AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-08-07use directory (untested!)toolboxjomo
2014-08-07Initial commit (please split the commands into modules)Louis Vogt
2014-08-07Merge branch 'dev' of into devLouis Vogt
2014-08-07use new thread for reports listjomo
2014-08-07get rid of dico's stupid nonsense :3jomo
2014-08-07get rid of offlineplayer in friendsjomo
2014-08-07get rid of OfflinePlayer in forcefieldjomo
2014-08-07remove WTF methods from player welcomejomo
2014-08-07fix %sjomo
2014-08-07clarifiy known_player a bit morejomo
2014-08-07Modified known_player methodLouis Vogt
2014-08-07better /lol searchjomo
2014-08-07revert to mob.chicken.plop, lavapop can be overheard easiliyjomo
2014-08-07add note if no keywordsjomo
2014-08-07change highlight style. (underline hides parts of the next line)jomo
2014-08-07keyword must be IN the word, not exaclty the wordjomo
2014-08-07don't be racist against players with uppercase characters in their namejomo
2014-08-07delete mentions if emptyjomo
2014-08-07rewrite big parts of mentiojomo
2014-07-30nicer string concatenatingjomo
2014-07-27remove try/except. fix code if it doesn't work ;)jomo
2014-07-27catch all exceptions in pyevaljomo
2014-07-27better name + docs for played_before (renamed to known_player)jomo
2014-07-27more documentationjomo
2014-07-27rename log to infojomo
2014-07-27add warn() loggingjomo
2014-07-27mentio readability, remove <> around mention highlightjomo
2014-07-27apply file read/save helpersjomo
2014-07-27add path to save/open json filejomo
2014-07-27add default to open_json_filejomo
2014-07-27better use of plugin_header in sayloljomo
2014-07-27add /lol search <text>jomo
2014-07-26Wrong receiver; new plop; no simplejson; still 1 bugLouis Vogt
2014-07-25Merge branch 'dev' of into devjomo
2014-07-25link to latest python loader jar, remove jython downloadjomo
2014-07-24Enabled custom mentions (not tested yet)Louis Vogt
2014-07-24allow to reset motdjomo
2014-07-24clean up friends.pyjomo
2014-07-24readme stuffjomo
2014-07-23Minor changeDico
2014-07-23Removed useless linesDico
2014-07-23Didn't add module last time...?Dico
2014-07-23Added friends module. Thanks piggly for testing! :DDico
2014-07-23remove test codejomo
2014-07-22trying stuffjomo
2014-07-21use &-colors for motd on first loadjomo
2014-07-21remove test linejomo