path: root/dicore3/core/src/main/java/io/dico/dicore/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dicore3/core/src/main/java/io/dico/dicore/')
1 files changed, 408 insertions, 408 deletions
diff --git a/dicore3/core/src/main/java/io/dico/dicore/ b/dicore3/core/src/main/java/io/dico/dicore/
index 44659fa..afcae02 100644
--- a/dicore3/core/src/main/java/io/dico/dicore/
+++ b/dicore3/core/src/main/java/io/dico/dicore/
@@ -1,408 +1,408 @@
-package io.dico.dicore;
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
-import org.bukkit.Location;
-import org.bukkit.Material;
-import org.bukkit.World;
-import org.bukkit.block.Block;
-import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
-import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
-import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable;
-import org.bukkit.entity.*;
-import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
-import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder;
-import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
-import org.bukkit.material.Attachable;
-import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
-import org.bukkit.projectiles.ProjectileSource;
-import java.util.*;
-import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
-import java.util.function.Consumer;
-import java.util.function.Predicate;
-public class SpigotUtil {
- private SpigotUtil() {
- throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
- }
- public static World matchWorld(String input) {
- try {
- UUID uid = UUID.fromString(input);
- World world = Bukkit.getWorld(uid);
- if (world != null) {
- return world;
- }
- } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
- }
- World result = Bukkit.getWorld(input);
- if (result == null) {
- input = input.toLowerCase().replace("_", "").replaceAll("[-_]", "");
- for (World world : Bukkit.getWorlds()) {
- if (world.getName().toLowerCase().equals(input)) {
- result = world;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static Block getSupportingBlock(Block block) {
- MaterialData data = block.getState().getData();
- if (data instanceof Attachable) {
- BlockFace attachedOn = ((Attachable) data).getAttachedFace();
- return block.getRelative(attachedOn);
- }
- return null;
- }
- public static boolean isItemPresent(ItemStack stack) {
- return stack != null && stack.getType() != Material.AIR && stack.getAmount() > 0;
- }
- public static boolean removeItems(Inventory from, ItemStack item, int amount) {
- for (Map.Entry<Integer, ? extends ItemStack> entry : from.all(item.getType()).entrySet()) {
- ItemStack stack = entry.getValue();
- if (item.isSimilar(stack)) {
- amount -= stack.getAmount();
- int stackAmount = -Math.min(0, amount);
- if (stackAmount == 0) {
- from.setItem(entry.getKey(), null);
- } else {
- stack.setAmount(stackAmount);
- }
- }
- }
- return amount <= 0;
- }
- public static BlockFace yawToFace(float yaw) {
- if ((yaw %= 360) < 0)
- yaw += 360;
- if (45 <= yaw && yaw < 135)
- return BlockFace.WEST;
- if (135 <= yaw && yaw < 225)
- return BlockFace.NORTH;
- if (225 <= yaw && yaw < 315)
- return BlockFace.EAST;
- return BlockFace.SOUTH;
- }
- public static void addItems(InventoryHolder entity, ItemStack... items) {
- Location dropLocation;
- if (entity instanceof Entity) {
- dropLocation = ((Entity) entity).getLocation();
- } else if (entity instanceof BlockState) {
- dropLocation = ((BlockState) entity).getLocation().add(0.5, 1, 0.5);
- } else {
- throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find location of this InventoryHolder: " + entity);
- }
- World world = dropLocation.getWorld();
- for (ItemStack toDrop : entity.getInventory().addItem(items).values()) {
- world.dropItemNaturally(dropLocation, toDrop);
- }
- }
- public static String asJsonString(Object object) {
- return asJsonString(null, object, 0);
- }
- public static String asJsonString(String key, Object object, int indentation) {
- String indent = new String(new char[indentation * 2]).replace('\0', ' ');
- StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(indent);
- if (key != null) {
- builder.append(key).append(": ");
- }
- if (object instanceof ConfigurationSerializable) {
- object = ((ConfigurationSerializable) object).serialize();
- }
- if (object instanceof Map) {
- builder.append("{\n");
- Map<?, ?> map = (Map) object;
- for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
- builder.append(asJsonString(String.valueOf(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue(), indentation + 1));
- }
- builder.append(indent).append("}");
- } else if (object instanceof List) {
- builder.append("[\n");
- List list = (List) object;
- for (Object entry : list) {
- builder.append(asJsonString(null, entry, indentation + 1));
- }
- builder.append(indent).append("]");
- } else {
- builder.append(String.valueOf(object));
- }
- return builder.append(",\n").toString();
- }
- public static String asJsonString(String key, Object object, int indentation, BiConsumer<List<?>, StringBuilder> listHeader) {
- String indent = new String(new char[indentation * 2]).replace('\0', ' ');
- StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(indent);
- if (key != null) {
- builder.append(key).append(": ");
- }
- if (object instanceof ConfigurationSerializable) {
- object = ((ConfigurationSerializable) object).serialize();
- }
- if (object instanceof Map) {
- builder.append("{\n");
- Map<?, ?> map = (Map) object;
- for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
- builder.append(asJsonString(String.valueOf(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue(), indentation + 1, listHeader));
- }
- builder.append(indent).append("}");
- } else if (object instanceof List) {
- builder.append("[");
- List list = (List) object;
- listHeader.accept(list, builder);
- builder.append("\n");
- for (Object entry : list) {
- builder.append(asJsonString(null, entry, indentation + 1, listHeader));
- }
- builder.append(indent).append("]");
- } else {
- builder.append(String.valueOf(object));
- }
- return builder.append(",\n").toString();
- }
- public static BlockFace estimateDirectionTo(Location from, Location to) {
- double dx = from.getX() - to.getX();
- double dz = from.getZ() - to.getZ();
- boolean xGreater = Math.abs(dx) - Math.abs(dz) > 0;
- double f = xGreater ? 2 / Math.abs(dx) : 2 / Math.abs(dz);
- dx *= f;
- dz *= f;
- double other = Math.abs(xGreater ? dz : dx);
- if (other <= .5) {
- return xGreater ? (dx < 0 ? BlockFace.WEST : BlockFace.EAST) : (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.NORTH : BlockFace.SOUTH);
- }
- if (other < 1.5) {
- if (xGreater) {
- return dx < 0 ? (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.WEST_NORTH_WEST : BlockFace.WEST_SOUTH_WEST) : (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.EAST_NORTH_EAST : BlockFace.EAST_SOUTH_EAST);
- }
- return dx < 0 ? (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.NORTH_NORTH_WEST : BlockFace.SOUTH_SOUTH_WEST) : (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.NORTH_NORTH_EAST : BlockFace.SOUTH_SOUTH_EAST);
- }
- return dx < 0 ? (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.NORTH_WEST : BlockFace.SOUTH_WEST) : (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.NORTH_EAST : BlockFace.SOUTH_EAST);
- }
- public static Entity findEntityFromDamager(Entity damager, EntityType searched) {
- if (damager.getType() == searched) {
- return damager;
- }
- if (damager instanceof Projectile) {
- ProjectileSource shooter = ((Projectile) damager).getShooter();
- if (shooter instanceof Entity && ((Entity) shooter).getType() == searched) {
- return (Entity) shooter;
- }
- return null;
- }
- if (damager.getType() == EntityType.PRIMED_TNT) {
- Entity source = ((TNTPrimed) damager).getSource();
- if (source.getType() == searched) {
- return source;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- public static int xpForNextLevel(int currentLevel) {
- if (currentLevel >= 30) {
- return 112 + (currentLevel - 30) * 9;
- }
- if (currentLevel >= 15) {
- return 37 + (currentLevel - 15) * 5;
- }
- return 7 + currentLevel * 2;
- }
- public static int removeExp(Player entity, int xp) {
- int total = entity.getTotalExperience();
- if (xp > total) {
- xp = total;
- }
- int level = entity.getLevel();
- if (level < 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- int removed = 0;
- int xpForNextLevel = xpForNextLevel(level);
- int current = (int) entity.getExp() * xpForNextLevel;
- if (xp > current) {
- xp -= current;
- total -= current;
- removed += current;
- if (level == 0) {
- entity.setExp(0F);
- entity.setTotalExperience(total);
- return removed;
- }
- } else {
- current -= xp;
- total -= xp;
- removed += xp;
- entity.setExp((float) current / xpForNextLevel);
- entity.setTotalExperience(total);
- return removed;
- }
- do {
- xpForNextLevel = xpForNextLevel(--level);
- if (xpForNextLevel >= xp) {
- total -= xp;
- removed += xp;
- entity.setExp(1F / xpForNextLevel * (xpForNextLevel - xp));
- entity.setTotalExperience(total);
- entity.setLevel(level);
- return removed;
- }
- xp -= xpForNextLevel;
- total -= xpForNextLevel;
- removed += xpForNextLevel;
- } while (level > 0);
- entity.setExp(0F);
- entity.setTotalExperience(0);
- entity.setLevel(0);
- return removed;
- }
- public static int getTotalExp(Player entity) {
- int rv = 0;
- int level = Math.min(entity.getLevel(), 20000);
- for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) {
- rv += xpForNextLevel(i);
- }
- rv += Math.min(1F, Math.max(0F, entity.getExp())) * xpForNextLevel(level);
- return rv;
- }
- public static double getTotalExpLevels(Player entity) {
- int xp = entity.getTotalExperience();
- int level = 0;
- while (xp > 0 && level < 20000) {
- int needed = xpForNextLevel(level);
- if (needed > xp) {
- return level + ((double) xp / needed);
- }
- xp -= needed;
- level++;
- }
- return level;
- }
- public static int getNearbyPlayerCount(Player origin, double range, Predicate<Player> predicate) {
- List<Entity> entities = origin.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range);
- int result = 0;
- for (Entity entity : entities) {
- if (entity.getType() == EntityType.PLAYER && predicate.test((Player) entity)) {
- result++;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- public static void getNearbyPlayers(Player origin, double range, Collection<Player> collection, Predicate<Player> predicate) {
- List<Entity> entities = origin.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range);
- for (Entity entity : entities) {
- if (entity.getType() == EntityType.PLAYER && predicate.test((Player) entity)) {
- collection.add((Player) entity);
- }
- }
- }
- public static void forEachNearbyPlayer(Player origin, double range, Consumer<Player> action) {
- List<Entity> entities = origin.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range);
- for (Entity entity : entities) {
- if (entity.getType() == EntityType.PLAYER) {
- action.accept((Player) entity);
- }
- }
- }
- public static double distanceSquared(Location first, Location second) {
- double dx = first.getX() - second.getX();
- double dy = first.getY() - second.getY();
- double dz = first.getZ() - second.getZ();
- return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
- }
- public static <T extends Entity> Iterator<T> findNearbyEntities(Entity origin, boolean includeSelf, Predicate<Entity> predicate, double horizontalRange, double verticalRange) {
- Objects.requireNonNull(origin);
- return new Iterator<T>() {
- Entity next;
- List<Entity> nearby;
- int index = 0;
- int size;
- {
- if (includeSelf) {
- next = origin;
- } else {
- next = findNext();
- }
- }
- Entity findNext() {
- if (nearby == null) {
- nearby = origin.getNearbyEntities(horizontalRange, verticalRange, horizontalRange);
- size = nearby.size();
- }
- while (index < size) {
- Entity e = nearby.get(index++);
- if (predicate.test(e)) {
- return e;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- @Override
- public boolean hasNext() {
- return next != null;
- }
- @Override
- public T next() {
- if (next == null) {
- throw new NoSuchElementException();
- }
- Entity result = next;
- next = findNext();
- //noinspection unchecked
- return (T) result;
- }
- };
- }
+package io.dico.dicore;
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit;
+import org.bukkit.Location;
+import org.bukkit.Material;
+import org.bukkit.World;
+import org.bukkit.block.Block;
+import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace;
+import org.bukkit.block.BlockState;
+import org.bukkit.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable;
+import org.bukkit.entity.*;
+import org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory;
+import org.bukkit.inventory.InventoryHolder;
+import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack;
+import org.bukkit.material.Attachable;
+import org.bukkit.material.MaterialData;
+import org.bukkit.projectiles.ProjectileSource;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.function.BiConsumer;
+import java.util.function.Consumer;
+import java.util.function.Predicate;
+public class SpigotUtil {
+ private SpigotUtil() {
+ throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
+ }
+ public static World matchWorld(String input) {
+ try {
+ UUID uid = UUID.fromString(input);
+ World world = Bukkit.getWorld(uid);
+ if (world != null) {
+ return world;
+ }
+ } catch (IllegalArgumentException ignored) {
+ }
+ World result = Bukkit.getWorld(input);
+ if (result == null) {
+ input = input.toLowerCase().replace("_", "").replaceAll("[-_]", "");
+ for (World world : Bukkit.getWorlds()) {
+ if (world.getName().toLowerCase().equals(input)) {
+ result = world;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static Block getSupportingBlock(Block block) {
+ MaterialData data = block.getState().getData();
+ if (data instanceof Attachable) {
+ BlockFace attachedOn = ((Attachable) data).getAttachedFace();
+ return block.getRelative(attachedOn);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static boolean isItemPresent(ItemStack stack) {
+ return stack != null && stack.getType() != Material.AIR && stack.getAmount() > 0;
+ }
+ public static boolean removeItems(Inventory from, ItemStack item, int amount) {
+ for (Map.Entry<Integer, ? extends ItemStack> entry : from.all(item.getType()).entrySet()) {
+ ItemStack stack = entry.getValue();
+ if (item.isSimilar(stack)) {
+ amount -= stack.getAmount();
+ int stackAmount = -Math.min(0, amount);
+ if (stackAmount == 0) {
+ from.setItem(entry.getKey(), null);
+ } else {
+ stack.setAmount(stackAmount);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return amount <= 0;
+ }
+ public static BlockFace yawToFace(float yaw) {
+ if ((yaw %= 360) < 0)
+ yaw += 360;
+ if (45 <= yaw && yaw < 135)
+ return BlockFace.WEST;
+ if (135 <= yaw && yaw < 225)
+ return BlockFace.NORTH;
+ if (225 <= yaw && yaw < 315)
+ return BlockFace.EAST;
+ return BlockFace.SOUTH;
+ }
+ public static void addItems(InventoryHolder entity, ItemStack... items) {
+ Location dropLocation;
+ if (entity instanceof Entity) {
+ dropLocation = ((Entity) entity).getLocation();
+ } else if (entity instanceof BlockState) {
+ dropLocation = ((BlockState) entity).getLocation().add(0.5, 1, 0.5);
+ } else {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can't find location of this InventoryHolder: " + entity);
+ }
+ World world = dropLocation.getWorld();
+ for (ItemStack toDrop : entity.getInventory().addItem(items).values()) {
+ world.dropItemNaturally(dropLocation, toDrop);
+ }
+ }
+ public static String asJsonString(Object object) {
+ return asJsonString(null, object, 0);
+ }
+ public static String asJsonString(String key, Object object, int indentation) {
+ String indent = new String(new char[indentation * 2]).replace('\0', ' ');
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(indent);
+ if (key != null) {
+ builder.append(key).append(": ");
+ }
+ if (object instanceof ConfigurationSerializable) {
+ object = ((ConfigurationSerializable) object).serialize();
+ }
+ if (object instanceof Map) {
+ builder.append("{\n");
+ Map<?, ?> map = (Map) object;
+ for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
+ builder.append(asJsonString(String.valueOf(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue(), indentation + 1));
+ }
+ builder.append(indent).append("}");
+ } else if (object instanceof List) {
+ builder.append("[\n");
+ List list = (List) object;
+ for (Object entry : list) {
+ builder.append(asJsonString(null, entry, indentation + 1));
+ }
+ builder.append(indent).append("]");
+ } else {
+ builder.append(String.valueOf(object));
+ }
+ return builder.append(",\n").toString();
+ }
+ public static String asJsonString(String key, Object object, int indentation, BiConsumer<List<?>, StringBuilder> listHeader) {
+ String indent = new String(new char[indentation * 2]).replace('\0', ' ');
+ StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(indent);
+ if (key != null) {
+ builder.append(key).append(": ");
+ }
+ if (object instanceof ConfigurationSerializable) {
+ object = ((ConfigurationSerializable) object).serialize();
+ }
+ if (object instanceof Map) {
+ builder.append("{\n");
+ Map<?, ?> map = (Map) object;
+ for (Map.Entry entry : map.entrySet()) {
+ builder.append(asJsonString(String.valueOf(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue(), indentation + 1, listHeader));
+ }
+ builder.append(indent).append("}");
+ } else if (object instanceof List) {
+ builder.append("[");
+ List list = (List) object;
+ listHeader.accept(list, builder);
+ builder.append("\n");
+ for (Object entry : list) {
+ builder.append(asJsonString(null, entry, indentation + 1, listHeader));
+ }
+ builder.append(indent).append("]");
+ } else {
+ builder.append(String.valueOf(object));
+ }
+ return builder.append(",\n").toString();
+ }
+ public static BlockFace estimateDirectionTo(Location from, Location to) {
+ double dx = from.getX() - to.getX();
+ double dz = from.getZ() - to.getZ();
+ boolean xGreater = Math.abs(dx) - Math.abs(dz) > 0;
+ double f = xGreater ? 2 / Math.abs(dx) : 2 / Math.abs(dz);
+ dx *= f;
+ dz *= f;
+ double other = Math.abs(xGreater ? dz : dx);
+ if (other <= .5) {
+ return xGreater ? (dx < 0 ? BlockFace.WEST : BlockFace.EAST) : (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.NORTH : BlockFace.SOUTH);
+ }
+ if (other < 1.5) {
+ if (xGreater) {
+ return dx < 0 ? (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.WEST_NORTH_WEST : BlockFace.WEST_SOUTH_WEST) : (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.EAST_NORTH_EAST : BlockFace.EAST_SOUTH_EAST);
+ }
+ return dx < 0 ? (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.NORTH_NORTH_WEST : BlockFace.SOUTH_SOUTH_WEST) : (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.NORTH_NORTH_EAST : BlockFace.SOUTH_SOUTH_EAST);
+ }
+ return dx < 0 ? (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.NORTH_WEST : BlockFace.SOUTH_WEST) : (dz < 0 ? BlockFace.NORTH_EAST : BlockFace.SOUTH_EAST);
+ }
+ public static Entity findEntityFromDamager(Entity damager, EntityType searched) {
+ if (damager.getType() == searched) {
+ return damager;
+ }
+ if (damager instanceof Projectile) {
+ ProjectileSource shooter = ((Projectile) damager).getShooter();
+ if (shooter instanceof Entity && ((Entity) shooter).getType() == searched) {
+ return (Entity) shooter;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ if (damager.getType() == EntityType.PRIMED_TNT) {
+ Entity source = ((TNTPrimed) damager).getSource();
+ if (source.getType() == searched) {
+ return source;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ public static int xpForNextLevel(int currentLevel) {
+ if (currentLevel >= 30) {
+ return 112 + (currentLevel - 30) * 9;
+ }
+ if (currentLevel >= 15) {
+ return 37 + (currentLevel - 15) * 5;
+ }
+ return 7 + currentLevel * 2;
+ }
+ public static int removeExp(Player entity, int xp) {
+ int total = entity.getTotalExperience();
+ if (xp > total) {
+ xp = total;
+ }
+ int level = entity.getLevel();
+ if (level < 0) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ int removed = 0;
+ int xpForNextLevel = xpForNextLevel(level);
+ int current = (int) entity.getExp() * xpForNextLevel;
+ if (xp > current) {
+ xp -= current;
+ total -= current;
+ removed += current;
+ if (level == 0) {
+ entity.setExp(0F);
+ entity.setTotalExperience(total);
+ return removed;
+ }
+ } else {
+ current -= xp;
+ total -= xp;
+ removed += xp;
+ entity.setExp((float) current / xpForNextLevel);
+ entity.setTotalExperience(total);
+ return removed;
+ }
+ do {
+ xpForNextLevel = xpForNextLevel(--level);
+ if (xpForNextLevel >= xp) {
+ total -= xp;
+ removed += xp;
+ entity.setExp(1F / xpForNextLevel * (xpForNextLevel - xp));
+ entity.setTotalExperience(total);
+ entity.setLevel(level);
+ return removed;
+ }
+ xp -= xpForNextLevel;
+ total -= xpForNextLevel;
+ removed += xpForNextLevel;
+ } while (level > 0);
+ entity.setExp(0F);
+ entity.setTotalExperience(0);
+ entity.setLevel(0);
+ return removed;
+ }
+ public static int getTotalExp(Player entity) {
+ int rv = 0;
+ int level = Math.min(entity.getLevel(), 20000);
+ for (int i = 0; i < level; i++) {
+ rv += xpForNextLevel(i);
+ }
+ rv += Math.min(1F, Math.max(0F, entity.getExp())) * xpForNextLevel(level);
+ return rv;
+ }
+ public static double getTotalExpLevels(Player entity) {
+ int xp = entity.getTotalExperience();
+ int level = 0;
+ while (xp > 0 && level < 20000) {
+ int needed = xpForNextLevel(level);
+ if (needed > xp) {
+ return level + ((double) xp / needed);
+ }
+ xp -= needed;
+ level++;
+ }
+ return level;
+ }
+ public static int getNearbyPlayerCount(Player origin, double range, Predicate<Player> predicate) {
+ List<Entity> entities = origin.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range);
+ int result = 0;
+ for (Entity entity : entities) {
+ if (entity.getType() == EntityType.PLAYER && predicate.test((Player) entity)) {
+ result++;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public static void getNearbyPlayers(Player origin, double range, Collection<Player> collection, Predicate<Player> predicate) {
+ List<Entity> entities = origin.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range);
+ for (Entity entity : entities) {
+ if (entity.getType() == EntityType.PLAYER && predicate.test((Player) entity)) {
+ collection.add((Player) entity);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static void forEachNearbyPlayer(Player origin, double range, Consumer<Player> action) {
+ List<Entity> entities = origin.getNearbyEntities(range, range, range);
+ for (Entity entity : entities) {
+ if (entity.getType() == EntityType.PLAYER) {
+ action.accept((Player) entity);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public static double distanceSquared(Location first, Location second) {
+ double dx = first.getX() - second.getX();
+ double dy = first.getY() - second.getY();
+ double dz = first.getZ() - second.getZ();
+ return dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz;
+ }
+ public static <T extends Entity> Iterator<T> findNearbyEntities(Entity origin, boolean includeSelf, Predicate<Entity> predicate, double horizontalRange, double verticalRange) {
+ Objects.requireNonNull(origin);
+ return new Iterator<T>() {
+ Entity next;
+ List<Entity> nearby;
+ int index = 0;
+ int size;
+ {
+ if (includeSelf) {
+ next = origin;
+ } else {
+ next = findNext();
+ }
+ }
+ Entity findNext() {
+ if (nearby == null) {
+ nearby = origin.getNearbyEntities(horizontalRange, verticalRange, horizontalRange);
+ size = nearby.size();
+ }
+ while (index < size) {
+ Entity e = nearby.get(index++);
+ if (predicate.test(e)) {
+ return e;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public boolean hasNext() {
+ return next != null;
+ }
+ @Override
+ public T next() {
+ if (next == null) {
+ throw new NoSuchElementException();
+ }
+ Entity result = next;
+ next = findNext();
+ //noinspection unchecked
+ return (T) result;
+ }
+ };
+ }