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authorDico200 <>2015-10-20 18:03:05 +0200
committerDico200 <>2015-10-20 18:03:05 +0200
commit9119c3d1500a02b49d078a8a0d01a271e630092b (patch)
parent2db8142b35a92e93459fb9a9505778db303291a9 (diff)
Moved /signalstrength to its own file, added default configurability, added basecommands documentation, added can_build() to helpers
4 files changed, 68 insertions, 94 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 89e08aa..dee79f8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,13 +1,66 @@
from helpers import *
-to_see_permission = "utils.showpermission" # See cmd permission in help
+@simplecommand is a decorator which is meant to replace @hook.command in redstoner-utils, where useful.
+It takes care of checks such as whether the sender is a player, whether they have permission,
+whether there are enough argumens, and also takes care of a help message.
+On top of that, it makes the code shorter and easier to write with features like Validate, and returning a message instead of a boolean value.
+@simplecommand has an inbuilt tracing feature, so you won't have to put all your code in a try/except statement anymore.
+Make sure to `from basecommands import simplecommand` before using this decorator.
+The arguments are as follows:
+* cmd: the command, self explanatory (required);
+* aliases: A list containing any aliases for the command, like shortcuts;
+* usage: a String defining the expected arguments for the command. Example:
+ Let's say I have a command /tp <player_to_teleport> <destination_player>. The usage is: "<player_to_teleport> <destination_player>".
+ I suggest we use the same format throughout redstoner-utils:
+ - Separate arguments by spaces;
+ - Use <> if the argument is required, and [] if the argument is optional;
+ - Add .. to the argument's identifier (name) if it is for example a message (containing spaces).
+ for example in /msg, the usage would be "<player> <msg..>"
+* description: a description of what the command does. Defaults to "Handles cmd".
+ This is used for the help message, where the description is (meant to be) indented. To keep this indentation
+ with longer descriptions, call the help message (with the command, ingame) and add '\n'
+ when it jumps to a new line in the chat. The decorator will take care of the indentation after that.
+* senderLimit: an integer resembling the accepted sender type. Defaults to -1. Use:
+ -1 for console as well as players;
+ 0 for players only;
+ 1 for console only.
+* amin: an integer resembling the minimum amount of arguments. Defaults to 0
+* amax: an integer resembling the maximum amount of arguments. Defaults to -1, which means that there is no maximum.
+* helpNoargs: a boolean value resembling whether the help message should be displayed when no arguments are given.
+ Defaults to False.
+* helpSubcmd: a boolean value resembling whether the help message should be displayed when the first argument.lower() equals "help".
+ Defaults to False.
+Comments on the function added to the decorator:
+It should return a message to send to the player. Color codes are translated automatically. It can return None or an empty string to send nothing.
+Inside the function, calls to static methods in the class Validate can be used to make the code shorter and easier to write (maybe not easier to read).
+For example, to make sure that a condition is met, use Validate.isTrue(condition, message to send to the player if the condition is not met)
+Don't forget to `from basecommands import Validate` if you wish to make use of this.
+For all other Validate checks, see the code below. Feel free to add your own.
+Instead of returning a message mid-code to describe an error, you can also use raise CommandException(msg), but it is almost always possible
+to replace this return statement with a call to one of the functions in the Validate class. Once again, if you use raise CommandException(msg),
+don't forget to `from basecommands import CommandException`.
+to_see_permission = "utils.showpermission" # See cmd permission in help
def isSenderValid(senderLimit, isPlayer):
return True if senderLimit == -1 else senderLimit != isPlayer
def invalidSenderMsg(isPlayer):
- return "&cThat command can only be run from the console" if isPlayer else "&cThat command can only be run by players"
+ return "&cThat command can only be used by " + ("the console" if isPlayer else "players")
def helpMsg(sender, cmd, description, usage, aliases, permission):
help_msg = "&aInformation about command /%s:\n &9%s" % (cmd, description.replace("\n", "\n "))
@@ -65,7 +118,7 @@ def simplecommand(cmd,
except CommandException, e:
return e.message
except Exception, e:
- error(e.message, trace())
+ error(trace())
return "&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command"
return call
diff --git a/ b/
index 0cb7cbc..dcf5cc3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import org.bukkit as bukkit
import org.bukkit.Location as Location
import org.bukkit.entity.Player as Player
import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause as TeleportCause
+import org.bukkit.event.block.BlockBreakEvent as BlockBreakEvent
import org.bukkit.block as bblock
import org.bukkit.event.entity as entity
import org.bukkit.command.ConsoleCommandSender
@@ -143,6 +144,15 @@ def is_player(obj):
return (isinstance(obj, Player))
+def can_build(player, block):
+ """
+ return True if the player can change/build at the location of given block
+ """
+ event = BlockBreakEvent(block, player)
+ server.getPluginManager().callEvent(event)
+ return not event.isCancelled()
def checkargs(sender, args, amin, amax):
check if a command has a valid amount of args, otherwise notify the sender
diff --git a/ b/
index 2138216..b66b3ac 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ shared["load_modules"] = [
# Adds /lol, broadcasts random funyy messages. A bit like the splash text in the menu
+ # Adds /signalstrength, lets you request a signal strength and an amount of items will be inserted into target container to meet that strength.
+ "signalstrength",
# Shows the owner of a skull when right-clicked
# Adds /listen, highlights chat and plays a sound when your name was mentioned
diff --git a/ b/
index ed10bf8..e5727bc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -4,11 +4,7 @@ from time import time as now
from time import sleep
from sys import exc_info
import thread
import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack as ItemStack
-import org.bukkit.Material as Material
-from math import ceil
import org.bukkit.Bukkit as Bukkit
from basecommands import simplecommand, Validate
@@ -145,93 +141,6 @@ def on_sudo_command(sender, command, label, args):
return "&cPlayer %s not found!" % target
-Suggestion by Armadillo28, see thread:
-Clarification on these formulas on
-def required_item_count(strength, slots, stack):
- if strength == 0:
- count = 0
- elif strength == 1:
- count = 1
- else:
- count = int(ceil(slots * stack / 14.0 * (strength - 1)))
- resulting_strength = int(1 + 14.0 * count / stack / slots)
- return count if resulting_strength == strength else None
- usage = "<signal strength> [item] [data]",
- aliases = ["ss", "level"],
- description = "Fills the targeted container with the correct amount of items to achieve the desired signal strength.",
- amin = 1,
- amax = 3,
- helpNoargs = True,
- helpSubcmd = True,
- senderLimit = 0)
-def on_signalstrength_command(sender, command, label, args):
- target_block = sender.getTargetBlock(None, 5)
- Validate.notNone(target_block, "&cThat command can only be used when a container is targeted")
- try:
- inv = target_block.getState().getInventory()
- except AttributeError:
- return "&cThat command can only be used when a container is targeted"
- #---------Define the requested strength, item type and item data----------
- Validate.isTrue(args[0].isdigit() and 0 <= int(args[0]) <= 15, "&cThe signal strength has to be a value from 0 to 15")
- strength = int(args[0])
- item_type = Material.REDSTONE if len(args) < 2 else Material.getMaterial(int(args[1]) if args[1].isdigit() else args[1])
- Validate.notNone(item_type, "&cThat item id does not exist")
- item_data = 0 if len(args) < 3 else int(args[2]) if args[2].isdigit() else -1
- Validate.isTrue(0 <= item_data <= 15, "&cThe data has to be a value from 0 to 15")
- #--------Get the stack size and required amount of items to achieve the desired signal strength---------
- stack_size = item_type.getMaxStackSize()
- item_count = required_item_count(strength, inv.getSize(), stack_size)
- Validate.notNone(item_count, "&cThe desired signal strength could not be achieved with the requested item type")
- #------------Add the other side of the chest if target is a double chest--------------
- target_blocks = [target_block]
- target_type = target_block.getType()
- if target_type in (Material.CHEST, Material.TRAPPED_CHEST):
- loc = target_block.getLocation()
- x = loc.getBlockX()
- y = loc.getBlockY()
- z = loc.getBlockZ()
- world = loc.getWorld()
- target_blocks += [
- block for block in (
- world.getBlockAt(x + 1, y, z),
- world.getBlockAt(x - 1, y, z),
- world.getBlockAt(x, y, z + 1),
- world.getBlockAt(x, y, z - 1),
- ) if block.getType() == target_type
- ]
- #----------------Insert items-------------
- full_stack_count, remaining = divmod(item_count, stack_size)
- inv.clear()
- for block in target_blocks:
- for i in range(full_stack_count):
- inv.setItem(i, ItemStack(item_type, stack_size, item_data))
- if remaining > 0:
- inv.setItem(full_stack_count, ItemStack(item_type, remaining, item_data))
- return "&aSuccesfully edited the targeted %s to give out a signal strenth of %s to comparators" % (
- str(target_type).lower().replace("_", " "), strength)
usage = "[message..]",