path: root/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/IdTables.kt
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/IdTables.kt')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/IdTables.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/IdTables.kt
index 6f6ad6b..8428b3a 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/IdTables.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/IdTables.kt
@@ -1,165 +1,165 @@
-@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "PARAMETER_NAME_CHANGED_ON_OVERRIDE", "unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelId
-import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorldId
-import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
-import org.joda.time.DateTime
-import java.util.UUID
-abstract class IdTransactionsTable<TableT : IdTransactionsTable<TableT, QueryObj>, QueryObj>(tableName: String, columnName: String)
- : Table(tableName) {
- val id = integer(columnName).autoIncrement().primaryKey()
- @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
- inline val table: TableT
- get() = this as TableT
- internal inline fun getId(where: SqlExpressionBuilder.(TableT) -> Op<Boolean>): Int? {
- return select { where(table) }.firstOrNull()?.let { it[id] }
- }
- internal inline fun getOrInitId(getId: () -> Int?, noinline body: TableT.(UpdateBuilder<*>) -> Unit, objName: () -> String): Int {
- return getId() ?: table.insertIgnore(body)[id] ?: getId()
- ?: throw ExposedDatabaseException("This should not happen - failed to insert ${objName()} and get its number")
- }
- abstract fun getId(obj: QueryObj): Int?
- abstract fun getOrInitId(obj: QueryObj): Int
- fun getItem(id: Int): QueryObj? = select { eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { getItem(it) }
- abstract fun getItem(row: ResultRow): QueryObj?
- fun getId(obj: QueryObj, init: Boolean): Int? = if (init) getOrInitId(obj) else getId(obj)
-object WorldsT : IdTransactionsTable<WorldsT, ParcelWorldId>("parcels_worlds", "world_id") {
- val name = varchar("name", 50)
- val uid = binary("uid", 16).nullable()
- val creation_time = datetime("creation_time").nullable()
- val index_name = uniqueIndexR("index_name", name)
- val index_uid = uniqueIndexR("index_uid", uid)
- internal inline fun getId(worldName: String, binaryUid: ByteArray?): Int? = getId { (name eq worldName).let { if (binaryUid == null) it else it or (uid eq binaryUid) } }
- internal inline fun getId(worldName: String, uid: UUID?): Int? = getId(worldName, uid?.toByteArray())
- internal inline fun getOrInitId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?): Int = worldUid?.toByteArray().let { binaryUid ->
- return getOrInitId(
- { getId(worldName, binaryUid) },
- { it[name] = worldName; it[uid] = binaryUid },
- { "world named $worldName" })
- }
- override fun getId(world: ParcelWorldId): Int? = getId(, world.uid)
- override fun getOrInitId(world: ParcelWorldId): Int = getOrInitId(, world.uid)
- override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): ParcelWorldId {
- return ParcelWorldId(row[name], row[uid]?.toUUID())
- }
- fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): DateTime? {
- val id = getId(worldId) ?: return null
- return select { eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { it[WorldsT.creation_time] }
- }
- fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime) {
- val id = getOrInitId(worldId)
- update({ eq id }) {
- it[WorldsT.creation_time] = time
- }
- }
-object ParcelsT : IdTransactionsTable<ParcelsT, ParcelId>("parcels", "parcel_id") {
- val world_id = integer("world_id").references(
- val px = integer("px")
- val pz = integer("pz")
- val owner_id = integer("owner_id").references(
- val sign_oudated = bool("sign_outdated").default(false)
- val claim_time = datetime("claim_time").nullable()
- val index_location = uniqueIndexR("index_location", world_id, px, pz)
- private inline fun getId(worldId: Int, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int? = getId { world_id.eq(worldId) and px.eq(parcelX) and pz.eq(parcelZ) }
- private inline fun getId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int? = WorldsT.getId(worldName, worldUid)?.let { getId(it, parcelX, parcelZ) }
- private inline fun getOrInitId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int {
- val worldId = WorldsT.getOrInitId(worldName, worldUid)
- return getOrInitId(
- { getId(worldId, parcelX, parcelZ) },
- { it[world_id] = worldId; it[px] = parcelX; it[pz] = parcelZ },
- { "parcel at $worldName($parcelX, $parcelZ)" })
- }
- override fun getId(parcel: ParcelId): Int? = getId(, parcel.worldId.uid, parcel.x, parcel.z)
- override fun getOrInitId(parcel: ParcelId): Int = getOrInitId(, parcel.worldId.uid, parcel.x, parcel.z)
- private inline fun getRow(id: Int): ResultRow? = select { eq id }.firstOrNull()
- fun getRow(parcel: ParcelId): ResultRow? = getId(parcel)?.let { getRow(it) }
- override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): ParcelId? {
- val worldId = row[world_id]
- val world = WorldsT.getItem(worldId) ?: return null
- return ParcelId(world, row[px], row[pz])
- }
-object ProfilesT : IdTransactionsTable<ProfilesT, PlayerProfile>("parcels_profiles", "owner_id") {
- val uuid = binary("uuid", 16).nullable()
- val name = varchar("name", 32).nullable()
- // MySQL dialect MUST permit multiple null values for this to work. Server SQL does not allow this. That dialect is shit anyway.
- val uuid_constraint = uniqueIndexR("uuid_constraint", uuid)
- val index_pair = uniqueIndexR("index_pair", uuid, name)
- private inline fun getId(binaryUuid: ByteArray) = getId { uuid eq binaryUuid }
- private inline fun getId(uuid: UUID) = getId(uuid.toByteArray())
- private inline fun getId(nameIn: String) = getId { uuid.isNull() and (name.lowerCase() eq nameIn.toLowerCase()) }
- private inline fun getRealId(nameIn: String) = getId { uuid.isNotNull() and (name.lowerCase() eq nameIn.toLowerCase()) }
- private inline fun getOrInitId(uuid: UUID, name: String?) = uuid.toByteArray().let { binaryUuid ->
- getOrInitId(
- { getId(binaryUuid) },
- { it[this@ProfilesT.uuid] = binaryUuid; it[] = name },
- { "profile(uuid = $uuid, name = $name)" })
- }
- private inline fun getOrInitId(name: String) = getOrInitId(
- { getId(name) },
- { it[] = name },
- { "owner(name = $name)" })
- override fun getId(profile: PlayerProfile): Int? = when (profile) {
- is PlayerProfile.Real -> getId(profile.uuid)
- is PlayerProfile.Fake -> getId(
- is PlayerProfile.Unresolved -> getRealId(
- else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
- }
- override fun getOrInitId(profile: PlayerProfile): Int = when (profile) {
- is PlayerProfile.Real -> getOrInitId(profile.uuid, profile.nameOrBukkitName)
- is PlayerProfile.Fake -> getOrInitId(
- else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() // Unresolved profiles cannot be added to the database
- }
- override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): PlayerProfile {
- return PlayerProfile(row[uuid]?.toUUID(), row[name])
- }
- fun getRealItem(id: Int): PlayerProfile.Real? {
- return getItem(id) as? PlayerProfile.Real
- }
- /*
- fun updatePlayerProfile(profile: PlayerProfile.Real) {
- update({ uuid eq profile.uuid.toByteArray() }) {
- it[name] = profile.nameOrBukkitName
- }
- }*/
+@file:Suppress("NOTHING_TO_INLINE", "PARAMETER_NAME_CHANGED_ON_OVERRIDE", "unused", "MemberVisibilityCanBePrivate")
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelId
+import io.dico.parcels2.ParcelWorldId
+import io.dico.parcels2.PlayerProfile
+import org.joda.time.DateTime
+import java.util.UUID
+abstract class IdTransactionsTable<TableT : IdTransactionsTable<TableT, QueryObj>, QueryObj>(tableName: String, columnName: String)
+ : Table(tableName) {
+ val id = integer(columnName).autoIncrement().primaryKey()
+ @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")
+ inline val table: TableT
+ get() = this as TableT
+ internal inline fun getId(where: SqlExpressionBuilder.(TableT) -> Op<Boolean>): Int? {
+ return select { where(table) }.firstOrNull()?.let { it[id] }
+ }
+ internal inline fun getOrInitId(getId: () -> Int?, noinline body: TableT.(UpdateBuilder<*>) -> Unit, objName: () -> String): Int {
+ return getId() ?: table.insertIgnore(body)[id] ?: getId()
+ ?: throw ExposedDatabaseException("This should not happen - failed to insert ${objName()} and get its number")
+ }
+ abstract fun getId(obj: QueryObj): Int?
+ abstract fun getOrInitId(obj: QueryObj): Int
+ fun getItem(id: Int): QueryObj? = select { eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { getItem(it) }
+ abstract fun getItem(row: ResultRow): QueryObj?
+ fun getId(obj: QueryObj, init: Boolean): Int? = if (init) getOrInitId(obj) else getId(obj)
+object WorldsT : IdTransactionsTable<WorldsT, ParcelWorldId>("parcels_worlds", "world_id") {
+ val name = varchar("name", 50)
+ val uid = binary("uid", 16).nullable()
+ val creation_time = datetime("creation_time").nullable()
+ val index_name = uniqueIndexR("index_name", name)
+ val index_uid = uniqueIndexR("index_uid", uid)
+ internal inline fun getId(worldName: String, binaryUid: ByteArray?): Int? = getId { (name eq worldName).let { if (binaryUid == null) it else it or (uid eq binaryUid) } }
+ internal inline fun getId(worldName: String, uid: UUID?): Int? = getId(worldName, uid?.toByteArray())
+ internal inline fun getOrInitId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?): Int = worldUid?.toByteArray().let { binaryUid ->
+ return getOrInitId(
+ { getId(worldName, binaryUid) },
+ { it[name] = worldName; it[uid] = binaryUid },
+ { "world named $worldName" })
+ }
+ override fun getId(world: ParcelWorldId): Int? = getId(, world.uid)
+ override fun getOrInitId(world: ParcelWorldId): Int = getOrInitId(, world.uid)
+ override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): ParcelWorldId {
+ return ParcelWorldId(row[name], row[uid]?.toUUID())
+ }
+ fun getWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId): DateTime? {
+ val id = getId(worldId) ?: return null
+ return select { eq id }.firstOrNull()?.let { it[WorldsT.creation_time] }
+ }
+ fun setWorldCreationTime(worldId: ParcelWorldId, time: DateTime) {
+ val id = getOrInitId(worldId)
+ update({ eq id }) {
+ it[WorldsT.creation_time] = time
+ }
+ }
+object ParcelsT : IdTransactionsTable<ParcelsT, ParcelId>("parcels", "parcel_id") {
+ val world_id = integer("world_id").references(
+ val px = integer("px")
+ val pz = integer("pz")
+ val owner_id = integer("owner_id").references(
+ val sign_oudated = bool("sign_outdated").default(false)
+ val claim_time = datetime("claim_time").nullable()
+ val index_location = uniqueIndexR("index_location", world_id, px, pz)
+ private inline fun getId(worldId: Int, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int? = getId { world_id.eq(worldId) and px.eq(parcelX) and pz.eq(parcelZ) }
+ private inline fun getId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int? = WorldsT.getId(worldName, worldUid)?.let { getId(it, parcelX, parcelZ) }
+ private inline fun getOrInitId(worldName: String, worldUid: UUID?, parcelX: Int, parcelZ: Int): Int {
+ val worldId = WorldsT.getOrInitId(worldName, worldUid)
+ return getOrInitId(
+ { getId(worldId, parcelX, parcelZ) },
+ { it[world_id] = worldId; it[px] = parcelX; it[pz] = parcelZ },
+ { "parcel at $worldName($parcelX, $parcelZ)" })
+ }
+ override fun getId(parcel: ParcelId): Int? = getId(, parcel.worldId.uid, parcel.x, parcel.z)
+ override fun getOrInitId(parcel: ParcelId): Int = getOrInitId(, parcel.worldId.uid, parcel.x, parcel.z)
+ private inline fun getRow(id: Int): ResultRow? = select { eq id }.firstOrNull()
+ fun getRow(parcel: ParcelId): ResultRow? = getId(parcel)?.let { getRow(it) }
+ override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): ParcelId? {
+ val worldId = row[world_id]
+ val world = WorldsT.getItem(worldId) ?: return null
+ return ParcelId(world, row[px], row[pz])
+ }
+object ProfilesT : IdTransactionsTable<ProfilesT, PlayerProfile>("parcels_profiles", "owner_id") {
+ val uuid = binary("uuid", 16).nullable()
+ val name = varchar("name", 32).nullable()
+ // MySQL dialect MUST permit multiple null values for this to work. Server SQL does not allow this. That dialect is shit anyway.
+ val uuid_constraint = uniqueIndexR("uuid_constraint", uuid)
+ val index_pair = uniqueIndexR("index_pair", uuid, name)
+ private inline fun getId(binaryUuid: ByteArray) = getId { uuid eq binaryUuid }
+ private inline fun getId(uuid: UUID) = getId(uuid.toByteArray())
+ private inline fun getId(nameIn: String) = getId { uuid.isNull() and (name.lowerCase() eq nameIn.toLowerCase()) }
+ private inline fun getRealId(nameIn: String) = getId { uuid.isNotNull() and (name.lowerCase() eq nameIn.toLowerCase()) }
+ private inline fun getOrInitId(uuid: UUID, name: String?) = uuid.toByteArray().let { binaryUuid ->
+ getOrInitId(
+ { getId(binaryUuid) },
+ { it[this@ProfilesT.uuid] = binaryUuid; it[] = name },
+ { "profile(uuid = $uuid, name = $name)" })
+ }
+ private inline fun getOrInitId(name: String) = getOrInitId(
+ { getId(name) },
+ { it[] = name },
+ { "owner(name = $name)" })
+ override fun getId(profile: PlayerProfile): Int? = when (profile) {
+ is PlayerProfile.Real -> getId(profile.uuid)
+ is PlayerProfile.Fake -> getId(
+ is PlayerProfile.Unresolved -> getRealId(
+ else -> throw IllegalArgumentException()
+ }
+ override fun getOrInitId(profile: PlayerProfile): Int = when (profile) {
+ is PlayerProfile.Real -> getOrInitId(profile.uuid, profile.nameOrBukkitName)
+ is PlayerProfile.Fake -> getOrInitId(
+ else -> throw IllegalArgumentException() // Unresolved profiles cannot be added to the database
+ }
+ override fun getItem(row: ResultRow): PlayerProfile {
+ return PlayerProfile(row[uuid]?.toUUID(), row[name])
+ }
+ fun getRealItem(id: Int): PlayerProfile.Real? {
+ return getItem(id) as? PlayerProfile.Real
+ }
+ /*
+ fun updatePlayerProfile(profile: PlayerProfile.Real) {
+ update({ uuid eq profile.uuid.toByteArray() }) {
+ it[name] = profile.nameOrBukkitName
+ }
+ }*/
// val ParcelsWithOptionsT = ParcelsT.join(ParcelOptionsT, JoinType.INNER, onColumn =, otherColumn = ParcelOptionsT.parcel_id) \ No newline at end of file