path: root/
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1 files changed, 319 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index dd51534..b2190ac 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,11 +1,322 @@
from wrapper_player import *
+from helpers import *
-def command(command = "help"):
- def decorator(wrapped):
- @hook.command(command)
- def wrapper(sender, command, label, args):
+root_commands = Command_dict() # {"command": command_object}
+class Command(object):
+ """
+ # Documentation to come.s
+ """
+ def __init__(self,
+ command,
+ aliases = (),
+ permission = None,
+ description = "Description",
+ type = Command.SENDER_ANY
+ no_arg_action = Command.ACTION_IGNORE
+ help_request_action = Command.ACTION_IGNORE
+ arguments = (),
+ parent = None,
+ ):
+ self.command = command.lower()
+ self.aliases = tuple(alias.lower() for alias in aliases)
+ self.permission = self.command if permission == None else permission
+ self.description = description
+ self.type = type
+ self.no_arg_action = no_arg_action
+ self.help_request_action = help_request_action
+ self.arguments = arguments
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.sub_commands = Command_dict()
+ # ---- Check if argument layout is valid ----
+ prev_arg = arguments[0] if len(arguments) > 0 else None
+ for arg_info in arguments[1:]:
+ if not prev_arg.required and arg_info.required:
+ raise Argument_exception("Command: %s; There may not be required arguments after non-required arguments" % command)
+ if prev_arg.type == Argument.MESSAGE:
+ raise Argument_exception("Command: %s; An argument of type MESSAGE may not be followed by other arguments" % command)
+ prev_arg = arg_info
+ # ---- Add self to parent sub_commands ----
+ if self.parent == None:
+ root_commands[self.command] = self
+ else:
- return wrapped(sender = py_players[sender], command = command, label = label, args = args)
- except:
- print(print_traceback())
- return decorator \ No newline at end of file
+ parent_route = self.parent.split(" ")
+ parent_sub_commands = root_commands
+ parent_obj = None
+ for cmd_name in parent_route:
+ parent_obj = parent_sub_commands[cmd_name]
+ parent_sub_commands = parent_obj.sub_commands
+ parent_obj.sub_commands[self.command] = self
+ except KeyError as e:
+ error("Error occurred while setting up command hierarchy: " + e.message + "\n" + trace())
+ def __call__(self, handler):
+ """
+ # To clarify: This function is called when you 'call' an instance of a class.
+ # This means, that Command() calls __init__() and Command()() calls __call__().
+ # This makes it possible to use class instances for decoration. The decorator is this function.
+ """
+ self.handler = handler
+ if parent == None:
+ @hook.command(self.command, self.aliases)
+ def run(sender, command, label, args):
+ """
+ # This function will take care of prefixing and colouring of messages in the future.
+ # So it's very much WIP.
+ """
+ try:
+ message = self.execute(sender, command, label, args)
+ except Command_exception as e:
+ message = e.message
+ except Exception:
+ error(trace())
+ return True
+ if message:
+ sender.sendMessage(message)
+ return True
+ return handler
+ def execute(self, sender, command, label, args):
+ try:
+ return self.sub_commands[args[0].lower()].execute(sender, command, label, args[1:])
+ except (KeyError, IndexError):
+ self.execute_checks(sender, command, label, args)
+ def execute_checks(self, sender, command, label, args):
+ # ---- Check sender type ----
+ Validate.is_true(self.type != Command.SENDER_CONSOLE, "That command can only be used by the console")
+ else:
+ Validate.is_true(self.type != Command.SENDER_PLAYER, "That command can only be used by players")
+ # ---- Check permission ----
+ Validate.is_authorized(sender, self.permission)
+ # ---- Check if a help message is expected ----
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ action = self.no_arg_action
+ elif args[0].lower() == "help":
+ action = self.help_request_action
+ else:
+ action = Command.ACTION_IGNORE
+ if action != Command.ACTION_IGNORE:
+ if action == Command.ACTION_SYNTAXERROR:
+ return "&cInvalid syntax, please try again."
+ if action == Command.ACTION_DISPLAYSYNTAX:
+ return self.syntax()
+ if action == Command.ACTION_DISPLAYHELP:
+ return
+ # ---- Set up passed arguments, prepare for handler call ----
+ if is_player(sender):
+ sender = py_players[sender]
+ scape = Command_scape(args, self.arguments, command, label)
+ if is_player(sender):
+ sender = py_players[sender]
+ return self.handler(sender, self, scape)
+ # @Command("hello") def on_hello_command(sender, command, scape/args)
+ def syntax(self):
+ return " ".join(tuple(arg_info.syntax() for arg_info in self.arguments))
+ def help(self):
+ syntax = self.syntax()
+ return syntax #WIP...
+class Argument():
+ """
+ # A more advanced implementation of amin and amax, though it doesn't do exactly the same.
+ # You can now pass a list of Argument objects which define what the argument represents.
+ # In the process of doing so, you can set an argument type, one of the ones mentioned below.
+ # For example, if Argument.PLAYER is given, the server will be searched for the given player, and
+ # they will be passed as the argument, instead of a string representing their name.
+ #
+ # Feel free to add your own argument types. If you want to make a change to the API to make it different,
+ # please don't do so on your own behalf.
+ """
+ STRING = 0
+ FLOAT = 2
+ PLAYER = 3
+ def __init__(self, name, type, definition, required = True):
+ = name
+ self.type = type
+ self.definition = definition
+ self.required = required
+ def syntax(self):
+ syntax =
+ if self.type == Argument.MESSAGE:
+ syntax += "..."
+ return (("<%s>" if self.required else "[%s]") % syntax)
+class Validate():
+ """
+ # Much like what you often see in Java.
+ # Instead of having to check if a condition is met, and if not,
+ # sending the player a message and returning true,
+ # You can use one of these methods to check the condition, and
+ # pass a message if it's not met.
+ #
+ # For example:
+ # > if not sender.hasPermission("utils.smth"):
+ # noperm(sender)
+ # return True
+ #
+ # Can be replaced with:
+ # > Validate.is_authorized(sender, "utils.smth")
+ #
+ """
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_true(expression, fail_message):
+ if not expression:
+ raise Command_exception(fail_message)
+ @staticmethod
+ def not_none(obj, fail_message):
+ if obj == None:
+ raise Command_exception(fail_message)
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_authorized(player, permission, msg = "You do not have permission to use that command"):
+ if not player.hasPermission(permission):
+ raise Command_exception(msg)
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_player(sender):
+ if not is_player(sender):
+ raise Command_exception("That command can only be used by players")
+ @staticmethod
+ def is_console(sender):
+ if is_player(sender):
+ raise Command_exception("That command can only be used by the console")
+ # ---------- API classes ----------
+class Command_dict(dict):
+ #{"cmd1" : cmd_object}
+ def __getattr__(self, alias):
+ for cmd_name, cmd_obj in self.iteritems():
+ if alias == cmd_name or alias in cmd_obj.aliases:
+ return cmd_obj
+ raise KeyError("Subcommand '%s' was not found" % alias)
+class Command_exception(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ self.message = message
+class Command_scape(list):
+ def __init__(self, args, arg_layout, command, label):
+ super(list, self).__init__()
+ self.raw = args
+ self.arg_layout = arg_layout
+ self.command = command
+ self.label = label
+ has_message = False
+ for i in range(len(arg_layout)):
+ arg_info = arg_layout[i]
+ given = (len(args) >= i + 1)
+ if arg_info.required and not given:
+ raise Argument_exception("You must specify the " +
+ if not given:
+ self.append(None)
+ continue
+ given_arg = args[i]
+ arg_type = arg_info.type
+ if arg_type == Argument.STRING:
+ self.append(given_arg)
+ elif arg_type == Argument.INTEGER:
+ try:
+ value = int(given_arg)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise Argument_exception("The %s has to be a round number" %
+ self.append(value)
+ elif arg_type == Argument.FLOAT:
+ try:
+ value = float(given_arg)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise Argument_exception("The %s has to be a number" %
+ self.append(value)
+ elif arg_type == Argument.PLAYER:
+ target = server.getPlayer(given_arg)
+ if target == None:
+ raise Argument_exception("The %s has to be an online player" %
+ self.append(py_players[target])
+ elif arg_type == Argument.OFFLINE_PLAYER:
+ try:
+ # Code to get the PY PLAYER by name. Possibly, uid(server.getOfflinePlayer(given_arg)) can be used?
+ pass
+ except KeyError:
+ raise Argument_exception("The %s has to be an existing player" %
+ self.append(None)
+ elif arg_type == Argument.MESSAGE:
+ self.append(" ".join(args[i:]))
+ has_message = True
+ else:
+ error("Argument type not found: %d" % arg_type)
+ raise Argument_exception("A weird thing has happened, please contact an administrator")
+ if not has_message:
+ self.remainder = args[len(arg_layout):]
+ else:
+ self.remainder = None
+ def has_flag(self, flag, check_all = False):
+ return (("-" + flag) in self.raw) if check_all else (("-" + flag) in self.remainder)
+ def get_raw(self):
+ return self.raw
+ def get_arg_layout(self):
+ return self.arg_layout
+class Argument_exception(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, message):
+ self.message = message