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1 files changed, 52 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d9f2a44..d5a4829 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -5,7 +5,23 @@ import java.util.UUID as UUID
import org.bukkit.Material as Material
import org.bukkit.block.BlockFace as BlockFace
-blocked_cmds = tuple(shared["modules"]["misc"].sudo_blacklist) + ("pex", "kick", "ban", "tempban", "reload", "op", "deop", "whitelist")
+commands_whitelist = (
+ "mail", "email", "memo",
+ "echo", "ping",
+ "cg join",
+ "cg info",
+ "chatgroup join",
+ "chatgroup info",
+ "i",
+ "item",
+ "p h", "plot home", "plot h", "p home", "plotme home", "plotme h",
+ "up",
+ "tppos",
+ "seen"
+max_line_length = 256
+max_lines = 20
def load_signs():
signs_obj = open_json_file("serversigns", [])
@@ -20,9 +36,11 @@ def save_signs():
signs_obj.append(key + tuple(value))
save_json_file("serversigns", signs_obj)
-signs = load_signs() # {("world", x, y, z): ["owner_id", "msg1", "msg2"]}
+# {("world", x, y, z): ["owner_id", "msg1", "msg2"]}
+signs = load_signs()
-lines = {} # Accumulated messages so players can have longer messages: {"Dico200": "Message...........", ""}
+# Accumulated messages so players can have longer messages: {"Dico200": "Message...........", ""}
+lines = {}
def fromLoc(bLoc):
@@ -92,7 +110,8 @@ def signsMsg(msg, colour = '4'):
senderLimit = 0)
def svs_command(sender, command, label, args):
arg1 = args[0].lower()
- Validate.isTrue(arg1 in ("claim", "reset", "add", "remove", "info", "clear", "help", "switch", "reverse", "unclaim"),
+ Validate.isTrue(arg1 in ("claim", "reset", "add", "remove", "rem", "del", "delete", "info", "lines",
+ "clear", "help", "switch", "reverse", "unclaim", "commands", "whitelist", "wl"),
signsMsg("That argument could not be recognized, use &o/svs help &4for expected arguments"))
Validate.isAuthorized(sender, "utils.serversigns." + arg1)
@@ -105,7 +124,7 @@ def svs_command(sender, command, label, args):
msg += "\nHow to use &b/serversigns&a:"
msg += "\n&b/svs claim" + ("" if not sender.hasPermission("utils.serversigns.admin") else " [owner]")
msg += "\n&a- Claims the sign so that you can add messages to it"
- msg += "\n&b/svs info"
+ msg += "\n&b/svs info|lines"
msg += "\n&a- Displays information about the (claimed) sign"
msg += "\n&b/svs add <message>[++]"
msg += "\n&a- Adds the message to the sign. Use ++ at the end"
@@ -120,7 +139,12 @@ def svs_command(sender, command, label, args):
msg += "\n&a- Removes all messages from the sign."
msg += "\n&b/svs reset|unclaim"
msg += "\n&a- Resets the sign, removing all messages and its owner."
+ msg += "\n&b/svs commands|whitelist|wl"
+ msg += "\n&a- Shows a list of whitelisted commands"
return msg
+ if arg1 in ("commands", "whitelist", "wl"):
+ return signsMsg("Whitelisted commands: &3" + ", ".join(commands_whitelist), 'a')
block = sender.getTargetBlock(None, 5)
@@ -144,7 +168,7 @@ def svs_command(sender, command, label, args):
uuid = uid(target)
if sign != None:
if sign[0] == uuid:
- return signsMsg("The" + signName + " was already owned by that player")
+ return signsMsg("The " + signName + " was already owned by that player")
sign[0] = uuid
@@ -156,7 +180,7 @@ def svs_command(sender, command, label, args):
Validate.notNone(sign, signsMsg("The %s has not been claimed" % signName))
#----------------------Sub commands that require the sign to be claimed as well------------------------------------
- if arg1 == "info":
+ if arg1 in ("info", "lines"):
sign_lines = ""
for id, line in enumerate(sign[1:]):
sign_lines += ("\n &a%s: \"&f%s&a\"" % (id + 1, line))
@@ -167,25 +191,43 @@ def svs_command(sender, command, label, args):
#---------------------- Sub commands that require you to own targeted sign as well -------------------------
if arg1 == "add":
+ Validate.isTrue(len(sign) - 1 <= max_lines, signsMsg("This sign already has the maximum amount of lines, you cannot add more"))
line = " ".join(args[1:])
Validate.isTrue(line != "" and line != None, signsMsg("You have to enter a message to add or accumulate"))
key = sender.getName()
global lines
Validate.isTrue(key in lines or line[:1] != "/" or sender.hasPermission("utils.serversigns.command"), signsMsg("You cannot add commands to a sign!"))
if line[-2:] == "++":
if key not in lines:
lines[key] = ""
+ Validate.isTrue(len(lines[key]) + len(line[:-2]) + 1 <= max_line_length, signsMsg("This line would be too long, so the given message was not added to the accumulated message"))
lines[key] += " " + line[:-2]
return signsMsg("Added given message to the message you're accumulating. \nYour accumulated message is now as follows: \n&f%s" % lines[key], 'a')
if key in lines:
line = (lines[key] + " " + line)[1:]
- Validate.isTrue(line[0] != "/" or line.split(" ")[0][1:] not in blocked_cmds, signsMsg("Usage of that command with server signs is prohibited"))
+ Validate.isTrue(len(line) <= max_line_length, signsMsg("This line would be too long, so it was not added to the sign. It is however still accumulated."))
+ if line[0] == "/":
+ cmd = line[1:].lower()
+ whitelisted = False
+ for wl_cmd in commands_whitelist:
+ if cmd[:len(wl_cmd)] == wl_cmd:
+ whitelisted = True
+ break
+ Validate.isTrue(whitelisted, signsMsg("That command is not whitelisted for use with serversigns"))
+ if key in lines:
+ del lines[key]
sign.append(colorify(line) if line[0] != "/" else line)
return signsMsg("Added line \"&f%s&a\" to the %s" % (line, signName), 'a')
- if arg1 == "remove":
+ if arg1 in ("remove", "rem", "del", "delete"):
Validate.notNone(arg2, signsMsg("You have to enter the ID of the message to remove!"))
id = int(arg2)
@@ -220,6 +262,7 @@ def svs_command(sender, command, label, args):
del signs[loc]
return signsMsg("Removed all messages and the owner from the %s, it can now be claimed" % signName, 'a')