diff options
authorPepich <>2015-11-02 00:02:44 +0100
committerPepich <>2015-11-02 00:02:44 +0100
commitc84dce9d34d35fa6f71f18565ec55d0e54604a2c (patch)
parenteb201196e16659730c36f5742bab19e34261282a (diff)
Added colorsupport, fixed perms and limits into file, added length limitations, made file PEP8 conform
1 files changed, 54 insertions, 43 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index dc7db72..0a34ebe 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -17,95 +17,102 @@ from traceback import format_exc as trace
data = None
+max_entries = 10
+max_alias_length = 35
+# minecraft message limit is 100 so I decided to give a little tolerance
+max_overall_length = 115
+alias_perm = "utils.alias.allowed"
+exceed_length = "utils.alias.exceedlimit"
+exceed_entries = "utils.alias.exceedlimit"
+exceed_overall_length = "utils.alias.exceedlimit"
def safe_open_json():
global data
if data is not None:
return data
data = open_json_file("aliases")
if data is None:
- data = {"gnl":{"max_len":"35","max_entries":"10"}}
+ data = {}
save_json_file("aliases", data)
return data
-@hook.command("alias", usage = "/<command> [to_alias] [alias...]", desc = "Aliases words in chat")
+ usage="/<command> [to_alias] [alias...]",
+ desc="Aliases words in chat")
def on_alias_command(sender, cmd, label, args):
if not is_player(sender):
- msg(sender, "Sorry, Console cannot alias words")
- return True
- if not sender.hasPermission("utils.alias.allowed"):
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
+ msg(sender, "Sorry, Console cannot alias words")
+ return True
+ if not sender.hasPermission(alias_perm):
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Chat Alias")
return True
if len(args) == 0:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "This is a plugin that allows you to type in chat and have words replaced by other ones automatically!")
- msg(sender, "\nCommands:")
- msg(sender, "/alias <word>: removes <word> from aliased words. Use * to remove all aliased words.")
- msg(sender, "/alias <word> <others...>: Will change <word> to <others...> in chat")
- msg(sender, "\nYour Aliases:")
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Chat Alias")
+ msg(sender, "&7This is a plugin that allows you to get words" +
+ "replaced by other ones automatically!")
+ msg(sender, "&7\nCommands:")
+ msg(sender, "&e/alias <word> &7removes <word> from your aliases. " +
+ "Use &e/alias * &7to remove all aliases.")
+ msg(sender, "&e/alias <word> <replacement> &7will change &e<word> " +
+ "&7to &e<replacement> &7in chat")
+ msg(sender, "&7\nYour Aliases:")
data = safe_open_json()
for alias, value in data[str(sender.getUniqueId())].items():
- msg(sender, "%s ==> %s" % (alias, value))
+ msg(sender, "&7%s &7==> %s" % (alias, value))
except KeyError:
return True
elif len(args) == 1:
data = safe_open_json()
if args[0] == "*":
del data[str(sender.getUniqueId())]
except KeyError:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "No alias data to remove!")
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Chat Alias")
+ msg(sender, "&7No alias data to remove!")
return True
save_json_file("aliases", data)
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "ALL alias data successfuly removed!")
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Chat Alias")
+ msg(sender, "&cALL &7alias data successfuly removed!")
return True
if data[str(sender.getUniqueId())].pop(args[0], None) is None:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "Could not remove: alias not present!")
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Chat Alias")
+ msg(sender, "&7Could not remove: alias not present!")
return True
except KeyError:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "Could not remove: you do not have any aliases!")
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Chat Alias")
+ msg(sender, "&7Could not remove: you do not have any aliases!")
return True
save_json_file("aliases", data)
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "Alias for %s successfuly removed" % args[0])
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Chat Alias")
+ msg(sender, "&7Alias for %s &7successfuly removed" % args[0])
return True
elif len(args) >= 2:
data = safe_open_json()
alias = " ".join(args[1:])
- if len(alias) > int(data["gnl"]["max_len"]) and int(data["gnl"]["max_len"]) >= 0:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "Please do not alias long words/sentences.")
+ if (len(alias) > max_alias_length) and (max_alias_length >= 0) and (not sender.hasPermission(exceed_length)):
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Chat Alias")
+ msg(sender, "&7Please do not alias long words/sentences.")
return True
- if len(data[str(sender.getUniqueId())]) >= int(data["gnl"]["max_entries"]) and int(data["gnl"]["max_entries"]) >= 0:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "You have reached the maximum amount of alias entries! Sorry!")
+ if (len(data[str(sender.getUniqueId())]) >= max_entries) and (max_entries >= 0) and (not sender.hasPermission(exceed_entries)):
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Chat Alias")
+ msg(sender, "&7You have reached your alias limit!")
return True
except KeyError:
data[str(sender.getUniqueId())] = {}
data[str(sender.getUniqueId())][args[0]] = alias
save_json_file("aliases", data)
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "Chat Alias %s ==> %s successfully created!" % (args[0], alias))
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Chat Alias")
+ msg(sender, "&7Chat Alias %s &7==> %s &7successfully created!" % (args[0], alias))
return True
return False
@@ -114,14 +121,18 @@ def on_alias_command(sender, cmd, label, args):
def on_player_chat(event):
playerid = str(event.getPlayer().getUniqueId())
data = safe_open_json()
if event.isCancelled():
crashtest = data[playerid].items()
except KeyError:
for alias, value in data[playerid].items():
event.setMessage(event.getMessage().replace(alias, value))
+ if (event.getPlayer().hasPermission('')):
+ event.setMessage(colorify(event.getMessage()))
+ if (len(event.getMessage()) > max_overall_length) and (not sender.hasPermission(exceed_overall_length)):
+ event.setCancelled(True)
+ msg(sender, "&7The message generated was too long and was not sent " +
+ "but it would've looked like that:")
+ msg(sender, event.getMessage())