path: root/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelProviderImpl.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelProviderImpl.kt')
1 files changed, 283 insertions, 222 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelProviderImpl.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelProviderImpl.kt
index da004d6..7748fc7 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelProviderImpl.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/defaultimpl/ParcelProviderImpl.kt
@@ -1,223 +1,284 @@
-package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.Schematic
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.schedule
-import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
-import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
-import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
-import org.bukkit.Bukkit
-import org.bukkit.WorldCreator
-import org.joda.time.DateTime
-class ParcelProviderImpl(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : ParcelProvider {
- inline val options get() = plugin.options
- override val worlds: Map<String, ParcelWorld> get() = _worlds
- private val _worlds: MutableMap<String, ParcelWorld> = hashMapOf()
- private val _generators: MutableMap<String, ParcelGenerator> = hashMapOf()
- private var _worldsLoaded = false
- private var _dataIsLoaded = false
- // disabled while !_dataIsLoaded. getParcelById() will work though for data loading.
- override fun getWorld(name: String): ParcelWorld? = _worlds[name]?.takeIf { _dataIsLoaded }
- override fun getWorldById(id: ParcelWorldId): ParcelWorld? {
- if (id is ParcelWorld) return id
- return _worlds[] ?: id.bukkitWorld?.let { getWorld(it) }
- }
- override fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel? {
- if (id is Parcel) return id
- return getWorldById(id.worldId)?.container?.getParcelById(id.x, id.z)
- }
- override fun getWorldGenerator(worldName: String): ParcelGenerator? {
- return _worlds[worldName]?.generator
- ?: _generators[worldName]
- ?: options.worlds[worldName]?.generator?.newInstance(worldName)?.also { _generators[worldName] = it }
- }
- override fun loadWorlds() {
- if (_worldsLoaded) throw IllegalStateException()
- _worldsLoaded = true
- loadWorlds0()
- }
- private fun loadWorlds0() {
- if (Bukkit.getWorlds().isEmpty()) {
- plugin.schedule(::loadWorlds0)
- plugin.logger.warning("Scheduling to load worlds in the next tick because no bukkit worlds are loaded yet")
- return
- }
- val newlyCreatedWorlds = mutableListOf<ParcelWorld>()
- for ((worldName, worldOptions) in options.worlds.entries) {
- var parcelWorld = _worlds[worldName]
- if (parcelWorld != null) continue
- val generator: ParcelGenerator = getWorldGenerator(worldName)!!
- val worldExists = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName) != null
- val bukkitWorld =
- if (worldExists) Bukkit.getWorld(worldName)!!
- else {
-"Creating world $worldName")
- WorldCreator(worldName).generator(generator).createWorld()
- }
- parcelWorld = ParcelWorldImpl(plugin, bukkitWorld, generator, worldOptions.runtime,::DefaultParcelContainer)
- if (!worldExists) {
- val time =
-, time)
- parcelWorld.creationTime = time
- newlyCreatedWorlds.add(parcelWorld)
- } else {
- GlobalScope.launch(context = Dispatchers.Unconfined) {
- parcelWorld.creationTime = ?:
- }
- }
- _worlds[worldName] = parcelWorld
- }
- loadStoredData(newlyCreatedWorlds.toSet())
- }
- private fun loadStoredData(newlyCreatedWorlds: Collection<ParcelWorld> = emptyList()) {
- plugin.launch(Dispatchers.Default) {
- val migration = plugin.options.migration
- if (migration.enabled) {
- migration.instance?.newInstance()?.apply {
- logger.warn("Migrating database now...")
- migrateTo(
- logger.warn("Migration completed")
- if (migration.disableWhenComplete) {
- migration.enabled = false
- plugin.saveOptions()
- }
- }
- }
-"Loading all parcel data...")
- val job1 = launch {
- val channel =
- while (true) {
- val (id, data) = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break
- val parcel = getParcelById(id) ?: continue
- data?.let { parcel.copyData(it, callerIsDatabase = true) }
- }
- }
- val channel2 =
- while (true) {
- val (profile, data) = channel2.receiveOrNull() ?: break
- if (profile !is PrivilegeKey) {
- logger.error("Received profile that is not a privilege key: ${profile.javaClass}, $profile")
- continue
- }
- (plugin.globalPrivileges[profile] as PrivilegesHolder).copyPrivilegesFrom(data)
- }
- job1.join()
-"Loading data completed")
- _dataIsLoaded = true
- }
- }
- override fun acquireBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit): Boolean {
- val parcel = getParcelById(parcelId) as? ParcelImpl ?: return true
- return parcel.acquireBlockVisitorPermit(with)
- }
- override fun releaseBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit) {
- val parcel = getParcelById(parcelId) as? ParcelImpl ?: return
- parcel.releaseBlockVisitorPermit(with)
- }
- override fun trySubmitBlockVisitor(permit: Permit, vararg parcelIds: ParcelId, function: JobFunction): Job? {
- val withPermit = parcelIds.filter { acquireBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
- if (withPermit.size != parcelIds.size) {
- withPermit.forEach { releaseBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
- return null
- }
- val job = plugin.jobDispatcher.dispatch(function)
- plugin.launch {
- job.awaitCompletion()
- withPermit.forEach { releaseBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
- }
- return job
- }
- override fun swapParcels(parcelId1: ParcelId, parcelId2: ParcelId): Job? {
- val blockManager1 = getWorldById(parcelId1.worldId)?.blockManager ?: return null
- val blockManager2 = getWorldById(parcelId2.worldId)?.blockManager ?: return null
- return trySubmitBlockVisitor(Permit(), parcelId1, parcelId2) {
- var region1 = blockManager1.getRegion(parcelId1)
- var region2 = blockManager2.getRegion(parcelId2)
- val size = region1.size.clampMax(region2.size)
- if (size != region1.size) {
- region1 = region1.withSize(size)
- region2 = region2.withSize(size)
- }
- val schematicOf1 = delegateWork(0.25) { Schematic().apply { load(, region1) } }
- val schematicOf2 = delegateWork(0.25) { Schematic().apply { load(, region2) } }
- delegateWork(0.25) { with(schematicOf1) { paste(, region2.origin) } }
- delegateWork(0.25) { with(schematicOf2) { paste(, region1.origin) } }
- }
- }
- /*
- fun loadWorlds(options: Options) {
- for ((worldName, worldOptions) in options.worlds.entries) {
- val world: ParcelWorld
- try {
- world = ParcelWorldImpl(
- worldName,
- worldOptions,
- worldOptions.generator.newGenerator(this, worldName),
- plugin.globalPrivileges,
- ::DefaultParcelContainer)
- } catch (ex: Exception) {
- ex.printStackTrace()
- continue
- }
- _worlds[worldName] = world
- }
- plugin.functionHelper.schedule(10) {
- println("Parcels generating parcelProvider now")
- for ((name, world) in _worlds) {
- if (Bukkit.getWorld(name) == null) {
- val bworld = WorldCreator(name).generator(world.generator).createWorld()
- val spawn = world.generator.getFixedSpawnLocation(bworld, null)
- bworld.setSpawnLocation(spawn.x.floor(), spawn.y.floor(), spawn.z.floor())
- }
- }
- val channel =
- val job = plugin.functionHelper.launchLazilyOnMainThread {
- do {
- val pair = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break
- val parcel = getParcelById(pair.first) ?: continue
- pair.second?.let { parcel.copyDataIgnoringDatabase(it) }
- } while (true)
- }
- job.start()
- }
- }
- */
+package io.dico.parcels2.defaultimpl
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.blockvisitor.Schematic
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Region
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3d
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.math.Vec3i
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.schedule
+import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers
+import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope
+import kotlinx.coroutines.launch
+import org.bukkit.Bukkit
+import org.bukkit.World
+import org.bukkit.WorldCreator
+import org.bukkit.entity.Entity
+import org.bukkit.util.Vector
+import org.joda.time.DateTime
+class ParcelProviderImpl(val plugin: ParcelsPlugin) : ParcelProvider {
+ inline val options get() = plugin.options
+ override val worlds: Map<String, ParcelWorld> get() = _worlds
+ private val _worlds: MutableMap<String, ParcelWorld> = hashMapOf()
+ private val _generators: MutableMap<String, ParcelGenerator> = hashMapOf()
+ private var _worldsLoaded = false
+ private var _dataIsLoaded = false
+ // disabled while !_dataIsLoaded. getParcelById() will work though for data loading.
+ override fun getWorld(name: String): ParcelWorld? = _worlds[name]?.takeIf { _dataIsLoaded }
+ override fun getWorldById(id: ParcelWorldId): ParcelWorld? {
+ if (id is ParcelWorld) return id
+ return _worlds[] ?: id.bukkitWorld?.let { getWorld(it) }
+ }
+ override fun getParcelById(id: ParcelId): Parcel? {
+ if (id is Parcel) return id
+ return getWorldById(id.worldId)?.container?.getParcelById(id.x, id.z)
+ }
+ override fun getWorldGenerator(worldName: String): ParcelGenerator? {
+ return _worlds[worldName]?.generator
+ ?: _generators[worldName]
+ ?: options.worlds[worldName]?.generator?.newInstance(worldName)?.also { _generators[worldName] = it }
+ }
+ override fun loadWorlds() {
+ if (_worldsLoaded) throw IllegalStateException()
+ _worldsLoaded = true
+ loadWorlds0()
+ }
+ private fun loadWorlds0() {
+ if (Bukkit.getWorlds().isEmpty()) {
+ plugin.schedule { loadWorlds0() }
+ plugin.logger.warning("Scheduling to load worlds in the next tick because no bukkit worlds are loaded yet")
+ return
+ }
+ val newlyCreatedWorlds = mutableListOf<ParcelWorld>()
+ for ((worldName, worldOptions) in options.worlds.entries) {
+ var parcelWorld = _worlds[worldName]
+ if (parcelWorld != null) continue
+ val generator: ParcelGenerator = getWorldGenerator(worldName)!!
+ val worldExists = Bukkit.getWorld(worldName) != null
+ val bukkitWorld =
+ if (worldExists) Bukkit.getWorld(worldName)!!
+ else {
+"Creating world $worldName")
+ WorldCreator(worldName).generator(generator).createWorld()
+ }
+ parcelWorld =
+ ParcelWorldImpl(plugin, bukkitWorld, generator, worldOptions.runtime, ::DefaultParcelContainer)
+ if (!worldExists) {
+ val time =
+, time)
+ parcelWorld.creationTime = time
+ newlyCreatedWorlds.add(parcelWorld)
+ } else {
+ GlobalScope.launch(context = Dispatchers.Unconfined) {
+ parcelWorld.creationTime = ?:
+ }
+ }
+ _worlds[worldName] = parcelWorld
+ }
+ loadStoredData(newlyCreatedWorlds.toSet())
+ }
+ private fun loadStoredData(newlyCreatedWorlds: Collection<ParcelWorld> = emptyList()) {
+ plugin.launch {
+ val migration = plugin.options.migration
+ if (migration.enabled) {
+ migration.instance?.newInstance()?.apply {
+ logger.warn("Migrating database now...")
+ migrateTo(
+ logger.warn("Migration completed")
+ if (migration.disableWhenComplete) {
+ migration.enabled = false
+ plugin.saveOptions()
+ }
+ }
+ }
+"Loading all parcel data...")
+ val job1 = launch {
+ val channel =
+ while (true) {
+ val (id, data) = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break
+ val parcel = getParcelById(id) ?: continue
+ data?.let { parcel.copyData(it, callerIsDatabase = true) }
+ }
+ }
+ val channel2 =
+ while (true) {
+ val (profile, data) = channel2.receiveOrNull() ?: break
+ if (profile !is PrivilegeKey) {
+ logger.error("Received profile that is not a privilege key: ${profile.javaClass}, $profile")
+ continue
+ }
+ (plugin.globalPrivileges[profile] as PrivilegesHolder).copyPrivilegesFrom(data)
+ }
+ job1.join()
+"Loading data completed")
+ _dataIsLoaded = true
+ }
+ }
+ override fun acquireBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit): Boolean {
+ val parcel = getParcelById(parcelId) as? ParcelImpl ?: return true
+ return parcel.acquireBlockVisitorPermit(with)
+ }
+ override fun releaseBlockVisitorPermit(parcelId: ParcelId, with: Permit) {
+ val parcel = getParcelById(parcelId) as? ParcelImpl ?: return
+ parcel.releaseBlockVisitorPermit(with)
+ }
+ override fun trySubmitBlockVisitor(permit: Permit, vararg parcelIds: ParcelId, function: JobFunction): Job? {
+ val withPermit = parcelIds.filter { acquireBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
+ if (withPermit.size != parcelIds.size) {
+ withPermit.forEach { releaseBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
+ return null
+ }
+ val job = plugin.jobDispatcher.dispatch(function)
+ plugin.launch {
+ job.awaitCompletion()
+ withPermit.forEach { releaseBlockVisitorPermit(it, permit) }
+ }
+ return job
+ }
+ override fun swapParcels(parcelId1: ParcelId, parcelId2: ParcelId): Job? {
+ val world1 = getWorldById(parcelId1.worldId) ?: return null
+ val world2 = getWorldById(parcelId2.worldId) ?: return null
+ val blockManager1 = world1.blockManager
+ val blockManager2 = world2.blockManager
+ class CopyTarget(val world: World, val region: Region)
+ class CopySource(val origin: Vec3i, val schematic: Schematic, val entities: Collection<Entity>)
+ suspend fun JobScope.copy(source: CopySource, target: CopyTarget) {
+ with(source.schematic) { paste(, target.region.origin) }
+ for (entity in source.entities) {
+ entity.velocity = Vector(0, 0, 0)
+ val location = entity.location
+ =
+ val coords = target.region.origin + (Vec3d(entity.location) - source.origin)
+ coords.copyInto(location)
+ entity.teleport(location)
+ }
+ }
+ return trySubmitBlockVisitor(Permit(), parcelId1, parcelId2) {
+ val temporaryParcel = world1.nextEmptyParcel()
+ ?: world2.nextEmptyParcel()
+ ?: return@trySubmitBlockVisitor
+ var region1 = blockManager1.getRegion(parcelId1)
+ var region2 = blockManager2.getRegion(parcelId2)
+ val size = region1.size.clampMax(region2.size)
+ if (size != region1.size) {
+ region1 = region1.withSize(size)
+ region2 = region2.withSize(size)
+ }
+ // Teleporting entities safely requires a different approach:
+ // * Copy schematic1 into temporary location
+ // * Teleport entities1 into temporary location
+ // * Copy schematic2 into parcel1
+ // * Teleport entities2 into parcel1
+ // * Copy schematic1 into parcel2
+ // * Teleport entities1 into parcel2
+ // * Clear temporary location
+ lateinit var source1: CopySource
+ lateinit var source2: CopySource
+ delegateWork(0.30) {
+ val schematicOf1 = delegateWork(0.50) { Schematic().apply { load(, region1) } }
+ val schematicOf2 = delegateWork(0.50) { Schematic().apply { load(, region2) } }
+ source1 = CopySource(region1.origin, schematicOf1, blockManager1.getEntities(region1))
+ source2 = CopySource(region2.origin, schematicOf2, blockManager2.getEntities(region2))
+ }
+ val target1 = CopyTarget(, region1)
+ val target2 = CopyTarget(, region2)
+ val targetTemp = CopyTarget(
+ )
+ delegateWork {
+ delegateWork(1.0 / 3.0) { copy(source1, targetTemp) }
+ delegateWork(1.0 / 3.0) { copy(source2, target1) }
+ delegateWork(1.0 / 3.0) { copy(source1, target2) }
+ }
+ // Separate job. Whatever
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ fun loadWorlds(options: Options) {
+ for ((worldName, worldOptions) in options.worlds.entries) {
+ val world: ParcelWorld
+ try {
+ world = ParcelWorldImpl(
+ worldName,
+ worldOptions,
+ worldOptions.generator.newGenerator(this, worldName),
+ plugin.globalPrivileges,
+ ::DefaultParcelContainer)
+ } catch (ex: Exception) {
+ ex.printStackTrace()
+ continue
+ }
+ _worlds[worldName] = world
+ }
+ plugin.functionHelper.schedule(10) {
+ println("Parcels generating parcelProvider now")
+ for ((name, world) in _worlds) {
+ if (Bukkit.getWorld(name) == null) {
+ val bworld = WorldCreator(name).generator(world.generator).createWorld()
+ val spawn = world.generator.getFixedSpawnLocation(bworld, null)
+ bworld.setSpawnLocation(spawn.x.floor(), spawn.y.floor(), spawn.z.floor())
+ }
+ }
+ val channel =
+ val job = plugin.functionHelper.launchLazilyOnMainThread {
+ do {
+ val pair = channel.receiveOrNull() ?: break
+ val parcel = getParcelById(pair.first) ?: continue
+ pair.second?.let { parcel.copyDataIgnoringDatabase(it) }
+ } while (true)
+ }
+ job.start()
+ }
+ }
+ */
} \ No newline at end of file