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelOptionsInteractCommand.kt
@@ -1,56 +1,56 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.*
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterTypes
-import io.dico.parcels2.Interactables
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
-import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege
-import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-class ParcelOptionsInteractCommand(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : Command() {
- init {
- setShortDescription("View and/or change the setting")
- setDescription(shortDescription)
- addContextFilter(IContextFilter.PLAYER_ONLY)
- addContextFilter(IContextFilter.INHERIT_PERMISSIONS)
- addParameter("allowed", "new setting", ParameterTypes.BOOLEAN)
- requiredParameters(0)
- }
- override fun execute(sender: CommandSender, context: ExecutionContext): String? {
- if (! err("Parcels cannot have their options changed right now because of a database error")
- val interactableClass = Interactables[context.address.mainKey]
- val allowed: Boolean? = context.get("allowed")
- val parcel = plugin.parcelProvider.getParcelRequired(sender as Player,
- if (allowed == null) Privilege.DEFAULT else Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
- if (allowed == null) {
- val setting = parcel.interactableConfig.isInteractable(interactableClass)
- val default = setting == interactableClass.interactableByDefault
- val canColor = context.address.chatHandler.getChatFormatForType(EMessageType.BAD_NEWS)
- val cannotColor = context.address.chatHandler.getChatFormatForType(EMessageType.GOOD_NEWS)
- val resetColor = context.address.chatHandler.getChatFormatForType(EMessageType.RESULT)
- val settingString = (if (setting) "${canColor}can" else "${cannotColor}cannot") + resetColor
- val defaultString = if (default) " (default)" else ""
- return "Players $settingString interact with ${} on this parcel$defaultString"
- }
- val change = parcel.interactableConfig.setInteractable(interactableClass, allowed)
- val interactableClassName =
- return when {
- allowed && change -> "Other players can now interact with $interactableClassName"
- allowed && !change -> err("Other players could already interact with $interactableClassName")
- change -> "Other players can not interact with $interactableClassName anymore"
- else -> err("Other players were not allowed to interact with $interactableClassName")
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.*
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterTypes
+import io.dico.parcels2.Interactables
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
+import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege
+import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+class ParcelOptionsInteractCommand(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : Command() {
+ init {
+ setShortDescription("View and/or change the setting")
+ setDescription(shortDescription)
+ addContextFilter(IContextFilter.PLAYER_ONLY)
+ addContextFilter(IContextFilter.INHERIT_PERMISSIONS)
+ addParameter("allowed", "new setting", ParameterTypes.BOOLEAN)
+ requiredParameters(0)
+ }
+ override fun execute(sender: CommandSender, context: ExecutionContext): String? {
+ if (! err("Parcels cannot have their options changed right now because of a database error")
+ val interactableClass = Interactables[context.address.mainKey]
+ val allowed: Boolean? = context.get("allowed")
+ val parcel = plugin.parcelProvider.getParcelRequired(sender as Player,
+ if (allowed == null) Privilege.DEFAULT else Privilege.CAN_MANAGE)
+ if (allowed == null) {
+ val setting = parcel.interactableConfig.isInteractable(interactableClass)
+ val default = setting == interactableClass.interactableByDefault
+ val canColor = context.address.chatHandler.getChatFormatForType(EMessageType.BAD_NEWS)
+ val cannotColor = context.address.chatHandler.getChatFormatForType(EMessageType.GOOD_NEWS)
+ val resetColor = context.address.chatHandler.getChatFormatForType(EMessageType.RESULT)
+ val settingString = (if (setting) "${canColor}can" else "${cannotColor}cannot") + resetColor
+ val defaultString = if (default) " (default)" else ""
+ return "Players $settingString interact with ${} on this parcel$defaultString"
+ }
+ val change = parcel.interactableConfig.setInteractable(interactableClass, allowed)
+ val interactableClassName =
+ return when {
+ allowed && change -> "Other players can now interact with $interactableClassName"
+ allowed && !change -> err("Other players could already interact with $interactableClassName")
+ change -> "Other players can not interact with $interactableClassName anymore"
+ else -> err("Other players were not allowed to interact with $interactableClassName")
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelParameterTypes.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelParameterTypes.kt
index c7083a1..730625e 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelParameterTypes.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelParameterTypes.kt
@@ -1,83 +1,83 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.CommandException
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.ArgumentBuffer
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.Parameter
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterConfig
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterType
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ProfileKind.Companion.ANY
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ProfileKind.Companion.FAKE
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ProfileKind.Companion.REAL
-import org.bukkit.Location
-import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-fun invalidInput(parameter: Parameter<*, *>, message: String): Nothing {
- throw CommandException("invalid input for ${}: $message")
-fun ParcelProvider.getTargetWorld(input: String?, sender: CommandSender, parameter: Parameter<*, *>): ParcelWorld {
- val worldName = input
- ?.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }
- ?: (sender as? Player)?.world?.name
- ?: invalidInput(parameter, "console cannot omit the world name")
- return getWorld(worldName)
- ?: invalidInput(parameter, "$worldName is not a parcel world")
-class ParcelParameterType(val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider) : ParameterType<Parcel, Void>( {
- val regex = Regex.fromLiteral("((.+)->)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)")
- override fun parse(parameter: Parameter<Parcel, Void>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): Parcel {
- val matchResult = regex.matchEntire(!!)
- ?: invalidInput(parameter, "must match (w->)?a:b (/${regex.pattern}/)")
- val world = parcelProvider.getTargetWorld(matchResult.groupValues[2], sender, parameter)
- val x = matchResult.groupValues[3].toIntOrNull()
- ?: invalidInput(parameter, "couldn't parse int")
- val z = matchResult.groupValues[4].toIntOrNull()
- ?: invalidInput(parameter, "couldn't parse int")
- return world.getParcelById(x, z)
- ?: invalidInput(parameter, "parcel id is out of range")
- }
-annotation class ProfileKind(val kind: Int) {
- companion object : ParameterConfig<ProfileKind, Int>( {
- const val REAL = 1
- const val FAKE = 2
- const val ANY = REAL or FAKE
- override fun toParameterInfo(annotation: ProfileKind): Int {
- return annotation.kind
- }
- }
-class ProfileParameterType : ParameterType<PlayerProfile, Int>(, ProfileKind) {
- override fun parse(parameter: Parameter<PlayerProfile, Int>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): PlayerProfile {
- val info = parameter.paramInfo ?: REAL
- val allowReal = (info and REAL) != 0
- val allowFake = (info and FAKE) != 0
- val input =!!
- return PlayerProfile.byName(input, allowReal, allowFake)
- }
- override fun complete(
- parameter: Parameter<PlayerProfile, Int>,
- sender: CommandSender,
- location: Location?,
- buffer: ArgumentBuffer
- ): MutableList<String> {
-"Completing PlayerProfile: ${}")
- return super.complete(parameter, sender, location, buffer)
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.CommandException
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.ArgumentBuffer
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.Parameter
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterConfig
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterType
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ProfileKind.Companion.ANY
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ProfileKind.Companion.FAKE
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ProfileKind.Companion.REAL
+import org.bukkit.Location
+import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+fun invalidInput(parameter: Parameter<*, *>, message: String): Nothing {
+ throw CommandException("invalid input for ${}: $message")
+fun ParcelProvider.getTargetWorld(input: String?, sender: CommandSender, parameter: Parameter<*, *>): ParcelWorld {
+ val worldName = input
+ ?.takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }
+ ?: (sender as? Player)?.world?.name
+ ?: invalidInput(parameter, "console cannot omit the world name")
+ return getWorld(worldName)
+ ?: invalidInput(parameter, "$worldName is not a parcel world")
+class ParcelParameterType(val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider) : ParameterType<Parcel, Void>( {
+ val regex = Regex.fromLiteral("((.+)->)?([0-9]+):([0-9]+)")
+ override fun parse(parameter: Parameter<Parcel, Void>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): Parcel {
+ val matchResult = regex.matchEntire(!!)
+ ?: invalidInput(parameter, "must match (w->)?a:b (/${regex.pattern}/)")
+ val world = parcelProvider.getTargetWorld(matchResult.groupValues[2], sender, parameter)
+ val x = matchResult.groupValues[3].toIntOrNull()
+ ?: invalidInput(parameter, "couldn't parse int")
+ val z = matchResult.groupValues[4].toIntOrNull()
+ ?: invalidInput(parameter, "couldn't parse int")
+ return world.getParcelById(x, z)
+ ?: invalidInput(parameter, "parcel id is out of range")
+ }
+annotation class ProfileKind(val kind: Int) {
+ companion object : ParameterConfig<ProfileKind, Int>( {
+ const val REAL = 1
+ const val FAKE = 2
+ const val ANY = REAL or FAKE
+ override fun toParameterInfo(annotation: ProfileKind): Int {
+ return annotation.kind
+ }
+ }
+class ProfileParameterType : ParameterType<PlayerProfile, Int>(, ProfileKind) {
+ override fun parse(parameter: Parameter<PlayerProfile, Int>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): PlayerProfile {
+ val info = parameter.paramInfo ?: REAL
+ val allowReal = (info and REAL) != 0
+ val allowFake = (info and FAKE) != 0
+ val input =!!
+ return PlayerProfile.byName(input, allowReal, allowFake)
+ }
+ override fun complete(
+ parameter: Parameter<PlayerProfile, Int>,
+ sender: CommandSender,
+ location: Location?,
+ buffer: ArgumentBuffer
+ ): MutableList<String> {
+"Completing PlayerProfile: ${}")
+ return super.complete(parameter, sender, location, buffer)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt
index 8891912..c39c4b6 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelTarget.kt
@@ -1,191 +1,191 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.ArgumentBuffer
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.Parameter
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterConfig
-import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterType
-import io.dico.parcels2.Parcel
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelProvider
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorld
-import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.DEFAULT_KIND
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.ID
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER_FAKE
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER_REAL
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT
-import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.REAL
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.floor
-import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-sealed class ParcelTarget(val world: ParcelWorld, val parsedKind: Int, val isDefault: Boolean) {
- abstract suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel?
- class ByID(world: ParcelWorld, val id: Vec2i?, parsedKind: Int, isDefault: Boolean) : ParcelTarget(world, parsedKind, isDefault) {
- override suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel? = getParcel()
- fun getParcel() = id?.let { world.getParcelById(it) }
- val isPath: Boolean get() = id == null
- }
- class ByOwner(
- world: ParcelWorld,
- owner: PlayerProfile,
- val index: Int,
- parsedKind: Int,
- isDefault: Boolean,
- val onResolveFailure: (() -> Unit)? = null
- ) : ParcelTarget(world, parsedKind, isDefault) {
- init {
- if (index < 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parcel home index: $index")
- }
- var owner = owner; private set
- suspend fun resolveOwner(storage: Storage): Boolean {
- val owner = owner
- if (owner is PlayerProfile.Unresolved) {
- this.owner = owner.tryResolveSuspendedly(storage) ?: if (parsedKind and OWNER_FAKE != 0) PlayerProfile.Fake(
- else run { onResolveFailure?.invoke(); return false }
- }
- return true
- }
- override suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel? {
- onResolveFailure?.let { resolveOwner(storage) }
- val ownedParcelsSerialized = storage.getOwnedParcels(owner).await()
- val ownedParcels = ownedParcelsSerialized
- .filter { it.worldId.equals( }
- .map { world.getParcelById(it.x, it.z) }
- return ownedParcels.getOrNull(index)
- }
- }
- annotation class TargetKind(val kind: Int) {
- companion object : ParameterConfig<TargetKind, Int>( {
- const val ID = 1 // ID
- const val OWNER_REAL = 2 // an owner backed by a UUID
- const val OWNER_FAKE = 4 // an owner not backed by a UUID
- const val OWNER = OWNER_REAL or OWNER_FAKE // any owner
- const val ANY = ID or OWNER_REAL or OWNER_FAKE // any
- const val REAL = ID or OWNER_REAL // no owner not backed by a UUID
- const val DEFAULT_KIND = REAL
- const val PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT = 8 // if the kind can be ID and OWNER_REAL, prefer OWNER_REAL for default
- // instead of parcel that the player is in
- override fun toParameterInfo(annotation: TargetKind): Int {
- return annotation.kind
- }
- }
- }
- class PType(val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider, val parcelAddress: SpecialCommandAddress? = null) :
- ParameterType<ParcelTarget, Int>(, TargetKind) {
- override fun parse(parameter: Parameter<ParcelTarget, Int>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): ParcelTarget {
- var input =!!
- val worldString = input.substringBefore("/", missingDelimiterValue = "")
- input = input.substringAfter("/")
- val world = if (worldString.isEmpty()) {
- val player = requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the world")
- parcelProvider.getWorld(
- ?: invalidInput(parameter, "You cannot omit the world if you're not in a parcel world")
- } else {
- parcelProvider.getWorld(worldString) ?: invalidInput(parameter, "$worldString is not a parcel world")
- }
- val kind = parameter.paramInfo ?: DEFAULT_KIND
- if (input.contains(',')) {
- if (kind and ID == 0) invalidInput(parameter, "You must specify a parcel by OWNER, that is, an owner and index")
- return ByID(world, getId(parameter, input), kind, false)
- }
- if (kind and OWNER == 0) invalidInput(parameter, "You must specify a parcel by ID, that is, the x and z component separated by a comma")
- val (owner, index) = getHomeIndex(parameter, kind, sender, input)
- return ByOwner(world, owner, index, kind, false, onResolveFailure = { invalidInput(parameter, "The player $input does not exist") })
- }
- private fun getId(parameter: Parameter<*, *>, input: String): Vec2i {
- val x = input.substringBefore(',').run {
- toIntOrNull() ?: invalidInput(parameter, "ID(x) must be an integer, $this is not an integer")
- }
- val z = input.substringAfter(',').run {
- toIntOrNull() ?: invalidInput(parameter, "ID(z) must be an integer, $this is not an integer")
- }
- return Vec2i(x, z)
- }
- private fun getHomeIndex(parameter: Parameter<*, *>, kind: Int, sender: CommandSender, input: String): Pair<PlayerProfile, Int> {
- val splitIdx = input.indexOf(':')
- val ownerString: String
- val index: Int?
- val speciallyParsedIndex = parcelAddress?.speciallyParsedIndex
- if (splitIdx == -1) {
- if (speciallyParsedIndex == null) {
- // just the index.
- index = input.toIntOrNull()
- ownerString = if (index == null) input else ""
- } else {
- // just the owner.
- index = speciallyParsedIndex
- ownerString = input
- }
- } else {
- if (speciallyParsedIndex != null) {
- invalidInput(parameter, "Duplicate home index")
- }
- ownerString = input.substring(0, splitIdx)
- val indexString = input.substring(splitIdx + 1)
- index = indexString.toIntOrNull()
- ?: invalidInput(parameter, "The home index must be an integer, $indexString is not an integer")
- }
- val owner = if (ownerString.isEmpty())
- PlayerProfile(requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the player"))
- else
- PlayerProfile.byName(ownerString, allowReal = kind and OWNER_REAL != 0, allowFake = kind and OWNER_FAKE != 0)
- return owner to (index ?: 0)
- }
- private fun requirePlayer(sender: CommandSender, parameter: Parameter<*, *>, objName: String): Player {
- if (sender !is Player) invalidInput(parameter, "console cannot omit the $objName")
- return sender
- }
- override fun getDefaultValue(parameter: Parameter<ParcelTarget, Int>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): ParcelTarget? {
- val kind = parameter.paramInfo ?: DEFAULT_KIND
- val useLocation = when {
- kind and REAL == REAL -> kind and PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT == 0
- kind and ID != 0 -> true
- kind and OWNER_REAL != 0 -> false
- else -> return null
- }
- val player = requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the parcel")
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: invalidInput(parameter, "You must be in a parcel world to omit the parcel")
- if (useLocation) {
- val id = player.location.let { world.getParcelIdAt(it.x.floor(), it.z.floor())?.pos }
- return ByID(world, id, kind, true)
- }
- return ByOwner(world, PlayerProfile(player), parcelAddress?.speciallyParsedIndex ?: 0, kind, true)
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.ArgumentBuffer
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.Parameter
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterConfig
+import io.dico.dicore.command.parameter.type.ParameterType
+import io.dico.parcels2.Parcel
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelProvider
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorld
+import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.DEFAULT_KIND
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.ID
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER_FAKE
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.OWNER_REAL
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT
+import io.dico.parcels2.command.ParcelTarget.TargetKind.Companion.REAL
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec2i
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.floor
+import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+sealed class ParcelTarget(val world: ParcelWorld, val parsedKind: Int, val isDefault: Boolean) {
+ abstract suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel?
+ class ByID(world: ParcelWorld, val id: Vec2i?, parsedKind: Int, isDefault: Boolean) : ParcelTarget(world, parsedKind, isDefault) {
+ override suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel? = getParcel()
+ fun getParcel() = id?.let { world.getParcelById(it) }
+ val isPath: Boolean get() = id == null
+ }
+ class ByOwner(
+ world: ParcelWorld,
+ owner: PlayerProfile,
+ val index: Int,
+ parsedKind: Int,
+ isDefault: Boolean,
+ val onResolveFailure: (() -> Unit)? = null
+ ) : ParcelTarget(world, parsedKind, isDefault) {
+ init {
+ if (index < 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid parcel home index: $index")
+ }
+ var owner = owner; private set
+ suspend fun resolveOwner(storage: Storage): Boolean {
+ val owner = owner
+ if (owner is PlayerProfile.Unresolved) {
+ this.owner = owner.tryResolveSuspendedly(storage) ?: if (parsedKind and OWNER_FAKE != 0) PlayerProfile.Fake(
+ else run { onResolveFailure?.invoke(); return false }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ override suspend fun getParcelSuspend(storage: Storage): Parcel? {
+ onResolveFailure?.let { resolveOwner(storage) }
+ val ownedParcelsSerialized = storage.getOwnedParcels(owner).await()
+ val ownedParcels = ownedParcelsSerialized
+ .filter { it.worldId.equals( }
+ .map { world.getParcelById(it.x, it.z) }
+ return ownedParcels.getOrNull(index)
+ }
+ }
+ annotation class TargetKind(val kind: Int) {
+ companion object : ParameterConfig<TargetKind, Int>( {
+ const val ID = 1 // ID
+ const val OWNER_REAL = 2 // an owner backed by a UUID
+ const val OWNER_FAKE = 4 // an owner not backed by a UUID
+ const val OWNER = OWNER_REAL or OWNER_FAKE // any owner
+ const val ANY = ID or OWNER_REAL or OWNER_FAKE // any
+ const val REAL = ID or OWNER_REAL // no owner not backed by a UUID
+ const val DEFAULT_KIND = REAL
+ const val PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT = 8 // if the kind can be ID and OWNER_REAL, prefer OWNER_REAL for default
+ // instead of parcel that the player is in
+ override fun toParameterInfo(annotation: TargetKind): Int {
+ return annotation.kind
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ class PType(val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider, val parcelAddress: SpecialCommandAddress? = null) :
+ ParameterType<ParcelTarget, Int>(, TargetKind) {
+ override fun parse(parameter: Parameter<ParcelTarget, Int>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): ParcelTarget {
+ var input =!!
+ val worldString = input.substringBefore("/", missingDelimiterValue = "")
+ input = input.substringAfter("/")
+ val world = if (worldString.isEmpty()) {
+ val player = requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the world")
+ parcelProvider.getWorld(
+ ?: invalidInput(parameter, "You cannot omit the world if you're not in a parcel world")
+ } else {
+ parcelProvider.getWorld(worldString) ?: invalidInput(parameter, "$worldString is not a parcel world")
+ }
+ val kind = parameter.paramInfo ?: DEFAULT_KIND
+ if (input.contains(',')) {
+ if (kind and ID == 0) invalidInput(parameter, "You must specify a parcel by OWNER, that is, an owner and index")
+ return ByID(world, getId(parameter, input), kind, false)
+ }
+ if (kind and OWNER == 0) invalidInput(parameter, "You must specify a parcel by ID, that is, the x and z component separated by a comma")
+ val (owner, index) = getHomeIndex(parameter, kind, sender, input)
+ return ByOwner(world, owner, index, kind, false, onResolveFailure = { invalidInput(parameter, "The player $input does not exist") })
+ }
+ private fun getId(parameter: Parameter<*, *>, input: String): Vec2i {
+ val x = input.substringBefore(',').run {
+ toIntOrNull() ?: invalidInput(parameter, "ID(x) must be an integer, $this is not an integer")
+ }
+ val z = input.substringAfter(',').run {
+ toIntOrNull() ?: invalidInput(parameter, "ID(z) must be an integer, $this is not an integer")
+ }
+ return Vec2i(x, z)
+ }
+ private fun getHomeIndex(parameter: Parameter<*, *>, kind: Int, sender: CommandSender, input: String): Pair<PlayerProfile, Int> {
+ val splitIdx = input.indexOf(':')
+ val ownerString: String
+ val index: Int?
+ val speciallyParsedIndex = parcelAddress?.speciallyParsedIndex
+ if (splitIdx == -1) {
+ if (speciallyParsedIndex == null) {
+ // just the index.
+ index = input.toIntOrNull()
+ ownerString = if (index == null) input else ""
+ } else {
+ // just the owner.
+ index = speciallyParsedIndex
+ ownerString = input
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (speciallyParsedIndex != null) {
+ invalidInput(parameter, "Duplicate home index")
+ }
+ ownerString = input.substring(0, splitIdx)
+ val indexString = input.substring(splitIdx + 1)
+ index = indexString.toIntOrNull()
+ ?: invalidInput(parameter, "The home index must be an integer, $indexString is not an integer")
+ }
+ val owner = if (ownerString.isEmpty())
+ PlayerProfile(requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the player"))
+ else
+ PlayerProfile.byName(ownerString, allowReal = kind and OWNER_REAL != 0, allowFake = kind and OWNER_FAKE != 0)
+ return owner to (index ?: 0)
+ }
+ private fun requirePlayer(sender: CommandSender, parameter: Parameter<*, *>, objName: String): Player {
+ if (sender !is Player) invalidInput(parameter, "console cannot omit the $objName")
+ return sender
+ }
+ override fun getDefaultValue(parameter: Parameter<ParcelTarget, Int>, sender: CommandSender, buffer: ArgumentBuffer): ParcelTarget? {
+ val kind = parameter.paramInfo ?: DEFAULT_KIND
+ val useLocation = when {
+ kind and REAL == REAL -> kind and PREFER_OWNED_FOR_DEFAULT == 0
+ kind and ID != 0 -> true
+ kind and OWNER_REAL != 0 -> false
+ else -> return null
+ }
+ val player = requirePlayer(sender, parameter, "the parcel")
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: invalidInput(parameter, "You must be in a parcel world to omit the parcel")
+ if (useLocation) {
+ val id = player.location.let { world.getParcelIdAt(it.x.floor(), it.z.floor())?.pos }
+ return ByID(world, id, kind, true)
+ }
+ return ByOwner(world, PlayerProfile(player), parcelAddress?.speciallyParsedIndex ?: 0, kind, true)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelsChatHandler.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelsChatHandler.kt
index b616f77..52f1104 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelsChatHandler.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/command/ParcelsChatHandler.kt
@@ -1,24 +1,24 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.command
-import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
-import io.dico.dicore.command.EMessageType
-import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
-class ParcelsChatHandler : AbstractChatHandler() {
- override fun getMessagePrefixForType(type: EMessageType?): String {
- return Formatting.RED + "[Parcels] "
- }
- override fun createMessage(context: ExecutionContext, type: EMessageType, message: String?): String? {
- if (message.isNullOrEmpty()) return null
- var result = getChatFormatForType(type) + message
- if (context.address.mainKey != "info") {
- result = getMessagePrefixForType(type) + result
- }
- return result
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.command
+import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
+import io.dico.dicore.command.EMessageType
+import io.dico.dicore.command.ExecutionContext
+class ParcelsChatHandler : AbstractChatHandler() {
+ override fun getMessagePrefixForType(type: EMessageType?): String {
+ return Formatting.RED + "[Parcels] "
+ }
+ override fun createMessage(context: ExecutionContext, type: EMessageType, message: String?): String? {
+ if (message.isNullOrEmpty()) return null
+ var result = getChatFormatForType(type) + message
+ if (context.address.mainKey != "info") {
+ result = getMessagePrefixForType(type) + result
+ }
+ return result
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/DefaultParcelContainer.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/DefaultParcelContainer.kt
index 1193af3..b49cad4 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/DefaultParcelContainer.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/DefaultParcelContainer.kt
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
-import io.dico.parcels2.Parcel
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelContainer
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelId
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorld
-class DefaultParcelContainer(val world: ParcelWorld) : ParcelContainer {
- private var parcels: Array<Array<Parcel>>
- init {
- parcels = initArray(world.options.axisLimit, world)
- }
- fun resizeIfSizeChanged() {
- if (parcels.size != world.options.axisLimit * 2 + 1) {
- resize(world.options.axisLimit)
- }
- }
- fun resize(axisLimit: Int) {
- parcels = initArray(axisLimit, world, this)
- }
- fun initArray(axisLimit: Int, world: ParcelWorld, cur: DefaultParcelContainer? = null): Array<Array<Parcel>> {
- val arraySize = 2 * axisLimit + 1
- return Array(arraySize) {
- val x = it - axisLimit
- Array(arraySize) {
- val z = it - axisLimit
- cur?.getParcelById(x, z) ?: ParcelImpl(world, x, z)
- }
- }
- }
- override fun getParcelById(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? {
- return parcels.getOrNull(x + world.options.axisLimit)?.getOrNull(z + world.options.axisLimit)
- }
- override fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel? {
- if (! throw IllegalArgumentException()
- return when (id) {
- is Parcel -> id
- else -> getParcelById(id.x, id.z)
- }
- }
- override fun nextEmptyParcel(): Parcel? {
- return walkInCircle().find { it.owner == null }
- }
- private fun walkInCircle(): Iterable<Parcel> = Iterable {
- iterator {
- val center = world.options.axisLimit
- yield(parcels[center][center])
- for (radius in {
- var x = center - radius;
- var z = center - radius
- repeat(radius * 2) { yield(parcels[x++][z]) }
- repeat(radius * 2) { yield(parcels[x][z++]) }
- repeat(radius * 2) { yield(parcels[x--][z]) }
- repeat(radius * 2) { yield(parcels[x][z--]) }
- }
- }
- }
- fun getAllParcels(): Iterator<Parcel> = iterator {
- for (array in parcels) {
- yieldAll(array.iterator())
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
+import io.dico.parcels2.Parcel
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelContainer
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelId
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorld
+class DefaultParcelContainer(val world: ParcelWorld) : ParcelContainer {
+ private var parcels: Array<Array<Parcel>>
+ init {
+ parcels = initArray(world.options.axisLimit, world)
+ }
+ fun resizeIfSizeChanged() {
+ if (parcels.size != world.options.axisLimit * 2 + 1) {
+ resize(world.options.axisLimit)
+ }
+ }
+ fun resize(axisLimit: Int) {
+ parcels = initArray(axisLimit, world, this)
+ }
+ fun initArray(axisLimit: Int, world: ParcelWorld, cur: DefaultParcelContainer? = null): Array<Array<Parcel>> {
+ val arraySize = 2 * axisLimit + 1
+ return Array(arraySize) {
+ val x = it - axisLimit
+ Array(arraySize) {
+ val z = it - axisLimit
+ cur?.getParcelById(x, z) ?: ParcelImpl(world, x, z)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun getParcelById(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? {
+ return parcels.getOrNull(x + world.options.axisLimit)?.getOrNull(z + world.options.axisLimit)
+ }
+ override fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel? {
+ if (! throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ return when (id) {
+ is Parcel -> id
+ else -> getParcelById(id.x, id.z)
+ }
+ }
+ override fun nextEmptyParcel(): Parcel? {
+ return walkInCircle().find { it.owner == null }
+ }
+ private fun walkInCircle(): Iterable<Parcel> = Iterable {
+ iterator {
+ val center = world.options.axisLimit
+ yield(parcels[center][center])
+ for (radius in {
+ var x = center - radius;
+ var z = center - radius
+ repeat(radius * 2) { yield(parcels[x++][z]) }
+ repeat(radius * 2) { yield(parcels[x][z++]) }
+ repeat(radius * 2) { yield(parcels[x--][z]) }
+ repeat(radius * 2) { yield(parcels[x][z--]) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun getAllParcels(): Iterator<Parcel> = iterator {
+ for (array in parcels) {
+ yieldAll(array.iterator())
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/DefaultParcelGenerator.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/DefaultParcelGenerator.kt
index 9e43c05..caa3f1f 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/DefaultParcelGenerator.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/DefaultParcelGenerator.kt
@@ -1,378 +1,378 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.RegionTraverser
-import io.dico.parcels2.options.DefaultGeneratorOptions
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.*
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
-import org.bukkit.*
-import org.bukkit.block.Biome
-import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
-import org.bukkit.block.Skull
-import java.util.Random
-private val airType = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.AIR)
-private const val chunkSize = 16
-class DefaultParcelGenerator(
- override val worldName: String,
- private val o: DefaultGeneratorOptions
-) : ParcelGenerator() {
- private var _world: World? = null
- override val world: World
- get() {
- if (_world == null) {
- val world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName)
- maxHeight = world.maxHeight
- _world = world
- return world
- }
- return _world!!
- }
- private var maxHeight = 0
- val sectionSize = o.parcelSize + o.pathSize
- val pathOffset = (if (o.pathSize % 2 == 0) o.pathSize + 2 else o.pathSize + 1) / 2
- val makePathMain = o.pathSize > 2
- val makePathAlt = o.pathSize > 4
- private inline fun <T> generate(
- chunkX: Int,
- chunkZ: Int,
- floor: T, wall:
- T, pathMain: T,
- pathAlt: T,
- fill: T,
- setter: (Int, Int, Int, T) -> Unit
- ) {
- val floorHeight = o.floorHeight
- val parcelSize = o.parcelSize
- val sectionSize = sectionSize
- val pathOffset = pathOffset
- val makePathMain = makePathMain
- val makePathAlt = makePathAlt
- // parcel bottom x and z
- // umod is unsigned %: the result is always >= 0
- val pbx = ((chunkX shl 4) - o.offsetX) umod sectionSize
- val pbz = ((chunkZ shl 4) - o.offsetZ) umod sectionSize
- var curHeight: Int
- var x: Int
- var z: Int
- for (cx in 0..15) {
- for (cz in 0..15) {
- x = (pbx + cx) % sectionSize - pathOffset
- z = (pbz + cz) % sectionSize - pathOffset
- curHeight = floorHeight
- val type = when {
- (x in 0 until parcelSize && z in 0 until parcelSize) -> floor
- (x in -1..parcelSize && z in -1..parcelSize) -> {
- curHeight++
- wall
- }
- (makePathAlt && x in -2 until parcelSize + 2 && z in -2 until parcelSize + 2) -> pathAlt
- (makePathMain) -> pathMain
- else -> {
- curHeight++
- wall
- }
- }
- for (y in 0 until curHeight) {
- setter(cx, y, cz, fill)
- }
- setter(cx, curHeight, cz, type)
- }
- }
- }
- override fun generateChunkData(world: World?, random: Random?, chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, biome: BiomeGrid?): ChunkData {
- val out = Bukkit.createChunkData(world)
- generate(chunkX, chunkZ, o.floorType, o.wallType, o.pathMainType, o.pathAltType, o.fillType) { x, y, z, type ->
- out.setBlock(x, y, z, type)
- }
- return out
- }
- override fun populate(world: World?, random: Random?, chunk: Chunk?) {
- // do nothing
- }
- override fun getFixedSpawnLocation(world: World?, random: Random?): Location {
- val fix = if (o.parcelSize.even) 0.5 else 0.0
- return Location(world, o.offsetX + fix, o.floorHeight + 1.0, o.offsetZ + fix)
- }
- override fun makeParcelLocatorAndBlockManager(
- parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
- container: ParcelContainer,
- coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
- jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher
- ): Pair<ParcelLocator, ParcelBlockManager> {
- val impl = ParcelLocatorAndBlockManagerImpl(parcelProvider, container, coroutineScope, jobDispatcher)
- return impl to impl
- }
- private inline fun <T> convertBlockLocationToId(x: Int, z: Int, mapper: (Int, Int) -> T): T? {
- val sectionSize = sectionSize
- val parcelSize = o.parcelSize
- val absX = x - o.offsetX - pathOffset
- val absZ = z - o.offsetZ - pathOffset
- val modX = absX umod sectionSize
- val modZ = absZ umod sectionSize
- if (modX in 0 until parcelSize && modZ in 0 until parcelSize) {
- return mapper((absX - modX) / sectionSize + 1, (absZ - modZ) / sectionSize + 1)
- }
- return null
- }
- @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
- private inner class ParcelLocatorAndBlockManagerImpl(
- val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
- val container: ParcelContainer,
- coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
- override val jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher
- ) : ParcelBlockManagerBase(), ParcelLocator, CoroutineScope by coroutineScope {
- override val world: World get() =
- val worldId = parcelProvider.getWorld(world)?.id ?: ParcelWorldId(world)
- override val parcelTraverser: RegionTraverser = RegionTraverser.convergingTo(o.floorHeight)
- private val cornerWallType = when {
- o.wallType is Slab -> (o.wallType.clone() as Slab).apply { type = Slab.Type.DOUBLE }
-"CARPET") -> {
- Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.getMaterial("CARPET") + "WOOL"))
- }
- else -> null
- }
- override fun getParcelAt(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? {
- return convertBlockLocationToId(x, z, container::getParcelById)
- }
- override fun getParcelIdAt(x: Int, z: Int): ParcelId? {
- return convertBlockLocationToId(x, z) { idx, idz -> ParcelId(worldId, idx, idz) }
- }
- private fun checkParcelId(parcel: ParcelId): ParcelId {
- if (!parcel.worldId.equals(worldId)) {
- throw IllegalArgumentException()
- }
- return parcel
- }
- override fun getRegionOrigin(parcel: ParcelId): Vec2i {
- checkParcelId(parcel)
- return Vec2i(
- sectionSize * (parcel.x - 1) + pathOffset + o.offsetX,
- sectionSize * (parcel.z - 1) + pathOffset + o.offsetZ
- )
- }
- override fun getRegion(parcel: ParcelId): Region {
- val origin = getRegionOrigin(parcel)
- return Region(
- Vec3i(origin.x, 0, origin.z),
- Vec3i(o.parcelSize, maxHeight, o.parcelSize)
- )
- }
- override fun getHomeLocation(parcel: ParcelId): Location {
- val origin = getRegionOrigin(parcel)
- val x = origin.x + (o.parcelSize - 1) / 2.0
- val z = origin.z - 2
- return Location(world, x + 0.5, o.floorHeight + 1.0, z + 0.5, 0F, 0F)
- }
- override fun getParcelForInfoBlockInteraction(block: Vec3i, type: Material, face: BlockFace): Parcel? {
- if (block.y != o.floorHeight + 1) return null
- val expectedParcelOrigin = when (type) {
- Material.WALL_SIGN -> Vec2i(block.x + 1, block.z + 2)
- o.wallType.material, cornerWallType?.material -> {
- if (face != BlockFace.NORTH || world[block + Vec3i.convert(BlockFace.NORTH)].type == Material.WALL_SIGN) {
- return null
- }
- Vec2i(block.x + 1, block.z + 1)
- }
- else -> return null
- }
- return getParcelAt(expectedParcelOrigin.x, expectedParcelOrigin.z)
- ?.takeIf { expectedParcelOrigin == getRegionOrigin( }
- ?.also { parcel ->
- if (type != Material.WALL_SIGN && parcel.owner != null) {
- updateParcelInfo(, parcel.owner)
- parcel.isOwnerSignOutdated = false
- }
- }
- }
- override fun isParcelInfoSectionLoaded(parcel: ParcelId): Boolean {
- val wallBlockChunk = getRegionOrigin(parcel).add(-1, -1).toChunk()
- return world.isChunkLoaded(wallBlockChunk.x, wallBlockChunk.z)
- }
- override fun updateParcelInfo(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?) {
- val b = getRegionOrigin(parcel)
- val wallBlock = world.getBlockAt(b.x - 1, o.floorHeight + 1, b.z - 1)
- val signBlock = world.getBlockAt(b.x - 1, o.floorHeight + 1, b.z - 2)
- val skullBlock = world.getBlockAt(b.x - 1, o.floorHeight + 2, b.z - 1)
- if (owner == null) {
- wallBlock.blockData = o.wallType
- signBlock.type = Material.AIR
- skullBlock.type = Material.AIR
- } else {
- cornerWallType?.let { wallBlock.blockData = it }
- signBlock.blockData = (Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.WALL_SIGN) as WallSign).apply { facing = BlockFace.NORTH }
- val sign = signBlock.state as org.bukkit.block.Sign
- sign.setLine(0, "${parcel.x},${parcel.z}")
- sign.setLine(2, ?: "")
- sign.update()
- skullBlock.type = Material.AIR
- skullBlock.type = Material.PLAYER_HEAD
- val skull = skullBlock.state as Skull
- if (owner is PlayerProfile.Real) {
- skull.owningPlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(owner.uuid)
- } else if (!skull.setOwner( {
- skullBlock.type = Material.AIR
- return
- }
- skull.rotation = BlockFace.SOUTH
- skull.update()
- }
- }
- private fun trySubmitBlockVisitor(vararg parcels: ParcelId, function: JobFunction): Job? {
- parcels.forEach { checkParcelId(it) }
- return parcelProvider.trySubmitBlockVisitor(Permit(), parcels, function)
- }
- override fun setBiome(parcel: ParcelId, biome: Biome) = trySubmitBlockVisitor(checkParcelId(parcel)) {
- val world = world
- val b = getRegionOrigin(parcel)
- val parcelSize = o.parcelSize
- for (x in b.x until b.x + parcelSize) {
- for (z in b.z until b.z + parcelSize) {
- markSuspensionPoint()
- world.setBiome(x, z, biome)
- }
- }
- }
- override fun clearParcel(parcel: ParcelId) = trySubmitBlockVisitor(checkParcelId(parcel)) {
- val region = getRegion(parcel)
- val blocks = parcelTraverser.traverseRegion(region)
- val blockCount = region.blockCount.toDouble()
- val world = world
- val floorHeight = o.floorHeight
- val airType = airType
- val floorType = o.floorType
- val fillType = o.fillType
- for ((index, vec) in blocks.withIndex()) {
- markSuspensionPoint()
- val y = vec.y
- val blockType = when {
- y > floorHeight -> airType
- y == floorHeight -> floorType
- else -> fillType
- }
- world[vec].blockData = blockType
- setProgress((index + 1) / blockCount)
- }
- }
- override fun getParcelsWithOwnerBlockIn(chunk: Chunk): Collection<Vec2i> {
- /*
- * Get the offsets for the world out of the way
- * to simplify the calculation that follows.
- */
- val x = chunk.x.shl(4) - (o.offsetX + pathOffset)
- val z = chunk.z.shl(4) - (o.offsetZ + pathOffset)
- /* Locations of wall corners (where owner blocks are placed) are defined as:
- *
- * x umod sectionSize == sectionSize-1
- *
- * This check needs to be made for all 16 slices of the chunk in 2 dimensions
- * How to optimize this?
- * Let's take the expression
- *
- * x umod sectionSize
- *
- * And call it modX
- * x can be shifted (chunkSize -1) times to attempt to get a modX of 0.
- * This means that if the modX is 1, and sectionSize == (chunkSize-1), there would be a match at the last shift.
- * To check that there are any matches, we can see if the following holds:
- *
- * modX >= ((sectionSize-1) - (chunkSize-1))
- *
- * Which can be simplified to:
- * modX >= sectionSize - chunkSize
- *
- * if sectionSize == chunkSize, this expression can be simplified to
- * modX >= 0
- * which is always true. This is expected.
- * To get the total number of matches on a dimension, we can evaluate the following:
- *
- * (modX - (sectionSize - chunkSize) + sectionSize) / sectionSize
- *
- * We add sectionSize to the lhs because, if the other part of the lhs is 0, we need at least 1.
- * This can be simplified to:
- *
- * (modX + chunkSize) / sectionSize
- */
- val sectionSize = sectionSize
- val modX = x umod sectionSize
- val matchesOnDimensionX = (modX + chunkSize) / sectionSize
- if (matchesOnDimensionX <= 0) return emptyList()
- val modZ = z umod sectionSize
- val matchesOnDimensionZ = (modZ + chunkSize) / sectionSize
- if (matchesOnDimensionZ <= 0) return emptyList()
- /*
- * Now we need to find the first id within the matches,
- * and then return the subsequent matches in a rectangle following it.
- *
- * On each dimension, get the distance to the first match, which is equal to (sectionSize-1 - modX)
- * and add it to the coordinate value
- */
- val firstX = x + (sectionSize - 1 - modX)
- val firstZ = z + (sectionSize - 1 - modZ)
- val firstIdX = (firstX + 1) / sectionSize + 1
- val firstIdZ = (firstZ + 1) / sectionSize + 1
- if (matchesOnDimensionX == 1 && matchesOnDimensionZ == 1) {
- // fast-path optimization
- return listOf(Vec2i(firstIdX, firstIdZ))
- }
- return (0 until matchesOnDimensionX).flatMap { idOffsetX ->
- (0 until matchesOnDimensionZ).map { idOffsetZ -> Vec2i(firstIdX + idOffsetX, firstIdZ + idOffsetZ) }
- }
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.RegionTraverser
+import io.dico.parcels2.options.DefaultGeneratorOptions
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.*
+import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
+import org.bukkit.*
+import org.bukkit.block.Biome
+import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
+import org.bukkit.block.Skull
+import java.util.Random
+private val airType = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.AIR)
+private const val chunkSize = 16
+class DefaultParcelGenerator(
+ override val worldName: String,
+ private val o: DefaultGeneratorOptions
+) : ParcelGenerator() {
+ private var _world: World? = null
+ override val world: World
+ get() {
+ if (_world == null) {
+ val world = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName)
+ maxHeight = world.maxHeight
+ _world = world
+ return world
+ }
+ return _world!!
+ }
+ private var maxHeight = 0
+ val sectionSize = o.parcelSize + o.pathSize
+ val pathOffset = (if (o.pathSize % 2 == 0) o.pathSize + 2 else o.pathSize + 1) / 2
+ val makePathMain = o.pathSize > 2
+ val makePathAlt = o.pathSize > 4
+ private inline fun <T> generate(
+ chunkX: Int,
+ chunkZ: Int,
+ floor: T, wall:
+ T, pathMain: T,
+ pathAlt: T,
+ fill: T,
+ setter: (Int, Int, Int, T) -> Unit
+ ) {
+ val floorHeight = o.floorHeight
+ val parcelSize = o.parcelSize
+ val sectionSize = sectionSize
+ val pathOffset = pathOffset
+ val makePathMain = makePathMain
+ val makePathAlt = makePathAlt
+ // parcel bottom x and z
+ // umod is unsigned %: the result is always >= 0
+ val pbx = ((chunkX shl 4) - o.offsetX) umod sectionSize
+ val pbz = ((chunkZ shl 4) - o.offsetZ) umod sectionSize
+ var curHeight: Int
+ var x: Int
+ var z: Int
+ for (cx in 0..15) {
+ for (cz in 0..15) {
+ x = (pbx + cx) % sectionSize - pathOffset
+ z = (pbz + cz) % sectionSize - pathOffset
+ curHeight = floorHeight
+ val type = when {
+ (x in 0 until parcelSize && z in 0 until parcelSize) -> floor
+ (x in -1..parcelSize && z in -1..parcelSize) -> {
+ curHeight++
+ wall
+ }
+ (makePathAlt && x in -2 until parcelSize + 2 && z in -2 until parcelSize + 2) -> pathAlt
+ (makePathMain) -> pathMain
+ else -> {
+ curHeight++
+ wall
+ }
+ }
+ for (y in 0 until curHeight) {
+ setter(cx, y, cz, fill)
+ }
+ setter(cx, curHeight, cz, type)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun generateChunkData(world: World?, random: Random?, chunkX: Int, chunkZ: Int, biome: BiomeGrid?): ChunkData {
+ val out = Bukkit.createChunkData(world)
+ generate(chunkX, chunkZ, o.floorType, o.wallType, o.pathMainType, o.pathAltType, o.fillType) { x, y, z, type ->
+ out.setBlock(x, y, z, type)
+ }
+ return out
+ }
+ override fun populate(world: World?, random: Random?, chunk: Chunk?) {
+ // do nothing
+ }
+ override fun getFixedSpawnLocation(world: World?, random: Random?): Location {
+ val fix = if (o.parcelSize.even) 0.5 else 0.0
+ return Location(world, o.offsetX + fix, o.floorHeight + 1.0, o.offsetZ + fix)
+ }
+ override fun makeParcelLocatorAndBlockManager(
+ parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
+ container: ParcelContainer,
+ coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
+ jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher
+ ): Pair<ParcelLocator, ParcelBlockManager> {
+ val impl = ParcelLocatorAndBlockManagerImpl(parcelProvider, container, coroutineScope, jobDispatcher)
+ return impl to impl
+ }
+ private inline fun <T> convertBlockLocationToId(x: Int, z: Int, mapper: (Int, Int) -> T): T? {
+ val sectionSize = sectionSize
+ val parcelSize = o.parcelSize
+ val absX = x - o.offsetX - pathOffset
+ val absZ = z - o.offsetZ - pathOffset
+ val modX = absX umod sectionSize
+ val modZ = absZ umod sectionSize
+ if (modX in 0 until parcelSize && modZ in 0 until parcelSize) {
+ return mapper((absX - modX) / sectionSize + 1, (absZ - modZ) / sectionSize + 1)
+ }
+ return null
+ }
+ @Suppress("DEPRECATION")
+ private inner class ParcelLocatorAndBlockManagerImpl(
+ val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
+ val container: ParcelContainer,
+ coroutineScope: CoroutineScope,
+ override val jobDispatcher: JobDispatcher
+ ) : ParcelBlockManagerBase(), ParcelLocator, CoroutineScope by coroutineScope {
+ override val world: World get() =
+ val worldId = parcelProvider.getWorld(world)?.id ?: ParcelWorldId(world)
+ override val parcelTraverser: RegionTraverser = RegionTraverser.convergingTo(o.floorHeight)
+ private val cornerWallType = when {
+ o.wallType is Slab -> (o.wallType.clone() as Slab).apply { type = Slab.Type.DOUBLE }
+"CARPET") -> {
+ Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.getMaterial("CARPET") + "WOOL"))
+ }
+ else -> null
+ }
+ override fun getParcelAt(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? {
+ return convertBlockLocationToId(x, z, container::getParcelById)
+ }
+ override fun getParcelIdAt(x: Int, z: Int): ParcelId? {
+ return convertBlockLocationToId(x, z) { idx, idz -> ParcelId(worldId, idx, idz) }
+ }
+ private fun checkParcelId(parcel: ParcelId): ParcelId {
+ if (!parcel.worldId.equals(worldId)) {
+ throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ }
+ return parcel
+ }
+ override fun getRegionOrigin(parcel: ParcelId): Vec2i {
+ checkParcelId(parcel)
+ return Vec2i(
+ sectionSize * (parcel.x - 1) + pathOffset + o.offsetX,
+ sectionSize * (parcel.z - 1) + pathOffset + o.offsetZ
+ )
+ }
+ override fun getRegion(parcel: ParcelId): Region {
+ val origin = getRegionOrigin(parcel)
+ return Region(
+ Vec3i(origin.x, 0, origin.z),
+ Vec3i(o.parcelSize, maxHeight, o.parcelSize)
+ )
+ }
+ override fun getHomeLocation(parcel: ParcelId): Location {
+ val origin = getRegionOrigin(parcel)
+ val x = origin.x + (o.parcelSize - 1) / 2.0
+ val z = origin.z - 2
+ return Location(world, x + 0.5, o.floorHeight + 1.0, z + 0.5, 0F, 0F)
+ }
+ override fun getParcelForInfoBlockInteraction(block: Vec3i, type: Material, face: BlockFace): Parcel? {
+ if (block.y != o.floorHeight + 1) return null
+ val expectedParcelOrigin = when (type) {
+ Material.WALL_SIGN -> Vec2i(block.x + 1, block.z + 2)
+ o.wallType.material, cornerWallType?.material -> {
+ if (face != BlockFace.NORTH || world[block + Vec3i.convert(BlockFace.NORTH)].type == Material.WALL_SIGN) {
+ return null
+ }
+ Vec2i(block.x + 1, block.z + 1)
+ }
+ else -> return null
+ }
+ return getParcelAt(expectedParcelOrigin.x, expectedParcelOrigin.z)
+ ?.takeIf { expectedParcelOrigin == getRegionOrigin( }
+ ?.also { parcel ->
+ if (type != Material.WALL_SIGN && parcel.owner != null) {
+ updateParcelInfo(, parcel.owner)
+ parcel.isOwnerSignOutdated = false
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun isParcelInfoSectionLoaded(parcel: ParcelId): Boolean {
+ val wallBlockChunk = getRegionOrigin(parcel).add(-1, -1).toChunk()
+ return world.isChunkLoaded(wallBlockChunk.x, wallBlockChunk.z)
+ }
+ override fun updateParcelInfo(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?) {
+ val b = getRegionOrigin(parcel)
+ val wallBlock = world.getBlockAt(b.x - 1, o.floorHeight + 1, b.z - 1)
+ val signBlock = world.getBlockAt(b.x - 1, o.floorHeight + 1, b.z - 2)
+ val skullBlock = world.getBlockAt(b.x - 1, o.floorHeight + 2, b.z - 1)
+ if (owner == null) {
+ wallBlock.blockData = o.wallType
+ signBlock.type = Material.AIR
+ skullBlock.type = Material.AIR
+ } else {
+ cornerWallType?.let { wallBlock.blockData = it }
+ signBlock.blockData = (Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.WALL_SIGN) as WallSign).apply { facing = BlockFace.NORTH }
+ val sign = signBlock.state as org.bukkit.block.Sign
+ sign.setLine(0, "${parcel.x},${parcel.z}")
+ sign.setLine(2, ?: "")
+ sign.update()
+ skullBlock.type = Material.AIR
+ skullBlock.type = Material.PLAYER_HEAD
+ val skull = skullBlock.state as Skull
+ if (owner is PlayerProfile.Real) {
+ skull.owningPlayer = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(owner.uuid)
+ } else if (!skull.setOwner( {
+ skullBlock.type = Material.AIR
+ return
+ }
+ skull.rotation = BlockFace.SOUTH
+ skull.update()
+ }
+ }
+ private fun trySubmitBlockVisitor(vararg parcels: ParcelId, function: JobFunction): Job? {
+ parcels.forEach { checkParcelId(it) }
+ return parcelProvider.trySubmitBlockVisitor(Permit(), parcels, function)
+ }
+ override fun setBiome(parcel: ParcelId, biome: Biome) = trySubmitBlockVisitor(checkParcelId(parcel)) {
+ val world = world
+ val b = getRegionOrigin(parcel)
+ val parcelSize = o.parcelSize
+ for (x in b.x until b.x + parcelSize) {
+ for (z in b.z until b.z + parcelSize) {
+ markSuspensionPoint()
+ world.setBiome(x, z, biome)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun clearParcel(parcel: ParcelId) = trySubmitBlockVisitor(checkParcelId(parcel)) {
+ val region = getRegion(parcel)
+ val blocks = parcelTraverser.traverseRegion(region)
+ val blockCount = region.blockCount.toDouble()
+ val world = world
+ val floorHeight = o.floorHeight
+ val airType = airType
+ val floorType = o.floorType
+ val fillType = o.fillType
+ for ((index, vec) in blocks.withIndex()) {
+ markSuspensionPoint()
+ val y = vec.y
+ val blockType = when {
+ y > floorHeight -> airType
+ y == floorHeight -> floorType
+ else -> fillType
+ }
+ world[vec].blockData = blockType
+ setProgress((index + 1) / blockCount)
+ }
+ }
+ override fun getParcelsWithOwnerBlockIn(chunk: Chunk): Collection<Vec2i> {
+ /*
+ * Get the offsets for the world out of the way
+ * to simplify the calculation that follows.
+ */
+ val x = chunk.x.shl(4) - (o.offsetX + pathOffset)
+ val z = chunk.z.shl(4) - (o.offsetZ + pathOffset)
+ /* Locations of wall corners (where owner blocks are placed) are defined as:
+ *
+ * x umod sectionSize == sectionSize-1
+ *
+ * This check needs to be made for all 16 slices of the chunk in 2 dimensions
+ * How to optimize this?
+ * Let's take the expression
+ *
+ * x umod sectionSize
+ *
+ * And call it modX
+ * x can be shifted (chunkSize -1) times to attempt to get a modX of 0.
+ * This means that if the modX is 1, and sectionSize == (chunkSize-1), there would be a match at the last shift.
+ * To check that there are any matches, we can see if the following holds:
+ *
+ * modX >= ((sectionSize-1) - (chunkSize-1))
+ *
+ * Which can be simplified to:
+ * modX >= sectionSize - chunkSize
+ *
+ * if sectionSize == chunkSize, this expression can be simplified to
+ * modX >= 0
+ * which is always true. This is expected.
+ * To get the total number of matches on a dimension, we can evaluate the following:
+ *
+ * (modX - (sectionSize - chunkSize) + sectionSize) / sectionSize
+ *
+ * We add sectionSize to the lhs because, if the other part of the lhs is 0, we need at least 1.
+ * This can be simplified to:
+ *
+ * (modX + chunkSize) / sectionSize
+ */
+ val sectionSize = sectionSize
+ val modX = x umod sectionSize
+ val matchesOnDimensionX = (modX + chunkSize) / sectionSize
+ if (matchesOnDimensionX <= 0) return emptyList()
+ val modZ = z umod sectionSize
+ val matchesOnDimensionZ = (modZ + chunkSize) / sectionSize
+ if (matchesOnDimensionZ <= 0) return emptyList()
+ /*
+ * Now we need to find the first id within the matches,
+ * and then return the subsequent matches in a rectangle following it.
+ *
+ * On each dimension, get the distance to the first match, which is equal to (sectionSize-1 - modX)
+ * and add it to the coordinate value
+ */
+ val firstX = x + (sectionSize - 1 - modX)
+ val firstZ = z + (sectionSize - 1 - modZ)
+ val firstIdX = (firstX + 1) / sectionSize + 1
+ val firstIdZ = (firstZ + 1) / sectionSize + 1
+ if (matchesOnDimensionX == 1 && matchesOnDimensionZ == 1) {
+ // fast-path optimization
+ return listOf(Vec2i(firstIdX, firstIdZ))
+ }
+ return (0 until matchesOnDimensionX).flatMap { idOffsetX ->
+ (0 until matchesOnDimensionZ).map { idOffsetZ -> Vec2i(firstIdX + idOffsetX, firstIdZ + idOffsetZ) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/GlobalPrivilegesManagerImpl.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/GlobalPrivilegesManagerImpl.kt
index 769cee6..670dd94 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/GlobalPrivilegesManagerImpl.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/GlobalPrivilegesManagerImpl.kt
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.alsoIfTrue
-import java.util.Collections
-class GlobalPrivilegesManagerImpl(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : GlobalPrivilegesManager {
- private val map = mutableMapOf<PlayerProfile, GlobalPrivileges>()
- override fun get(owner: PlayerProfile.Real): GlobalPrivileges {
- return map[owner] ?: GlobalPrivilegesImpl(owner).also { map[owner] = it }
- }
- private inner class GlobalPrivilegesImpl(override val keyOfOwner: PlayerProfile.Real) : PrivilegesHolder(), GlobalPrivileges {
- override var privilegeOfStar: Privilege
- get() = super<GlobalPrivileges>.privilegeOfStar
- set(value) = run { super<GlobalPrivileges>.privilegeOfStar = value }
- override fun setRawStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey, privilege: Privilege): Boolean {
- return super.setRawStoredPrivilege(key, privilege).alsoIfTrue {
-, key, privilege)
- }
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.alsoIfTrue
+import java.util.Collections
+class GlobalPrivilegesManagerImpl(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : GlobalPrivilegesManager {
+ private val map = mutableMapOf<PlayerProfile, GlobalPrivileges>()
+ override fun get(owner: PlayerProfile.Real): GlobalPrivileges {
+ return map[owner] ?: GlobalPrivilegesImpl(owner).also { map[owner] = it }
+ }
+ private inner class GlobalPrivilegesImpl(override val keyOfOwner: PlayerProfile.Real) : PrivilegesHolder(), GlobalPrivileges {
+ override var privilegeOfStar: Privilege
+ get() = super<GlobalPrivileges>.privilegeOfStar
+ set(value) = run { super<GlobalPrivileges>.privilegeOfStar = value }
+ override fun setRawStoredPrivilege(key: PrivilegeKey, privilege: Privilege): Boolean {
+ return super.setRawStoredPrivilege(key, privilege).alsoIfTrue {
+, key, privilege)
+ }
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/InfoBuilder.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/InfoBuilder.kt
index a3704c7..99df82a 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/InfoBuilder.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/InfoBuilder.kt
@@ -1,88 +1,88 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
-import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
-import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege
-import io.dico.parcels2.PrivilegeKey
-import io.dico.parcels2.RawPrivileges
-import io.dico.parcels2.filterProfilesWithPrivilegeTo
-object InfoBuilder {
- val infoStringColor1 = Formatting.GREEN
- val infoStringColor2 = Formatting.AQUA
- inline fun StringBuilder.appendField(field: StringBuilder.() -> Unit, value: StringBuilder.() -> Unit) {
- append(infoStringColor1)
- field()
- append(": ")
- append(infoStringColor2)
- value()
- append(' ')
- }
- inline fun StringBuilder.appendField(name: String, value: StringBuilder.() -> Unit) {
- appendField({ append(name) }, value)
- }
- inline fun StringBuilder.appendFieldWithCount(name: String, count: Int, value: StringBuilder.() -> Unit) {
- appendField({
- append(name)
- append('(')
- append(infoStringColor2)
- append(count)
- append(infoStringColor1)
- append(')')
- }, value)
- }
- fun StringBuilder.appendProfilesWithPrivilege(fieldName: String, local: RawPrivileges, global: RawPrivileges?, privilege: Privilege) {
- val map = linkedMapOf<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>()
- local.filterProfilesWithPrivilegeTo(map, privilege)
- val localCount = map.size
- global?.filterProfilesWithPrivilegeTo(map, privilege)
- appendPrivilegeProfiles(fieldName, map, localCount)
- }
- fun StringBuilder.appendPrivilegeProfiles(fieldName: String, map: LinkedHashMap<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>, localCount: Int) {
- if (map.isEmpty()) return
- appendFieldWithCount(fieldName, map.size) {
- // first [localCount] entries are local
- val separator = "$infoStringColor1, $infoStringColor2"
- val iterator = map.iterator()
- if (localCount != 0) {
- appendPrivilegeEntry(false,
- repeat(localCount - 1) {
- append(separator)
- appendPrivilegeEntry(false,
- }
- } else if (iterator.hasNext()) {
- // ensure there is never a leading or trailing separator
- appendPrivilegeEntry(true,
- }
- iterator.forEach { next ->
- append(separator)
- appendPrivilegeEntry(true, next.toPair())
- }
- }
- }
- fun StringBuilder.appendPrivilegeEntry(global: Boolean, pair: Pair<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>) {
- val (key, priv) = pair
- append(key.notNullName)
- // suffix. Maybe T should be M for mod or something. T means they have CAN_MANAGE privilege.
- append(
- when {
- global && priv == Privilege.CAN_MANAGE -> " (G) (T)"
- global -> " (G)"
- priv == Privilege.CAN_MANAGE -> " (T)"
- else -> ""
- }
- )
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
+import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
+import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege
+import io.dico.parcels2.PrivilegeKey
+import io.dico.parcels2.RawPrivileges
+import io.dico.parcels2.filterProfilesWithPrivilegeTo
+object InfoBuilder {
+ val infoStringColor1 = Formatting.GREEN
+ val infoStringColor2 = Formatting.AQUA
+ inline fun StringBuilder.appendField(field: StringBuilder.() -> Unit, value: StringBuilder.() -> Unit) {
+ append(infoStringColor1)
+ field()
+ append(": ")
+ append(infoStringColor2)
+ value()
+ append(' ')
+ }
+ inline fun StringBuilder.appendField(name: String, value: StringBuilder.() -> Unit) {
+ appendField({ append(name) }, value)
+ }
+ inline fun StringBuilder.appendFieldWithCount(name: String, count: Int, value: StringBuilder.() -> Unit) {
+ appendField({
+ append(name)
+ append('(')
+ append(infoStringColor2)
+ append(count)
+ append(infoStringColor1)
+ append(')')
+ }, value)
+ }
+ fun StringBuilder.appendProfilesWithPrivilege(fieldName: String, local: RawPrivileges, global: RawPrivileges?, privilege: Privilege) {
+ val map = linkedMapOf<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>()
+ local.filterProfilesWithPrivilegeTo(map, privilege)
+ val localCount = map.size
+ global?.filterProfilesWithPrivilegeTo(map, privilege)
+ appendPrivilegeProfiles(fieldName, map, localCount)
+ }
+ fun StringBuilder.appendPrivilegeProfiles(fieldName: String, map: LinkedHashMap<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>, localCount: Int) {
+ if (map.isEmpty()) return
+ appendFieldWithCount(fieldName, map.size) {
+ // first [localCount] entries are local
+ val separator = "$infoStringColor1, $infoStringColor2"
+ val iterator = map.iterator()
+ if (localCount != 0) {
+ appendPrivilegeEntry(false,
+ repeat(localCount - 1) {
+ append(separator)
+ appendPrivilegeEntry(false,
+ }
+ } else if (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ // ensure there is never a leading or trailing separator
+ appendPrivilegeEntry(true,
+ }
+ iterator.forEach { next ->
+ append(separator)
+ appendPrivilegeEntry(true, next.toPair())
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun StringBuilder.appendPrivilegeEntry(global: Boolean, pair: Pair<PrivilegeKey, Privilege>) {
+ val (key, priv) = pair
+ append(key.notNullName)
+ // suffix. Maybe T should be M for mod or something. T means they have CAN_MANAGE privilege.
+ append(
+ when {
+ global && priv == Privilege.CAN_MANAGE -> " (G) (T)"
+ global -> " (G)"
+ priv == Privilege.CAN_MANAGE -> " (T)"
+ else -> ""
+ }
+ )
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelProviderImpl.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelProviderImpl.kt
index 48a7fee..da004d6 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelProviderImpl.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelProviderImpl.kt
@@ -1,223 +1,223 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.Schematic
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.schedule
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
-import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
-import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit
-import org.bukkit.WorldCreator
-import org.joda.time.DateTime
-class ParcelProviderImpl(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : ParcelProvider {
- inline val options get() = plugin.options
- override val worlds: Map<String, ParcelWorld> get() = _worlds
- private val _worlds: MutableMap<String, ParcelWorld> = hashMapOf()
- private val _generators: MutableMap<String, ParcelGenerator> = hashMapOf()
- private var _worldsLoaded = false
- private var _dataIsLoaded = false
- // disabled while !_dataIsLoaded. getParcelById() will work though for data loading.
- override fun getWorld(name: String): ParcelWorld? = _worlds[name]?.takeIf { _dataIsLoaded }
- override fun getWorldById(id: ParcelWorldId): ParcelWorld? {
- if (id is ParcelWorld) return id
- return _worlds[] ?: id.bukkitWorld?.let { getWorld(it) }
- }
- override fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel? {
- if (id is Parcel) return id
- return getWorldById(id.worldId)?.container?.getParcelById(id.x, id.z)
- }
- override fun getWorldGenerator(worldName: String): ParcelGenerator? {
- return _worlds[worldName]?.generator
- ?: _generators[worldName]
- ?: options.worlds[worldName]?.generator?.newInstance(worldName)?.also { _generators[worldName] = it }
- }
- override fun loadWorlds() {
- if (_worldsLoaded) throw IllegalStateException()
- _worldsLoaded = true
- loadWorlds0()
- }
- private fun loadWorlds0() {
- if (Bukkit.getWorlds().isEmpty()) {
- plugin.schedule(::loadWorlds0)
- plugin.logger.warning("Scheduling to load worlds in the next tick because no bukkit worlds are loaded yet")
- return
- }
- val newlyCreatedWorlds = mutableListOf<ParcelWorld>()
- for ((worldName, worldOptions) in options.worlds.entries) {
- var parcelWorld = _worlds[worldName]
- if (parcelWorld != null) continue
- val generator: ParcelGenerator = getWorldGenerator(worldName)!!
- val worldExists = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName) != null
- val bukkitWorld =
- if (worldExists) Bukkit.getWorld(worldName)!!
- else {
-"Creating world $worldName")
- WorldCreator(worldName).generator(generator).createWorld()
- }
- parcelWorld = ParcelWorldImpl(plugin, bukkitWorld, generator, worldOptions.runtime,::DefaultParcelContainer)
- if (!worldExists) {
- val time =
-, time)
- parcelWorld.creationTime = time
- newlyCreatedWorlds.add(parcelWorld)
- } else {
- GlobalScope.launch(context = Dispatchers.Unconfined) {
- parcelWorld.creationTime = ?:
- }
- }
- _worlds[worldName] = parcelWorld
- }
- loadStoredData(newlyCreatedWorlds.toSet())
- }
- private fun loadStoredData(newlyCreatedWorlds: Collection<ParcelWorld> = emptyList()) {
- plugin.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
- val migration = plugin.options.migration
- if (migration.enabled) {
- migration.instance?.newInstance()?.apply {
- logger.warn("Migrating database now...")
- migrateTo(
- logger.warn("Migration completed")
- if (migration.disableWhenComplete) {
- migration.enabled = false
- plugin.saveOptions()
- }
- }
- }
-"Loading all parcel data...")
- val job1 = launch {
- val channel =
- while (true) {
- val (id, data) = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break
- val parcel = getParcelById(id) ?: continue
- data?.let { parcel.copyData(it, callerIsDatabase = true) }
- }
- }
- val channel2 =
- while (true) {
- val (profile, data) = channel2.receiveOrNull() ?: break
- if (profile !is PrivilegeKey) {
- logger.error("Received profile that is not a privilege key: ${profile.javaClass}, $profile")
- continue
- }
- (plugin.globalPrivileges[profile] as PrivilegesHolder).copyPrivilegesFrom(data)
- }
- job1.join()
-"Loading data completed")
- _dataIsLoaded = true
- }
- }
- override fun acquireBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit): Boolean {
- val parcel = getParcelById(parcelId) as? ParcelImpl ?: return true
- return parcel.acquireBlockVisitorPermit(with)
- }
- override fun releaseBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit) {
- val parcel = getParcelById(parcelId) as? ParcelImpl ?: return
- parcel.releaseBlockVisitorPermit(with)
- }
- override fun trySubmitBlockVisitor(permit: Permit, vararg parcelIds: ParcelId, function: JobFunction): Job? {
- val withPermit = parcelIds.filter { acquireBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
- if (withPermit.size != parcelIds.size) {
- withPermit.forEach { releaseBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
- return null
- }
- val job = plugin.jobDispatcher.dispatch(function)
- plugin.launch {
- job.awaitCompletion()
- withPermit.forEach { releaseBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
- }
- return job
- }
- override fun swapParcels(parcelId1: ParcelId, parcelId2: ParcelId): Job? {
- val blockManager1 = getWorldById(parcelId1.worldId)?.blockManager ?: return null
- val blockManager2 = getWorldById(parcelId2.worldId)?.blockManager ?: return null
- return trySubmitBlockVisitor(Permit(), parcelId1, parcelId2) {
- var region1 = blockManager1.getRegion(parcelId1)
- var region2 = blockManager2.getRegion(parcelId2)
- val size = region1.size.clampMax(region2.size)
- if (size != region1.size) {
- region1 = region1.withSize(size)
- region2 = region2.withSize(size)
- }
- val schematicOf1 = delegateWork(0.25) { Schematic().apply { load(, region1) } }
- val schematicOf2 = delegateWork(0.25) { Schematic().apply { load(, region2) } }
- delegateWork(0.25) { with(schematicOf1) { paste(, region2.origin) } }
- delegateWork(0.25) { with(schematicOf2) { paste(, region1.origin) } }
- }
- }
- /*
- fun loadWorlds(options: Options) {
- for ((worldName, worldOptions) in options.worlds.entries) {
- val world: ParcelWorld
- try {
- world = ParcelWorldImpl(
- worldName,
- worldOptions,
- worldOptions.generator.newGenerator(this, worldName),
- plugin.globalPrivileges,
- ::DefaultParcelContainer)
- } catch (ex: Exception) {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- continue
- }
- _worlds[worldName] = world
- }
- plugin.functionHelper.schedule(10) {
- println("Parcels generating parcelProvider now")
- for ((name, world) in _worlds) {
- if (Bukkit.getWorld(name) == null) {
- val bworld = WorldCreator(name).generator(world.generator).createWorld()
- val spawn = world.generator.getFixedSpawnLocation(bworld, null)
- bworld.setSpawnLocation(spawn.x.floor(), spawn.y.floor(), spawn.z.floor())
- }
- }
- val channel =
- val job = plugin.functionHelper.launchLazilyOnMainThread {
- do {
- val pair = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break
- val parcel = getParcelById(pair.first) ?: continue
- pair.second?.let { parcel.copyDataIgnoringDatabase(it) }
- } while (true)
- }
- job.start()
- }
- }
- */
+package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.Schematic
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.schedule
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
+import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
+import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit
+import org.bukkit.WorldCreator
+import org.joda.time.DateTime
+class ParcelProviderImpl(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : ParcelProvider {
+ inline val options get() = plugin.options
+ override val worlds: Map<String, ParcelWorld> get() = _worlds
+ private val _worlds: MutableMap<String, ParcelWorld> = hashMapOf()
+ private val _generators: MutableMap<String, ParcelGenerator> = hashMapOf()
+ private var _worldsLoaded = false
+ private var _dataIsLoaded = false
+ // disabled while !_dataIsLoaded. getParcelById() will work though for data loading.
+ override fun getWorld(name: String): ParcelWorld? = _worlds[name]?.takeIf { _dataIsLoaded }
+ override fun getWorldById(id: ParcelWorldId): ParcelWorld? {
+ if (id is ParcelWorld) return id
+ return _worlds[] ?: id.bukkitWorld?.let { getWorld(it) }
+ }
+ override fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel? {
+ if (id is Parcel) return id
+ return getWorldById(id.worldId)?.container?.getParcelById(id.x, id.z)
+ }
+ override fun getWorldGenerator(worldName: String): ParcelGenerator? {
+ return _worlds[worldName]?.generator
+ ?: _generators[worldName]
+ ?: options.worlds[worldName]?.generator?.newInstance(worldName)?.also { _generators[worldName] = it }
+ }
+ override fun loadWorlds() {
+ if (_worldsLoaded) throw IllegalStateException()
+ _worldsLoaded = true
+ loadWorlds0()
+ }
+ private fun loadWorlds0() {
+ if (Bukkit.getWorlds().isEmpty()) {
+ plugin.schedule(::loadWorlds0)
+ plugin.logger.warning("Scheduling to load worlds in the next tick because no bukkit worlds are loaded yet")
+ return
+ }
+ val newlyCreatedWorlds = mutableListOf<ParcelWorld>()
+ for ((worldName, worldOptions) in options.worlds.entries) {
+ var parcelWorld = _worlds[worldName]
+ if (parcelWorld != null) continue
+ val generator: ParcelGenerator = getWorldGenerator(worldName)!!
+ val worldExists = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName) != null
+ val bukkitWorld =
+ if (worldExists) Bukkit.getWorld(worldName)!!
+ else {
+"Creating world $worldName")
+ WorldCreator(worldName).generator(generator).createWorld()
+ }
+ parcelWorld = ParcelWorldImpl(plugin, bukkitWorld, generator, worldOptions.runtime,::DefaultParcelContainer)
+ if (!worldExists) {
+ val time =
+, time)
+ parcelWorld.creationTime = time
+ newlyCreatedWorlds.add(parcelWorld)
+ } else {
+ GlobalScope.launch(context = Dispatchers.Unconfined) {
+ parcelWorld.creationTime = ?:
+ }
+ }
+ _worlds[worldName] = parcelWorld
+ }
+ loadStoredData(newlyCreatedWorlds.toSet())
+ }
+ private fun loadStoredData(newlyCreatedWorlds: Collection<ParcelWorld> = emptyList()) {
+ plugin.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
+ val migration = plugin.options.migration
+ if (migration.enabled) {
+ migration.instance?.newInstance()?.apply {
+ logger.warn("Migrating database now...")
+ migrateTo(
+ logger.warn("Migration completed")
+ if (migration.disableWhenComplete) {
+ migration.enabled = false
+ plugin.saveOptions()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+"Loading all parcel data...")
+ val job1 = launch {
+ val channel =
+ while (true) {
+ val (id, data) = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break
+ val parcel = getParcelById(id) ?: continue
+ data?.let { parcel.copyData(it, callerIsDatabase = true) }
+ }
+ }
+ val channel2 =
+ while (true) {
+ val (profile, data) = channel2.receiveOrNull() ?: break
+ if (profile !is PrivilegeKey) {
+ logger.error("Received profile that is not a privilege key: ${profile.javaClass}, $profile")
+ continue
+ }
+ (plugin.globalPrivileges[profile] as PrivilegesHolder).copyPrivilegesFrom(data)
+ }
+ job1.join()
+"Loading data completed")
+ _dataIsLoaded = true
+ }
+ }
+ override fun acquireBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit): Boolean {
+ val parcel = getParcelById(parcelId) as? ParcelImpl ?: return true
+ return parcel.acquireBlockVisitorPermit(with)
+ }
+ override fun releaseBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit) {
+ val parcel = getParcelById(parcelId) as? ParcelImpl ?: return
+ parcel.releaseBlockVisitorPermit(with)
+ }
+ override fun trySubmitBlockVisitor(permit: Permit, vararg parcelIds: ParcelId, function: JobFunction): Job? {
+ val withPermit = parcelIds.filter { acquireBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
+ if (withPermit.size != parcelIds.size) {
+ withPermit.forEach { releaseBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
+ return null
+ }
+ val job = plugin.jobDispatcher.dispatch(function)
+ plugin.launch {
+ job.awaitCompletion()
+ withPermit.forEach { releaseBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
+ }
+ return job
+ }
+ override fun swapParcels(parcelId1: ParcelId, parcelId2: ParcelId): Job? {
+ val blockManager1 = getWorldById(parcelId1.worldId)?.blockManager ?: return null
+ val blockManager2 = getWorldById(parcelId2.worldId)?.blockManager ?: return null
+ return trySubmitBlockVisitor(Permit(), parcelId1, parcelId2) {
+ var region1 = blockManager1.getRegion(parcelId1)
+ var region2 = blockManager2.getRegion(parcelId2)
+ val size = region1.size.clampMax(region2.size)
+ if (size != region1.size) {
+ region1 = region1.withSize(size)
+ region2 = region2.withSize(size)
+ }
+ val schematicOf1 = delegateWork(0.25) { Schematic().apply { load(, region1) } }
+ val schematicOf2 = delegateWork(0.25) { Schematic().apply { load(, region2) } }
+ delegateWork(0.25) { with(schematicOf1) { paste(, region2.origin) } }
+ delegateWork(0.25) { with(schematicOf2) { paste(, region1.origin) } }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ fun loadWorlds(options: Options) {
+ for ((worldName, worldOptions) in options.worlds.entries) {
+ val world: ParcelWorld
+ try {
+ world = ParcelWorldImpl(
+ worldName,
+ worldOptions,
+ worldOptions.generator.newGenerator(this, worldName),
+ plugin.globalPrivileges,
+ ::DefaultParcelContainer)
+ } catch (ex: Exception) {
+ ex.printStackTrace()
+ continue
+ }
+ _worlds[worldName] = world
+ }
+ plugin.functionHelper.schedule(10) {
+ println("Parcels generating parcelProvider now")
+ for ((name, world) in _worlds) {
+ if (Bukkit.getWorld(name) == null) {
+ val bworld = WorldCreator(name).generator(world.generator).createWorld()
+ val spawn = world.generator.getFixedSpawnLocation(bworld, null)
+ bworld.setSpawnLocation(spawn.x.floor(), spawn.y.floor(), spawn.z.floor())
+ }
+ }
+ val channel =
+ val job = plugin.functionHelper.launchLazilyOnMainThread {
+ do {
+ val pair = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break
+ val parcel = getParcelById(pair.first) ?: continue
+ pair.second?.let { parcel.copyDataIgnoringDatabase(it) }
+ } while (true)
+ }
+ job.start()
+ }
+ }
+ */
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelWorldImpl.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelWorldImpl.kt
index 531a25f..6ce4f26 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelWorldImpl.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelWorldImpl.kt
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
-@file:Suppress("CanBePrimaryConstructorProperty", "UsePropertyAccessSyntax")
-package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.options.RuntimeWorldOptions
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
-import org.bukkit.GameRule
-import org.bukkit.World
-import org.joda.time.DateTime
-import java.util.UUID
-class ParcelWorldImpl(
- val plugin: ParcelsPlugin,
- override val world: World,
- override val generator: ParcelGenerator,
- override var options: RuntimeWorldOptions,
- containerFactory: ParcelContainerFactory
-) : ParcelWorld, ParcelWorldId, ParcelContainer, ParcelLocator {
- override val id: ParcelWorldId get() = this
- override val uid: UUID? get() = world.uid
- override val storage get() =
- override val globalPrivileges get() = plugin.globalPrivileges
- init {
- if ( != world) {
- throw IllegalArgumentException()
- }
- }
- override val name: String =!!
- override val container: ParcelContainer = containerFactory(this)
- override val locator: ParcelLocator
- override val blockManager: ParcelBlockManager
- init {
- val (locator, blockManager) = generator.makeParcelLocatorAndBlockManager(plugin.parcelProvider, container, plugin, plugin.jobDispatcher)
- this.locator = locator
- this.blockManager = blockManager
- enforceOptions()
- }
- fun enforceOptions() {
- if (options.dayTime) {
- world.setGameRule(GameRule.DO_DAYLIGHT_CYCLE, false)
- world.setTime(6000)
- }
- if (options.noWeather) {
- world.setStorm(false)
- world.setThundering(false)
- world.weatherDuration = Int.MAX_VALUE
- }
- world.setGameRule(GameRule.DO_TILE_DROPS, options.doTileDrops)
- }
- // Accessed by ParcelProviderImpl
- override var creationTime: DateTime? = null
- override fun getParcelAt(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? = locator.getParcelAt(x, z)
- override fun getParcelIdAt(x: Int, z: Int): ParcelId? = locator.getParcelIdAt(x, z)
- override fun getParcelById(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? = container.getParcelById(x, z)
- override fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel? = container.getParcelById(id)
- override fun nextEmptyParcel(): Parcel? = container.nextEmptyParcel()
- override fun toString() = parcelWorldIdToString()
+@file:Suppress("CanBePrimaryConstructorProperty", "UsePropertyAccessSyntax")
+package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.options.RuntimeWorldOptions
+import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
+import org.bukkit.GameRule
+import org.bukkit.World
+import org.joda.time.DateTime
+import java.util.UUID
+class ParcelWorldImpl(
+ val plugin: ParcelsPlugin,
+ override val world: World,
+ override val generator: ParcelGenerator,
+ override var options: RuntimeWorldOptions,
+ containerFactory: ParcelContainerFactory
+) : ParcelWorld, ParcelWorldId, ParcelContainer, ParcelLocator {
+ override val id: ParcelWorldId get() = this
+ override val uid: UUID? get() = world.uid
+ override val storage get() =
+ override val globalPrivileges get() = plugin.globalPrivileges
+ init {
+ if ( != world) {
+ throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ }
+ }
+ override val name: String =!!
+ override val container: ParcelContainer = containerFactory(this)
+ override val locator: ParcelLocator
+ override val blockManager: ParcelBlockManager
+ init {
+ val (locator, blockManager) = generator.makeParcelLocatorAndBlockManager(plugin.parcelProvider, container, plugin, plugin.jobDispatcher)
+ this.locator = locator
+ this.blockManager = blockManager
+ enforceOptions()
+ }
+ fun enforceOptions() {
+ if (options.dayTime) {
+ world.setGameRule(GameRule.DO_DAYLIGHT_CYCLE, false)
+ world.setTime(6000)
+ }
+ if (options.noWeather) {
+ world.setStorm(false)
+ world.setThundering(false)
+ world.weatherDuration = Int.MAX_VALUE
+ }
+ world.setGameRule(GameRule.DO_TILE_DROPS, options.doTileDrops)
+ }
+ // Accessed by ParcelProviderImpl
+ override var creationTime: DateTime? = null
+ override fun getParcelAt(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? = locator.getParcelAt(x, z)
+ override fun getParcelIdAt(x: Int, z: Int): ParcelId? = locator.getParcelIdAt(x, z)
+ override fun getParcelById(x: Int, z: Int): Parcel? = container.getParcelById(x, z)
+ override fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel? = container.getParcelById(id)
+ override fun nextEmptyParcel(): Parcel? = container.nextEmptyParcel()
+ override fun toString() = parcelWorldIdToString()
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/ParcelEntityTracker.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/ParcelEntityTracker.kt
index 198e0e7..78b8b03 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/ParcelEntityTracker.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/ParcelEntityTracker.kt
@@ -1,61 +1,61 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.listener
-import io.dico.parcels2.Parcel
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelProvider
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.editLoop
-import org.bukkit.entity.Entity
-class ParcelEntityTracker(val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider) {
- val map = mutableMapOf<Entity, Parcel?>()
- fun untrack(entity: Entity) {
- map.remove(entity)
- }
- fun track(entity: Entity, parcel: Parcel?) {
- map[entity] = parcel
- }
- /*
- * Tracks entities. If the entity is dead, they are removed from the collection.
- * If the entity is found to have left the parcel it was created in, it will be removed from the world and from the list.
- * If it is still in the parcel it was created in, and it is on the ground, it is removed from the list.
- *
- * Start after 5 seconds, run every 0.25 seconds
- */
- fun tick() {
- map.editLoop { entity, parcel ->
- if (entity.isDead) {
- remove(); return@editLoop
- }
- if (parcel != null && parcel.hasBlockVisitors) {
- remove()
- val newParcel = parcelProvider.getParcelAt(entity.location)
- if (newParcel !== parcel && (newParcel == null || !newParcel.hasBlockVisitors)) {
- entity.remove()
- }
- return@editLoop
- }
- val newParcel = parcelProvider.getParcelAt(entity.location)
- if (newParcel !== parcel && (newParcel == null || !newParcel.hasBlockVisitors)) {
- remove()
- entity.remove()
- }
- }
- }
- fun swapParcels(parcel1: Parcel, parcel2: Parcel) {
- map.editLoop { ->
- if (value === parcel1) {
- value = parcel2
- } else if (value === parcel2) {
- value = parcel1
- }
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.listener
+import io.dico.parcels2.Parcel
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelProvider
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.editLoop
+import org.bukkit.entity.Entity
+class ParcelEntityTracker(val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider) {
+ val map = mutableMapOf<Entity, Parcel?>()
+ fun untrack(entity: Entity) {
+ map.remove(entity)
+ }
+ fun track(entity: Entity, parcel: Parcel?) {
+ map[entity] = parcel
+ }
+ /*
+ * Tracks entities. If the entity is dead, they are removed from the collection.
+ * If the entity is found to have left the parcel it was created in, it will be removed from the world and from the list.
+ * If it is still in the parcel it was created in, and it is on the ground, it is removed from the list.
+ *
+ * Start after 5 seconds, run every 0.25 seconds
+ */
+ fun tick() {
+ map.editLoop { entity, parcel ->
+ if (entity.isDead) {
+ remove(); return@editLoop
+ }
+ if (parcel != null && parcel.hasBlockVisitors) {
+ remove()
+ val newParcel = parcelProvider.getParcelAt(entity.location)
+ if (newParcel !== parcel && (newParcel == null || !newParcel.hasBlockVisitors)) {
+ entity.remove()
+ }
+ return@editLoop
+ }
+ val newParcel = parcelProvider.getParcelAt(entity.location)
+ if (newParcel !== parcel && (newParcel == null || !newParcel.hasBlockVisitors)) {
+ remove()
+ entity.remove()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ fun swapParcels(parcel1: Parcel, parcel2: Parcel) {
+ map.editLoop { ->
+ if (value === parcel1) {
+ value = parcel2
+ } else if (value === parcel2) {
+ value = parcel1
+ }
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/ParcelListeners.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/ParcelListeners.kt
index 9c9bdc2..8bef7d1 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/ParcelListeners.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/ParcelListeners.kt
@@ -1,661 +1,661 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.listener
-import gnu.trove.TLongCollection
-import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLongHashSet
-import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
-import io.dico.dicore.ListenerMarker
-import io.dico.dicore.RegistratorListener
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.*
-import org.bukkit.Location
-import org.bukkit.Material.*
-import org.bukkit.World
-import org.bukkit.block.Biome
-import org.bukkit.block.Block
-import org.bukkit.entity.*
-import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.ExplosiveMinecart
-import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority
-import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority.NORMAL
-import org.bukkit.event.block.*
-import org.bukkit.event.entity.*
-import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakByEntityEvent
-import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakEvent
-import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingPlaceEvent
-import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryInteractEvent
-import org.bukkit.event.player.*
-import org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent
-import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder
-import java.util.EnumSet
-class ParcelListeners(
- val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
- val entityTracker: ParcelEntityTracker,
- val storage: Storage
-) {
- private fun canBuildOnArea(user: Player, area: Parcel?) =
- if (area == null) user.hasPermBuildAnywhere else area.canBuild(user)
- private fun canInteract(user: Player, area: Parcel?, interactClass: String) =
- canBuildOnArea(user, area) || (area != null && area.interactableConfig(interactClass))
- /**
- * Get the world and parcel that the block resides in
- * the parcel is nullable, and often named area because that means path.
- * returns null if not in a registered parcel world - should always return in that case to not affect other worlds.
- */
- private fun getWorldAndArea(block: Block): Pair<ParcelWorld, Parcel?>? {
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return null
- return world to world.getParcelAt(block)
- }
- /*
- * Prevents players from entering plots they are banned from
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onPlayerMoveEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerMoveEvent> l@{ event ->
- val user = event.player
- if (user.hasPermBanBypass) return@l
- val toLoc =
- val parcel = parcelProvider.getParcelAt(toLoc) ?: return@l
- if (!parcel.canEnterFast(user)) {
- val region =
- val dimension = region.getFirstUncontainedDimensionOf(Vec3i(event.from))
- if (dimension == null) {
- user.teleport(parcel.homeLocation)
- user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You are banned from this parcel")
- } else {
- val speed = getPlayerSpeed(user)
- val from = Vec3d(event.from)
- val to = Vec3d(toLoc).with(dimension, from[dimension])
- var newTo = to
- dimension.otherDimensions.forEach {
- val delta = to[it] - from[it]
- newTo = newTo.add(it, delta * 100 * if (it == Dimension.Y) 0.5 else speed)
- }
- = Location(
- newTo.x, newTo.y.clampMin(0.0).clampMax(255.0), newTo.z,
- toLoc.yaw, toLoc.pitch
- )
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents players from breaking blocks outside of their parcels
- * Prevents containers from dropping their contents when broken, if configured
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onBlockBreakEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockBreakEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (world, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.block) ?: return@l
- if (!canBuildOnArea(event.player, area)) {
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- if (!world.options.dropEntityItems) {
- val state = event.block.state
- if (state is InventoryHolder) {
- state.inventory.clear()
- state.update()
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents players from placing blocks outside of their parcels
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onBlockPlaceEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockPlaceEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.block) ?: return@l
- if (!canBuildOnArea(event.player, area)) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- area?.updateOwnerSign()
- }
- /*
- * Control pistons
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onBlockPistonExtendEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockPistonExtendEvent> l@{ event ->
- checkPistonMovement(event, event.blocks)
- }
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onBlockPistonRetractEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockPistonRetractEvent> l@{ event ->
- checkPistonMovement(event, event.blocks)
- }
- // Doing some unnecessary optimizations here..
- //@formatter:off
- private inline fun Column(x: Int, z: Int): Long = x.toLong() or (z.toLong().shl(32))
- private inline val Long.columnX get() = and(0xFFFF_FFFFL).toInt()
- private inline val Long.columnZ get() = ushr(32).and(0xFFFF_FFFFL).toInt()
- private inline fun TLongCollection.troveForEach(block: (Long) -> Unit) = iterator().let { while (it.hasNext()) block( }
- //@formatter:on
- private fun checkPistonMovement(event: BlockPistonEvent, blocks: List<Block>) {
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return
- val direction = event.direction
- val columns = TLongHashSet(blocks.size * 2)
- blocks.forEach {
- columns.add(Column(it.x, it.z))
- it.getRelative(direction).let { columns.add(Column(it.x, it.z)) }
- }
- columns.troveForEach {
- val area = world.getParcelAt(it.columnX, it.columnZ)
- if (area == null || area.hasBlockVisitors) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- return
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents explosions if enabled by the configs for that world
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onExplosionPrimeEvent = RegistratorListener<ExplosionPrimeEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (world, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.entity.location.block) ?: return@l
- if (area != null && area.hasBlockVisitors) {
- event.radius = 0F; event.isCancelled = true
- } else if (world.options.disableExplosions) {
- event.radius = 0F
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents creepers and tnt minecarts from exploding if explosions are disabled
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onEntityExplodeEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityExplodeEvent> l@{ event ->
- entityTracker.untrack(event.entity)
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- if (world.options.disableExplosions || world.getParcelAt(event.entity).let { it != null && it.hasBlockVisitors }) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents liquids from flowing out of plots
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onBlockFromToEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockFromToEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.toBlock) ?: return@l
- if (area == null || area.hasBlockVisitors) event.isCancelled = true
- }
- private val bedTypes = EnumSet.copyOf(getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix("BED").toList())
- /*
- * Prevents players from placing liquids, using flint and steel, changing redstone components,
- * using inputs (unless allowed by the plot),
- * and using items disabled in the configuration for that world.
- * Prevents player from using beds in HELL or SKY biomes if explosions are disabled.
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onPlayerInteractEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerInteractEvent> l@{ event ->
- val user = event.player
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- val clickedBlock = event.clickedBlock
- val parcel = clickedBlock?.let { world.getParcelAt(it) }
- if (!user.hasPermBuildAnywhere && parcel != null && !parcel.canEnter(user)) {
- user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You cannot interact with parcels you're banned from")
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- when (event.action) {
- Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK -> run {
- val type = clickedBlock.type
- val interactableClass = Interactables[type]
- if (interactableClass != null && !parcel.effectiveInteractableConfig.isInteractable(type) && (parcel == null || !parcel.canBuild(user))) {
- user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You cannot interact with ${} here")
- event.isCancelled = true
- return@l
- }
- if (bedTypes.contains(type)) {
- val bed = clickedBlock.blockData as Bed
- val head = if (bed.part == Bed.Part.FOOT) clickedBlock.getRelative(bed.facing) else clickedBlock
- when (head.biome) {
- Biome.NETHER, Biome.THE_END -> {
- if (world.options.disableExplosions) {
- user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You cannot use this bed because it would explode")
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- }
- }
- if (!canBuildOnArea(user, parcel)) {
- user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You may not sleep here")
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- }
- onPlayerRightClick(event, world, parcel)
- if (!event.isCancelled && parcel == null) {
- world.blockManager.getParcelForInfoBlockInteraction(Vec3i(clickedBlock), type, event.blockFace)
- ?.apply { user.sendMessage(Formatting.GREEN + infoString) }
- }
- }
- Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR -> onPlayerRightClick(event, world, parcel)
- Action.PHYSICAL -> if (!canBuildOnArea(user, parcel) && !(parcel != null && parcel.interactableConfig("pressure_plates"))) {
- user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You cannot use inputs in this parcel")
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- }
- }
- // private val blockPlaceInteractItems = EnumSet.of(LAVA_BUCKET, WATER_BUCKET, BUCKET, FLINT_AND_STEEL)
- private fun onPlayerRightClick(event: PlayerInteractEvent, world: ParcelWorld, parcel: Parcel?) {
- if (event.hasItem()) {
- val item = event.item.type
- if (world.options.blockedItems.contains(item)) {
- event.player.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You cannot use this item because it is disabled in this world")
- event.isCancelled = true; return
- }
- when (item) {
- val block = event.clickedBlock.getRelative(event.blockFace)
- val otherParcel = world.getParcelAt(block)
- if (!canBuildOnArea(event.player, otherParcel)) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents players from breeding mobs, entering or opening boats/minecarts,
- * rotating item frames, doing stuff with leashes, and putting stuff on armor stands.
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onPlayerInteractEntityEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerInteractEntityEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.rightClicked.location.block) ?: return@l
- if (canBuildOnArea(event.player, area)) return@l
- when (event.rightClicked.type) {
- EntityType.BOAT,
- EntityType.MINECART,
- EntityType.MINECART_TNT,
- EntityType.ARMOR_STAND,
- EntityType.PAINTING,
- EntityType.ITEM_FRAME,
- EntityType.LEASH_HITCH,
- EntityType.CHICKEN,
- EntityType.COW,
- EntityType.HORSE,
- EntityType.SHEEP,
- EntityType.VILLAGER,
- EntityType.WOLF -> event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents endermen from griefing.
- * Prevents sand blocks from exiting the parcel in which they became an entity.
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onEntityChangeBlockEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityChangeBlockEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.block) ?: return@l
- if (event.entity.type == EntityType.ENDERMAN || area == null || area.hasBlockVisitors) {
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- if (event.entity.type == EntityType.FALLING_BLOCK) {
- // a sand block started falling. Track it and delete it if it gets out of this parcel.
- entityTracker.track(event.entity, area)
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents portals from being created if set so in the configs for that world
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onEntityCreatePortalEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityCreatePortalEvent> l@{ event ->
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- if (world.options.blockPortalCreation) event.isCancelled = true
- }
- /*
- * Prevents players from dropping items
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onPlayerDropItemEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerDropItemEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.itemDrop.location.block) ?: return@l
- if (!canInteract(event.player, area, "containers")) event.isCancelled = true
- }
- /*
- * Prevents players from picking up items
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onEntityPickupItemEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityPickupItemEvent> l@{ event ->
- val user = event.entity as? Player ?: return@l
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.item.location.block) ?: return@l
- if (!canInteract(user, area, "containers")) event.isCancelled = true
- }
- /*
- * Prevents players from editing inventories
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL, events = ["inventory.InventoryClickEvent", "inventory.InventoryDragEvent"])
- val onInventoryClickEvent = RegistratorListener<InventoryInteractEvent> l@{ event ->
- val user = event.whoClicked as? Player ?: return@l
- if ((event.inventory ?: return@l).holder === user) return@l // inventory null: hotbar
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.inventory.location.block) ?: return@l
- if (!canInteract(user, area, "containers")) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- /*
- * Cancels weather changes and sets the weather to sunny if requested by the config for that world.
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onWeatherChangeEvent = RegistratorListener<WeatherChangeEvent> l@{ event ->
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- if (world.options.noWeather && event.toWeatherState()) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- private fun resetWeather(world: World) {
- world.setStorm(false)
- world.isThundering = false
- world.weatherDuration = Int.MAX_VALUE
- }
-// TODO: BlockFormEvent, BlockSpreadEvent, BlockFadeEvent, Fireworks
- /*
- * Prevents natural blocks forming
- */
- @ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onBlockFormEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockFormEvent> l@{ event ->
- val block = event.block
- val (world, area) = getWorldAndArea(block) ?: return@l
- // prevent any generation whatsoever on paths
- if (area == null) {
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- val hasEntity = event is EntityBlockFormEvent
- val player = (event as? EntityBlockFormEvent)?.entity as? Player
- val cancel: Boolean = when (event.newState.type) {
- // prevent ice generation from Frost Walkers enchantment
- FROSTED_ICE -> player != null && !area.canBuild(player)
- // prevent snow generation from weather
- SNOW -> !hasEntity && world.options.preventWeatherBlockChanges
- else -> false
- }
- if (cancel) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents mobs (living entities) from spawning if that is disabled for that world in the config.
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onEntitySpawnEvent = RegistratorListener<EntitySpawnEvent> l@{ event ->
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- if (event.entity is Creature && world.options.blockMobSpawning) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- } else if (world.getParcelAt(event.entity).let { it != null && it.hasBlockVisitors }) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents minecarts/boats from moving outside a plot
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onVehicleMoveEvent = RegistratorListener<VehicleMoveEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea( ?: return@l
- if (area == null) {
- event.vehicle.passengers.forEach {
- if (it.type == EntityType.PLAYER) {
- (it as Player).sendParcelMessage(except = true, message = "Your ride ends here")
- } else it.remove()
- }
- event.vehicle.eject()
- event.vehicle.remove()
- } else if (area.hasBlockVisitors) {
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents players from removing items from item frames
- * Prevents TNT Minecarts and creepers from destroying entities (This event is called BEFORE EntityExplodeEvent GG)
- * Actually doesn't prevent this because the entities are destroyed anyway, even though the code works?
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onEntityDamageByEntityEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityDamageByEntityEvent> l@{ event ->
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- if (world.options.disableExplosions && event.damager is ExplosiveMinecart || event.damager is Creeper) {
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- val user = event.damager as? Player
- ?: (event.damager as? Projectile)?.let { it.shooter as? Player }
- ?: return@l
- if (!canBuildOnArea(user, world.getParcelAt(event.entity))) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onHangingBreakEvent = RegistratorListener<HangingBreakEvent> l@{ event ->
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- if (event.cause == HangingBreakEvent.RemoveCause.EXPLOSION && world.options.disableExplosions) {
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- if (world.getParcelAt(event.entity).let { it != null && it.hasBlockVisitors }) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents players from deleting paintings and item frames
- * This appears to take care of shooting with a bow, throwing snowballs or throwing ender pearls.
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onHangingBreakByEntityEvent = RegistratorListener<HangingBreakByEntityEvent> l@{ event ->
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- val user = event.remover as? Player ?: return@l
- if (!canBuildOnArea(user, world.getParcelAt(event.entity))) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents players from placing paintings and item frames
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onHangingPlaceEvent = RegistratorListener<HangingPlaceEvent> l@{ event ->
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- val block = event.block.getRelative(event.blockFace)
- if (!canBuildOnArea(event.player, world.getParcelAt(block))) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents stuff from growing outside of plots
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onStructureGrowEvent = RegistratorListener<StructureGrowEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (world, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.location.block) ?: return@l
- if (area == null) {
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- if (!event.player.hasPermBuildAnywhere && !area.canBuild(event.player)) {
- event.isCancelled = true; return@l
- }
- event.blocks.removeIf { world.getParcelAt(it.block) !== area }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents dispensers/droppers from dispensing out of parcels
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onBlockDispenseEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockDispenseEvent> l@{ event ->
- val block = event.block
- if (!block.type.let { it == DISPENSER || it == DROPPER }) return@l
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- val data = block.blockData as Directional
- val targetBlock = block.getRelative(data.facing)
- if (world.getParcelAt(targetBlock) == null) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- /*
- * Track spawned items, making sure they don't leave the parcel.
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onItemSpawnEvent = RegistratorListener<ItemSpawnEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.location.block) ?: return@l
- if (area == null) event.isCancelled = true
- else entityTracker.track(event.entity, area)
- }
- /*
- * Prevents endermen and endermite from teleporting outside their parcel
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onEntityTeleportEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityTeleportEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (world, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.from.block) ?: return@l
- if (area !== world.getParcelAt( {
- event.isCancelled = true
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents projectiles from flying out of parcels
- * Prevents players from firing projectiles if they cannot build
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onProjectileLaunchEvent = RegistratorListener<ProjectileLaunchEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.entity.location.block) ?: return@l
- if (area == null || (event.entity.shooter as? Player)?.let { !canBuildOnArea(it, area) } == true) {
- event.isCancelled = true
- } else {
- entityTracker.track(event.entity, area)
- }
- }
- /*
- * Prevents entities from dropping items upon death, if configured that way
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onEntityDeathEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityDeathEvent> l@{ event ->
- entityTracker.untrack(event.entity)
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- if (!world.options.dropEntityItems) {
- event.drops.clear()
- event.droppedExp = 0
- }
- }
- /*
- * Assigns players their default game mode upon entering the world
- */
- @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
- val onPlayerChangedWorldEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerChangedWorldEvent> l@{ event ->
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- if (world.options.gameMode != null && !event.player.hasPermGamemodeBypass) {
- event.player.gameMode = world.options.gameMode
- }
- }
- /**
- * Updates owner signs of parcels that get loaded if it is marked outdated
- */
- @ListenerMarker(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
- val onChunkLoadEvent = RegistratorListener<ChunkLoadEvent> l@{ event ->
- val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
- val parcels = world.blockManager.getParcelsWithOwnerBlockIn(event.chunk)
- if (parcels.isEmpty()) return@l
- parcels.forEach { id ->
- val parcel = world.getParcelById(id)?.takeIf { it.isOwnerSignOutdated } ?: return@forEach
- world.blockManager.updateParcelInfo(, parcel.owner)
- parcel.isOwnerSignOutdated = false
- }
- }
- @ListenerMarker
- val onPlayerJoinEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerJoinEvent> l@{ event ->
- storage.updatePlayerName(event.player.uuid,
- }
- /**
- * Attempts to prevent redstone contraptions from breaking while they are being swapped
- * Might remove if it causes lag
- */
- @ListenerMarker
- val onBlockRedstoneEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockRedstoneEvent> l@{ event ->
- val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.block) ?: return@l
- if (area == null || area.hasBlockVisitors) {
- event.newCurrent = event.oldCurrent
- }
- }
- private fun getPlayerSpeed(player: Player): Double =
- if (player.isFlying) {
- player.flySpeed * if (player.isSprinting) 21.6 else 10.92
- } else {
- player.walkSpeed * when {
- player.isSprinting -> 5.612
- player.isSneaking -> 1.31
- else -> 4.317
- } / 1.5 //?
- } / 20.0
+package io.dico.parcels2.listener
+import gnu.trove.TLongCollection
+import gnu.trove.set.hash.TLongHashSet
+import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
+import io.dico.dicore.ListenerMarker
+import io.dico.dicore.RegistratorListener
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.*
+import org.bukkit.Location
+import org.bukkit.Material.*
+import org.bukkit.World
+import org.bukkit.block.Biome
+import org.bukkit.block.Block
+import org.bukkit.entity.*
+import org.bukkit.entity.minecart.ExplosiveMinecart
+import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority
+import org.bukkit.event.EventPriority.NORMAL
+import org.bukkit.event.block.*
+import org.bukkit.event.entity.*
+import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakByEntityEvent
+import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingBreakEvent
+import org.bukkit.event.hanging.HangingPlaceEvent
+import org.bukkit.event.inventory.InventoryInteractEvent
+import org.bukkit.event.player.*
+import org.bukkit.event.vehicle.VehicleMoveEvent
+import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder
+import java.util.EnumSet
+class ParcelListeners(
+ val parcelProvider: ParcelProvider,
+ val entityTracker: ParcelEntityTracker,
+ val storage: Storage
+) {
+ private fun canBuildOnArea(user: Player, area: Parcel?) =
+ if (area == null) user.hasPermBuildAnywhere else area.canBuild(user)
+ private fun canInteract(user: Player, area: Parcel?, interactClass: String) =
+ canBuildOnArea(user, area) || (area != null && area.interactableConfig(interactClass))
+ /**
+ * Get the world and parcel that the block resides in
+ * the parcel is nullable, and often named area because that means path.
+ * returns null if not in a registered parcel world - should always return in that case to not affect other worlds.
+ */
+ private fun getWorldAndArea(block: Block): Pair<ParcelWorld, Parcel?>? {
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return null
+ return world to world.getParcelAt(block)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from entering plots they are banned from
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onPlayerMoveEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerMoveEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val user = event.player
+ if (user.hasPermBanBypass) return@l
+ val toLoc =
+ val parcel = parcelProvider.getParcelAt(toLoc) ?: return@l
+ if (!parcel.canEnterFast(user)) {
+ val region =
+ val dimension = region.getFirstUncontainedDimensionOf(Vec3i(event.from))
+ if (dimension == null) {
+ user.teleport(parcel.homeLocation)
+ user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You are banned from this parcel")
+ } else {
+ val speed = getPlayerSpeed(user)
+ val from = Vec3d(event.from)
+ val to = Vec3d(toLoc).with(dimension, from[dimension])
+ var newTo = to
+ dimension.otherDimensions.forEach {
+ val delta = to[it] - from[it]
+ newTo = newTo.add(it, delta * 100 * if (it == Dimension.Y) 0.5 else speed)
+ }
+ = Location(
+ newTo.x, newTo.y.clampMin(0.0).clampMax(255.0), newTo.z,
+ toLoc.yaw, toLoc.pitch
+ )
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from breaking blocks outside of their parcels
+ * Prevents containers from dropping their contents when broken, if configured
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onBlockBreakEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockBreakEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (world, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.block) ?: return@l
+ if (!canBuildOnArea(event.player, area)) {
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ if (!world.options.dropEntityItems) {
+ val state = event.block.state
+ if (state is InventoryHolder) {
+ state.inventory.clear()
+ state.update()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from placing blocks outside of their parcels
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onBlockPlaceEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockPlaceEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.block) ?: return@l
+ if (!canBuildOnArea(event.player, area)) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ area?.updateOwnerSign()
+ }
+ /*
+ * Control pistons
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onBlockPistonExtendEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockPistonExtendEvent> l@{ event ->
+ checkPistonMovement(event, event.blocks)
+ }
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onBlockPistonRetractEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockPistonRetractEvent> l@{ event ->
+ checkPistonMovement(event, event.blocks)
+ }
+ // Doing some unnecessary optimizations here..
+ //@formatter:off
+ private inline fun Column(x: Int, z: Int): Long = x.toLong() or (z.toLong().shl(32))
+ private inline val Long.columnX get() = and(0xFFFF_FFFFL).toInt()
+ private inline val Long.columnZ get() = ushr(32).and(0xFFFF_FFFFL).toInt()
+ private inline fun TLongCollection.troveForEach(block: (Long) -> Unit) = iterator().let { while (it.hasNext()) block( }
+ //@formatter:on
+ private fun checkPistonMovement(event: BlockPistonEvent, blocks: List<Block>) {
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return
+ val direction = event.direction
+ val columns = TLongHashSet(blocks.size * 2)
+ blocks.forEach {
+ columns.add(Column(it.x, it.z))
+ it.getRelative(direction).let { columns.add(Column(it.x, it.z)) }
+ }
+ columns.troveForEach {
+ val area = world.getParcelAt(it.columnX, it.columnZ)
+ if (area == null || area.hasBlockVisitors) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents explosions if enabled by the configs for that world
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onExplosionPrimeEvent = RegistratorListener<ExplosionPrimeEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (world, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.entity.location.block) ?: return@l
+ if (area != null && area.hasBlockVisitors) {
+ event.radius = 0F; event.isCancelled = true
+ } else if (world.options.disableExplosions) {
+ event.radius = 0F
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents creepers and tnt minecarts from exploding if explosions are disabled
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onEntityExplodeEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityExplodeEvent> l@{ event ->
+ entityTracker.untrack(event.entity)
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ if (world.options.disableExplosions || world.getParcelAt(event.entity).let { it != null && it.hasBlockVisitors }) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents liquids from flowing out of plots
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onBlockFromToEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockFromToEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.toBlock) ?: return@l
+ if (area == null || area.hasBlockVisitors) event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ private val bedTypes = EnumSet.copyOf(getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix("BED").toList())
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from placing liquids, using flint and steel, changing redstone components,
+ * using inputs (unless allowed by the plot),
+ * and using items disabled in the configuration for that world.
+ * Prevents player from using beds in HELL or SKY biomes if explosions are disabled.
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onPlayerInteractEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerInteractEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val user = event.player
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ val clickedBlock = event.clickedBlock
+ val parcel = clickedBlock?.let { world.getParcelAt(it) }
+ if (!user.hasPermBuildAnywhere && parcel != null && !parcel.canEnter(user)) {
+ user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You cannot interact with parcels you're banned from")
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ when (event.action) {
+ Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK -> run {
+ val type = clickedBlock.type
+ val interactableClass = Interactables[type]
+ if (interactableClass != null && !parcel.effectiveInteractableConfig.isInteractable(type) && (parcel == null || !parcel.canBuild(user))) {
+ user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You cannot interact with ${} here")
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ return@l
+ }
+ if (bedTypes.contains(type)) {
+ val bed = clickedBlock.blockData as Bed
+ val head = if (bed.part == Bed.Part.FOOT) clickedBlock.getRelative(bed.facing) else clickedBlock
+ when (head.biome) {
+ Biome.NETHER, Biome.THE_END -> {
+ if (world.options.disableExplosions) {
+ user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You cannot use this bed because it would explode")
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!canBuildOnArea(user, parcel)) {
+ user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You may not sleep here")
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ }
+ onPlayerRightClick(event, world, parcel)
+ if (!event.isCancelled && parcel == null) {
+ world.blockManager.getParcelForInfoBlockInteraction(Vec3i(clickedBlock), type, event.blockFace)
+ ?.apply { user.sendMessage(Formatting.GREEN + infoString) }
+ }
+ }
+ Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR -> onPlayerRightClick(event, world, parcel)
+ Action.PHYSICAL -> if (!canBuildOnArea(user, parcel) && !(parcel != null && parcel.interactableConfig("pressure_plates"))) {
+ user.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You cannot use inputs in this parcel")
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // private val blockPlaceInteractItems = EnumSet.of(LAVA_BUCKET, WATER_BUCKET, BUCKET, FLINT_AND_STEEL)
+ private fun onPlayerRightClick(event: PlayerInteractEvent, world: ParcelWorld, parcel: Parcel?) {
+ if (event.hasItem()) {
+ val item = event.item.type
+ if (world.options.blockedItems.contains(item)) {
+ event.player.sendParcelMessage(nopermit = true, message = "You cannot use this item because it is disabled in this world")
+ event.isCancelled = true; return
+ }
+ when (item) {
+ val block = event.clickedBlock.getRelative(event.blockFace)
+ val otherParcel = world.getParcelAt(block)
+ if (!canBuildOnArea(event.player, otherParcel)) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from breeding mobs, entering or opening boats/minecarts,
+ * rotating item frames, doing stuff with leashes, and putting stuff on armor stands.
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onPlayerInteractEntityEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerInteractEntityEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.rightClicked.location.block) ?: return@l
+ if (canBuildOnArea(event.player, area)) return@l
+ when (event.rightClicked.type) {
+ EntityType.BOAT,
+ EntityType.MINECART,
+ EntityType.MINECART_TNT,
+ EntityType.ARMOR_STAND,
+ EntityType.PAINTING,
+ EntityType.ITEM_FRAME,
+ EntityType.LEASH_HITCH,
+ EntityType.CHICKEN,
+ EntityType.COW,
+ EntityType.HORSE,
+ EntityType.SHEEP,
+ EntityType.VILLAGER,
+ EntityType.WOLF -> event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents endermen from griefing.
+ * Prevents sand blocks from exiting the parcel in which they became an entity.
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onEntityChangeBlockEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityChangeBlockEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.block) ?: return@l
+ if (event.entity.type == EntityType.ENDERMAN || area == null || area.hasBlockVisitors) {
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ if (event.entity.type == EntityType.FALLING_BLOCK) {
+ // a sand block started falling. Track it and delete it if it gets out of this parcel.
+ entityTracker.track(event.entity, area)
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents portals from being created if set so in the configs for that world
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onEntityCreatePortalEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityCreatePortalEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ if (world.options.blockPortalCreation) event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from dropping items
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onPlayerDropItemEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerDropItemEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.itemDrop.location.block) ?: return@l
+ if (!canInteract(event.player, area, "containers")) event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from picking up items
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onEntityPickupItemEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityPickupItemEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val user = event.entity as? Player ?: return@l
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.item.location.block) ?: return@l
+ if (!canInteract(user, area, "containers")) event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from editing inventories
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL, events = ["inventory.InventoryClickEvent", "inventory.InventoryDragEvent"])
+ val onInventoryClickEvent = RegistratorListener<InventoryInteractEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val user = event.whoClicked as? Player ?: return@l
+ if ((event.inventory ?: return@l).holder === user) return@l // inventory null: hotbar
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.inventory.location.block) ?: return@l
+ if (!canInteract(user, area, "containers")) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Cancels weather changes and sets the weather to sunny if requested by the config for that world.
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onWeatherChangeEvent = RegistratorListener<WeatherChangeEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ if (world.options.noWeather && event.toWeatherState()) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ private fun resetWeather(world: World) {
+ world.setStorm(false)
+ world.isThundering = false
+ world.weatherDuration = Int.MAX_VALUE
+ }
+// TODO: BlockFormEvent, BlockSpreadEvent, BlockFadeEvent, Fireworks
+ /*
+ * Prevents natural blocks forming
+ */
+ @ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onBlockFormEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockFormEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val block = event.block
+ val (world, area) = getWorldAndArea(block) ?: return@l
+ // prevent any generation whatsoever on paths
+ if (area == null) {
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ val hasEntity = event is EntityBlockFormEvent
+ val player = (event as? EntityBlockFormEvent)?.entity as? Player
+ val cancel: Boolean = when (event.newState.type) {
+ // prevent ice generation from Frost Walkers enchantment
+ FROSTED_ICE -> player != null && !area.canBuild(player)
+ // prevent snow generation from weather
+ SNOW -> !hasEntity && world.options.preventWeatherBlockChanges
+ else -> false
+ }
+ if (cancel) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents mobs (living entities) from spawning if that is disabled for that world in the config.
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onEntitySpawnEvent = RegistratorListener<EntitySpawnEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ if (event.entity is Creature && world.options.blockMobSpawning) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ } else if (world.getParcelAt(event.entity).let { it != null && it.hasBlockVisitors }) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents minecarts/boats from moving outside a plot
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onVehicleMoveEvent = RegistratorListener<VehicleMoveEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea( ?: return@l
+ if (area == null) {
+ event.vehicle.passengers.forEach {
+ if (it.type == EntityType.PLAYER) {
+ (it as Player).sendParcelMessage(except = true, message = "Your ride ends here")
+ } else it.remove()
+ }
+ event.vehicle.eject()
+ event.vehicle.remove()
+ } else if (area.hasBlockVisitors) {
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from removing items from item frames
+ * Prevents TNT Minecarts and creepers from destroying entities (This event is called BEFORE EntityExplodeEvent GG)
+ * Actually doesn't prevent this because the entities are destroyed anyway, even though the code works?
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onEntityDamageByEntityEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityDamageByEntityEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ if (world.options.disableExplosions && event.damager is ExplosiveMinecart || event.damager is Creeper) {
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ val user = event.damager as? Player
+ ?: (event.damager as? Projectile)?.let { it.shooter as? Player }
+ ?: return@l
+ if (!canBuildOnArea(user, world.getParcelAt(event.entity))) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onHangingBreakEvent = RegistratorListener<HangingBreakEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ if (event.cause == HangingBreakEvent.RemoveCause.EXPLOSION && world.options.disableExplosions) {
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ if (world.getParcelAt(event.entity).let { it != null && it.hasBlockVisitors }) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from deleting paintings and item frames
+ * This appears to take care of shooting with a bow, throwing snowballs or throwing ender pearls.
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onHangingBreakByEntityEvent = RegistratorListener<HangingBreakByEntityEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ val user = event.remover as? Player ?: return@l
+ if (!canBuildOnArea(user, world.getParcelAt(event.entity))) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents players from placing paintings and item frames
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onHangingPlaceEvent = RegistratorListener<HangingPlaceEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ val block = event.block.getRelative(event.blockFace)
+ if (!canBuildOnArea(event.player, world.getParcelAt(block))) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents stuff from growing outside of plots
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onStructureGrowEvent = RegistratorListener<StructureGrowEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (world, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.location.block) ?: return@l
+ if (area == null) {
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ if (!event.player.hasPermBuildAnywhere && !area.canBuild(event.player)) {
+ event.isCancelled = true; return@l
+ }
+ event.blocks.removeIf { world.getParcelAt(it.block) !== area }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents dispensers/droppers from dispensing out of parcels
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onBlockDispenseEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockDispenseEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val block = event.block
+ if (!block.type.let { it == DISPENSER || it == DROPPER }) return@l
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ val data = block.blockData as Directional
+ val targetBlock = block.getRelative(data.facing)
+ if (world.getParcelAt(targetBlock) == null) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Track spawned items, making sure they don't leave the parcel.
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onItemSpawnEvent = RegistratorListener<ItemSpawnEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.location.block) ?: return@l
+ if (area == null) event.isCancelled = true
+ else entityTracker.track(event.entity, area)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents endermen and endermite from teleporting outside their parcel
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onEntityTeleportEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityTeleportEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (world, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.from.block) ?: return@l
+ if (area !== world.getParcelAt( {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents projectiles from flying out of parcels
+ * Prevents players from firing projectiles if they cannot build
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onProjectileLaunchEvent = RegistratorListener<ProjectileLaunchEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.entity.location.block) ?: return@l
+ if (area == null || (event.entity.shooter as? Player)?.let { !canBuildOnArea(it, area) } == true) {
+ event.isCancelled = true
+ } else {
+ entityTracker.track(event.entity, area)
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Prevents entities from dropping items upon death, if configured that way
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onEntityDeathEvent = RegistratorListener<EntityDeathEvent> l@{ event ->
+ entityTracker.untrack(event.entity)
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ if (!world.options.dropEntityItems) {
+ event.drops.clear()
+ event.droppedExp = 0
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Assigns players their default game mode upon entering the world
+ */
+ @field:ListenerMarker(priority = NORMAL)
+ val onPlayerChangedWorldEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerChangedWorldEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ if (world.options.gameMode != null && !event.player.hasPermGamemodeBypass) {
+ event.player.gameMode = world.options.gameMode
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Updates owner signs of parcels that get loaded if it is marked outdated
+ */
+ @ListenerMarker(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
+ val onChunkLoadEvent = RegistratorListener<ChunkLoadEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val world = parcelProvider.getWorld( ?: return@l
+ val parcels = world.blockManager.getParcelsWithOwnerBlockIn(event.chunk)
+ if (parcels.isEmpty()) return@l
+ parcels.forEach { id ->
+ val parcel = world.getParcelById(id)?.takeIf { it.isOwnerSignOutdated } ?: return@forEach
+ world.blockManager.updateParcelInfo(, parcel.owner)
+ parcel.isOwnerSignOutdated = false
+ }
+ }
+ @ListenerMarker
+ val onPlayerJoinEvent = RegistratorListener<PlayerJoinEvent> l@{ event ->
+ storage.updatePlayerName(event.player.uuid,
+ }
+ /**
+ * Attempts to prevent redstone contraptions from breaking while they are being swapped
+ * Might remove if it causes lag
+ */
+ @ListenerMarker
+ val onBlockRedstoneEvent = RegistratorListener<BlockRedstoneEvent> l@{ event ->
+ val (_, area) = getWorldAndArea(event.block) ?: return@l
+ if (area == null || area.hasBlockVisitors) {
+ event.newCurrent = event.oldCurrent
+ }
+ }
+ private fun getPlayerSpeed(player: Player): Double =
+ if (player.isFlying) {
+ player.flySpeed * if (player.isSprinting) 21.6 else 10.92
+ } else {
+ player.walkSpeed * when {
+ player.isSprinting -> 5.612
+ player.isSneaking -> 1.31
+ else -> 4.317
+ } / 1.5 //?
+ } / 20.0
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/WorldEditListener.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/WorldEditListener.kt
index 4d35a53..fc31305 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/WorldEditListener.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/listener/WorldEditListener.kt
@@ -1,79 +1,79 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.listener
-import com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession.Stage.BEFORE_REORDER
-import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector
-import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector2D
-import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit
-import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditPlugin
-import com.sk89q.worldedit.event.extent.EditSessionEvent
-import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.AbstractDelegateExtent
-import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.Extent
-import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.eventbus.EventHandler.Priority.VERY_EARLY
-import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.eventbus.Subscribe
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorld
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
-import io.dico.parcels2.canBuildFast
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermBuildAnywhere
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.sendParcelMessage
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
-class WorldEditListener(val parcels: ParcelsPlugin, val worldEdit: WorldEdit) {
- @Subscribe(priority = VERY_EARLY)
- fun onEditSession(event: EditSessionEvent) {
- val worldName = ?: return
- val world = parcels.parcelProvider.getWorld(worldName) ?: return
- if (event.stage == BEFORE_REORDER) return
- val actor =
- if (actor == null || !actor.isPlayer) return
- val player = parcels.server.getPlayer(actor.uniqueId)
- if (player.hasPermBuildAnywhere) return
- event.extent = ParcelsExtent(event.extent, world, player)
- }
- private class ParcelsExtent(extent: Extent,
- val world: ParcelWorld,
- val player: Player) : AbstractDelegateExtent(extent) {
- private var messageSent = false
- private fun canBuild(x: Int, z: Int): Boolean {
- world.getParcelAt(x, z)?.let { parcel ->
- if (parcel.canBuildFast(player)) {
- return true
- }
- }
- if (!messageSent) {
- messageSent = true
- player.sendParcelMessage(except = true, message = "You can't use WorldEdit there")
- }
- return false
- }
- override fun setBlock(location: Vector, block: BlockStateHolder<*>): Boolean {
- return canBuild(location.blockX, location.blockZ) && super.setBlock(location, block)
- }
- override fun setBiome(coord: Vector2D, biome: BaseBiome): Boolean {
- return canBuild(coord.blockX, coord.blockZ) && super.setBiome(coord, biome)
- }
- }
- companion object {
- fun register(parcels: ParcelsPlugin, worldEditPlugin: Plugin) {
- if (worldEditPlugin !is WorldEditPlugin) return
- val worldEdit = worldEditPlugin.worldEdit
- val listener = WorldEditListener(parcels, worldEdit)
- worldEdit.eventBus.register(listener)
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.listener
+import com.sk89q.worldedit.EditSession.Stage.BEFORE_REORDER
+import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector
+import com.sk89q.worldedit.Vector2D
+import com.sk89q.worldedit.WorldEdit
+import com.sk89q.worldedit.bukkit.WorldEditPlugin
+import com.sk89q.worldedit.event.extent.EditSessionEvent
+import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.AbstractDelegateExtent
+import com.sk89q.worldedit.extent.Extent
+import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.eventbus.EventHandler.Priority.VERY_EARLY
+import com.sk89q.worldedit.util.eventbus.Subscribe
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorld
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
+import io.dico.parcels2.canBuildFast
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.hasPermBuildAnywhere
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.sendParcelMessage
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
+class WorldEditListener(val parcels: ParcelsPlugin, val worldEdit: WorldEdit) {
+ @Subscribe(priority = VERY_EARLY)
+ fun onEditSession(event: EditSessionEvent) {
+ val worldName = ?: return
+ val world = parcels.parcelProvider.getWorld(worldName) ?: return
+ if (event.stage == BEFORE_REORDER) return
+ val actor =
+ if (actor == null || !actor.isPlayer) return
+ val player = parcels.server.getPlayer(actor.uniqueId)
+ if (player.hasPermBuildAnywhere) return
+ event.extent = ParcelsExtent(event.extent, world, player)
+ }
+ private class ParcelsExtent(extent: Extent,
+ val world: ParcelWorld,
+ val player: Player) : AbstractDelegateExtent(extent) {
+ private var messageSent = false
+ private fun canBuild(x: Int, z: Int): Boolean {
+ world.getParcelAt(x, z)?.let { parcel ->
+ if (parcel.canBuildFast(player)) {
+ return true
+ }
+ }
+ if (!messageSent) {
+ messageSent = true
+ player.sendParcelMessage(except = true, message = "You can't use WorldEdit there")
+ }
+ return false
+ }
+ override fun setBlock(location: Vector, block: BlockStateHolder<*>): Boolean {
+ return canBuild(location.blockX, location.blockZ) && super.setBlock(location, block)
+ }
+ override fun setBiome(coord: Vector2D, biome: BaseBiome): Boolean {
+ return canBuild(coord.blockX, coord.blockZ) && super.setBiome(coord, biome)
+ }
+ }
+ companion object {
+ fun register(parcels: ParcelsPlugin, worldEditPlugin: Plugin) {
+ if (worldEditPlugin !is WorldEditPlugin) return
+ val worldEdit = worldEditPlugin.worldEdit
+ val listener = WorldEditListener(parcels, worldEdit)
+ worldEdit.eventBus.register(listener)
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/GeneratorOptions.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/GeneratorOptions.kt
index d0626dc..a6a57e5 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/GeneratorOptions.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/GeneratorOptions.kt
@@ -1,36 +1,36 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.options
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelGenerator
-import io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl.DefaultParcelGenerator
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit
-import org.bukkit.Material
-import org.bukkit.block.Biome
-import kotlin.reflect.KClass
-object GeneratorOptionsFactories : PolymorphicOptionsFactories<ParcelGenerator>("name", GeneratorOptions::class, DefaultGeneratorOptionsFactory())
-class GeneratorOptions (name: String = "default", options: Any = DefaultGeneratorOptions()) : PolymorphicOptions<ParcelGenerator>(name, options, GeneratorOptionsFactories) {
- fun newInstance(worldName: String) = factory.newInstance(key, options, worldName)
-private class DefaultGeneratorOptionsFactory : PolymorphicOptionsFactory<ParcelGenerator> {
- override val supportedKeys: List<String> = listOf("default")
- override val optionsClass: KClass<out Any> get() = DefaultGeneratorOptions::class
- override fun newInstance(key: String, options: Any, vararg extra: Any?): ParcelGenerator {
- return DefaultParcelGenerator(extra.first() as String, options as DefaultGeneratorOptions)
- }
-class DefaultGeneratorOptions(val defaultBiome: Biome = Biome.JUNGLE,
- val wallType: BlockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.STONE_SLAB),
- val floorType: BlockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK),
- val fillType: BlockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK),
- val pathMainType: BlockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.SANDSTONE),
- val pathAltType: BlockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK),
- val parcelSize: Int = 101,
- val pathSize: Int = 9,
- val floorHeight: Int = 64,
- val offsetX: Int = 0,
+package io.dico.parcels2.options
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelGenerator
+import io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl.DefaultParcelGenerator
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit
+import org.bukkit.Material
+import org.bukkit.block.Biome
+import kotlin.reflect.KClass
+object GeneratorOptionsFactories : PolymorphicOptionsFactories<ParcelGenerator>("name", GeneratorOptions::class, DefaultGeneratorOptionsFactory())
+class GeneratorOptions (name: String = "default", options: Any = DefaultGeneratorOptions()) : PolymorphicOptions<ParcelGenerator>(name, options, GeneratorOptionsFactories) {
+ fun newInstance(worldName: String) = factory.newInstance(key, options, worldName)
+private class DefaultGeneratorOptionsFactory : PolymorphicOptionsFactory<ParcelGenerator> {
+ override val supportedKeys: List<String> = listOf("default")
+ override val optionsClass: KClass<out Any> get() = DefaultGeneratorOptions::class
+ override fun newInstance(key: String, options: Any, vararg extra: Any?): ParcelGenerator {
+ return DefaultParcelGenerator(extra.first() as String, options as DefaultGeneratorOptions)
+ }
+class DefaultGeneratorOptions(val defaultBiome: Biome = Biome.JUNGLE,
+ val wallType: BlockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.STONE_SLAB),
+ val floorType: BlockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK),
+ val fillType: BlockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.QUARTZ_BLOCK),
+ val pathMainType: BlockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.SANDSTONE),
+ val pathAltType: BlockData = Bukkit.createBlockData(Material.REDSTONE_BLOCK),
+ val parcelSize: Int = 101,
+ val pathSize: Int = 9,
+ val floorHeight: Int = 64,
+ val offsetX: Int = 0,
val offsetZ: Int = 0) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/MigrationOptions.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/MigrationOptions.kt
index 5e36099..7dd752e 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/MigrationOptions.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/MigrationOptions.kt
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.options
-import kotlin.reflect.KClass
-object MigrationOptionsFactories : PolymorphicOptionsFactories<Migration>("kind", MigrationOptions::class, PlotmeMigrationFactory())
-class MigrationOptions(kind: String = "plotme-0.17", options: Any = PlotmeMigrationOptions()) : SimplePolymorphicOptions<Migration>(kind, options, MigrationOptionsFactories)
-private class PlotmeMigrationFactory : PolymorphicOptionsFactory<Migration> {
- override val supportedKeys = listOf("plotme-0.17")
- override val optionsClass: KClass<out Any> get() = PlotmeMigrationOptions::class
- override fun newInstance(key: String, options: Any, vararg extra: Any?): Migration {
- return PlotmeMigration(options as PlotmeMigrationOptions)
- }
-class PlotmeMigrationOptions(val worldsFromTo: Map<String, String> = mapOf("plotworld" to "parcels"),
- val storage: StorageOptions = StorageOptions(options = DataConnectionOptions(database = "plotme")),
+package io.dico.parcels2.options
+import kotlin.reflect.KClass
+object MigrationOptionsFactories : PolymorphicOptionsFactories<Migration>("kind", MigrationOptions::class, PlotmeMigrationFactory())
+class MigrationOptions(kind: String = "plotme-0.17", options: Any = PlotmeMigrationOptions()) : SimplePolymorphicOptions<Migration>(kind, options, MigrationOptionsFactories)
+private class PlotmeMigrationFactory : PolymorphicOptionsFactory<Migration> {
+ override val supportedKeys = listOf("plotme-0.17")
+ override val optionsClass: KClass<out Any> get() = PlotmeMigrationOptions::class
+ override fun newInstance(key: String, options: Any, vararg extra: Any?): Migration {
+ return PlotmeMigration(options as PlotmeMigrationOptions)
+ }
+class PlotmeMigrationOptions(val worldsFromTo: Map<String, String> = mapOf("plotworld" to "parcels"),
+ val storage: StorageOptions = StorageOptions(options = DataConnectionOptions(database = "plotme")),
val tableNamesUppercase: Boolean = false) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/Options.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/Options.kt
index 35d48ba..412c783 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/Options.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/Options.kt
@@ -1,58 +1,58 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.options
-import io.dico.parcels2.TickJobtimeOptions
-import org.bukkit.GameMode
-import org.bukkit.Material
-import java.util.EnumSet
-class Options {
- var worlds: Map<String, WorldOptions> = hashMapOf()
- private set
- var storage: StorageOptions = StorageOptions()
- var tickJobtime: TickJobtimeOptions = TickJobtimeOptions(20, 1)
- var migration = MigrationOptionsHolder()
- fun addWorld(name: String,
- generatorOptions: GeneratorOptions? = null,
- worldOptions: RuntimeWorldOptions? = null) {
- val optionsHolder = WorldOptions(
- generatorOptions ?: GeneratorOptions(),
- worldOptions ?: RuntimeWorldOptions()
- )
- (worlds as MutableMap).put(name, optionsHolder)
- }
- fun writeTo(writer: Writer) = optionsMapper.writeValue(writer, this)
- fun mergeFrom(reader: Reader) = optionsMapper.readerForUpdating(this).readValue<Options>(reader)
- override fun toString(): String = optionsMapper.writeValueAsString(this)
-class WorldOptions(val generator: GeneratorOptions,
- var runtime: RuntimeWorldOptions = RuntimeWorldOptions())
-class RuntimeWorldOptions(var gameMode: GameMode? = GameMode.CREATIVE,
- var dayTime: Boolean = true,
- var noWeather: Boolean = true,
- var preventWeatherBlockChanges: Boolean = true,
- var preventBlockSpread: Boolean = true, // TODO
- var dropEntityItems: Boolean = true,
- var doTileDrops: Boolean = false,
- var disableExplosions: Boolean = true,
- var blockPortalCreation: Boolean = true,
- var blockMobSpawning: Boolean = true,
- var blockedItems: Set<Material> = EnumSet.of(Material.FLINT_AND_STEEL, Material.SNOWBALL),
- var axisLimit: Int = 10)
-class DataFileOptions(val location: String = "/flatfile-storage/")
-class MigrationOptionsHolder {
- var enabled = false
- var disableWhenComplete = true
- var instance: MigrationOptions? = MigrationOptions()
+package io.dico.parcels2.options
+import io.dico.parcels2.TickJobtimeOptions
+import org.bukkit.GameMode
+import org.bukkit.Material
+import java.util.EnumSet
+class Options {
+ var worlds: Map<String, WorldOptions> = hashMapOf()
+ private set
+ var storage: StorageOptions = StorageOptions()
+ var tickJobtime: TickJobtimeOptions = TickJobtimeOptions(20, 1)
+ var migration = MigrationOptionsHolder()
+ fun addWorld(name: String,
+ generatorOptions: GeneratorOptions? = null,
+ worldOptions: RuntimeWorldOptions? = null) {
+ val optionsHolder = WorldOptions(
+ generatorOptions ?: GeneratorOptions(),
+ worldOptions ?: RuntimeWorldOptions()
+ )
+ (worlds as MutableMap).put(name, optionsHolder)
+ }
+ fun writeTo(writer: Writer) = optionsMapper.writeValue(writer, this)
+ fun mergeFrom(reader: Reader) = optionsMapper.readerForUpdating(this).readValue<Options>(reader)
+ override fun toString(): String = optionsMapper.writeValueAsString(this)
+class WorldOptions(val generator: GeneratorOptions,
+ var runtime: RuntimeWorldOptions = RuntimeWorldOptions())
+class RuntimeWorldOptions(var gameMode: GameMode? = GameMode.CREATIVE,
+ var dayTime: Boolean = true,
+ var noWeather: Boolean = true,
+ var preventWeatherBlockChanges: Boolean = true,
+ var preventBlockSpread: Boolean = true, // TODO
+ var dropEntityItems: Boolean = true,
+ var doTileDrops: Boolean = false,
+ var disableExplosions: Boolean = true,
+ var blockPortalCreation: Boolean = true,
+ var blockMobSpawning: Boolean = true,
+ var blockedItems: Set<Material> = EnumSet.of(Material.FLINT_AND_STEEL, Material.SNOWBALL),
+ var axisLimit: Int = 10)
+class DataFileOptions(val location: String = "/flatfile-storage/")
+class MigrationOptionsHolder {
+ var enabled = false
+ var disableWhenComplete = true
+ var instance: MigrationOptions? = MigrationOptions()
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/OptionsMapper.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/OptionsMapper.kt
index 671a25f..d741617 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/OptionsMapper.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/OptionsMapper.kt
@@ -1,66 +1,66 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.options
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.PropertyNamingStrategy
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdDeserializer
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.StdSerializer
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinModule
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit
-val optionsMapper = ObjectMapper(YAMLFactory()).apply {
- propertyNamingStrategy = PropertyNamingStrategy.KEBAB_CASE
- val kotlinModule = KotlinModule()
- with(kotlinModule) {
- /*
- setSerializerModifier(object : BeanSerializerModifier() {
- @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
- override fun modifySerializer(config: SerializationConfig?, beanDesc: BeanDescription, serializer: JsonSerializer<*>): JsonSerializer<*> {
- val newSerializer = if (GeneratorOptions::class.isSuperclassOf(beanDesc.beanClass.kotlin)) {
- GeneratorOptionsSerializer(serializer as JsonSerializer<GeneratorOptions>)
- } else {
- serializer
- }
- return super.modifySerializer(config, beanDesc, newSerializer)
- }
- })*/
- addSerializer(BlockDataSerializer())
- addDeserializer(, BlockDataDeserializer())
- GeneratorOptionsFactories.registerSerialization(this)
- StorageOptionsFactories.registerSerialization(this)
- MigrationOptionsFactories.registerSerialization(this)
- }
- registerModule(kotlinModule)
-private class BlockDataSerializer : StdSerializer<BlockData>( {
- override fun serialize(value: BlockData, gen: JsonGenerator, provider: SerializerProvider) {
- gen.writeString(value.asString)
- }
-private class BlockDataDeserializer : StdDeserializer<BlockData>( {
- override fun deserialize(p: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): BlockData? {
- try {
- return Bukkit.createBlockData(p.valueAsString)
- } catch (ex: Exception) {
- throw RuntimeException("Exception occurred at ${p.currentLocation}", ex)
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.options
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.PropertyNamingStrategy
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.deser.std.StdDeserializer
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.StdSerializer
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.yaml.YAMLFactory
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.KotlinModule
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit
+val optionsMapper = ObjectMapper(YAMLFactory()).apply {
+ propertyNamingStrategy = PropertyNamingStrategy.KEBAB_CASE
+ val kotlinModule = KotlinModule()
+ with(kotlinModule) {
+ /*
+ setSerializerModifier(object : BeanSerializerModifier() {
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ override fun modifySerializer(config: SerializationConfig?, beanDesc: BeanDescription, serializer: JsonSerializer<*>): JsonSerializer<*> {
+ val newSerializer = if (GeneratorOptions::class.isSuperclassOf(beanDesc.beanClass.kotlin)) {
+ GeneratorOptionsSerializer(serializer as JsonSerializer<GeneratorOptions>)
+ } else {
+ serializer
+ }
+ return super.modifySerializer(config, beanDesc, newSerializer)
+ }
+ })*/
+ addSerializer(BlockDataSerializer())
+ addDeserializer(, BlockDataDeserializer())
+ GeneratorOptionsFactories.registerSerialization(this)
+ StorageOptionsFactories.registerSerialization(this)
+ MigrationOptionsFactories.registerSerialization(this)
+ }
+ registerModule(kotlinModule)
+private class BlockDataSerializer : StdSerializer<BlockData>( {
+ override fun serialize(value: BlockData, gen: JsonGenerator, provider: SerializerProvider) {
+ gen.writeString(value.asString)
+ }
+private class BlockDataDeserializer : StdDeserializer<BlockData>( {
+ override fun deserialize(p: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext): BlockData? {
+ try {
+ return Bukkit.createBlockData(p.valueAsString)
+ } catch (ex: Exception) {
+ throw RuntimeException("Exception occurred at ${p.currentLocation}", ex)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/PolymorphicOptions.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/PolymorphicOptions.kt
index aa60f39..f65efa1 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/PolymorphicOptions.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/PolymorphicOptions.kt
@@ -1,89 +1,89 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.options
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule
-import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.StdSerializer
-import io.dico.parcels2.logger
-import kotlin.reflect.KClass
-abstract class PolymorphicOptions<T : Any>(val key: String,
- val options: Any,
- factories: PolymorphicOptionsFactories<T>) {
- val factory = factories.getFactory(key)!!
-abstract class SimplePolymorphicOptions<T : Any>(key: String, options: Any, factories: PolymorphicOptionsFactories<T>)
- : PolymorphicOptions<T>(key, options, factories) {
- fun newInstance(): T = factory.newInstance(key, options)
-interface PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T : Any> {
- val supportedKeys: List<String>
- val optionsClass: KClass<out Any>
- fun newInstance(key: String, options: Any, vararg extra: Any?): T
-abstract class PolymorphicOptionsFactories<T : Any>(val serializeKeyAs: String,
- rootClass: KClass<out PolymorphicOptions<T>>,
- vararg defaultFactories: PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T>) {
- val rootClass = rootClass as KClass<PolymorphicOptions<T>>
- private val map: MutableMap<String, PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T>> = linkedMapOf()
- val availableKeys: Collection<String> get() = map.keys
- fun registerFactory(factory: PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T>) = factory.supportedKeys.forEach { map.putIfAbsent(it.toLowerCase(), factory) }
- fun getFactory(key: String): PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T>? = map[key.toLowerCase()]
- fun registerSerialization(module: SimpleModule) {
- module.addSerializer(PolymorphicOptionsSerializer(this))
- module.addDeserializer(, PolymorphicOptionsDeserializer(this))
- }
- init {
- defaultFactories.forEach { registerFactory(it) }
- }
-private class PolymorphicOptionsDeserializer<T : Any>(val factories: PolymorphicOptionsFactories<T>) : JsonDeserializer<PolymorphicOptions<T>>() {
- override fun deserialize(p: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext?): PolymorphicOptions<T> {
- val node = p.readValueAsTree<JsonNode>()
- val key = node.get(factories.serializeKeyAs).asText()
- val factory = getFactory(key)
- val optionsNode = node.get("options")
- val options = p.codec.treeToValue(optionsNode,
- return factories.rootClass.constructors.first().call(key, options)
- }
- private fun getFactory(key: String): PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T> {
- factories.getFactory(key)?.let { return it }
- logger.warn("Unknown ${factories.rootClass.simpleName} ${factories.serializeKeyAs}: $key. " +
- "\nAvailable options: ${factories.availableKeys}")
- val default = factories.getFactory(factories.availableKeys.first())
- ?: throw IllegalStateException("No default ${factories.rootClass.simpleName} factory registered.")
- return default
- }
-private class PolymorphicOptionsSerializer<T : Any>(val factories: PolymorphicOptionsFactories<T>) : StdSerializer<PolymorphicOptions<T>>( {
- override fun serialize(value: PolymorphicOptions<T>, gen: JsonGenerator, sp: SerializerProvider?) {
- with(gen) {
- writeStartObject()
- writeStringField(factories.serializeKeyAs, value.key)
- writeFieldName("options")
- writeObject(value.options)
- writeEndObject()
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.options
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonGenerator
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParser
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.DeserializationContext
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonDeserializer
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.SerializerProvider
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.module.SimpleModule
+import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ser.std.StdSerializer
+import io.dico.parcels2.logger
+import kotlin.reflect.KClass
+abstract class PolymorphicOptions<T : Any>(val key: String,
+ val options: Any,
+ factories: PolymorphicOptionsFactories<T>) {
+ val factory = factories.getFactory(key)!!
+abstract class SimplePolymorphicOptions<T : Any>(key: String, options: Any, factories: PolymorphicOptionsFactories<T>)
+ : PolymorphicOptions<T>(key, options, factories) {
+ fun newInstance(): T = factory.newInstance(key, options)
+interface PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T : Any> {
+ val supportedKeys: List<String>
+ val optionsClass: KClass<out Any>
+ fun newInstance(key: String, options: Any, vararg extra: Any?): T
+abstract class PolymorphicOptionsFactories<T : Any>(val serializeKeyAs: String,
+ rootClass: KClass<out PolymorphicOptions<T>>,
+ vararg defaultFactories: PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T>) {
+ val rootClass = rootClass as KClass<PolymorphicOptions<T>>
+ private val map: MutableMap<String, PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T>> = linkedMapOf()
+ val availableKeys: Collection<String> get() = map.keys
+ fun registerFactory(factory: PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T>) = factory.supportedKeys.forEach { map.putIfAbsent(it.toLowerCase(), factory) }
+ fun getFactory(key: String): PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T>? = map[key.toLowerCase()]
+ fun registerSerialization(module: SimpleModule) {
+ module.addSerializer(PolymorphicOptionsSerializer(this))
+ module.addDeserializer(, PolymorphicOptionsDeserializer(this))
+ }
+ init {
+ defaultFactories.forEach { registerFactory(it) }
+ }
+private class PolymorphicOptionsDeserializer<T : Any>(val factories: PolymorphicOptionsFactories<T>) : JsonDeserializer<PolymorphicOptions<T>>() {
+ override fun deserialize(p: JsonParser, ctxt: DeserializationContext?): PolymorphicOptions<T> {
+ val node = p.readValueAsTree<JsonNode>()
+ val key = node.get(factories.serializeKeyAs).asText()
+ val factory = getFactory(key)
+ val optionsNode = node.get("options")
+ val options = p.codec.treeToValue(optionsNode,
+ return factories.rootClass.constructors.first().call(key, options)
+ }
+ private fun getFactory(key: String): PolymorphicOptionsFactory<T> {
+ factories.getFactory(key)?.let { return it }
+ logger.warn("Unknown ${factories.rootClass.simpleName} ${factories.serializeKeyAs}: $key. " +
+ "\nAvailable options: ${factories.availableKeys}")
+ val default = factories.getFactory(factories.availableKeys.first())
+ ?: throw IllegalStateException("No default ${factories.rootClass.simpleName} factory registered.")
+ return default
+ }
+private class PolymorphicOptionsSerializer<T : Any>(val factories: PolymorphicOptionsFactories<T>) : StdSerializer<PolymorphicOptions<T>>( {
+ override fun serialize(value: PolymorphicOptions<T>, gen: JsonGenerator, sp: SerializerProvider?) {
+ with(gen) {
+ writeStartObject()
+ writeStringField(factories.serializeKeyAs, value.key)
+ writeFieldName("options")
+ writeObject(value.options)
+ writeEndObject()
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/StorageOptions.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/StorageOptions.kt
index 3d68701..29aab7a 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/StorageOptions.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/options/StorageOptions.kt
@@ -1,59 +1,59 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.options
-import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
-import io.dico.parcels2.logger
-import javax.sql.DataSource
-object StorageOptionsFactories : PolymorphicOptionsFactories<Storage>("dialect", StorageOptions::class, ConnectionStorageFactory())
-class StorageOptions(dialect: String = "mariadb", options: Any = DataConnectionOptions()) : SimplePolymorphicOptions<Storage>(dialect, options, StorageOptionsFactories) {
- fun getDataSourceFactory(): DataSourceFactory? {
- return when (factory) {
- is ConnectionStorageFactory -> factory.getDataSourceFactory(key, options)
- else -> return null
- }
- }
-typealias DataSourceFactory = () -> DataSource
-private class ConnectionStorageFactory : PolymorphicOptionsFactory<Storage> {
- override val optionsClass = DataConnectionOptions::class
- override val supportedKeys: List<String> = listOf("postgresql", "mariadb")
- fun getDataSourceFactory(key: String, options: Any): DataSourceFactory {
- val hikariConfig = getHikariConfig(key, options as DataConnectionOptions)
- return { HikariDataSource(hikariConfig) }
- }
- override fun newInstance(key: String, options: Any, vararg extra: Any?): Storage {
- return BackedStorage(ExposedBacking(getDataSourceFactory(key, options), (options as DataConnectionOptions).poolSize))
- }
-data class DataConnectionOptions(val address: String = "localhost",
- val database: String = "parcels",
- val username: String = "root",
- val password: String = "",
- val poolSize: Int = 4) {
- fun splitAddressAndPort(defaultPort: Int = 3306): Pair<String, Int>? {
- val idx = address.indexOf(":").takeUnless { it == -1 } ?: return Pair(address, defaultPort)
- val addressName = address.substring(0, idx).takeUnless { it.isBlank() } ?: return null.also {
- logger.error("(Invalidly) blank address in data storage options")
- }
- val port = address.substring(idx + 1).toIntOrNull() ?: return null.also {
- logger.error("Invalid port number in data storage options: $it, using $defaultPort as default")
- }
- return Pair(addressName, port)
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.options
+import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
+import io.dico.parcels2.logger
+import javax.sql.DataSource
+object StorageOptionsFactories : PolymorphicOptionsFactories<Storage>("dialect", StorageOptions::class, ConnectionStorageFactory())
+class StorageOptions(dialect: String = "mariadb", options: Any = DataConnectionOptions()) : SimplePolymorphicOptions<Storage>(dialect, options, StorageOptionsFactories) {
+ fun getDataSourceFactory(): DataSourceFactory? {
+ return when (factory) {
+ is ConnectionStorageFactory -> factory.getDataSourceFactory(key, options)
+ else -> return null
+ }
+ }
+typealias DataSourceFactory = () -> DataSource
+private class ConnectionStorageFactory : PolymorphicOptionsFactory<Storage> {
+ override val optionsClass = DataConnectionOptions::class
+ override val supportedKeys: List<String> = listOf("postgresql", "mariadb")
+ fun getDataSourceFactory(key: String, options: Any): DataSourceFactory {
+ val hikariConfig = getHikariConfig(key, options as DataConnectionOptions)
+ return { HikariDataSource(hikariConfig) }
+ }
+ override fun newInstance(key: String, options: Any, vararg extra: Any?): Storage {
+ return BackedStorage(ExposedBacking(getDataSourceFactory(key, options), (options as DataConnectionOptions).poolSize))
+ }
+data class DataConnectionOptions(val address: String = "localhost",
+ val database: String = "parcels",
+ val username: String = "root",
+ val password: String = "",
+ val poolSize: Int = 4) {
+ fun splitAddressAndPort(defaultPort: Int = 3306): Pair<String, Int>? {
+ val idx = address.indexOf(":").takeUnless { it == -1 } ?: return Pair(address, defaultPort)
+ val addressName = address.substring(0, idx).takeUnless { it.isBlank() } ?: return null.also {
+ logger.error("(Invalidly) blank address in data storage options")
+ }
+ val port = address.substring(idx + 1).toIntOrNull() ?: return null.also {
+ logger.error("Invalid port number in data storage options: $it, using $defaultPort as default")
+ }
+ return Pair(addressName, port)
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Backing.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Backing.kt
index 12d5bc7..63a5db6 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Backing.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Backing.kt
@@ -1,69 +1,69 @@
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
-import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
-import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
-import org.joda.time.DateTime
-import java.util.UUID
-import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
-interface Backing {
- val name: String
- val isConnected: Boolean
- val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
- fun launchJob(job: Backing.() -> Unit): Job
- fun <T> launchFuture(future: Backing.() -> T): Deferred<T>
- fun <T> openChannel(future: Backing.(SendChannel<T>) -> Unit): ReceiveChannel<T>
- fun <T> openChannelForWriting(future: Backing.(T) -> Unit): SendChannel<T>
- fun init()
- fun shutdown()
- fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): DateTime?
- fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime)
- fun getPlayerUuidForName(name: String): UUID?
- fun updatePlayerName(uuid: UUID, name: String)
- fun transmitParcelData(channel: SendChannel<DataPair>, parcels: Sequence<ParcelId>)
- fun transmitAllParcelData(channel: SendChannel<DataPair>)
- fun readParcelData(parcel: ParcelId): ParcelDataHolder?
- fun getOwnedParcels(user: PlayerProfile): List<ParcelId>
- fun getNumParcels(user: PlayerProfile): Int = getOwnedParcels(user).size
- fun setParcelData(parcel: ParcelId, data: ParcelDataHolder?)
- fun setParcelOwner(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?)
- fun setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel: ParcelId, outdated: Boolean)
- fun setLocalPrivilege(parcel: ParcelId, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege)
- fun setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel: ParcelId, config: InteractableConfiguration)
- fun transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(channel: SendChannel<PrivilegePair<PlayerProfile>>)
- fun readGlobalPrivileges(owner: PlayerProfile): PrivilegesHolder?
- fun setGlobalPrivilege(owner: PlayerProfile, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege)
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
+import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
+import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
+import org.joda.time.DateTime
+import java.util.UUID
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+interface Backing {
+ val name: String
+ val isConnected: Boolean
+ val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext
+ fun launchJob(job: Backing.() -> Unit): Job
+ fun <T> launchFuture(future: Backing.() -> T): Deferred<T>
+ fun <T> openChannel(future: Backing.(SendChannel<T>) -> Unit): ReceiveChannel<T>
+ fun <T> openChannelForWriting(future: Backing.(T) -> Unit): SendChannel<T>
+ fun init()
+ fun shutdown()
+ fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): DateTime?
+ fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime)
+ fun getPlayerUuidForName(name: String): UUID?
+ fun updatePlayerName(uuid: UUID, name: String)
+ fun transmitParcelData(channel: SendChannel<DataPair>, parcels: Sequence<ParcelId>)
+ fun transmitAllParcelData(channel: SendChannel<DataPair>)
+ fun readParcelData(parcel: ParcelId): ParcelDataHolder?
+ fun getOwnedParcels(user: PlayerProfile): List<ParcelId>
+ fun getNumParcels(user: PlayerProfile): Int = getOwnedParcels(user).size
+ fun setParcelData(parcel: ParcelId, data: ParcelDataHolder?)
+ fun setParcelOwner(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?)
+ fun setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel: ParcelId, outdated: Boolean)
+ fun setLocalPrivilege(parcel: ParcelId, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege)
+ fun setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel: ParcelId, config: InteractableConfiguration)
+ fun transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(channel: SendChannel<PrivilegePair<PlayerProfile>>)
+ fun readGlobalPrivileges(owner: PlayerProfile): PrivilegesHolder?
+ fun setGlobalPrivilege(owner: PlayerProfile, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege)
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/DataConverters.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/DataConverters.kt
index 80f41b2..54f7677 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/DataConverters.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/DataConverters.kt
@@ -1,38 +1,38 @@
-import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
-import java.nio.ByteBuffer
-import java.util.UUID
-/* For putting it into the database */
-fun UUID.toByteArray(): ByteArray =
- ByteBuffer.allocate(16).apply {
- putLong(mostSignificantBits)
- putLong(leastSignificantBits)
- }.array()
-/* For getting it out of the database */
-fun ByteArray.toUUID(): UUID =
- ByteBuffer.wrap(this).run {
- val mostSignificantBits = getLong()
- val leastSignificantBits = getLong()
- UUID(mostSignificantBits, leastSignificantBits)
- }
-/* For putting it into the database */
-fun IntArray.toByteArray(): ByteArray =
- ByteBuffer.allocate(size * Int.SIZE_BYTES).also { buf ->
- buf.asIntBuffer().put(this)
- }.array()
-/* For getting it out of the database */
-fun ByteArray.toIntArray(): IntArray {
- if (this.size % Int.SIZE_BYTES != 0)
- throw IllegalArgumentException("Size must be divisible by ${Int.SIZE_BYTES}")
- return ByteBuffer.wrap(this).run {
- IntArray(remaining() / 4).also { array ->
- asIntBuffer().get(array)
- }
- }
+import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer
+import java.util.UUID
+/* For putting it into the database */
+fun UUID.toByteArray(): ByteArray =
+ ByteBuffer.allocate(16).apply {
+ putLong(mostSignificantBits)
+ putLong(leastSignificantBits)
+ }.array()
+/* For getting it out of the database */
+fun ByteArray.toUUID(): UUID =
+ ByteBuffer.wrap(this).run {
+ val mostSignificantBits = getLong()
+ val leastSignificantBits = getLong()
+ UUID(mostSignificantBits, leastSignificantBits)
+ }
+/* For putting it into the database */
+fun IntArray.toByteArray(): ByteArray =
+ ByteBuffer.allocate(size * Int.SIZE_BYTES).also { buf ->
+ buf.asIntBuffer().put(this)
+ }.array()
+/* For getting it out of the database */
+fun ByteArray.toIntArray(): IntArray {
+ if (this.size % Int.SIZE_BYTES != 0)
+ throw IllegalArgumentException("Size must be divisible by ${Int.SIZE_BYTES}")
+ return ByteBuffer.wrap(this).run {
+ IntArray(remaining() / 4).also { array ->
+ asIntBuffer().get(array)
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Hikari.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Hikari.kt
index 480d533..f3030f6 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Hikari.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Hikari.kt
@@ -1,73 +1,73 @@
-import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig
-import io.dico.parcels2.options.DataConnectionOptions
-fun getHikariConfig(dialectName: String,
- dco: DataConnectionOptions): HikariConfig = HikariConfig().apply {
- val (address, port) = dco.splitAddressAndPort() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid address: ${dco.address}")
- when (dialectName) {
- "postgresql" -> run {
- dataSourceClassName = "org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource"
- dataSourceProperties["serverName"] = address
- dataSourceProperties["portNumber"] = port.toString()
- dataSourceProperties["databaseName"] = dco.database
- }
- "mariadb" -> run {
- dataSourceClassName = "org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource"
- dataSourceProperties["serverName"] = address
- dataSourceProperties["port"] = port.toString()
- dataSourceProperties["databaseName"] = dco.database
- dataSourceProperties["properties"] = "useUnicode=true;characterEncoding=utf8"
- }
- else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported dialect: $dialectName")
- }
- poolName = "parcels"
- maximumPoolSize = dco.poolSize
- username = dco.username
- password = dco.password
- connectionTimeout = 15000
- leakDetectionThreshold = 10000
- connectionTestQuery = "SELECT 1"
- /*
- addDataSourceProperty("serverName", address)
- addDataSourceProperty("port", port.toString())
- addDataSourceProperty("databaseName", dco.database)
- // copied from
- if (dialectName.toLowerCase() == "mariadb") {
- addDataSourceProperty("properties", "useUnicode=true;characterEncoding=utf8")
- } else if (dialectName.toLowerCase() == "h2") {
- dataSourceProperties.remove("serverName")
- dataSourceProperties.remove("port")
- dataSourceProperties.remove("databaseName")
- addDataSourceProperty("url", "jdbc:h2:${if (address.isBlank()) "" else "tcp://$address/"}~/${dco.database}")
- } else if (dialectName.toLowerCase() == "mysql") {
- // doesn't exist on the MariaDB driver
- addDataSourceProperty("cachePrepStmts", "true")
- addDataSourceProperty("alwaysSendSetIsolation", "false")
- addDataSourceProperty("cacheServerConfiguration", "true")
- addDataSourceProperty("elideSetAutoCommits", "true")
- addDataSourceProperty("useLocalSessionState", "true")
- // already set as default on mariadb
- addDataSourceProperty("useServerPrepStmts", "true")
- addDataSourceProperty("prepStmtCacheSize", "250")
- addDataSourceProperty("prepStmtCacheSqlLimit", "2048")
- addDataSourceProperty("cacheCallableStmts", "true")
- // make sure unicode characters can be used.
- addDataSourceProperty("characterEncoding", "utf8")
- addDataSourceProperty("useUnicode", "true")
- } else {
- }*/
+import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig
+import io.dico.parcels2.options.DataConnectionOptions
+fun getHikariConfig(dialectName: String,
+ dco: DataConnectionOptions): HikariConfig = HikariConfig().apply {
+ val (address, port) = dco.splitAddressAndPort() ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid address: ${dco.address}")
+ when (dialectName) {
+ "postgresql" -> run {
+ dataSourceClassName = "org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource"
+ dataSourceProperties["serverName"] = address
+ dataSourceProperties["portNumber"] = port.toString()
+ dataSourceProperties["databaseName"] = dco.database
+ }
+ "mariadb" -> run {
+ dataSourceClassName = "org.mariadb.jdbc.MariaDbDataSource"
+ dataSourceProperties["serverName"] = address
+ dataSourceProperties["port"] = port.toString()
+ dataSourceProperties["databaseName"] = dco.database
+ dataSourceProperties["properties"] = "useUnicode=true;characterEncoding=utf8"
+ }
+ else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported dialect: $dialectName")
+ }
+ poolName = "parcels"
+ maximumPoolSize = dco.poolSize
+ username = dco.username
+ password = dco.password
+ connectionTimeout = 15000
+ leakDetectionThreshold = 10000
+ connectionTestQuery = "SELECT 1"
+ /*
+ addDataSourceProperty("serverName", address)
+ addDataSourceProperty("port", port.toString())
+ addDataSourceProperty("databaseName", dco.database)
+ // copied from
+ if (dialectName.toLowerCase() == "mariadb") {
+ addDataSourceProperty("properties", "useUnicode=true;characterEncoding=utf8")
+ } else if (dialectName.toLowerCase() == "h2") {
+ dataSourceProperties.remove("serverName")
+ dataSourceProperties.remove("port")
+ dataSourceProperties.remove("databaseName")
+ addDataSourceProperty("url", "jdbc:h2:${if (address.isBlank()) "" else "tcp://$address/"}~/${dco.database}")
+ } else if (dialectName.toLowerCase() == "mysql") {
+ // doesn't exist on the MariaDB driver
+ addDataSourceProperty("cachePrepStmts", "true")
+ addDataSourceProperty("alwaysSendSetIsolation", "false")
+ addDataSourceProperty("cacheServerConfiguration", "true")
+ addDataSourceProperty("elideSetAutoCommits", "true")
+ addDataSourceProperty("useLocalSessionState", "true")
+ // already set as default on mariadb
+ addDataSourceProperty("useServerPrepStmts", "true")
+ addDataSourceProperty("prepStmtCacheSize", "250")
+ addDataSourceProperty("prepStmtCacheSqlLimit", "2048")
+ addDataSourceProperty("cacheCallableStmts", "true")
+ // make sure unicode characters can be used.
+ addDataSourceProperty("characterEncoding", "utf8")
+ addDataSourceProperty("useUnicode", "true")
+ } else {
+ }*/
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Storage.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Storage.kt
index d718f20..f76aad6 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Storage.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/Storage.kt
@@ -1,114 +1,114 @@
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
-import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
-import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
-import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
-import org.joda.time.DateTime
-import java.util.UUID
-import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
-typealias DataPair = Pair<ParcelId, ParcelDataHolder?>
-typealias PrivilegePair<TAttach> = Pair<TAttach, PrivilegesHolder>
-interface Storage {
- val name: String
- val isConnected: Boolean
- fun init(): Job
- fun shutdown(): Job
- fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): Deferred<DateTime?>
- fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime): Job
- fun getPlayerUuidForName(name: String): Deferred<UUID?>
- fun updatePlayerName(uuid: UUID, name: String): Job
- fun readParcelData(parcel: ParcelId): Deferred<ParcelDataHolder?>
- fun transmitParcelData(parcels: Sequence<ParcelId>): ReceiveChannel<DataPair>
- fun transmitAllParcelData(): ReceiveChannel<DataPair>
- fun getOwnedParcels(user: PlayerProfile): Deferred<List<ParcelId>>
- fun getNumParcels(user: PlayerProfile): Deferred<Int>
- fun setParcelData(parcel: ParcelId, data: ParcelDataHolder?): Job
- fun setParcelOwner(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?): Job
- fun setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel: ParcelId, outdated: Boolean): Job
- fun setLocalPrivilege(parcel: ParcelId, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege): Job
- fun setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel: ParcelId, config: InteractableConfiguration): Job
- fun transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(): ReceiveChannel<PrivilegePair<PlayerProfile>>
- fun readGlobalPrivileges(owner: PlayerProfile): Deferred<PrivilegesHolder?>
- fun setGlobalPrivilege(owner: PlayerProfile, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege): Job
- fun getChannelToUpdateParcelData(): SendChannel<Pair<ParcelId, ParcelDataHolder>>
-class BackedStorage internal constructor(val b: Backing) : Storage, CoroutineScope {
- override val name get() =
- override val isConnected get() = b.isConnected
- override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = b.coroutineContext
- override fun init() = launch { b.init() }
- override fun shutdown() = launch { b.shutdown() }
- override fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): Deferred<DateTime?> = b.launchFuture { b.getWorldCreationTime(worldId) }
- override fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime): Job = b.launchJob { b.setWorldCreationTime(worldId, time) }
- override fun getPlayerUuidForName(name: String): Deferred<UUID?> = b.launchFuture { b.getPlayerUuidForName(name) }
- override fun updatePlayerName(uuid: UUID, name: String): Job = b.launchJob { b.updatePlayerName(uuid, name) }
- override fun readParcelData(parcel: ParcelId) = b.launchFuture { b.readParcelData(parcel) }
- override fun transmitParcelData(parcels: Sequence<ParcelId>) = b.openChannel<DataPair> { b.transmitParcelData(it, parcels) }
- override fun transmitAllParcelData() = b.openChannel<DataPair> { b.transmitAllParcelData(it) }
- override fun getOwnedParcels(user: PlayerProfile) = b.launchFuture { b.getOwnedParcels(user) }
- override fun getNumParcels(user: PlayerProfile) = b.launchFuture { b.getNumParcels(user) }
- override fun setParcelData(parcel: ParcelId, data: ParcelDataHolder?) = b.launchJob { b.setParcelData(parcel, data) }
- override fun setParcelOwner(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?) = b.launchJob { b.setParcelOwner(parcel, owner) }
- override fun setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel: ParcelId, outdated: Boolean): Job = b.launchJob { b.setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel, outdated) }
- override fun setLocalPrivilege(parcel: ParcelId, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege) = b.launchJob { b.setLocalPrivilege(parcel, player, privilege) }
- override fun setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel: ParcelId, config: InteractableConfiguration) = b.launchJob { b.setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel, config) }
- override fun transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(): ReceiveChannel<PrivilegePair<PlayerProfile>> = b.openChannel { b.transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(it) }
- override fun readGlobalPrivileges(owner: PlayerProfile): Deferred<PrivilegesHolder?> = b.launchFuture { b.readGlobalPrivileges(owner) }
- override fun setGlobalPrivilege(owner: PlayerProfile, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege) = b.launchJob { b.setGlobalPrivilege(owner, player, privilege) }
- override fun getChannelToUpdateParcelData(): SendChannel<Pair<ParcelId, ParcelDataHolder>> = b.openChannelForWriting { b.setParcelData(it.first, it.second) }
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineScope
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Deferred
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
+import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
+import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
+import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
+import org.joda.time.DateTime
+import java.util.UUID
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+typealias DataPair = Pair<ParcelId, ParcelDataHolder?>
+typealias PrivilegePair<TAttach> = Pair<TAttach, PrivilegesHolder>
+interface Storage {
+ val name: String
+ val isConnected: Boolean
+ fun init(): Job
+ fun shutdown(): Job
+ fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): Deferred<DateTime?>
+ fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime): Job
+ fun getPlayerUuidForName(name: String): Deferred<UUID?>
+ fun updatePlayerName(uuid: UUID, name: String): Job
+ fun readParcelData(parcel: ParcelId): Deferred<ParcelDataHolder?>
+ fun transmitParcelData(parcels: Sequence<ParcelId>): ReceiveChannel<DataPair>
+ fun transmitAllParcelData(): ReceiveChannel<DataPair>
+ fun getOwnedParcels(user: PlayerProfile): Deferred<List<ParcelId>>
+ fun getNumParcels(user: PlayerProfile): Deferred<Int>
+ fun setParcelData(parcel: ParcelId, data: ParcelDataHolder?): Job
+ fun setParcelOwner(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?): Job
+ fun setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel: ParcelId, outdated: Boolean): Job
+ fun setLocalPrivilege(parcel: ParcelId, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege): Job
+ fun setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel: ParcelId, config: InteractableConfiguration): Job
+ fun transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(): ReceiveChannel<PrivilegePair<PlayerProfile>>
+ fun readGlobalPrivileges(owner: PlayerProfile): Deferred<PrivilegesHolder?>
+ fun setGlobalPrivilege(owner: PlayerProfile, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege): Job
+ fun getChannelToUpdateParcelData(): SendChannel<Pair<ParcelId, ParcelDataHolder>>
+class BackedStorage internal constructor(val b: Backing) : Storage, CoroutineScope {
+ override val name get() =
+ override val isConnected get() = b.isConnected
+ override val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext get() = b.coroutineContext
+ override fun init() = launch { b.init() }
+ override fun shutdown() = launch { b.shutdown() }
+ override fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): Deferred<DateTime?> = b.launchFuture { b.getWorldCreationTime(worldId) }
+ override fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime): Job = b.launchJob { b.setWorldCreationTime(worldId, time) }
+ override fun getPlayerUuidForName(name: String): Deferred<UUID?> = b.launchFuture { b.getPlayerUuidForName(name) }
+ override fun updatePlayerName(uuid: UUID, name: String): Job = b.launchJob { b.updatePlayerName(uuid, name) }
+ override fun readParcelData(parcel: ParcelId) = b.launchFuture { b.readParcelData(parcel) }
+ override fun transmitParcelData(parcels: Sequence<ParcelId>) = b.openChannel<DataPair> { b.transmitParcelData(it, parcels) }
+ override fun transmitAllParcelData() = b.openChannel<DataPair> { b.transmitAllParcelData(it) }
+ override fun getOwnedParcels(user: PlayerProfile) = b.launchFuture { b.getOwnedParcels(user) }
+ override fun getNumParcels(user: PlayerProfile) = b.launchFuture { b.getNumParcels(user) }
+ override fun setParcelData(parcel: ParcelId, data: ParcelDataHolder?) = b.launchJob { b.setParcelData(parcel, data) }
+ override fun setParcelOwner(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?) = b.launchJob { b.setParcelOwner(parcel, owner) }
+ override fun setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel: ParcelId, outdated: Boolean): Job = b.launchJob { b.setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel, outdated) }
+ override fun setLocalPrivilege(parcel: ParcelId, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege) = b.launchJob { b.setLocalPrivilege(parcel, player, privilege) }
+ override fun setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel: ParcelId, config: InteractableConfiguration) = b.launchJob { b.setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel, config) }
+ override fun transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(): ReceiveChannel<PrivilegePair<PlayerProfile>> = b.openChannel { b.transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(it) }
+ override fun readGlobalPrivileges(owner: PlayerProfile): Deferred<PrivilegesHolder?> = b.launchFuture { b.readGlobalPrivileges(owner) }
+ override fun setGlobalPrivilege(owner: PlayerProfile, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege) = b.launchJob { b.setGlobalPrivilege(owner, player, privilege) }
+ override fun getChannelToUpdateParcelData(): SendChannel<Pair<ParcelId, ParcelDataHolder>> = b.openChannelForWriting { b.setParcelData(it.first, it.second) }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ExposedBacking.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ExposedBacking.kt
index e49be79..32065bc 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ExposedBacking.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ExposedBacking.kt
@@ -1,282 +1,282 @@
-import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.clampMax
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.synchronized
-import kotlinx.coroutines.*
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
-import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ArrayChannel
-import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.LinkedListChannel
-import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
-import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
-import org.joda.time.DateTime
-import java.util.UUID
-import javax.sql.DataSource
-class ExposedDatabaseException(message: String? = null) : Exception(message)
-class ExposedBacking(private val dataSourceFactory: () -> DataSource, val poolSize: Int) : Backing, CoroutineScope {
- override val name get() = "Exposed"
- override val coroutineContext = Job() + newFixedThreadPoolContext(poolSize, "Parcels StorageThread")
- private var dataSource: DataSource? = null
- private var database: Database? = null
- private var isShutdown: Boolean = false
- override val isConnected get() = database != null
- override fun launchJob(job: Backing.() -> Unit): Job = launch { transaction { job() } }
- override fun <T> launchFuture(future: Backing.() -> T): Deferred<T> = async { transaction { future() } }
- override fun <T> openChannel(future: Backing.(SendChannel<T>) -> Unit): ReceiveChannel<T> {
- val channel = LinkedListChannel<T>()
- launchJob { future(channel) }
- return channel
- }
- override fun <T> openChannelForWriting(action: Backing.(T) -> Unit): SendChannel<T> {
- val channel = ArrayChannel<T>(poolSize * 2)
- repeat(poolSize.clampMax(3)) {
- launch {
- try {
- while (true) {
- action(channel.receive())
- }
- } catch (ex: Exception) {
- // channel closed
- }
- }
- }
- return channel
- }
- private fun <T> transaction(statement: Transaction.() -> T) = transaction(database!!, statement)
- companion object {
- init {
- Database.registerDialect("mariadb") {
- Class.forName("").newInstance() as DatabaseDialect
- }
- }
- }
- override fun init() {
- synchronized {
- if (isShutdown || isConnected) throw IllegalStateException()
- dataSource = dataSourceFactory()
- database = Database.connect(dataSource!!)
- transaction(database!!) {
- create(WorldsT, ProfilesT, ParcelsT, ParcelOptionsT, PrivilegesLocalT, PrivilegesGlobalT)
- }
- }
- }
- override fun shutdown() {
- synchronized {
- if (isShutdown) throw IllegalStateException()
- isShutdown = true
- coroutineContext[Job]!!.cancel(CancellationException("ExposedBacking shutdown"))
- dataSource?.let {
- (it as? HikariDataSource)?.close()
- }
- database = null
- }
- }
- @Suppress("RedundantObjectTypeCheck")
- private fun PlayerProfile.toOwnerProfile(): PlayerProfile {
- if (this is PlayerProfile.Star) return PlayerProfile.Fake(name)
- return this
- }
- private fun PlayerProfile.Unresolved.toResolvedProfile(): PlayerProfile.Real {
- return resolve(getPlayerUuidForName(name) ?: throwException())
- }
- private fun PlayerProfile.toResolvedProfile(): PlayerProfile {
- if (this is PlayerProfile.Unresolved) return toResolvedProfile()
- return this
- }
- private fun PlayerProfile.toRealProfile(): PlayerProfile.Real = when (this) {
- is PlayerProfile.Real -> this
- is PlayerProfile.Fake -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Fake profiles are not accepted")
- is PlayerProfile.Unresolved -> toResolvedProfile()
- else -> throw InternalError("Case should not be reached")
- }
- override fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): DateTime? {
- return WorldsT.getWorldCreationTime(worldId)
- }
- override fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime) {
- WorldsT.setWorldCreationTime(worldId, time)
- }
- override fun getPlayerUuidForName(name: String): UUID? {
- return ProfilesT.slice(ProfilesT.uuid).select { eq name.toUpperCase() }
- .firstOrNull()?.let { it[ProfilesT.uuid]?.toUUID() }
- }
- override fun updatePlayerName(uuid: UUID, name: String) {
- val binaryUuid = uuid.toByteArray()
- ProfilesT.upsert(ProfilesT.uuid) {
- it[ProfilesT.uuid] = binaryUuid
- it[] = name
- }
- }
- override fun transmitParcelData(channel: SendChannel<DataPair>, parcels: Sequence<ParcelId>) {
- for (parcel in parcels) {
- val data = readParcelData(parcel)
- channel.offer(parcel to data)
- }
- channel.close()
- }
- override fun transmitAllParcelData(channel: SendChannel<DataPair>) {
- ParcelsT.selectAll().forEach { row ->
- val parcel = ParcelsT.getItem(row) ?: return@forEach
- val data = rowToParcelData(row)
- channel.offer(parcel to data)
- }
- channel.close()
- }
- override fun readParcelData(parcel: ParcelId): ParcelDataHolder? {
- val row = ParcelsT.getRow(parcel) ?: return null
- return rowToParcelData(row)
- }
- override fun getOwnedParcels(user: PlayerProfile): List<ParcelId> {
- val user_id = ProfilesT.getId(user.toOwnerProfile()) ?: return emptyList()
- return { ParcelsT.owner_id eq user_id }
- .orderBy(ParcelsT.claim_time, isAsc = true)
- .mapNotNull(ParcelsT::getItem)
- .toList()
- }
- override fun setParcelData(parcel: ParcelId, data: ParcelDataHolder?) {
- if (data == null) {
- transaction {
- ParcelsT.getId(parcel)?.let { id ->
- ParcelsT.deleteIgnoreWhere { eq id }
- // Below should cascade automatically
- /*
- PrivilegesLocalT.deleteIgnoreWhere { PrivilegesLocalT.parcel_id eq id }
- ParcelOptionsT.deleteIgnoreWhere(limit = 1) { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq id }
- */
- }
- }
- return
- }
- transaction {
- val id = ParcelsT.getOrInitId(parcel)
- PrivilegesLocalT.deleteIgnoreWhere { PrivilegesLocalT.attach_id eq id }
- }
- setParcelOwner(parcel, data.owner)
- for ((profile, privilege) in data.privilegeMap) {
- PrivilegesLocalT.setPrivilege(parcel, profile, privilege)
- }
- data.privilegeOfStar.takeIf { it != Privilege.DEFAULT }?.let { privilege ->
- PrivilegesLocalT.setPrivilege(parcel, PlayerProfile.Star, privilege)
- }
- setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel, data.interactableConfig)
- }
- override fun setParcelOwner(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?) {
- val id = if (owner == null)
- ParcelsT.getId(parcel) ?: return
- else
- ParcelsT.getOrInitId(parcel)
- val owner_id = owner?.let { ProfilesT.getOrInitId(it.toOwnerProfile()) }
- val time = owner?.let { }
- ParcelsT.update({ eq id }) {
- it[ParcelsT.owner_id] = owner_id
- it[claim_time] = time
- it[sign_oudated] = false
- }
- }
- override fun setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel: ParcelId, outdated: Boolean) {
- val id = ParcelsT.getId(parcel) ?: return
- ParcelsT.update({ eq id }) {
- it[sign_oudated] = outdated
- }
- }
- override fun setLocalPrivilege(parcel: ParcelId, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege) {
- PrivilegesLocalT.setPrivilege(parcel, player.toRealProfile(), privilege)
- }
- override fun setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel: ParcelId, config: InteractableConfiguration) {
- val bitmaskArray = (config as? BitmaskInteractableConfiguration ?: return).bitmaskArray
- val isAllZero = !bitmaskArray.fold(false) { cur, elem -> cur || elem != 0 }
- if (isAllZero) {
- val id = ParcelsT.getId(parcel) ?: return
- ParcelOptionsT.deleteWhere { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq id }
- return
- }
- if (bitmaskArray.size != 1) throw IllegalArgumentException()
- val array = bitmaskArray.toByteArray()
- val id = ParcelsT.getOrInitId(parcel)
- ParcelOptionsT.upsert(ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id) {
- it[parcel_id] = id
- it[interact_bitmask] = array
- }
- }
- override fun transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(channel: SendChannel<PrivilegePair<PlayerProfile>>) {
- PrivilegesGlobalT.sendAllPrivilegesH(channel)
- channel.close()
- }
- override fun readGlobalPrivileges(owner: PlayerProfile): PrivilegesHolder? {
- return PrivilegesGlobalT.readPrivileges(ProfilesT.getId(owner.toOwnerProfile()) ?: return null)
- }
- override fun setGlobalPrivilege(owner: PlayerProfile, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege) {
- PrivilegesGlobalT.setPrivilege(owner, player.toRealProfile(), privilege)
- }
- private fun rowToParcelData(row: ResultRow) = ParcelDataHolder().apply {
- owner = row[ParcelsT.owner_id]?.let { ProfilesT.getItem(it) }
- lastClaimTime = row[ParcelsT.claim_time]
- isOwnerSignOutdated = row[ParcelsT.sign_oudated]
- val id = row[]
- { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { optrow ->
- val source = optrow[ParcelOptionsT.interact_bitmask].toIntArray()
- val target = (interactableConfig as? BitmaskInteractableConfiguration ?: return@let).bitmaskArray
- System.arraycopy(source, 0, target, 0, source.size.clampMax(target.size))
- }
- val privileges = PrivilegesLocalT.readPrivileges(id)
- if (privileges != null) {
- copyPrivilegesFrom(privileges)
- }
- }
+import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.clampMax
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.synchronized
+import kotlinx.coroutines.*
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
+import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ArrayChannel
+import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.LinkedListChannel
+import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.ReceiveChannel
+import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
+import org.joda.time.DateTime
+import java.util.UUID
+import javax.sql.DataSource
+class ExposedDatabaseException(message: String? = null) : Exception(message)
+class ExposedBacking(private val dataSourceFactory: () -> DataSource, val poolSize: Int) : Backing, CoroutineScope {
+ override val name get() = "Exposed"
+ override val coroutineContext = Job() + newFixedThreadPoolContext(poolSize, "Parcels StorageThread")
+ private var dataSource: DataSource? = null
+ private var database: Database? = null
+ private var isShutdown: Boolean = false
+ override val isConnected get() = database != null
+ override fun launchJob(job: Backing.() -> Unit): Job = launch { transaction { job() } }
+ override fun <T> launchFuture(future: Backing.() -> T): Deferred<T> = async { transaction { future() } }
+ override fun <T> openChannel(future: Backing.(SendChannel<T>) -> Unit): ReceiveChannel<T> {
+ val channel = LinkedListChannel<T>()
+ launchJob { future(channel) }
+ return channel
+ }
+ override fun <T> openChannelForWriting(action: Backing.(T) -> Unit): SendChannel<T> {
+ val channel = ArrayChannel<T>(poolSize * 2)
+ repeat(poolSize.clampMax(3)) {
+ launch {
+ try {
+ while (true) {
+ action(channel.receive())
+ }
+ } catch (ex: Exception) {
+ // channel closed
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return channel
+ }
+ private fun <T> transaction(statement: Transaction.() -> T) = transaction(database!!, statement)
+ companion object {
+ init {
+ Database.registerDialect("mariadb") {
+ Class.forName("").newInstance() as DatabaseDialect
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun init() {
+ synchronized {
+ if (isShutdown || isConnected) throw IllegalStateException()
+ dataSource = dataSourceFactory()
+ database = Database.connect(dataSource!!)
+ transaction(database!!) {
+ create(WorldsT, ProfilesT, ParcelsT, ParcelOptionsT, PrivilegesLocalT, PrivilegesGlobalT)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ override fun shutdown() {
+ synchronized {
+ if (isShutdown) throw IllegalStateException()
+ isShutdown = true
+ coroutineContext[Job]!!.cancel(CancellationException("ExposedBacking shutdown"))
+ dataSource?.let {
+ (it as? HikariDataSource)?.close()
+ }
+ database = null
+ }
+ }
+ @Suppress("RedundantObjectTypeCheck")
+ private fun PlayerProfile.toOwnerProfile(): PlayerProfile {
+ if (this is PlayerProfile.Star) return PlayerProfile.Fake(name)
+ return this
+ }
+ private fun PlayerProfile.Unresolved.toResolvedProfile(): PlayerProfile.Real {
+ return resolve(getPlayerUuidForName(name) ?: throwException())
+ }
+ private fun PlayerProfile.toResolvedProfile(): PlayerProfile {
+ if (this is PlayerProfile.Unresolved) return toResolvedProfile()
+ return this
+ }
+ private fun PlayerProfile.toRealProfile(): PlayerProfile.Real = when (this) {
+ is PlayerProfile.Real -> this
+ is PlayerProfile.Fake -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Fake profiles are not accepted")
+ is PlayerProfile.Unresolved -> toResolvedProfile()
+ else -> throw InternalError("Case should not be reached")
+ }
+ override fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): DateTime? {
+ return WorldsT.getWorldCreationTime(worldId)
+ }
+ override fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime) {
+ WorldsT.setWorldCreationTime(worldId, time)
+ }
+ override fun getPlayerUuidForName(name: String): UUID? {
+ return ProfilesT.slice(ProfilesT.uuid).select { eq name.toUpperCase() }
+ .firstOrNull()?.let { it[ProfilesT.uuid]?.toUUID() }
+ }
+ override fun updatePlayerName(uuid: UUID, name: String) {
+ val binaryUuid = uuid.toByteArray()
+ ProfilesT.upsert(ProfilesT.uuid) {
+ it[ProfilesT.uuid] = binaryUuid
+ it[] = name
+ }
+ }
+ override fun transmitParcelData(channel: SendChannel<DataPair>, parcels: Sequence<ParcelId>) {
+ for (parcel in parcels) {
+ val data = readParcelData(parcel)
+ channel.offer(parcel to data)
+ }
+ channel.close()
+ }
+ override fun transmitAllParcelData(channel: SendChannel<DataPair>) {
+ ParcelsT.selectAll().forEach { row ->
+ val parcel = ParcelsT.getItem(row) ?: return@forEach
+ val data = rowToParcelData(row)
+ channel.offer(parcel to data)
+ }
+ channel.close()
+ }
+ override fun readParcelData(parcel: ParcelId): ParcelDataHolder? {
+ val row = ParcelsT.getRow(parcel) ?: return null
+ return rowToParcelData(row)
+ }
+ override fun getOwnedParcels(user: PlayerProfile): List<ParcelId> {
+ val user_id = ProfilesT.getId(user.toOwnerProfile()) ?: return emptyList()
+ return { ParcelsT.owner_id eq user_id }
+ .orderBy(ParcelsT.claim_time, isAsc = true)
+ .mapNotNull(ParcelsT::getItem)
+ .toList()
+ }
+ override fun setParcelData(parcel: ParcelId, data: ParcelDataHolder?) {
+ if (data == null) {
+ transaction {
+ ParcelsT.getId(parcel)?.let { id ->
+ ParcelsT.deleteIgnoreWhere { eq id }
+ // Below should cascade automatically
+ /*
+ PrivilegesLocalT.deleteIgnoreWhere { PrivilegesLocalT.parcel_id eq id }
+ ParcelOptionsT.deleteIgnoreWhere(limit = 1) { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq id }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ transaction {
+ val id = ParcelsT.getOrInitId(parcel)
+ PrivilegesLocalT.deleteIgnoreWhere { PrivilegesLocalT.attach_id eq id }
+ }
+ setParcelOwner(parcel, data.owner)
+ for ((profile, privilege) in data.privilegeMap) {
+ PrivilegesLocalT.setPrivilege(parcel, profile, privilege)
+ }
+ data.privilegeOfStar.takeIf { it != Privilege.DEFAULT }?.let { privilege ->
+ PrivilegesLocalT.setPrivilege(parcel, PlayerProfile.Star, privilege)
+ }
+ setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel, data.interactableConfig)
+ }
+ override fun setParcelOwner(parcel: ParcelId, owner: PlayerProfile?) {
+ val id = if (owner == null)
+ ParcelsT.getId(parcel) ?: return
+ else
+ ParcelsT.getOrInitId(parcel)
+ val owner_id = owner?.let { ProfilesT.getOrInitId(it.toOwnerProfile()) }
+ val time = owner?.let { }
+ ParcelsT.update({ eq id }) {
+ it[ParcelsT.owner_id] = owner_id
+ it[claim_time] = time
+ it[sign_oudated] = false
+ }
+ }
+ override fun setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel: ParcelId, outdated: Boolean) {
+ val id = ParcelsT.getId(parcel) ?: return
+ ParcelsT.update({ eq id }) {
+ it[sign_oudated] = outdated
+ }
+ }
+ override fun setLocalPrivilege(parcel: ParcelId, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege) {
+ PrivilegesLocalT.setPrivilege(parcel, player.toRealProfile(), privilege)
+ }
+ override fun setParcelOptionsInteractConfig(parcel: ParcelId, config: InteractableConfiguration) {
+ val bitmaskArray = (config as? BitmaskInteractableConfiguration ?: return).bitmaskArray
+ val isAllZero = !bitmaskArray.fold(false) { cur, elem -> cur || elem != 0 }
+ if (isAllZero) {
+ val id = ParcelsT.getId(parcel) ?: return
+ ParcelOptionsT.deleteWhere { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq id }
+ return
+ }
+ if (bitmaskArray.size != 1) throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ val array = bitmaskArray.toByteArray()
+ val id = ParcelsT.getOrInitId(parcel)
+ ParcelOptionsT.upsert(ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id) {
+ it[parcel_id] = id
+ it[interact_bitmask] = array
+ }
+ }
+ override fun transmitAllGlobalPrivileges(channel: SendChannel<PrivilegePair<PlayerProfile>>) {
+ PrivilegesGlobalT.sendAllPrivilegesH(channel)
+ channel.close()
+ }
+ override fun readGlobalPrivileges(owner: PlayerProfile): PrivilegesHolder? {
+ return PrivilegesGlobalT.readPrivileges(ProfilesT.getId(owner.toOwnerProfile()) ?: return null)
+ }
+ override fun setGlobalPrivilege(owner: PlayerProfile, player: PlayerProfile, privilege: Privilege) {
+ PrivilegesGlobalT.setPrivilege(owner, player.toRealProfile(), privilege)
+ }
+ private fun rowToParcelData(row: ResultRow) = ParcelDataHolder().apply {
+ owner = row[ParcelsT.owner_id]?.let { ProfilesT.getItem(it) }
+ lastClaimTime = row[ParcelsT.claim_time]
+ isOwnerSignOutdated = row[ParcelsT.sign_oudated]
+ val id = row[]
+ { ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { optrow ->
+ val source = optrow[ParcelOptionsT.interact_bitmask].toIntArray()
+ val target = (interactableConfig as? BitmaskInteractableConfiguration ?: return@let).bitmaskArray
+ System.arraycopy(source, 0, target, 0, source.size.clampMax(target.size))
+ }
+ val privileges = PrivilegesLocalT.readPrivileges(id)
+ if (privileges != null) {
+ copyPrivilegesFrom(privileges)
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ExposedExtensions.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ExposedExtensions.kt
index 0245625..7640c0c 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ExposedExtensions.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ExposedExtensions.kt
@@ -1,74 +1,74 @@
-class UpsertStatement<Key : Any>(table: Table, conflictColumn: Column<*>? = null, conflictIndex: Index? = null) : InsertStatement<Key>(table, false) {
- val indexName: String
- val indexColumns: List<Column<*>>
- init {
- when {
- conflictIndex != null -> {
- indexName = conflictIndex.indexName
- indexColumns = conflictIndex.columns
- }
- conflictColumn != null -> {
- indexName =
- indexColumns = listOf(conflictColumn)
- }
- else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
- }
- }
- override fun prepareSQL(transaction: Transaction) = buildString {
- append(super.prepareSQL(transaction))
- val dialect = transaction.db.vendor
- if (dialect == "postgresql") {
- append(" ON CONFLICT(")
- append(indexName)
- append(") DO UPDATE SET ")
- values.keys.filter { it !in indexColumns }.joinTo(this) { "${transaction.identity(it)}=EXCLUDED.${transaction.identity(it)}" }
- } else {
- values.keys.filter { it !in indexColumns }.joinTo(this) { "${transaction.identity(it)}=VALUES(${transaction.identity(it)})" }
- }
- }
-inline fun <T : Table> T.upsert(conflictColumn: Column<*>? = null, conflictIndex: Index? = null, body: T.(UpsertStatement<Number>) -> Unit) =
- UpsertStatement<Number>(this, conflictColumn, conflictIndex).apply {
- body(this)
- execute(TransactionManager.current())
- }
-fun Table.indexR(customIndexName: String? = null, isUnique: Boolean = false, vararg columns: Column<*>): Index {
- val index = Index(columns.toList(), isUnique, customIndexName)
- indices.add(index)
- return index
-fun Table.uniqueIndexR(customIndexName: String? = null, vararg columns: Column<*>): Index = indexR(customIndexName, true, *columns)
-fun <T : Int?> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.abs(): Function<T> = Abs(this)
-class Abs<T : Int?>(val expr: Expression<T>) : Function<T>(IntegerColumnType()) {
- override fun toSQL(queryBuilder: QueryBuilder): String = "ABS(${expr.toSQL(queryBuilder)})"
-fun <T : Comparable<T>> greaterOf(col1: ExpressionWithColumnType<T>, col2: ExpressionWithColumnType<T>): Expression<T> =
- with(SqlExpressionBuilder) {
- case(col1)
- .When(col1.greater(col2), col1)
- .Else(col2)
- }
+class UpsertStatement<Key : Any>(table: Table, conflictColumn: Column<*>? = null, conflictIndex: Index? = null) : InsertStatement<Key>(table, false) {
+ val indexName: String
+ val indexColumns: List<Column<*>>
+ init {
+ when {
+ conflictIndex != null -> {
+ indexName = conflictIndex.indexName
+ indexColumns = conflictIndex.columns
+ }
+ conflictColumn != null -> {
+ indexName =
+ indexColumns = listOf(conflictColumn)
+ }
+ else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ }
+ }
+ override fun prepareSQL(transaction: Transaction) = buildString {
+ append(super.prepareSQL(transaction))
+ val dialect = transaction.db.vendor
+ if (dialect == "postgresql") {
+ append(" ON CONFLICT(")
+ append(indexName)
+ append(") DO UPDATE SET ")
+ values.keys.filter { it !in indexColumns }.joinTo(this) { "${transaction.identity(it)}=EXCLUDED.${transaction.identity(it)}" }
+ } else {
+ values.keys.filter { it !in indexColumns }.joinTo(this) { "${transaction.identity(it)}=VALUES(${transaction.identity(it)})" }
+ }
+ }
+inline fun <T : Table> T.upsert(conflictColumn: Column<*>? = null, conflictIndex: Index? = null, body: T.(UpsertStatement<Number>) -> Unit) =
+ UpsertStatement<Number>(this, conflictColumn, conflictIndex).apply {
+ body(this)
+ execute(TransactionManager.current())
+ }
+fun Table.indexR(customIndexName: String? = null, isUnique: Boolean = false, vararg columns: Column<*>): Index {
+ val index = Index(columns.toList(), isUnique, customIndexName)
+ indices.add(index)
+ return index
+fun Table.uniqueIndexR(customIndexName: String? = null, vararg columns: Column<*>): Index = indexR(customIndexName, true, *columns)
+fun <T : Int?> ExpressionWithColumnType<T>.abs(): Function<T> = Abs(this)
+class Abs<T : Int?>(val expr: Expression<T>) : Function<T>(IntegerColumnType()) {
+ override fun toSQL(queryBuilder: QueryBuilder): String = "ABS(${expr.toSQL(queryBuilder)})"
+fun <T : Comparable<T>> greaterOf(col1: ExpressionWithColumnType<T>, col2: ExpressionWithColumnType<T>): Expression<T> =
+ with(SqlExpressionBuilder) {
+ case(col1)
+ .When(col1.greater(col2), col1)
+ .Else(col2)
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/IdTables.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/IdTables.kt
index 6f6ad6b..8428b3a 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/IdTables.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/IdTables.kt
@@ -1,165 +1,165 @@
-@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "PARAMETER_NAME_CHANGED_ON_OVERRIDE", "unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelId
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorldId
-import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
-import org.joda.time.DateTime
-import java.util.UUID
-abstract class IdTransactionsTable<TableT : IdTransactionsTable<TableT, QueryObj>, QueryObj>(tableName: String, columnName: String)
- : Table(tableName) {
- val id = integer(columnName).autoIncrement().primaryKey()
- @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
- inline val table: TableT
- get() = this as TableT
- internal inline fun getId(where: SqlExpressionBuilder.(TableT) -> Op<Boolean>): Int? {
- return select { where(table) }.firstOrNull()?.let { it[id] }
- }
- internal inline fun getOrInitId(getId: () -> Int?, noinline body: TableT.(UpdateBuilder<*>) -> Unit, objName: () -> String): Int {
- return getId() ?: table.insertIgnore(body)[id] ?: getId()
- ?: throw ExposedDatabaseException("This should not happen - failed to insert ${objName()} and get its number")
- }
- abstract fun getId(obj: QueryObj): Int?
- abstract fun getOrInitId(obj: QueryObj): Int
- fun getItem(id: Int): QueryObj? = select { eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { getItem(it) }
- abstract fun getItem(row: ResultRow): QueryObj?
- fun getId(obj: QueryObj, init: Boolean): Int? = if (init) getOrInitId(obj) else getId(obj)
-object WorldsT : IdTransactionsTable<WorldsT, ParcelWorldId>("parcels_worlds", "world_id") {
- val name = varchar("name", 50)
- val uid = binary("uid", 16).nullable()
- val creation_time = datetime("creation_time").nullable()
- val index_name = uniqueIndexR("index_name", name)
- val index_uid = uniqueIndexR("index_uid", uid)
- internal inline fun getId(worldName: String, binaryUid: ByteArray?): Int? = getId { (name eq worldName).let { if (binaryUid == null) it else it or (uid eq binaryUid) } }
- internal inline fun getId(worldName: String, uid: UUID?): Int? = getId(worldName, uid?.toByteArray())
- internal inline fun getOrInitId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?): Int = worldUid?.toByteArray().let { binaryUid ->
- return getOrInitId(
- { getId(worldName, binaryUid) },
- { it[name] = worldName; it[uid] = binaryUid },
- { "world named $worldName" })
- }
- override fun getId(world: ParcelWorldId): Int? = getId(, world.uid)
- override fun getOrInitId(world: ParcelWorldId): Int = getOrInitId(, world.uid)
- override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): ParcelWorldId {
- return ParcelWorldId(row[name], row[uid]?.toUUID())
- }
- fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): DateTime? {
- val id = getId(worldId) ?: return null
- return select { eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { it[WorldsT.creation_time] }
- }
- fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime) {
- val id = getOrInitId(worldId)
- update({ eq id }) {
- it[WorldsT.creation_time] = time
- }
- }
-object ParcelsT : IdTransactionsTable<ParcelsT, ParcelId>("parcels", "parcel_id") {
- val world_id = integer("world_id").references(
- val px = integer("px")
- val pz = integer("pz")
- val owner_id = integer("owner_id").references(
- val sign_oudated = bool("sign_outdated").default(false)
- val claim_time = datetime("claim_time").nullable()
- val index_location = uniqueIndexR("index_location", world_id, px, pz)
- private inline fun getId(worldId: Int, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int? = getId { world_id.eq(worldId) and px.eq(parcelX) and pz.eq(parcelZ) }
- private inline fun getId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int? = WorldsT.getId(worldName, worldUid)?.let { getId(it, parcelX, parcelZ) }
- private inline fun getOrInitId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int {
- val worldId = WorldsT.getOrInitId(worldName, worldUid)
- return getOrInitId(
- { getId(worldId, parcelX, parcelZ) },
- { it[world_id] = worldId; it[px] = parcelX; it[pz] = parcelZ },
- { "parcel at $worldName($parcelX, $parcelZ)" })
- }
- override fun getId(parcel: ParcelId): Int? = getId(, parcel.worldId.uid, parcel.x, parcel.z)
- override fun getOrInitId(parcel: ParcelId): Int = getOrInitId(, parcel.worldId.uid, parcel.x, parcel.z)
- private inline fun getRow(id: Int): ResultRow? = select { eq id }.firstOrNull()
- fun getRow(parcel: ParcelId): ResultRow? = getId(parcel)?.let { getRow(it) }
- override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): ParcelId? {
- val worldId = row[world_id]
- val world = WorldsT.getItem(worldId) ?: return null
- return ParcelId(world, row[px], row[pz])
- }
-object ProfilesT : IdTransactionsTable<ProfilesT, PlayerProfile>("parcels_profiles", "owner_id") {
- val uuid = binary("uuid", 16).nullable()
- val name = varchar("name", 32).nullable()
- // MySQL dialect MUST permit multiple null values for this to work. Server SQL does not allow this. That dialect is shit anyway.
- val uuid_constraint = uniqueIndexR("uuid_constraint", uuid)
- val index_pair = uniqueIndexR("index_pair", uuid, name)
- private inline fun getId(binaryUuid: ByteArray) = getId { uuid eq binaryUuid }
- private inline fun getId(uuid: UUID) = getId(uuid.toByteArray())
- private inline fun getId(nameIn: String) = getId { uuid.isNull() and (name.lowerCase() eq nameIn.toLowerCase()) }
- private inline fun getRealId(nameIn: String) = getId { uuid.isNotNull() and (name.lowerCase() eq nameIn.toLowerCase()) }
- private inline fun getOrInitId(uuid: UUID, name: String?) = uuid.toByteArray().let { binaryUuid ->
- getOrInitId(
- { getId(binaryUuid) },
- { it[this@ProfilesT.uuid] = binaryUuid; it[] = name },
- { "profile(uuid = $uuid, name = $name)" })
- }
- private inline fun getOrInitId(name: String) = getOrInitId(
- { getId(name) },
- { it[] = name },
- { "owner(name = $name)" })
- override fun getId(profile: PlayerProfile): Int? = when (profile) {
- is PlayerProfile.Real -> getId(profile.uuid)
- is PlayerProfile.Fake -> getId(
- is PlayerProfile.Unresolved -> getRealId(
- else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
- }
- override fun getOrInitId(profile: PlayerProfile): Int = when (profile) {
- is PlayerProfile.Real -> getOrInitId(profile.uuid, profile.nameOrBukkitName)
- is PlayerProfile.Fake -> getOrInitId(
- else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() // Unresolved profiles cannot be added to the database
- }
- override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): PlayerProfile {
- return PlayerProfile(row[uuid]?.toUUID(), row[name])
- }
- fun getRealItem(id: Int): PlayerProfile.Real? {
- return getItem(id) as? PlayerProfile.Real
- }
- /*
- fun updatePlayerProfile(profile: PlayerProfile.Real) {
- update({ uuid eq profile.uuid.toByteArray() }) {
- it[name] = profile.nameOrBukkitName
- }
- }*/
+@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "PARAMETER_NAME_CHANGED_ON_OVERRIDE", "unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelId
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorldId
+import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
+import org.joda.time.DateTime
+import java.util.UUID
+abstract class IdTransactionsTable<TableT : IdTransactionsTable<TableT, QueryObj>, QueryObj>(tableName: String, columnName: String)
+ : Table(tableName) {
+ val id = integer(columnName).autoIncrement().primaryKey()
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ inline val table: TableT
+ get() = this as TableT
+ internal inline fun getId(where: SqlExpressionBuilder.(TableT) -> Op<Boolean>): Int? {
+ return select { where(table) }.firstOrNull()?.let { it[id] }
+ }
+ internal inline fun getOrInitId(getId: () -> Int?, noinline body: TableT.(UpdateBuilder<*>) -> Unit, objName: () -> String): Int {
+ return getId() ?: table.insertIgnore(body)[id] ?: getId()
+ ?: throw ExposedDatabaseException("This should not happen - failed to insert ${objName()} and get its number")
+ }
+ abstract fun getId(obj: QueryObj): Int?
+ abstract fun getOrInitId(obj: QueryObj): Int
+ fun getItem(id: Int): QueryObj? = select { eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { getItem(it) }
+ abstract fun getItem(row: ResultRow): QueryObj?
+ fun getId(obj: QueryObj, init: Boolean): Int? = if (init) getOrInitId(obj) else getId(obj)
+object WorldsT : IdTransactionsTable<WorldsT, ParcelWorldId>("parcels_worlds", "world_id") {
+ val name = varchar("name", 50)
+ val uid = binary("uid", 16).nullable()
+ val creation_time = datetime("creation_time").nullable()
+ val index_name = uniqueIndexR("index_name", name)
+ val index_uid = uniqueIndexR("index_uid", uid)
+ internal inline fun getId(worldName: String, binaryUid: ByteArray?): Int? = getId { (name eq worldName).let { if (binaryUid == null) it else it or (uid eq binaryUid) } }
+ internal inline fun getId(worldName: String, uid: UUID?): Int? = getId(worldName, uid?.toByteArray())
+ internal inline fun getOrInitId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?): Int = worldUid?.toByteArray().let { binaryUid ->
+ return getOrInitId(
+ { getId(worldName, binaryUid) },
+ { it[name] = worldName; it[uid] = binaryUid },
+ { "world named $worldName" })
+ }
+ override fun getId(world: ParcelWorldId): Int? = getId(, world.uid)
+ override fun getOrInitId(world: ParcelWorldId): Int = getOrInitId(, world.uid)
+ override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): ParcelWorldId {
+ return ParcelWorldId(row[name], row[uid]?.toUUID())
+ }
+ fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): DateTime? {
+ val id = getId(worldId) ?: return null
+ return select { eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { it[WorldsT.creation_time] }
+ }
+ fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime) {
+ val id = getOrInitId(worldId)
+ update({ eq id }) {
+ it[WorldsT.creation_time] = time
+ }
+ }
+object ParcelsT : IdTransactionsTable<ParcelsT, ParcelId>("parcels", "parcel_id") {
+ val world_id = integer("world_id").references(
+ val px = integer("px")
+ val pz = integer("pz")
+ val owner_id = integer("owner_id").references(
+ val sign_oudated = bool("sign_outdated").default(false)
+ val claim_time = datetime("claim_time").nullable()
+ val index_location = uniqueIndexR("index_location", world_id, px, pz)
+ private inline fun getId(worldId: Int, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int? = getId { world_id.eq(worldId) and px.eq(parcelX) and pz.eq(parcelZ) }
+ private inline fun getId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int? = WorldsT.getId(worldName, worldUid)?.let { getId(it, parcelX, parcelZ) }
+ private inline fun getOrInitId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int {
+ val worldId = WorldsT.getOrInitId(worldName, worldUid)
+ return getOrInitId(
+ { getId(worldId, parcelX, parcelZ) },
+ { it[world_id] = worldId; it[px] = parcelX; it[pz] = parcelZ },
+ { "parcel at $worldName($parcelX, $parcelZ)" })
+ }
+ override fun getId(parcel: ParcelId): Int? = getId(, parcel.worldId.uid, parcel.x, parcel.z)
+ override fun getOrInitId(parcel: ParcelId): Int = getOrInitId(, parcel.worldId.uid, parcel.x, parcel.z)
+ private inline fun getRow(id: Int): ResultRow? = select { eq id }.firstOrNull()
+ fun getRow(parcel: ParcelId): ResultRow? = getId(parcel)?.let { getRow(it) }
+ override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): ParcelId? {
+ val worldId = row[world_id]
+ val world = WorldsT.getItem(worldId) ?: return null
+ return ParcelId(world, row[px], row[pz])
+ }
+object ProfilesT : IdTransactionsTable<ProfilesT, PlayerProfile>("parcels_profiles", "owner_id") {
+ val uuid = binary("uuid", 16).nullable()
+ val name = varchar("name", 32).nullable()
+ // MySQL dialect MUST permit multiple null values for this to work. Server SQL does not allow this. That dialect is shit anyway.
+ val uuid_constraint = uniqueIndexR("uuid_constraint", uuid)
+ val index_pair = uniqueIndexR("index_pair", uuid, name)
+ private inline fun getId(binaryUuid: ByteArray) = getId { uuid eq binaryUuid }
+ private inline fun getId(uuid: UUID) = getId(uuid.toByteArray())
+ private inline fun getId(nameIn: String) = getId { uuid.isNull() and (name.lowerCase() eq nameIn.toLowerCase()) }
+ private inline fun getRealId(nameIn: String) = getId { uuid.isNotNull() and (name.lowerCase() eq nameIn.toLowerCase()) }
+ private inline fun getOrInitId(uuid: UUID, name: String?) = uuid.toByteArray().let { binaryUuid ->
+ getOrInitId(
+ { getId(binaryUuid) },
+ { it[this@ProfilesT.uuid] = binaryUuid; it[] = name },
+ { "profile(uuid = $uuid, name = $name)" })
+ }
+ private inline fun getOrInitId(name: String) = getOrInitId(
+ { getId(name) },
+ { it[] = name },
+ { "owner(name = $name)" })
+ override fun getId(profile: PlayerProfile): Int? = when (profile) {
+ is PlayerProfile.Real -> getId(profile.uuid)
+ is PlayerProfile.Fake -> getId(
+ is PlayerProfile.Unresolved -> getRealId(
+ else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ }
+ override fun getOrInitId(profile: PlayerProfile): Int = when (profile) {
+ is PlayerProfile.Real -> getOrInitId(profile.uuid, profile.nameOrBukkitName)
+ is PlayerProfile.Fake -> getOrInitId(
+ else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() // Unresolved profiles cannot be added to the database
+ }
+ override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): PlayerProfile {
+ return PlayerProfile(row[uuid]?.toUUID(), row[name])
+ }
+ fun getRealItem(id: Int): PlayerProfile.Real? {
+ return getItem(id) as? PlayerProfile.Real
+ }
+ /*
+ fun updatePlayerProfile(profile: PlayerProfile.Real) {
+ update({ uuid eq profile.uuid.toByteArray() }) {
+ it[name] = profile.nameOrBukkitName
+ }
+ }*/
// val ParcelsWithOptionsT = ParcelsT.join(ParcelOptionsT, JoinType.INNER, onColumn =, otherColumn = ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ListTables.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ListTables.kt
index b9d16fc..26cfc7a 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ListTables.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ListTables.kt
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
-@file:Suppress("PropertyName", "LocalVariableName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.DEFAULT
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.alsoIfTrue
-import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
-object PrivilegesLocalT : PrivilegesTable<ParcelId>("parcels_privilege_local", ParcelsT)
-object PrivilegesGlobalT : PrivilegesTable<PlayerProfile>("parcels_privilege_global", ProfilesT)
-object ParcelOptionsT : Table("parcels_options") {
- val parcel_id = integer("parcel_id").primaryKey().references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
- val interact_bitmask = binary("interact_bitmask", 4)
-typealias PrivilegesSendChannel<AttachT> = SendChannel<Pair<AttachT, PrivilegesHolder>>
-sealed class PrivilegesTable<AttachT>(name: String, val idTable: IdTransactionsTable<*, AttachT>) : Table(name) {
- val attach_id = integer("attach_id").references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
- val profile_id = integer("profile_id").references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
- val privilege = integer("privilege")
- val index_pair = uniqueIndexR("index_pair", attach_id, profile_id)
- fun setPrivilege(attachedOn: AttachT, player: PlayerProfile.Real, privilege: Privilege) {
- privilege.requireNonTransient()
- if (privilege == DEFAULT) {
- val player_id = ProfilesT.getId(player) ?: return
- idTable.getId(attachedOn)?.let { holder ->
- deleteWhere { (attach_id eq holder) and (profile_id eq player_id) }
- }
- return
- }
- val holder = idTable.getOrInitId(attachedOn)
- val player_id = ProfilesT.getOrInitId(player)
- upsert(conflictIndex = index_pair) {
- it[attach_id] = holder
- it[profile_id] = player_id
- it[this.privilege] = privilege.number
- }
- }
- fun readPrivileges(id: Int): PrivilegesHolder? {
- val list = slice(profile_id, privilege).select { attach_id eq id }
- val result = PrivilegesHolder()
- for (row in list) {
- val profile = ProfilesT.getRealItem(row[profile_id]) ?: continue
- result.setRawStoredPrivilege(profile, Privilege.getByNumber(row[privilege]) ?: continue)
- }
- return result
- }
- fun sendAllPrivilegesH(channel: PrivilegesSendChannel<AttachT>) {
- val iterator = selectAll().orderBy(attach_id).iterator()
- if (iterator.hasNext()) {
- var row =
- var id: Int = row[attach_id]
- var attach: AttachT? = null
- var map: PrivilegesHolder? = null
- fun initAttachAndMap() {
- attach = idTable.getItem(id)
- map = attach?.let { PrivilegesHolder() }
- }
- fun sendIfPresent() {
- if (attach != null && map != null) {
- channel.offer(attach!! to map!!)
- }
- attach = null
- map = null
- }
- initAttachAndMap()
- do {
- val rowId = row[attach_id]
- if (rowId != id) {
- sendIfPresent()
- id = rowId
- initAttachAndMap()
- }
- if (attach == null) {
- continue // owner not found for this owner id
- }
- val profile = ProfilesT.getRealItem(row[profile_id])
- if (profile == null) {
- logger.error("Privilege from database is null, id ${row[profile_id]}")
- continue
- }
- val privilege = Privilege.getByNumber(row[privilege])
- if (privilege == null) {
- logger.error("Privilege from database is null, number ${row[this.privilege]}")
- continue
- }
- map!!.setRawStoredPrivilege(profile, privilege)
- } while (iterator.hasNext().alsoIfTrue { row = })
- sendIfPresent()
- }
- }
+@file:Suppress("PropertyName", "LocalVariableName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.DEFAULT
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.alsoIfTrue
+import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
+object PrivilegesLocalT : PrivilegesTable<ParcelId>("parcels_privilege_local", ParcelsT)
+object PrivilegesGlobalT : PrivilegesTable<PlayerProfile>("parcels_privilege_global", ProfilesT)
+object ParcelOptionsT : Table("parcels_options") {
+ val parcel_id = integer("parcel_id").primaryKey().references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
+ val interact_bitmask = binary("interact_bitmask", 4)
+typealias PrivilegesSendChannel<AttachT> = SendChannel<Pair<AttachT, PrivilegesHolder>>
+sealed class PrivilegesTable<AttachT>(name: String, val idTable: IdTransactionsTable<*, AttachT>) : Table(name) {
+ val attach_id = integer("attach_id").references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
+ val profile_id = integer("profile_id").references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
+ val privilege = integer("privilege")
+ val index_pair = uniqueIndexR("index_pair", attach_id, profile_id)
+ fun setPrivilege(attachedOn: AttachT, player: PlayerProfile.Real, privilege: Privilege) {
+ privilege.requireNonTransient()
+ if (privilege == DEFAULT) {
+ val player_id = ProfilesT.getId(player) ?: return
+ idTable.getId(attachedOn)?.let { holder ->
+ deleteWhere { (attach_id eq holder) and (profile_id eq player_id) }
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ val holder = idTable.getOrInitId(attachedOn)
+ val player_id = ProfilesT.getOrInitId(player)
+ upsert(conflictIndex = index_pair) {
+ it[attach_id] = holder
+ it[profile_id] = player_id
+ it[this.privilege] = privilege.number
+ }
+ }
+ fun readPrivileges(id: Int): PrivilegesHolder? {
+ val list = slice(profile_id, privilege).select { attach_id eq id }
+ val result = PrivilegesHolder()
+ for (row in list) {
+ val profile = ProfilesT.getRealItem(row[profile_id]) ?: continue
+ result.setRawStoredPrivilege(profile, Privilege.getByNumber(row[privilege]) ?: continue)
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ fun sendAllPrivilegesH(channel: PrivilegesSendChannel<AttachT>) {
+ val iterator = selectAll().orderBy(attach_id).iterator()
+ if (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ var row =
+ var id: Int = row[attach_id]
+ var attach: AttachT? = null
+ var map: PrivilegesHolder? = null
+ fun initAttachAndMap() {
+ attach = idTable.getItem(id)
+ map = attach?.let { PrivilegesHolder() }
+ }
+ fun sendIfPresent() {
+ if (attach != null && map != null) {
+ channel.offer(attach!! to map!!)
+ }
+ attach = null
+ map = null
+ }
+ initAttachAndMap()
+ do {
+ val rowId = row[attach_id]
+ if (rowId != id) {
+ sendIfPresent()
+ id = rowId
+ initAttachAndMap()
+ }
+ if (attach == null) {
+ continue // owner not found for this owner id
+ }
+ val profile = ProfilesT.getRealItem(row[profile_id])
+ if (profile == null) {
+ logger.error("Privilege from database is null, id ${row[profile_id]}")
+ continue
+ }
+ val privilege = Privilege.getByNumber(row[privilege])
+ if (privilege == null) {
+ logger.error("Privilege from database is null, number ${row[this.privilege]}")
+ continue
+ }
+ map!!.setRawStoredPrivilege(profile, privilege)
+ } while (iterator.hasNext().alsoIfTrue { row = })
+ sendIfPresent()
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/Migration.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/Migration.kt
index acc7c5e..a512f2a 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/Migration.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/Migration.kt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
-interface Migration {
- fun migrateTo(storage: Storage): Job
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
+interface Migration {
+ fun migrateTo(storage: Storage): Job
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/plotme/PlotmeMigration.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/plotme/PlotmeMigration.kt
index 831fe42..954da5d 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/plotme/PlotmeMigration.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/plotme/PlotmeMigration.kt
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
-@file:Suppress("RedundantSuspendModifier", "DEPRECATION")
-import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.options.PlotmeMigrationOptions
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
-import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
-import kotlinx.coroutines.newFixedThreadPoolContext
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
-import java.sql.Blob
-import java.util.UUID
-import javax.sql.DataSource
-class PlotmeMigration(val options: PlotmeMigrationOptions) : Migration {
- private var dataSource: DataSource? = null
- private var database: Database? = null
- private var isShutdown: Boolean = false
- private val mlogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("PlotMe Migrator")
- private val tables = PlotmeTables(options.tableNamesUppercase)
- val dispatcher = newFixedThreadPoolContext(1, "PlotMe Migration Thread")
- private fun <T> transaction(statement: Transaction.() -> T) =!!, statement)
- override fun migrateTo(storage: Storage): Job {
- return launch(dispatcher) {
- init()
- doWork(storage)
- shutdown()
- }
- }
- fun init() {
- if (isShutdown || database != null) throw IllegalStateException()
- dataSource =!!()
- database = Database.connect(dataSource!!)
- }
- fun shutdown() {
- if (isShutdown) throw IllegalStateException()
- dataSource?.let {
- (it as? HikariDataSource)?.close()
- }
- database = null
- isShutdown = true
- }
- suspend fun doWork(target: Storage) = with (tables) {
- val exit = transaction {
- (!PlotmePlots.exists()).also {
- if (it) mlogger.warn("Plotme tables don't appear to exist. Exiting.")
- }
- }
- if (exit) return
- val worldCache = options.worldsFromTo.mapValues { ParcelWorldId(it.value) }
- fun getParcelId(table: PlotmeTable, row: ResultRow): ParcelId? {
- val world = worldCache[row[table.world_name]] ?: return null
- return ParcelId(world, row[table.px], row[table.pz])
- }
- fun PlotmePlotPlayerMap.transmitPlotmeAddedTable(kind: Privilege) {
- selectAll().forEach { row ->
- val parcel = getParcelId(this, row) ?: return@forEach
- val profile =[player_uuid]?.toUUID(), row[player_name]) ?: return@forEach
- target.setLocalPrivilege(parcel, profile, kind)
- }
- }
-"Transmitting data from plotmeplots table")
- var count = 0
- transaction {
- PlotmePlots.selectAll()
- .orderBy(PlotmePlots.world_name)
- .orderBy(greaterOf(PlotmePlots.px.abs(), PlotmePlots.pz.abs()))
- .forEach { row ->
- val parcel = getParcelId(PlotmePlots, row) ?: return@forEach
- val owner =[PlotmePlots.owner_uuid]?.toUUID(), row[PlotmePlots.owner_name])
- target.setParcelOwner(parcel, owner)
- target.setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel, true)
- ++count
- }
- }
-"Transmitting data from plotmeallowed table")
- transaction {
- PlotmeAllowed.transmitPlotmeAddedTable(Privilege.CAN_BUILD)
- }
-"Transmitting data from plotmedenied table")
- transaction {
- PlotmeDenied.transmitPlotmeAddedTable(Privilege.BANNED)
- }
- mlogger.warn("Data has been **transmitted**. $count plots were migrated to the parcels database.")
- mlogger.warn("Loading parcel data might take a while as enqueued transactions from this migration are completed.")
- }
- private fun Blob.toUUID(): UUID? {
- val ba = ByteArray(16)
- val count =, 0, 16)
- if (count < 16) return null
- return ba.toUUID()
- }
+@file:Suppress("RedundantSuspendModifier", "DEPRECATION")
+import com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.options.PlotmeMigrationOptions
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Job
+import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
+import kotlinx.coroutines.newFixedThreadPoolContext
+import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
+import java.sql.Blob
+import java.util.UUID
+import javax.sql.DataSource
+class PlotmeMigration(val options: PlotmeMigrationOptions) : Migration {
+ private var dataSource: DataSource? = null
+ private var database: Database? = null
+ private var isShutdown: Boolean = false
+ private val mlogger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("PlotMe Migrator")
+ private val tables = PlotmeTables(options.tableNamesUppercase)
+ val dispatcher = newFixedThreadPoolContext(1, "PlotMe Migration Thread")
+ private fun <T> transaction(statement: Transaction.() -> T) =!!, statement)
+ override fun migrateTo(storage: Storage): Job {
+ return launch(dispatcher) {
+ init()
+ doWork(storage)
+ shutdown()
+ }
+ }
+ fun init() {
+ if (isShutdown || database != null) throw IllegalStateException()
+ dataSource =!!()
+ database = Database.connect(dataSource!!)
+ }
+ fun shutdown() {
+ if (isShutdown) throw IllegalStateException()
+ dataSource?.let {
+ (it as? HikariDataSource)?.close()
+ }
+ database = null
+ isShutdown = true
+ }
+ suspend fun doWork(target: Storage) = with (tables) {
+ val exit = transaction {
+ (!PlotmePlots.exists()).also {
+ if (it) mlogger.warn("Plotme tables don't appear to exist. Exiting.")
+ }
+ }
+ if (exit) return
+ val worldCache = options.worldsFromTo.mapValues { ParcelWorldId(it.value) }
+ fun getParcelId(table: PlotmeTable, row: ResultRow): ParcelId? {
+ val world = worldCache[row[table.world_name]] ?: return null
+ return ParcelId(world, row[table.px], row[table.pz])
+ }
+ fun PlotmePlotPlayerMap.transmitPlotmeAddedTable(kind: Privilege) {
+ selectAll().forEach { row ->
+ val parcel = getParcelId(this, row) ?: return@forEach
+ val profile =[player_uuid]?.toUUID(), row[player_name]) ?: return@forEach
+ target.setLocalPrivilege(parcel, profile, kind)
+ }
+ }
+"Transmitting data from plotmeplots table")
+ var count = 0
+ transaction {
+ PlotmePlots.selectAll()
+ .orderBy(PlotmePlots.world_name)
+ .orderBy(greaterOf(PlotmePlots.px.abs(), PlotmePlots.pz.abs()))
+ .forEach { row ->
+ val parcel = getParcelId(PlotmePlots, row) ?: return@forEach
+ val owner =[PlotmePlots.owner_uuid]?.toUUID(), row[PlotmePlots.owner_name])
+ target.setParcelOwner(parcel, owner)
+ target.setParcelOwnerSignOutdated(parcel, true)
+ ++count
+ }
+ }
+"Transmitting data from plotmeallowed table")
+ transaction {
+ PlotmeAllowed.transmitPlotmeAddedTable(Privilege.CAN_BUILD)
+ }
+"Transmitting data from plotmedenied table")
+ transaction {
+ PlotmeDenied.transmitPlotmeAddedTable(Privilege.BANNED)
+ }
+ mlogger.warn("Data has been **transmitted**. $count plots were migrated to the parcels database.")
+ mlogger.warn("Loading parcel data might take a while as enqueued transactions from this migration are completed.")
+ }
+ private fun Blob.toUUID(): UUID? {
+ val ba = ByteArray(16)
+ val count =, 0, 16)
+ if (count < 16) return null
+ return ba.toUUID()
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/plotme/PlotmeTables.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/plotme/PlotmeTables.kt
index dc788c8..b276e11 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/plotme/PlotmeTables.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/migration/plotme/PlotmeTables.kt
@@ -1,31 +1,31 @@
-class PlotmeTables(val uppercase: Boolean) {
- fun String.toCorrectCase() = if (uppercase) this else toLowerCase()
- val PlotmePlots = PlotmePlotsT()
- val PlotmeAllowed = PlotmeAllowedT()
- val PlotmeDenied = PlotmeDeniedT()
- inner abstract class PlotmeTable(name: String) : Table(name) {
- val px = integer("idX").primaryKey()
- val pz = integer("idZ").primaryKey()
- val world_name = varchar("world", 32).primaryKey()
- }
- inner abstract class PlotmePlotPlayerMap(name: String) : PlotmeTable(name) {
- val player_name = varchar("player", 32)
- val player_uuid = blob("playerid").nullable()
- }
- inner class PlotmePlotsT : PlotmeTable("plotmePlots".toCorrectCase()) {
- val owner_name = varchar("owner", 32)
- val owner_uuid = blob("ownerid").nullable()
- }
- inner class PlotmeAllowedT : PlotmePlotPlayerMap("plotmeAllowed".toCorrectCase())
- inner class PlotmeDeniedT : PlotmePlotPlayerMap("plotmeDenied".toCorrectCase())
+class PlotmeTables(val uppercase: Boolean) {
+ fun String.toCorrectCase() = if (uppercase) this else toLowerCase()
+ val PlotmePlots = PlotmePlotsT()
+ val PlotmeAllowed = PlotmeAllowedT()
+ val PlotmeDenied = PlotmeDeniedT()
+ inner abstract class PlotmeTable(name: String) : Table(name) {
+ val px = integer("idX").primaryKey()
+ val pz = integer("idZ").primaryKey()
+ val world_name = varchar("world", 32).primaryKey()
+ }
+ inner abstract class PlotmePlotPlayerMap(name: String) : PlotmeTable(name) {
+ val player_name = varchar("player", 32)
+ val player_uuid = blob("playerid").nullable()
+ }
+ inner class PlotmePlotsT : PlotmeTable("plotmePlots".toCorrectCase()) {
+ val owner_name = varchar("owner", 32)
+ val owner_uuid = blob("ownerid").nullable()
+ }
+ inner class PlotmeAllowedT : PlotmePlotPlayerMap("plotmeAllowed".toCorrectCase())
+ inner class PlotmeDeniedT : PlotmePlotPlayerMap("plotmeDenied".toCorrectCase())
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/BukkitUtil.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/BukkitUtil.kt
index 618eaed..a4a6da9 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/BukkitUtil.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/BukkitUtil.kt
@@ -1,14 +1,14 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.isValid
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit
-import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
-import java.util.UUID
-fun getPlayerName(uuid: UUID): String? = getOfflinePlayer(uuid)?.name
-fun getOfflinePlayer(uuid: UUID): OfflinePlayer? = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(uuid).takeIf { it.isValid }
-fun getOfflinePlayer(name: String): OfflinePlayer? = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(name).takeIf { it.isValid }
-fun isServerThread(): Boolean = Thread.currentThread().name == "Server thread"
+package io.dico.parcels2.util
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.isValid
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit
+import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
+import java.util.UUID
+fun getPlayerName(uuid: UUID): String? = getOfflinePlayer(uuid)?.name
+fun getOfflinePlayer(uuid: UUID): OfflinePlayer? = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(uuid).takeIf { it.isValid }
+fun getOfflinePlayer(name: String): OfflinePlayer? = Bukkit.getOfflinePlayer(name).takeIf { it.isValid }
+fun isServerThread(): Boolean = Thread.currentThread().name == "Server thread"
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/MainThreadDispatcher.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/MainThreadDispatcher.kt
index 3eb2e81..3904026 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/MainThreadDispatcher.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/MainThreadDispatcher.kt
@@ -1,43 +1,43 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellableContinuation
-import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineDispatcher
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Delay
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Runnable
-import kotlinx.coroutines.timeunit.TimeUnit
-import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
-import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
-abstract class MainThreadDispatcher : CoroutineDispatcher(), Delay {
- abstract val mainThread: Thread
- abstract fun runOnMainThread(task: Runnable)
-fun MainThreadDispatcher(plugin: Plugin): MainThreadDispatcher {
- return object : MainThreadDispatcher() {
- override val mainThread: Thread = Thread.currentThread()
- override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) {
- doDispatch(block)
- }
- override fun runOnMainThread(task: Runnable) {
- doDispatch(task)
- }
- private fun doDispatch(task: Runnable) {
- if (Thread.currentThread() === mainThread)
- else plugin.server.scheduler.runTaskLater(plugin, task, 0)
- }
- override fun scheduleResumeAfterDelay(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit, continuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit>) {
- val task = Runnable {
- with (continuation) { resumeUndispatched(Unit) }
- }
- val millis = unit.toMillis(time)
- plugin.server.scheduler.runTaskLater(plugin, task, (millis + 25) / 50 - 1)
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.util
+import kotlinx.coroutines.CancellableContinuation
+import kotlinx.coroutines.CoroutineDispatcher
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Delay
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Runnable
+import kotlinx.coroutines.timeunit.TimeUnit
+import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
+import kotlin.coroutines.CoroutineContext
+abstract class MainThreadDispatcher : CoroutineDispatcher(), Delay {
+ abstract val mainThread: Thread
+ abstract fun runOnMainThread(task: Runnable)
+fun MainThreadDispatcher(plugin: Plugin): MainThreadDispatcher {
+ return object : MainThreadDispatcher() {
+ override val mainThread: Thread = Thread.currentThread()
+ override fun dispatch(context: CoroutineContext, block: Runnable) {
+ doDispatch(block)
+ }
+ override fun runOnMainThread(task: Runnable) {
+ doDispatch(task)
+ }
+ private fun doDispatch(task: Runnable) {
+ if (Thread.currentThread() === mainThread)
+ else plugin.server.scheduler.runTaskLater(plugin, task, 0)
+ }
+ override fun scheduleResumeAfterDelay(time: Long, unit: TimeUnit, continuation: CancellableContinuation<Unit>) {
+ val task = Runnable {
+ with (continuation) { resumeUndispatched(Unit) }
+ }
+ val millis = unit.toMillis(time)
+ plugin.server.scheduler.runTaskLater(plugin, task, (millis + 25) / 50 - 1)
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/PluginScheduler.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/PluginScheduler.kt
index f29ba2b..268a083 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/PluginScheduler.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/PluginScheduler.kt
@@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util
-import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
-import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask
-interface PluginScheduler {
- val plugin: Plugin
- fun schedule(delay: Int, task: () -> Unit): BukkitTask {
- return plugin.server.scheduler.runTaskLater(plugin, task, delay.toLong())
- }
- fun scheduleRepeating(delay: Int, interval: Int, task: () -> Unit): BukkitTask {
- return plugin.server.scheduler.runTaskTimer(plugin, task, delay.toLong(), interval.toLong())
- }
-inline fun PluginScheduler.schedule(noinline task: () -> Unit) = schedule(0, task)
+package io.dico.parcels2.util
+import org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin
+import org.bukkit.scheduler.BukkitTask
+interface PluginScheduler {
+ val plugin: Plugin
+ fun schedule(delay: Int, task: () -> Unit): BukkitTask {
+ return plugin.server.scheduler.runTaskLater(plugin, task, delay.toLong())
+ }
+ fun scheduleRepeating(delay: Int, interval: Int, task: () -> Unit): BukkitTask {
+ return plugin.server.scheduler.runTaskTimer(plugin, task, delay.toLong(), interval.toLong())
+ }
+inline fun PluginScheduler.schedule(noinline task: () -> Unit) = schedule(0, task)
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Material.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Material.kt
index e160e55..1351b5d 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Material.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Material.kt
@@ -1,108 +1,108 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util.ext
-import org.bukkit.Material
-import org.bukkit.Material.*
- */
-val Material.isBed
- get() = when (this) {
- BLACK_BED -> true
- else -> false
- }
-val Material.isWoodDoor
- get() = when (this) {
- DARK_OAK_DOOR -> true
- else -> false
- }
-val Material.isWoodTrapdoor
- get() = when (this) {
- else -> false
- }
-val Material.isWoodFenceGate
- get() = when (this) {
- else -> false
- }
-val Material.isWoodButton
- get() = when (this) {
- else -> false
- }
-private fun getMaterialPrefixed(prefix: String, name: String): Material {
- return Material.getMaterial("${prefix}_$name") ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Material ${prefix}_$name doesn't exist")
-fun getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix(name: String) = arrayOf(
- getMaterialPrefixed("OAK", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("BIRCH", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("SPRUCE", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("JUNGLE", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("ACACIA", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("DARK_OAK", name)
-fun getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix(name: String) = arrayOf(
- getMaterialPrefixed("WHITE", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("ORANGE", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("MAGENTA", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("LIGHT_BLUE", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("YELLOW", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("LIME", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("PINK", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("GRAY", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("LIGHT_GRAY", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("CYAN", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("PURPLE", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("BLUE", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("BROWN", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("GREEN", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("RED", name),
- getMaterialPrefixed("BLACK", name)
+package io.dico.parcels2.util.ext
+import org.bukkit.Material
+import org.bukkit.Material.*
+ */
+val Material.isBed
+ get() = when (this) {
+ BLACK_BED -> true
+ else -> false
+ }
+val Material.isWoodDoor
+ get() = when (this) {
+ DARK_OAK_DOOR -> true
+ else -> false
+ }
+val Material.isWoodTrapdoor
+ get() = when (this) {
+ else -> false
+ }
+val Material.isWoodFenceGate
+ get() = when (this) {
+ else -> false
+ }
+val Material.isWoodButton
+ get() = when (this) {
+ else -> false
+ }
+private fun getMaterialPrefixed(prefix: String, name: String): Material {
+ return Material.getMaterial("${prefix}_$name") ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Material ${prefix}_$name doesn't exist")
+fun getMaterialsWithWoodTypePrefix(name: String) = arrayOf(
+ getMaterialPrefixed("OAK", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("BIRCH", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("SPRUCE", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("JUNGLE", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("ACACIA", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("DARK_OAK", name)
+fun getMaterialsWithWoolColorPrefix(name: String) = arrayOf(
+ getMaterialPrefixed("WHITE", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("ORANGE", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("MAGENTA", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("LIGHT_BLUE", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("YELLOW", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("LIME", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("PINK", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("GRAY", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("LIGHT_GRAY", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("CYAN", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("PURPLE", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("BLUE", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("BROWN", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("GREEN", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("RED", name),
+ getMaterialPrefixed("BLACK", name)
) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Misc.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Misc.kt
index 75aba35..e5e8aa9 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Misc.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Misc.kt
@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util.ext
-import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
-import io.dico.parcels2.logger
-fun File.tryCreate(): Boolean {
- if (exists()) {
- return !isDirectory
- }
- val parent = parentFile
- if (parent == null || !(parent.exists() || parent.mkdirs()) || !createNewFile()) {
- logger.warn("Failed to create file $canonicalPath")
- return false
- }
- return true
-inline fun Boolean.alsoIfTrue(block: () -> Unit): Boolean = also { if (it) block() }
-inline fun Boolean.alsoIfFalse(block: () -> Unit): Boolean = also { if (!it) block() }
-inline fun <R> Any.synchronized(block: () -> R): R = synchronized(this, block)
-//inline fun <T> T?.isNullOr(condition: T.() -> Boolean): Boolean = this == null || condition()
-//inline fun <T> T?.isPresentAnd(condition: T.() -> Boolean): Boolean = this != null && condition()
-inline fun <T> T?.ifNullRun(block: () -> Unit): T? {
- if (this == null) block()
- return this
-inline fun <T, U> MutableMap<T, U>.editLoop(block: EditLoopScope<T, U>.(T, U) -> Unit) {
- return EditLoopScope(this).doEditLoop(block)
-inline fun <T, U> MutableMap<T, U>.editLoop(block: EditLoopScope<T, U>.() -> Unit) {
- return EditLoopScope(this).doEditLoop(block)
-class EditLoopScope<T, U>(val _map: MutableMap<T, U>) {
- private var iterator: MutableIterator<MutableMap.MutableEntry<T, U>>? = null
- lateinit var _entry: MutableMap.MutableEntry<T, U>
- inline val key get() = _entry.key
- inline var value
- get() = _entry.value
- set(target) = run { _entry.setValue(target) }
- inline fun doEditLoop(block: EditLoopScope<T, U>.() -> Unit) {
- val it = _initIterator()
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- _entry =
- block()
- }
- }
- inline fun doEditLoop(block: EditLoopScope<T, U>.(T, U) -> Unit) {
- val it = _initIterator()
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- val entry = { _entry = it }
- block(entry.key, entry.value)
- }
- }
- fun remove() {
- iterator!!.remove()
- }
- fun _initIterator(): MutableIterator<MutableMap.MutableEntry<T, U>> {
- iterator?.let { throw IllegalStateException() }
- return _map.entries.iterator().also { iterator = it }
- }
-operator fun Formatting) = toString() + other
-operator fun String) = toString() + other
-inline fun <T> Pair<T, T>.forEach(block: (T) -> Unit) {
- block(first)
- block(second)
+package io.dico.parcels2.util.ext
+import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
+import io.dico.parcels2.logger
+fun File.tryCreate(): Boolean {
+ if (exists()) {
+ return !isDirectory
+ }
+ val parent = parentFile
+ if (parent == null || !(parent.exists() || parent.mkdirs()) || !createNewFile()) {
+ logger.warn("Failed to create file $canonicalPath")
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+inline fun Boolean.alsoIfTrue(block: () -> Unit): Boolean = also { if (it) block() }
+inline fun Boolean.alsoIfFalse(block: () -> Unit): Boolean = also { if (!it) block() }
+inline fun <R> Any.synchronized(block: () -> R): R = synchronized(this, block)
+//inline fun <T> T?.isNullOr(condition: T.() -> Boolean): Boolean = this == null || condition()
+//inline fun <T> T?.isPresentAnd(condition: T.() -> Boolean): Boolean = this != null && condition()
+inline fun <T> T?.ifNullRun(block: () -> Unit): T? {
+ if (this == null) block()
+ return this
+inline fun <T, U> MutableMap<T, U>.editLoop(block: EditLoopScope<T, U>.(T, U) -> Unit) {
+ return EditLoopScope(this).doEditLoop(block)
+inline fun <T, U> MutableMap<T, U>.editLoop(block: EditLoopScope<T, U>.() -> Unit) {
+ return EditLoopScope(this).doEditLoop(block)
+class EditLoopScope<T, U>(val _map: MutableMap<T, U>) {
+ private var iterator: MutableIterator<MutableMap.MutableEntry<T, U>>? = null
+ lateinit var _entry: MutableMap.MutableEntry<T, U>
+ inline val key get() = _entry.key
+ inline var value
+ get() = _entry.value
+ set(target) = run { _entry.setValue(target) }
+ inline fun doEditLoop(block: EditLoopScope<T, U>.() -> Unit) {
+ val it = _initIterator()
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ _entry =
+ block()
+ }
+ }
+ inline fun doEditLoop(block: EditLoopScope<T, U>.(T, U) -> Unit) {
+ val it = _initIterator()
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ val entry = { _entry = it }
+ block(entry.key, entry.value)
+ }
+ }
+ fun remove() {
+ iterator!!.remove()
+ }
+ fun _initIterator(): MutableIterator<MutableMap.MutableEntry<T, U>> {
+ iterator?.let { throw IllegalStateException() }
+ return _map.entries.iterator().also { iterator = it }
+ }
+operator fun Formatting) = toString() + other
+operator fun String) = toString() + other
+inline fun <T> Pair<T, T>.forEach(block: (T) -> Unit) {
+ block(first)
+ block(second)
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Player.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Player.kt
index a7f21c5..4c502a0 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Player.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/ext/Player.kt
@@ -1,57 +1,57 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util.ext
-import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
-import io.dico.parcels2.logger
-import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
-import org.bukkit.entity.Player
-import org.bukkit.permissions.Permissible
-inline val OfflinePlayer.uuid get() = uniqueId
-inline val OfflinePlayer.isValid
- get() = isOnline() || hasPlayedBefore()
-const val PERM_BAN_BYPASS = "parcels.admin.bypass.ban"
-const val PERM_BUILD_ANYWHERE = ""
-const val PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE = "parcels.admin.manage"
-inline val Permissible.hasPermBanBypass get() = hasPermission(PERM_BAN_BYPASS)
-inline val Permissible.hasPermGamemodeBypass get() = hasPermission("parcels.admin.bypass.gamemode")
-inline val Permissible.hasPermBuildAnywhere get() = hasPermission(PERM_BUILD_ANYWHERE)
-inline val Permissible.hasPermAdminManage get() = hasPermission(PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE)
-inline val Permissible.hasParcelHomeOthers get() = hasPermission("parcels.command.home.others")
-inline val Permissible.hasPermRandomSpecific get() = hasPermission("parcels.command.random.specific")
-val Player.parcelLimit: Int
- get() {
- for (info in effectivePermissions) {
- val perm = info.permission
- if (perm.startsWith("parcels.limit.")) {
- val limitString = perm.substring("parcels.limit.".length)
- if (limitString == "*") {
- return Int.MAX_VALUE
- }
- return limitString.toIntOrNull() ?: DEFAULT_LIMIT.also {
- logger.warn("$name has permission '$perm'. The suffix can not be parsed to an integer (or *).")
- }
- }
- }
- }
-private const val DEFAULT_LIMIT = 1
-private val prefix = Formatting.translateChars('&', "&4[&c${JavaPlugin.getPlugin(}&4] &a")
-fun Player.sendParcelMessage(except: Boolean = false, nopermit: Boolean = false, message: String) {
- if (except) {
- sendMessage(prefix + Formatting.YELLOW + Formatting.translateChars('&', message))
- } else if (nopermit) {
- sendMessage(prefix + Formatting.RED + Formatting.translateChars('&', message))
- } else {
- sendMessage(prefix + Formatting.translateChars('&', message))
- }
-const val PLAYER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER = ":unknown_name:"
+package io.dico.parcels2.util.ext
+import io.dico.dicore.Formatting
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
+import io.dico.parcels2.logger
+import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer
+import org.bukkit.entity.Player
+import org.bukkit.permissions.Permissible
+inline val OfflinePlayer.uuid get() = uniqueId
+inline val OfflinePlayer.isValid
+ get() = isOnline() || hasPlayedBefore()
+const val PERM_BAN_BYPASS = "parcels.admin.bypass.ban"
+const val PERM_BUILD_ANYWHERE = ""
+const val PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE = "parcels.admin.manage"
+inline val Permissible.hasPermBanBypass get() = hasPermission(PERM_BAN_BYPASS)
+inline val Permissible.hasPermGamemodeBypass get() = hasPermission("parcels.admin.bypass.gamemode")
+inline val Permissible.hasPermBuildAnywhere get() = hasPermission(PERM_BUILD_ANYWHERE)
+inline val Permissible.hasPermAdminManage get() = hasPermission(PERM_ADMIN_MANAGE)
+inline val Permissible.hasParcelHomeOthers get() = hasPermission("parcels.command.home.others")
+inline val Permissible.hasPermRandomSpecific get() = hasPermission("parcels.command.random.specific")
+val Player.parcelLimit: Int
+ get() {
+ for (info in effectivePermissions) {
+ val perm = info.permission
+ if (perm.startsWith("parcels.limit.")) {
+ val limitString = perm.substring("parcels.limit.".length)
+ if (limitString == "*") {
+ return Int.MAX_VALUE
+ }
+ return limitString.toIntOrNull() ?: DEFAULT_LIMIT.also {
+ logger.warn("$name has permission '$perm'. The suffix can not be parsed to an integer (or *).")
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+private const val DEFAULT_LIMIT = 1
+private val prefix = Formatting.translateChars('&', "&4[&c${JavaPlugin.getPlugin(}&4] &a")
+fun Player.sendParcelMessage(except: Boolean = false, nopermit: Boolean = false, message: String) {
+ if (except) {
+ sendMessage(prefix + Formatting.YELLOW + Formatting.translateChars('&', message))
+ } else if (nopermit) {
+ sendMessage(prefix + Formatting.RED + Formatting.translateChars('&', message))
+ } else {
+ sendMessage(prefix + Formatting.translateChars('&', message))
+ }
+const val PLAYER_NAME_PLACEHOLDER = ":unknown_name:"
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Dimension.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Dimension.kt
index cf67148..5b16860 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Dimension.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Dimension.kt
@@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
-enum class Dimension {
- X,
- Y,
- Z;
- val otherDimensions
- get() = when (this) {
- X -> Y to Z
- Y -> X to Z
- Z -> X to Y
- }
- companion object {
- private val values = values()
- operator fun get(ordinal: Int) = values[ordinal]
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
+enum class Dimension {
+ X,
+ Y,
+ Z;
+ val otherDimensions
+ get() = when (this) {
+ X -> Y to Z
+ Y -> X to Z
+ Z -> X to Y
+ }
+ companion object {
+ private val values = values()
+ operator fun get(ordinal: Int) = values[ordinal]
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Math.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Math.kt
index 12c3e9f..5f8deef 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Math.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Math.kt
@@ -1,42 +1,42 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
-fun Double.floor(): Int {
- val down = toInt()
- if (down.toDouble() != this && (java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits(this).ushr(63).toInt()) == 1) {
- return down - 1
- }
- return down
-infix fun Int.umod(divisor: Int): Int {
- val out = this % divisor
- if (out < 0) {
- return out + divisor
- }
- return out
-val Int.even: Boolean get() = and(1) == 0
-fun IntRange.clamp(min: Int, max: Int): IntRange {
- if (first < min) {
- if (last > max) {
- return IntRange(min, max)
- }
- return IntRange(min, last)
- }
- if (last > max) {
- return IntRange(first, max)
- }
- return this
-// the name coerceAtMost is bad
-fun Int.clampMax(max: Int) = coerceAtMost(max)
-fun Double.clampMin(min: Double) = coerceAtLeast(min)
-fun Double.clampMax(max: Double) = coerceAtMost(max)
-// Why does this not exist?
-infix fun Int.ceilDiv(divisor: Int): Int {
- return -Math.floorDiv(-this, divisor)
+package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
+fun Double.floor(): Int {
+ val down = toInt()
+ if (down.toDouble() != this && (java.lang.Double.doubleToRawLongBits(this).ushr(63).toInt()) == 1) {
+ return down - 1
+ }
+ return down
+infix fun Int.umod(divisor: Int): Int {
+ val out = this % divisor
+ if (out < 0) {
+ return out + divisor
+ }
+ return out
+val Int.even: Boolean get() = and(1) == 0
+fun IntRange.clamp(min: Int, max: Int): IntRange {
+ if (first < min) {
+ if (last > max) {
+ return IntRange(min, max)
+ }
+ return IntRange(min, last)
+ }
+ if (last > max) {
+ return IntRange(first, max)
+ }
+ return this
+// the name coerceAtMost is bad
+fun Int.clampMax(max: Int) = coerceAtMost(max)
+fun Double.clampMin(min: Double) = coerceAtLeast(min)
+fun Double.clampMax(max: Double) = coerceAtMost(max)
+// Why does this not exist?
+infix fun Int.ceilDiv(divisor: Int): Int {
+ return -Math.floorDiv(-this, divisor)
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Region.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Region.kt
index cdbd497..cdcbe0e 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Region.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Region.kt
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
-data class Region(val origin: Vec3i, val size: Vec3i) {
- val blockCount: Int get() = size.x * size.y * size.z
- val center: Vec3d
- get() {
- val x = (origin.x + size.x) / 2.0
- val y = (origin.y + size.y) / 2.0
- val z = (origin.z + size.z) / 2.0
- return Vec3d(x, y, z)
- }
- val end: Vec3i
- get() = origin + size
- val max: Vec3i
- get() = Vec3i(origin.x + size.x - 1, origin.y + size.y - 1, origin.z + size.z - 1)
- fun withSize(size: Vec3i): Region {
- if (size == this.size) return this
- return Region(origin, size)
- }
- operator fun contains(loc: Vec3i): Boolean = getFirstUncontainedDimensionOf(loc) == null
- fun getFirstUncontainedDimensionOf(loc: Vec3i): Dimension? {
- val max = max
- return when {
- loc.x !in origin.x..max.x -> Dimension.X
- loc.z !in origin.z..max.z -> Dimension.Z
- loc.y !in origin.y..max.y -> Dimension.Y
- else -> null
- }
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
+data class Region(val origin: Vec3i, val size: Vec3i) {
+ val blockCount: Int get() = size.x * size.y * size.z
+ val center: Vec3d
+ get() {
+ val x = (origin.x + size.x) / 2.0
+ val y = (origin.y + size.y) / 2.0
+ val z = (origin.z + size.z) / 2.0
+ return Vec3d(x, y, z)
+ }
+ val end: Vec3i
+ get() = origin + size
+ val max: Vec3i
+ get() = Vec3i(origin.x + size.x - 1, origin.y + size.y - 1, origin.z + size.z - 1)
+ fun withSize(size: Vec3i): Region {
+ if (size == this.size) return this
+ return Region(origin, size)
+ }
+ operator fun contains(loc: Vec3i): Boolean = getFirstUncontainedDimensionOf(loc) == null
+ fun getFirstUncontainedDimensionOf(loc: Vec3i): Dimension? {
+ val max = max
+ return when {
+ loc.x !in origin.x..max.x -> Dimension.X
+ loc.z !in origin.z..max.z -> Dimension.Z
+ loc.y !in origin.y..max.y -> Dimension.Y
+ else -> null
+ }
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec2i.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec2i.kt
index 5945120..3b25526 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec2i.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec2i.kt
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
-data class Vec2i(
- val x: Int,
- val z: Int
-) {
- fun add(ox: Int, oz: Int) = Vec2i(x + ox, z + oz)
- fun toChunk() = Vec2i(x shr 4, z shr 4)
+package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
+data class Vec2i(
+ val x: Int,
+ val z: Int
+) {
+ fun add(ox: Int, oz: Int) = Vec2i(x + ox, z + oz)
+ fun toChunk() = Vec2i(x shr 4, z shr 4)
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec3d.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec3d.kt
index 787f46c..72b6dcd 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec3d.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec3d.kt
@@ -1,53 +1,53 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
-import org.bukkit.Location
-import kotlin.math.sqrt
-data class Vec3d(
- val x: Double,
- val y: Double,
- val z: Double
-) {
- constructor(loc: Location) : this(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z)
- operator fun plus(o: Vec3d) = Vec3d(x + o.x, y + o.y, z + o.z)
- operator fun minus(o: Vec3i) = Vec3d(x - o.x, y - o.y, z - o.z)
- infix fun addX(o: Double) = Vec3d(x + o, y, z)
- infix fun addY(o: Double) = Vec3d(x, y + o, z)
- infix fun addZ(o: Double) = Vec3d(x, y, z + o)
- infix fun withX(o: Double) = Vec3d(o, y, z)
- infix fun withY(o: Double) = Vec3d(x, o, z)
- infix fun withZ(o: Double) = Vec3d(x, y, o)
- fun add(ox: Double, oy: Double, oz: Double) = Vec3d(x + ox, y + oy, z + oz)
- fun toVec3i() = Vec3i(x.floor(), y.floor(), z.floor())
- fun distanceSquared(o: Vec3d): Double {
- val dx = o.x - x
- val dy = o.y - y
- val dz = o.z - z
- return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
- }
- fun distance(o: Vec3d) = sqrt(distanceSquared(o))
- operator fun get(dimension: Dimension) =
- when (dimension) {
- Dimension.X -> x
- Dimension.Y -> y
- Dimension.Z -> z
- }
- fun with(dimension: Dimension, value: Double) =
- when (dimension) {
- Dimension.X -> withX(value)
- Dimension.Y -> withY(value)
- Dimension.Z -> withZ(value)
- }
- fun add(dimension: Dimension, value: Double) =
- when (dimension) {
- Dimension.X -> addX(value)
- Dimension.Y -> addY(value)
- Dimension.Z -> addZ(value)
- }
+package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
+import org.bukkit.Location
+import kotlin.math.sqrt
+data class Vec3d(
+ val x: Double,
+ val y: Double,
+ val z: Double
+) {
+ constructor(loc: Location) : this(loc.x, loc.y, loc.z)
+ operator fun plus(o: Vec3d) = Vec3d(x + o.x, y + o.y, z + o.z)
+ operator fun minus(o: Vec3i) = Vec3d(x - o.x, y - o.y, z - o.z)
+ infix fun addX(o: Double) = Vec3d(x + o, y, z)
+ infix fun addY(o: Double) = Vec3d(x, y + o, z)
+ infix fun addZ(o: Double) = Vec3d(x, y, z + o)
+ infix fun withX(o: Double) = Vec3d(o, y, z)
+ infix fun withY(o: Double) = Vec3d(x, o, z)
+ infix fun withZ(o: Double) = Vec3d(x, y, o)
+ fun add(ox: Double, oy: Double, oz: Double) = Vec3d(x + ox, y + oy, z + oz)
+ fun toVec3i() = Vec3i(x.floor(), y.floor(), z.floor())
+ fun distanceSquared(o: Vec3d): Double {
+ val dx = o.x - x
+ val dy = o.y - y
+ val dz = o.z - z
+ return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz
+ }
+ fun distance(o: Vec3d) = sqrt(distanceSquared(o))
+ operator fun get(dimension: Dimension) =
+ when (dimension) {
+ Dimension.X -> x
+ Dimension.Y -> y
+ Dimension.Z -> z
+ }
+ fun with(dimension: Dimension, value: Double) =
+ when (dimension) {
+ Dimension.X -> withX(value)
+ Dimension.Y -> withY(value)
+ Dimension.Z -> withZ(value)
+ }
+ fun add(dimension: Dimension, value: Double) =
+ when (dimension) {
+ Dimension.X -> addX(value)
+ Dimension.Y -> addY(value)
+ Dimension.Z -> addZ(value)
+ }
} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec3i.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec3i.kt
index b25764e..484ad13 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec3i.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/util/math/Vec3i.kt
@@ -1,105 +1,105 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
-import org.bukkit.Location
-import org.bukkit.World
-import org.bukkit.block.Block
-import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
-data class Vec3i(
- val x: Int,
- val y: Int,
- val z: Int
-) {
- constructor(loc: Location) : this(loc.blockX, loc.blockY, loc.blockZ)
- constructor(block: Block) : this(block.x, block.y, block.z)
- fun toVec2i() = Vec2i(x, z)
- operator fun plus(o: Vec3i) = Vec3i(x + o.x, y + o.y, z + o.z)
- operator fun minus(o: Vec3i) = Vec3i(x - o.x, y - o.y, z - o.z)
- infix fun addX(o: Int) = Vec3i(x + o, y, z)
- infix fun addY(o: Int) = Vec3i(x, y + o, z)
- infix fun addZ(o: Int) = Vec3i(x, y, z + o)
- infix fun withX(o: Int) = Vec3i(o, y, z)
- infix fun withY(o: Int) = Vec3i(x, o, z)
- infix fun withZ(o: Int) = Vec3i(x, y, o)
- fun add(ox: Int, oy: Int, oz: Int) = Vec3i(x + ox, y + oy, z + oz)
- fun neg() = Vec3i(-x, -y, -z)
- fun clampMax(o: Vec3i) = Vec3i(x.clampMax(o.x), y.clampMax(o.y), z.clampMax(o.z))
- operator fun get(dimension: Dimension) =
- when (dimension) {
- Dimension.X -> x
- Dimension.Y -> y
- Dimension.Z -> z
- }
- fun with(dimension: Dimension, value: Int) =
- when (dimension) {
- Dimension.X -> withX(value)
- Dimension.Y -> withY(value)
- Dimension.Z -> withZ(value)
- }
- fun add(dimension: Dimension, value: Int) =
- when (dimension) {
- Dimension.X -> addX(value)
- Dimension.Y -> addY(value)
- Dimension.Z -> addZ(value)
- }
- companion object {
- private operator fun invoke(face: BlockFace) = Vec3i(face.modX, face.modY, face.modZ)
- val down = Vec3i(BlockFace.DOWN)
- val up = Vec3i(BlockFace.UP)
- val north = Vec3i(BlockFace.NORTH)
- val east = Vec3i(BlockFace.EAST)
- val south = Vec3i(BlockFace.SOUTH)
- val west = Vec3i(BlockFace.WEST)
- fun convert(face: BlockFace) = when (face) {
- BlockFace.DOWN -> down
- BlockFace.UP -> up
- BlockFace.NORTH -> north
- BlockFace.EAST -> east
- BlockFace.SOUTH -> south
- BlockFace.WEST -> west
- else -> Vec3i(face)
- }
- }
-inline operator fun World.get(vec: Vec3i): Block = getBlockAt(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z)
-private /*inline */class IVec3i(private val data: Long) {
- private companion object {
- const val mask = 0x001F_FFFF
- const val max: Int = 0x000F_FFFF // +1048575
- const val min: Int = -max - 1 // -1048575 // 0xFFF0_0000
- @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
- inline fun Int.compressIntoLong(offset: Int): Long {
- if (this !in min..max) throw IllegalArgumentException()
- return and(mask).toLong().shl(offset)
- }
- @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
- inline fun Long.extractInt(offset: Int): Int {
- val result = ushr(offset).toInt().and(mask)
- return if (result > max) result or mask.inv() else result
- }
- }
- constructor(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) : this(
- x.compressIntoLong(42)
- or y.compressIntoLong(21)
- or z.compressIntoLong(0))
- val x: Int get() = data.extractInt(42)
- val y: Int get() = data.extractInt(21)
- val z: Int get() = data.extractInt(0)
+package io.dico.parcels2.util.math
+import org.bukkit.Location
+import org.bukkit.World
+import org.bukkit.block.Block
+import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace
+data class Vec3i(
+ val x: Int,
+ val y: Int,
+ val z: Int
+) {
+ constructor(loc: Location) : this(loc.blockX, loc.blockY, loc.blockZ)
+ constructor(block: Block) : this(block.x, block.y, block.z)
+ fun toVec2i() = Vec2i(x, z)
+ operator fun plus(o: Vec3i) = Vec3i(x + o.x, y + o.y, z + o.z)
+ operator fun minus(o: Vec3i) = Vec3i(x - o.x, y - o.y, z - o.z)
+ infix fun addX(o: Int) = Vec3i(x + o, y, z)
+ infix fun addY(o: Int) = Vec3i(x, y + o, z)
+ infix fun addZ(o: Int) = Vec3i(x, y, z + o)
+ infix fun withX(o: Int) = Vec3i(o, y, z)
+ infix fun withY(o: Int) = Vec3i(x, o, z)
+ infix fun withZ(o: Int) = Vec3i(x, y, o)
+ fun add(ox: Int, oy: Int, oz: Int) = Vec3i(x + ox, y + oy, z + oz)
+ fun neg() = Vec3i(-x, -y, -z)
+ fun clampMax(o: Vec3i) = Vec3i(x.clampMax(o.x), y.clampMax(o.y), z.clampMax(o.z))
+ operator fun get(dimension: Dimension) =
+ when (dimension) {
+ Dimension.X -> x
+ Dimension.Y -> y
+ Dimension.Z -> z
+ }
+ fun with(dimension: Dimension, value: Int) =
+ when (dimension) {
+ Dimension.X -> withX(value)
+ Dimension.Y -> withY(value)
+ Dimension.Z -> withZ(value)
+ }
+ fun add(dimension: Dimension, value: Int) =
+ when (dimension) {
+ Dimension.X -> addX(value)
+ Dimension.Y -> addY(value)
+ Dimension.Z -> addZ(value)
+ }
+ companion object {
+ private operator fun invoke(face: BlockFace) = Vec3i(face.modX, face.modY, face.modZ)
+ val down = Vec3i(BlockFace.DOWN)
+ val up = Vec3i(BlockFace.UP)
+ val north = Vec3i(BlockFace.NORTH)
+ val east = Vec3i(BlockFace.EAST)
+ val south = Vec3i(BlockFace.SOUTH)
+ val west = Vec3i(BlockFace.WEST)
+ fun convert(face: BlockFace) = when (face) {
+ BlockFace.DOWN -> down
+ BlockFace.UP -> up
+ BlockFace.NORTH -> north
+ BlockFace.EAST -> east
+ BlockFace.SOUTH -> south
+ BlockFace.WEST -> west
+ else -> Vec3i(face)
+ }
+ }
+inline operator fun World.get(vec: Vec3i): Block = getBlockAt(vec.x, vec.y, vec.z)
+private /*inline */class IVec3i(private val data: Long) {
+ private companion object {
+ const val mask = 0x001F_FFFF
+ const val max: Int = 0x000F_FFFF // +1048575
+ const val min: Int = -max - 1 // -1048575 // 0xFFF0_0000
+ @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
+ inline fun Int.compressIntoLong(offset: Int): Long {
+ if (this !in min..max) throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ return and(mask).toLong().shl(offset)
+ }
+ @Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
+ inline fun Long.extractInt(offset: Int): Int {
+ val result = ushr(offset).toInt().and(mask)
+ return if (result > max) result or mask.inv() else result
+ }
+ }
+ constructor(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) : this(
+ x.compressIntoLong(42)
+ or y.compressIntoLong(21)
+ or z.compressIntoLong(0))
+ val x: Int get() = data.extractInt(42)
+ val y: Int get() = data.extractInt(21)
+ val z: Int get() = data.extractInt(0)
diff --git a/src/main/resources/logback.xml b/src/main/resources/logback.xml
index eff524c..c2e272e 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/logback.xml
+++ b/src/main/resources/logback.xml
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
- <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
- <encoder>
- <!-- old pattern <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %magenta(%-8.-8(%thread)) %highlight(%-5level) %boldCyan(%8.-32logger{32}) - %msg\n</pattern>-->
- <pattern>%magenta(%-16.-16(%thread)) %highlight(%-5level) %boldCyan(%6.-32logger{32}) - %msg</pattern>
- </encoder>
- </appender>
- <root level="debug">
- <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
- </root>
- <logger name="com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool" level="info"/>
- <logger name="com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase" level="info"/>
- <logger name="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig" level="info"/>
- <logger name="Exposed" level="info"/>
+ <appender name="STDOUT" class="ch.qos.logback.core.ConsoleAppender">
+ <encoder>
+ <!-- old pattern <pattern>%d{HH:mm:ss.SSS} %magenta(%-8.-8(%thread)) %highlight(%-5level) %boldCyan(%8.-32logger{32}) - %msg\n</pattern>-->
+ <pattern>%magenta(%-16.-16(%thread)) %highlight(%-5level) %boldCyan(%6.-32logger{32}) - %msg</pattern>
+ </encoder>
+ </appender>
+ <root level="debug">
+ <appender-ref ref="STDOUT" />
+ </root>
+ <logger name="com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool" level="info"/>
+ <logger name="com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.PoolBase" level="info"/>
+ <logger name="com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariConfig" level="info"/>
+ <logger name="Exposed" level="info"/>
</configuration> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/main/resources/plugin.yml b/src/main/resources/plugin.yml
index 19c68da..8830377 100644
--- a/src/main/resources/plugin.yml
+++ b/src/main/resources/plugin.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-name: Parcels
-author: Dico
-main: io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
-version: 0.1
-api-version: 1.13
+name: Parcels
+author: Dico
+main: io.dico.parcels2.ParcelsPlugin
+version: 0.1
+api-version: 1.13
load: STARTUP \ No newline at end of file