path: root/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 364 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index dc7db72..bc21e13 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,127 +1,386 @@
-# Chat Aliasing plugin by Curs3d #
-# Allows users to alias words,
-# so that when they send a
-# message in chat, it gets
-# replaced by their specified
-# word. Configuration of this
-# plugin is in the "gnl"
-# (general) tag of the JSON
-# file named "aliases". The
-# file is generated if not
-# present. Set values to -1
-# for "unlimited" setting.
+# TODO: Add cg/ac/msg support
+import os
+import mysqlhack
+import org.bukkit as bukkit
+from org.bukkit import *
from helpers import *
-from traceback import format_exc as trace
-data = None
+# Version number and requirements
-def safe_open_json():
- global data
- if data is not None:
- return data
- data = open_json_file("aliases")
- if data is None:
- data = {"gnl":{"max_len":"35","max_entries":"10"}}
- save_json_file("aliases", data)
- return data
+alias_version = "2.1.0"
+helpers_versions = ["1.1.0", "2.0.0"]
+enabled = False
+error_msg = colorify("&cUnspecified error")
+commands_per_page = 5
+global_aliases = {"./":"/"}
+data = {}
+use_mysql = True
+# Permissions:
-@hook.command("alias", usage = "/<command> [to_alias] [alias...]", desc = "Aliases words in chat")
-def on_alias_command(sender, cmd, label, args):
+# Grants full access immediately
+permission_ALL = "utils.alias.*"
+# Access to the command to display the help screen
+permission_BASE = "utils.alias"
+# Make replacements only when the user has this permission
+permission_USE = "utils.alias.use"
+# Modify aliases
+permission_MODIFY = "utils.alias.modify"
+permission_MODIFY_OTHERS = "utils.alias.modify.others"
+# List aliases
+permission_LIST = "utils.alias.list"
+permission_LIST_OTHERS = "utils.alias.list.others"
+# Set alias amounts/length limits, e.g. utils.alias.amount.420
+permission_AMOUNT = "utils.alias.amount."
+permission_LENGTH = "utils.alias.length."
+# See when the plugin was disabled due to version errors
+permission_INFO = ""
+permission_FINFO = "utils.alias.finfo"
- if not is_player(sender):
- msg(sender, "Sorry, Console cannot alias words")
- return True
+# CODE #
- if not sender.hasPermission("utils.alias.allowed"):
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- noperm(sender)
- return True
+def safe_open_json(uuid):
+ if not os.path.exists("plugins/"):
+ os.makedirs("plugins/")
+ value = open_json_file("aliases/" + uuid)
+ if value is None:
+ value = dict(global_aliases)
+ save_json_file("aliases/" + uuid, value)
+ return value
- if len(args) == 0:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "This is a plugin that allows you to type in chat and have words replaced by other ones automatically!")
- msg(sender, "\nCommands:")
- msg(sender, "/alias <word>: removes <word> from aliased words. Use * to remove all aliased words.")
- msg(sender, "/alias <word> <others...>: Will change <word> to <others...> in chat")
- msg(sender, "\nYour Aliases:")
- data = safe_open_json()
- try:
- for alias, value in data[str(sender.getUniqueId())].items():
- msg(sender, "%s ==> %s" % (alias, value))
- except KeyError:
- pass
- return True
- elif len(args) == 1:
- data = safe_open_json()
- if args[0] == "*":
- try:
- del data[str(sender.getUniqueId())]
- except KeyError:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "No alias data to remove!")
- return True
- save_json_file("aliases", data)
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "ALL alias data successfuly removed!")
+ usage="/<command> <add, remove, list, help> [...]",
+ desc="Allows aliasing of words")
+def on_alias_command(sender, cmd, label, args):
+ if not is_player(sender):
+ msg(sender, "&cThe console cannot use aliases!")
+ return True
+ try:
+ args = array_to_list(args)
+ if not enabled:
+ disabled_fallback(sender)
return True
- try:
- if data[str(sender.getUniqueId())].pop(args[0], None) is None:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "Could not remove: alias not present!")
- return True
- except KeyError:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "Could not remove: you do not have any aliases!")
+ if not hasPerm(sender, permission_BASE):
+ plugin_header(recipient=sender, name="Alias")
+ noperm(sender)
return True
- save_json_file("aliases", data)
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "Alias for %s successfuly removed" % args[0])
+ return subcommands[args[0].lower()](sender, args[1:])
+ except:
+ return subcommands["help"](sender, "1")
+def help(sender, args):
+ commands = [colorify("&e/alias help [page]")]
+ if hasPerm(sender, permission_LIST):
+ commands += [colorify("&e/alias list &7- Lists all your aliases")]
+ if hasPerm(sender, permission_MODIFY):
+ commands += [colorify("&e/alias add <word> <alias> &7- Add an alias")]
+ commands += [colorify("&e/alias remove <word> &7- Remove an alias")]
+ if can_remote(sender):
+ while len(commands) < commands_per_page:
+ commands += [""]
+ commands += [colorify("&7Following commands will be executed on <player> yet all output will be redirected to you, except when you set silent to false, then <player> will see it too.")]
+ if hasPerm(sender, permission_LIST_OTHERS):
+ commands += [colorify("&e/alias player <name> list [silent]")]
+ if hasPerm(sender, permission_MODIFY_OTHERS):
+ commands += [colorify("&e/alias player <name> add <word> <alias> [silent]")]
+ commands += [colorify("&e/alias player <name> remove <word> [silent]")]
+ pages = (len(commands)-1)/commands_per_page + 1
+ page = 1
+ if len(args) != 0:
+ page = int(args[0])
+ if (page > pages):
+ page = pages
+ if page < 1:
+ page = 1
+ msg(sender, colorify("&e---- &6Help &e-- &6Page &c" + str(page) + "&6/&c" + str(pages) + " &e----"))
+ page -= 1
+ to_display = commands[5*page:5*page+5]
+ for message in to_display:
+ msg(sender, message)
+ if page+1 < pages:
+ msg(sender, colorify("&6To display the next page, type &c/alias help " + str(page+2)))
+ return True
+@hook.event("player.PlayerJoinEvent", "high")
+def on_join(event):
+ if enabled:
+ t = threading.Thread(target=load_data, args=(uid(event.getPlayer()), ))
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ else:
+ if event.getPlayer().hasPermission(permission_FINFO):
+ disabled_fallback(event.getPlayer())
+@hook.event("player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent", "high")
+def on_player_chat(event):
+ if enabled:
+ if event.isCancelled():
+ return
+ player = event.getPlayer()
+ if not hasPerm(player, permission_USE):
+ return
+ msg_limit = int(get_permission_content(player, permission_LENGTH))
+ for alias, value in data[str(uid(player))].items():
+ if player.hasPermission(""):
+ event.setMessage(event.getMessage().replace(colorify(alias), colorify(value)))
+ else:
+ event.setMessage(event.getMessage().replace(alias, value))
+ if not player.hasPermission(permission_ALL) and len(event.getMessage()) > msg_limit:
+ event.setCancelled(True)
+ plugin_header(player, "Alias")
+ msg(player, "The message you wanted to generate would exceed the length limit limit of %d. Please make it shorter!" % msg_limit)
+ return
+def hasPerm(player, permission):
+ return (player.hasPermission(permission)) or (player.hasPermission(permission_ALL))
+def disabled_fallback(receiver):
+ if not hasPerm(receiver, permission_INFO):
+ msg(receiver, colorify("&cUnknown command. Use &e/help&c, &e/plugins &cor ask a mod."))
+ else:
+ msg(receiver, colorify("&cPlugin alias v" + alias_version + " has experienced an &eEMERGENCY SHUTDOWN:"))
+ msg(receiver, error_msg)
+ msg(receiver, colorify("&cPlease contact a dev/admin (especially pep :P) about this to take a look at it."))
+def can_remote(player):
+ return hasPerm(player, permission_LIST_OTHERS) or hasPerm(player, permission_MODIFY_OTHERS)
+def add(sender, args):
+ plugin_header(sender, "Alias")
+ uuid = uid(sender)
+ args = [args[0]] + [" ".join(args[1:])]
+ if (args[0] not in data[uuid]) and is_alias_limit_reached(sender, sender):
return True
- elif len(args) >= 2:
- data = safe_open_json()
- alias = " ".join(args[1:])
- try:
- if len(alias) > int(data["gnl"]["max_len"]) and int(data["gnl"]["max_len"]) >= 0:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "Please do not alias long words/sentences.")
- return True
- if len(data[str(sender.getUniqueId())]) >= int(data["gnl"]["max_entries"]) and int(data["gnl"]["max_entries"]) >= 0:
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "You have reached the maximum amount of alias entries! Sorry!")
- return True
- except KeyError:
- data[str(sender.getUniqueId())] = {}
- data[str(sender.getUniqueId())][args[0]] = alias
- save_json_file("aliases", data)
- plugin_header(recipient = sender, name = "Chat Alias")
- msg(sender, "Chat Alias %s ==> %s successfully created!" % (args[0], alias))
+ if not add_alias_data(uuid, str(args[0]), args[1]):
+ msg(sender, colorify("&c") + "Could not add this alias because it would cause some sequences to be replaced multiple times", usecolor = False)
return True
+ msg(sender, colorify("&7Alias: ") + args[0] + colorify("&7 -> " + args[1] + colorify("&7 was succesfully created!")), usecolor=sender.hasPermission(""))
+ return True
+def radd(sender, args):
+ plugin_header(sender, "Alias")
+ args = args[0:2] + [" ".join(args[2:len(args)-1])] + [args[len(args)-1]]
+ if is_player(sender):
+ sender_name = colorify(sender.getDisplayName())
+ sender_name = colorify("&6Console")
+ target = server.getPlayer(args[0])
+ if target == None:
+ msg(sender, "&cThat player is not online")
+ return True
+ uuid = uid(target)
+ if args[3].lower() == "false":
+ plugin_header(target, "Alias")
+ msg(target, "&cPlayer " + sender_name + " &cis creating an alias for you!")
+ elif args[3].lower() != "true":
+ args[2] += " " + args[3]
+ if (args[1] not in data[uuid]) and is_alias_limit_reached(target, sender, args[3].lower() == "false"):
+ return True
+ if len(args) == 3:
+ args += ["true"]
+ if not add_alias_data(uuid, str(args[1]), str(args[2])):
+ message = colorify("&c") + "Could not add this alias because it would cause some sequences to be replaced multiple times"
+ msg(sender, message)
+ if args[3].lower() == "false":
+ msg(target, message)
+ return True
+ msg(sender, colorify("&7Alias: ") + args[1] + colorify("&7 -> " + args[2] + colorify("&7 was succesfully created!")), usecolor=target.hasPermission(""))
+ if args[3].lower() == "false":
+ msg(target, colorify("&7Alias: ") + args[1] + colorify("&7 -> " + args[2] + colorify("&7 was succesfully created!")), usecolor=target.hasPermission(""))
+ return True
+def is_alias_limit_reached(player, recipient, not_silent = False):
+ if player.hasPermission(permission_ALL):
return False
+ alias_limit = int(get_permission_content(player, permission_AMOUNT))
+ if len(data[uid(player)]) >= alias_limit:
+ message = ("&cYour limit of %d has been reached" if player is recipient else "&cThe limit of %d has been reached for that player") % alias_limit
+ msg(recipient, message)
+ if not_silent:
+ msg(player, message)
+ return True
+ return False
-@hook.event("player.AsyncPlayerChatEvent", "high")
-def on_player_chat(event):
- playerid = str(event.getPlayer().getUniqueId())
- data = safe_open_json()
+def add_alias_data(puuid, aliased, new_alias):
+ prior = data[puuid]
+ # prevent 2 -> 3 if there is 1 -> 2
+ if aliased not in prior:
+ for alias in prior.values():
+ if aliased in alias:
+ return False
+ # prevent 1 -> 2 if there is 2 -> 3
+ for sequence in prior:
+ if sequence in new_alias:
+ return False
+ prior[aliased] = new_alias
+ save_data(puuid)
+ return True
+def remove(sender, args):
+ plugin_header(sender, "Alias")
+ try:
+ msg(sender, colorify("&7Successfully removed alias ") + args[0] + colorify(" &7-> ") + data[uid(sender)].pop(args[0]) + colorify("&7!"), usecolor=sender.hasPermission(""))
+ save_data(uid(sender))
+ except:
+ msg(sender, colorify("&cCould not remove alias ") + args[0] + colorify(", it does not exist."), usecolor=sender.hasPermission(""))
+ return True
+def rremove(sender, args):
+ plugin_header(sender, "Alias")
+ target = get_player(args[0])
+ if is_player(sender):
+ sender_name = colorify(sender.getDisplayName())
+ else:
+ sender_name = colorify("&6Console")
+ if args[2].lower() == "false":
+ plugin_header(target, "Alias")
+ msg(target, "&cPlayer " + sender_name + " &cis removing an alias for you!")
+ try:
+ alias = data[uid(target)].pop(args[1])
+ msg(sender, colorify("&7Successfully removed alias ") + args[1] + colorify(" &7-> ") + alias + colorify("&7!"), usecolor=sender.hasPermission(""))
+ if args[2].lower() == "false":
+ msg(target, colorify("&7Successfully removed alias ") + args[1] + colorify(" &7-> ") + alias + colorify("&7!"), usecolor=sender.hasPermission(""))
+ save_data(uid(target))
+ except:
+ msg(sender, colorify("&cCould not remove alias ") + args[1] + colorify(", it does not exist."), usecolor=sender.hasPermission(""))
+ if args[2].lower() == "false":
+ msg(target, colorify("&cCould not remove alias ") + args[1] + colorify(", it does not exist."), usecolor=sender.hasPermission(""))
+ return True
+def list_alias(sender, args):
+ plugin_header(sender, "Alias")
+ msg(sender, "&7You have a total of " + str(len(data[uid(sender)])) + " aliases:")
+ for word, alias in data[str(uid(sender))].items():
+ msg(sender, colorify("&7") + word + colorify("&7 -> ") + alias, usecolor=sender.hasPermission(""))
+ return True
+def rlist_alias(sender, args):
+ plugin_header(sender, "Alias")
+ target = get_player(args[0])
+ if is_player(sender):
+ sender_name = colorify(sender.getDisplayName())
+ else:
+ sender_name = colorify("&6Console")
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ args += ["true"]
+ msg(sender, "Player " + args[0] + " has following aliases (" + str(len(data[uid(target)])) + " in total):")
+ if args[1].lower() == "false":
+ plugin_header(target, "Alias")
+ msg(target, "&cPlayer " + sender_name + " &cis listing your aliases")
+ for word, alias in data[str(uid(target))].items():
+ msg(sender, colorify("&7") + word + colorify("&7 -> ") + alias, usecolor=target.hasPermission(""))
+ return True
- if event.isCancelled():
- return
+def remote(sender, args):
- crashtest = data[playerid].items()
- except KeyError:
- return
+ return remotes[args[1].lower()](sender, [args[0]] + args[2:])
+ except:
+ return subcommands["help"](sender, ["2"])
- for alias, value in data[playerid].items():
- event.setMessage(event.getMessage().replace(alias, value))
+def load_data(uuid):
+ if use_mysql:
+ try:
+ t = threading.Thread(target=load_data_thread, args=(uuid,))
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ except:
+ error(trace())
+ else:
+ data[uuid] = safe_open_json(uuid)
+def load_data_thread(uuid):
+ conn = zxJDBC.connect(mysql_database, mysql_user, mysql_pass, "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
+ curs = conn.cursor()
+ curs.execute("SELECT `alias` FROM `chatalias` WHERE `uuid` = ?;", (uuid, ))
+ results = curs.fetchall()
+ if len(results) == 0:
+ value = dict(global_aliases)
+ curs.execute("INSERT INTO `chatalias` VALUES (?,?);", (uuid, json_dumps(results), ))
+ conn.commit()
+ else:
+ value = json_loads(results[0][0])
+ curs.close()
+ conn.close()
+ data[uuid] = value
+def save_data(uuid):
+ if use_mysql:
+ try:
+ t = threading.Thread(target=save_data_thread, args=(uuid,))
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ except:
+ error(trace())
+ else:
+ save_json_file("aliases/" + uuid, data[uuid])
+def save_data_thread(uuid):
+ conn = zxJDBC.connect(mysql_database, mysql_user, mysql_pass, "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
+ curs = conn.cursor()
+ try:
+ curs.execute("UPDATE `chatalias` SET `alias` = ? WHERE `uuid` = ?;", (json_dumps(data[uuid]), uuid, ))
+ except:
+ error(trace())
+ conn.commit()
+ curs.close()
+ conn.close()
+# Subcommands:
+subcommands = {
+ "help": help,
+ "?": help,
+ "add": add,
+ "remove": remove,
+ "del": remove,
+ "delete": remove,
+ "player": remote,
+ "remote": remote,
+ "list": list_alias
+remotes = {
+ "add": radd,
+ "remove": rremove,
+ "del": rremove,
+ "delete": rremove,
+ "list": rlist_alias,
+# OnModuleLoad
+enabled = helpers_version in helpers_versions
+if not enabled:
+ error_msg = colorify("&6Incompatible versions detected (&")
+for player in server.getOnlinePlayers():
+ if enabled:
+ t = threading.Thread(target=load_data, args=(uid(player), ))
+ t.daemon = True
+ t.start()
+ else:
+ if player.hasPermission(permission_FINFO):
+ disabled_fallback(player)