diff options
authorDico <>2014-07-19 03:10:02 +0000
committerDico <>2014-07-19 03:10:02 +0000
commit6d3d2edf51b1fbc5679ea31b3675ef3d177a120e (patch)
parentff7053e1b36a08682cec3132c614794a4ffd6a46 (diff) edited online with Bitbucket
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 239 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d953861..24274c0 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,240 +1,240 @@
-# RedstonerUtils
-Redstoner's custom plugins, written in python.
-# Installation / Set-up
-1-line-install-script for bash:
-`wget -O " = 6byp4mrqmiui8yqeo3s6yw"; md5sum --check <<<"3499671c0832e561bc9c7d476d2167cb" && sh`
-Detailed description:
-0. Create a new directory called 'redstoner'
-0. Download [the latest spigot](
-0. Run it once inside redstoner, then shut it down again
-0. Create a new directory (inside redstoner) called 'lib'
-0. Download [jython]( = org/python/jython-standalone/2.7-b2/jython-standalone-2.7-b2.jar) and save it as 'jython.jar' inside lib
-0. Download [mysql-connector](, extract 'mysql-connector-java-X.X.XX-bin.jar
-' and save it as 'mysql-connector.jar' inside lib
-0. Download [PyPluginLoader]( (we're using [this fork]( into the plugins directory
-0. inside plugins, clone this directory into 'redstoner-utils**.py.dir**':
-`git clone`
-0. Download [PEX]( into plugins
-0. **if you want** to develop mysql things, set up a local MySQL server
-# branches
-* **dev**
- Always use this branch to change code, please test before pushing. (If something goes wrong here, that's okay)
-* **master**
- Never commit into this branch directly! Only merge stable versions of *dev*:
- ```bash
- git checkout master
- git merge dev
- ```
-# Deploying on the server
-**Never** edit the files directly on the server!
-The dev server uses the *dev* branch, the live server uses *master*.
-Please use the script `<server-dir>/`.
-**Do not use `git pull` on the server!**
-All files must be owned and pulled by the *redstoner* user.
-Be **very careful** with the live server! Make sure you're in the *master* branch and the code is working before pulling/restarting!
-# Modules / Files
-If you add a new file, please update this list!
-If you want the server to load a file (*module*) on startup, add it to the `modules` list in ``.
-* `files/`
- > All config / storage files go here
-* `plugin.yml`
- > The plugin.yml file required for bukkut plugins
-* ``
- > The only file loaded by PyPluginLoader, loads all other modules
- > Contains a few methods that **need to be cleaned up**
-* ``
- > Library that adds a bunch of re-usable methods which are used in nearly all other modules
-* ``
- > Adds chat for staff using `/ac <text` or `,<text>`
-* ``
- > Adds group-chat with `/chatgroup` and `/cgt` to toggle normal chat into group mode
-* ``
- > Plugin to locate laggy chunks. `/lc <n>` lists chunks with more than `n` entities
-* ``
- > A library that makes use of the so called ClassPathHack for jython to allow proper loading of `mysql-connector.jar` at runtime. import only, no methods.
-* ``
- > Start of a custom plot-plugin like PlotMe, on hold because the PlotMe developer continued to develop PlotMe
-* ``
- > The `/report <text>` and `/rp` plugin
-* ``
- > Remake of sheep's old SayLol plugin, originally written as a standalone plugin in Java
-* ``
- > Shows the owner of a skull when right-clicked
-* ``
- > Adds `/token`, reads and writes from the database to generate *pronouncable* (and thus memorable) registration-tokens for the website
-* ``
- > Code that was used once to create [this]( awesome [screenshot](
-* ``
- > A plugin that automatically tiles (stacks) blocks inside a selected region in configurable directions.
-* ``
- > Adds `/listen`, highlights chat and plays a sound when your name was mentioned
-* ``
- > Adds `/cycler`, swaps the hotbar with inventory when player changes slot from right->left or left->right
-* ``
- > Adds `/getmotd` & `/setmotd` to update the motd on the fly (no reboot).
-* ``
- > AnswerBot. Hides stupid questions from chat and tells the sender about `/faq` or the like
-* ``
- > Adds `/damnspam`, creates timeout for buttons/levers to mitigate button spam.
-* ``
- > Adds '/forcefield', creates forcefield for players who want it.
-# Code styleguide & tips
-## Indentation
-Never use tabs!
-Use 2 spaces to indent.
-## Quotes
-Always use double-quotes!
-Only use single-quotes when the string contains double-quotes that would need to be escaped.
-## Capitalization
-Do not use camelCase for variable or function names! Use under_score naming.
-camelCase is okay when used like `import as camelCase`.
-## Aligning variable assignments
-In case you have multiple variable assignments, align the equals sign:
-# bad
-foo = 1
-foobar = 2
-a = 3
-# good
-foo = 1
-foobar = 2
-a = 3
-Pro Tip: Use the AlignTab plugin for Sublime Text!
-## Vertical spacing
-Use at least one space left and one space right to equals signs, and one space right to colons.
-## Horizontal spacing
-Leave two empty lines before function definitions. In case you need to use `@hook.something`, add the two lines before that, directly followed by the definition.
-## Meaningful names
-Give function and variable names meaningful names. If you want to shorten long names, that's fine, but leave a comment on assigment with the actual meaning.
-## Readability
-Don't create long lines with lots of function calls. Split into multiple lines instead.
-# bad
-foo = int(player_data[str(server.getPlayer(args[4]).getUniqueId())]["details"].["last_login"].strftime("%s"))
-# good
-player = server.getPlayer(args[4])
-player_id = uid(player)
-logintime = player_data[played_id]["last_login"]
-epoch_time = int(logintime.strftime("%s"))
-## Comments
-Comments are good!
-Please comment everything that's non-obious or makes it easier to understand
-## Debugging
-Debugging can be a bit special with jython/PyPluginLoader.
-When something goes wrong, you probably see a weird traceback that's not telling you shit.
-...unless you take a closer look.
-You will not see a direct traceback of the python methods.
-Instead, you'll probably see a bunch of java, bukkit and python things, because it tries to translate python into java, line per line.
-Take a closer look at the method names, they might tell you what it's trying to do and where it's coming from.
-Watch out for something like `org.python.pycode._pyx5.horribleCode$23(/path/to/ ~[?:?]`
-0. In this case, `_pyx5` is our module.
-0. `horribleCode` is the method that was called
-0. `/path/to/` is the actual file of our module
-0. `:214` is the line in which the error occured.
-Please note that the line may not be accurate. You'll often get the start or end of a loop, method, or the like - when the actual error was somewhere in there.
-In many cases, this is enough to find your bug. If you still cannot find it,try to catch exceptions in your code, as follows:
-## Catching exceptions
-If you want to catch all exceptions (e.g. for debugging), do not:
- # code
-except Exception, e:
- print(e)
-Since we're using jython, this will not catch Java exceptions.
-This will give you some more deatails:
-import traceback
- #code
-except: # everything
- print(traceback.format_exc())
+# RedstonerUtils
+Redstoner's custom plugins, written in python.
+# Installation / Set-up
+1-line-install-script for bash:
+`wget -O " = 6byp4mrqmiui8yqeo3s6yw"; md5sum --check <<<"3499671c0832e561bc9c7d476d2167cb" && sh`
+Detailed description:
+0. Create a new directory called 'redstoner'
+0. Download [the latest spigot](
+0. Run it once inside redstoner, then shut it down again
+0. Create a new directory (inside redstoner) called 'lib'
+0. Download [jython]( = org/python/jython-standalone/2.7-b2/jython-standalone-2.7-b2.jar) and save it as 'jython.jar' inside lib
+0. Download [mysql-connector](, extract 'mysql-connector-java-X.X.XX-bin.jar
+' and save it as 'mysql-connector.jar' inside lib
+0. Download [PyPluginLoader]( (we're using [this fork]( into the plugins directory
+0. inside plugins, clone this directory into 'redstoner-utils**.py.dir**':
+`git clone`
+0. Download [PEX]( into plugins
+0. **if you want** to develop mysql things, set up a local MySQL server
+# branches
+* **dev**
+ Always use this branch to change code, please test before pushing. (If something goes wrong here, that's okay)
+* **master**
+ Never commit into this branch directly! Only merge stable versions of *dev*:
+ ```bash
+ git checkout master
+ git merge dev
+ ```
+# Deploying on the server
+**Never** edit the files directly on the server!
+The dev server uses the *dev* branch, the live server uses *master*.
+Please use the script `<server-dir>/`.
+**Do not use `git pull` on the server!**
+All files must be owned and pulled by the *redstoner* user.
+Be **very careful** with the live server! Make sure you're in the *master* branch and the code is working before pulling/restarting!
+# Modules / Files
+If you add a new file, please update this list!
+If you want the server to load a file (*module*) on startup, add it to the `modules` list in ``.
+* `files/`
+ > All config / storage files go here
+* `plugin.yml`
+ > The plugin.yml file required for bukkut plugins
+* ``
+ > The only file loaded by PyPluginLoader, loads all other modules
+ > Contains a few methods that **need to be cleaned up**
+* ``
+ > Library that adds a bunch of re-usable methods which are used in nearly all other modules
+* ``
+ > Adds chat for staff using `/ac <text` or `,<text>`
+* ``
+ > Adds group-chat with `/chatgroup` and `/cgt` to toggle normal chat into group mode
+* ``
+ > Plugin to locate laggy chunks. `/lc <n>` lists chunks with more than `n` entities
+* ``
+ > A library that makes use of the so called ClassPathHack for jython to allow proper loading of `mysql-connector.jar` at runtime. import only, no methods.
+* ``
+ > Start of a custom plot-plugin like PlotMe, on hold because the PlotMe developer continued to develop PlotMe
+* ``
+ > The `/report <text>` and `/rp` plugin
+* ``
+ > Remake of sheep's old SayLol plugin, originally written as a standalone plugin in Java
+* ``
+ > Shows the owner of a skull when right-clicked
+* ``
+ > Adds `/token`, reads and writes from the database to generate *pronouncable* (and thus memorable) registration-tokens for the website
+* ``
+ > Code that was used once to create [this]( awesome [screenshot](
+* ``
+ > A plugin that automatically tiles (stacks) blocks inside a selected region in configurable directions.
+* ``
+ > Adds `/listen`, highlights chat and plays a sound when your name was mentioned
+* ``
+ > Adds `/cycler`, swaps the hotbar with inventory when player changes slot from right->left or left->right
+* ``
+ > Adds `/getmotd` & `/setmotd` to update the motd on the fly (no reboot).
+* ``
+ > AnswerBot. Hides stupid questions from chat and tells the sender about `/faq` or the like
+* ``
+ > Adds `/damnspam`, creates timeout for buttons/levers to mitigate button spam.
+* ``
+ > Adds '/forcefield', creates forcefield for players who want it.
+# Code styleguide & tips
+## Indentation
+Never use tabs!
+Use 2 spaces to indent.
+## Quotes
+Always use double-quotes!
+Only use single-quotes when the string contains double-quotes that would need to be escaped.
+## Capitalization
+Do not use camelCase for variable or function names! Use under_score naming.
+camelCase is okay when used like `import as camelCase`.
+## Aligning variable assignments
+In case you have multiple variable assignments, align the equals sign:
+# bad
+foo = 1
+foobar = 2
+a = 3
+# good
+foo = 1
+foobar = 2
+a = 3
+Pro Tip: Use the AlignTab plugin for Sublime Text!
+## Horizontal spacing
+Use at least one space left and one space right to equals signs, and one space right to colons.
+## Vertical spacing
+Leave two empty lines before function definitions. In case you need to use `@hook.something`, add the two lines before that, directly followed by the definition.
+## Meaningful names
+Give function and variable names meaningful names. If you want to shorten long names, that's fine, but leave a comment on assigment with the actual meaning.
+## Readability
+Don't create long lines with lots of function calls. Split into multiple lines instead.
+# bad
+foo = int(player_data[str(server.getPlayer(args[4]).getUniqueId())]["details"].["last_login"].strftime("%s"))
+# good
+player = server.getPlayer(args[4])
+player_id = uid(player)
+logintime = player_data[played_id]["last_login"]
+epoch_time = int(logintime.strftime("%s"))
+## Comments
+Comments are good!
+Please comment everything that's non-obious or makes it easier to understand
+## Debugging
+Debugging can be a bit special with jython/PyPluginLoader.
+When something goes wrong, you probably see a weird traceback that's not telling you shit.
+...unless you take a closer look.
+You will not see a direct traceback of the python methods.
+Instead, you'll probably see a bunch of java, bukkit and python things, because it tries to translate python into java, line per line.
+Take a closer look at the method names, they might tell you what it's trying to do and where it's coming from.
+Watch out for something like `org.python.pycode._pyx5.horribleCode$23(/path/to/ ~[?:?]`
+0. In this case, `_pyx5` is our module.
+0. `horribleCode` is the method that was called
+0. `/path/to/` is the actual file of our module
+0. `:214` is the line in which the error occured.
+Please note that the line may not be accurate. You'll often get the start or end of a loop, method, or the like - when the actual error was somewhere in there.
+In many cases, this is enough to find your bug. If you still cannot find it,try to catch exceptions in your code, as follows:
+## Catching exceptions
+If you want to catch all exceptions (e.g. for debugging), do not:
+ # code
+except Exception, e:
+ print(e)
+Since we're using jython, this will not catch Java exceptions.
+This will give you some more deatails:
+import traceback
+ #code
+except: # everything
+ print(traceback.format_exc())
``` \ No newline at end of file