path: root/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ListTables.kt
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ListTables.kt')
1 files changed, 111 insertions, 111 deletions
diff --git a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ListTables.kt b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ListTables.kt
index b9d16fc..26cfc7a 100644
--- a/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ListTables.kt
+++ b/src/main/kotlin/io/dico/parcels2/storage/exposed/ListTables.kt
@@ -1,111 +1,111 @@
-@file:Suppress("PropertyName", "LocalVariableName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
-import io.dico.parcels2.*
-import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.DEFAULT
-import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.alsoIfTrue
-import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
-object PrivilegesLocalT : PrivilegesTable<ParcelId>("parcels_privilege_local", ParcelsT)
-object PrivilegesGlobalT : PrivilegesTable<PlayerProfile>("parcels_privilege_global", ProfilesT)
-object ParcelOptionsT : Table("parcels_options") {
- val parcel_id = integer("parcel_id").primaryKey().references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
- val interact_bitmask = binary("interact_bitmask", 4)
-typealias PrivilegesSendChannel<AttachT> = SendChannel<Pair<AttachT, PrivilegesHolder>>
-sealed class PrivilegesTable<AttachT>(name: String, val idTable: IdTransactionsTable<*, AttachT>) : Table(name) {
- val attach_id = integer("attach_id").references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
- val profile_id = integer("profile_id").references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
- val privilege = integer("privilege")
- val index_pair = uniqueIndexR("index_pair", attach_id, profile_id)
- fun setPrivilege(attachedOn: AttachT, player: PlayerProfile.Real, privilege: Privilege) {
- privilege.requireNonTransient()
- if (privilege == DEFAULT) {
- val player_id = ProfilesT.getId(player) ?: return
- idTable.getId(attachedOn)?.let { holder ->
- deleteWhere { (attach_id eq holder) and (profile_id eq player_id) }
- }
- return
- }
- val holder = idTable.getOrInitId(attachedOn)
- val player_id = ProfilesT.getOrInitId(player)
- upsert(conflictIndex = index_pair) {
- it[attach_id] = holder
- it[profile_id] = player_id
- it[this.privilege] = privilege.number
- }
- }
- fun readPrivileges(id: Int): PrivilegesHolder? {
- val list = slice(profile_id, privilege).select { attach_id eq id }
- val result = PrivilegesHolder()
- for (row in list) {
- val profile = ProfilesT.getRealItem(row[profile_id]) ?: continue
- result.setRawStoredPrivilege(profile, Privilege.getByNumber(row[privilege]) ?: continue)
- }
- return result
- }
- fun sendAllPrivilegesH(channel: PrivilegesSendChannel<AttachT>) {
- val iterator = selectAll().orderBy(attach_id).iterator()
- if (iterator.hasNext()) {
- var row =
- var id: Int = row[attach_id]
- var attach: AttachT? = null
- var map: PrivilegesHolder? = null
- fun initAttachAndMap() {
- attach = idTable.getItem(id)
- map = attach?.let { PrivilegesHolder() }
- }
- fun sendIfPresent() {
- if (attach != null && map != null) {
- channel.offer(attach!! to map!!)
- }
- attach = null
- map = null
- }
- initAttachAndMap()
- do {
- val rowId = row[attach_id]
- if (rowId != id) {
- sendIfPresent()
- id = rowId
- initAttachAndMap()
- }
- if (attach == null) {
- continue // owner not found for this owner id
- }
- val profile = ProfilesT.getRealItem(row[profile_id])
- if (profile == null) {
- logger.error("Privilege from database is null, id ${row[profile_id]}")
- continue
- }
- val privilege = Privilege.getByNumber(row[privilege])
- if (privilege == null) {
- logger.error("Privilege from database is null, number ${row[this.privilege]}")
- continue
- }
- map!!.setRawStoredPrivilege(profile, privilege)
- } while (iterator.hasNext().alsoIfTrue { row = })
- sendIfPresent()
- }
- }
+@file:Suppress("PropertyName", "LocalVariableName", "NOTHING_TO_INLINE")
+import io.dico.parcels2.*
+import io.dico.parcels2.Privilege.DEFAULT
+import io.dico.parcels2.util.ext.alsoIfTrue
+import kotlinx.coroutines.channels.SendChannel
+object PrivilegesLocalT : PrivilegesTable<ParcelId>("parcels_privilege_local", ParcelsT)
+object PrivilegesGlobalT : PrivilegesTable<PlayerProfile>("parcels_privilege_global", ProfilesT)
+object ParcelOptionsT : Table("parcels_options") {
+ val parcel_id = integer("parcel_id").primaryKey().references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
+ val interact_bitmask = binary("interact_bitmask", 4)
+typealias PrivilegesSendChannel<AttachT> = SendChannel<Pair<AttachT, PrivilegesHolder>>
+sealed class PrivilegesTable<AttachT>(name: String, val idTable: IdTransactionsTable<*, AttachT>) : Table(name) {
+ val attach_id = integer("attach_id").references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
+ val profile_id = integer("profile_id").references(, ReferenceOption.CASCADE)
+ val privilege = integer("privilege")
+ val index_pair = uniqueIndexR("index_pair", attach_id, profile_id)
+ fun setPrivilege(attachedOn: AttachT, player: PlayerProfile.Real, privilege: Privilege) {
+ privilege.requireNonTransient()
+ if (privilege == DEFAULT) {
+ val player_id = ProfilesT.getId(player) ?: return
+ idTable.getId(attachedOn)?.let { holder ->
+ deleteWhere { (attach_id eq holder) and (profile_id eq player_id) }
+ }
+ return
+ }
+ val holder = idTable.getOrInitId(attachedOn)
+ val player_id = ProfilesT.getOrInitId(player)
+ upsert(conflictIndex = index_pair) {
+ it[attach_id] = holder
+ it[profile_id] = player_id
+ it[this.privilege] = privilege.number
+ }
+ }
+ fun readPrivileges(id: Int): PrivilegesHolder? {
+ val list = slice(profile_id, privilege).select { attach_id eq id }
+ val result = PrivilegesHolder()
+ for (row in list) {
+ val profile = ProfilesT.getRealItem(row[profile_id]) ?: continue
+ result.setRawStoredPrivilege(profile, Privilege.getByNumber(row[privilege]) ?: continue)
+ }
+ return result
+ }
+ fun sendAllPrivilegesH(channel: PrivilegesSendChannel<AttachT>) {
+ val iterator = selectAll().orderBy(attach_id).iterator()
+ if (iterator.hasNext()) {
+ var row =
+ var id: Int = row[attach_id]
+ var attach: AttachT? = null
+ var map: PrivilegesHolder? = null
+ fun initAttachAndMap() {
+ attach = idTable.getItem(id)
+ map = attach?.let { PrivilegesHolder() }
+ }
+ fun sendIfPresent() {
+ if (attach != null && map != null) {
+ channel.offer(attach!! to map!!)
+ }
+ attach = null
+ map = null
+ }
+ initAttachAndMap()
+ do {
+ val rowId = row[attach_id]
+ if (rowId != id) {
+ sendIfPresent()
+ id = rowId
+ initAttachAndMap()
+ }
+ if (attach == null) {
+ continue // owner not found for this owner id
+ }
+ val profile = ProfilesT.getRealItem(row[profile_id])
+ if (profile == null) {
+ logger.error("Privilege from database is null, id ${row[profile_id]}")
+ continue
+ }
+ val privilege = Privilege.getByNumber(row[privilege])
+ if (privilege == null) {
+ logger.error("Privilege from database is null, number ${row[this.privilege]}")
+ continue
+ }
+ map!!.setRawStoredPrivilege(profile, privilege)
+ } while (iterator.hasNext().alsoIfTrue { row = })
+ sendIfPresent()
+ }
+ }